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Fandom Stormdancer: The Lotus War

Veyd Sahvoz

Master of Resonant Souls

The Shima Imperium verges on the brink of environmental collapse; an island nation once rich with tradition and myth, now decimated by clockwork industrialization and machine-worshipers of the Lotus Guild. When hunters of Shima's imperial court are charged by their Shōgun to capture a legendary griffin, they fear their lives are over. Any fools knows the beasts have been extinct for more than a century, and the price of failing the Shōgun is death. Accompanying her father on the Shōgun's hunt, Yukiko finds herself stranded: a young woman alone in Shima's last wilderness, with the only furious, crippled griffin for company. Even though she can hear his thoughts, even though she saved his life, all she knows for certain is he'd rather see her dead than help her. But together, the pair will form an indomitable friendship, meet new friends willing to help fight along side her as allies, and rise to the challenge the might of war.



Our prelude was Void.

The vast possibility, before life drew breath.

Unto none came two; shining Lord Izanagi, Maker and Father,

His beloved bride; great Lady Izanami, Mother of All Things,

And from wedded bliss, eight children drew precious life:

The Isles of Shima.

The Book of Ten Thousand Days


Okay so this is how it's going to go. I am the GM, you are the RPers. You do as I say because this is my creation, no questioning my authority. If you do not follow these rules I will delete your character and you will not complain because I have said this before hand and it's not my fault if you didn't read these rules.

1. No godmodding, I do not care if it is minor, or perfect characters (mary sues) because nobody can be perfect and you might get it fights during this. You have been warned..

NO F*CKING ONE LINERS! I seriously cannot stress this enough, it annoys the shit out of me and I prefer not to have any one else have to go through the pain to try and think up a response to your small, one sentence posts. With this there will be a 4 sentence MINIMUM for every post. This goes for everyone.

3. No fights about how good your characters are or who's better than who. Nobody gives a damn so just stop. There literally isn't a number, or word, for how many shits I don't give about how strong your character is. You're all inferior to pretty much ever
significant NPC in this RP so it doesn't matter :/ (well unless you are the Shogun, any leaders or members of the Shima Imperium's army, or a member of the Lotus Guild then that's a different story)

4. I say what goes, nobody else. Period. No assuming the title of Gamemaster in my absence. If I will be gone for a few days I will more than likely select a Co-GM.

5. You will make a character and wait for me to accept it before you post. If I 'like' your cs with the like rate then that also counts as acceptance.

6. No weapons longer than your arm are allowed in Kigen City so don't be saying you carry a huge ass Odachi wherever because you can't, your character needs a permit from the Shogun or the High Minister guy Hideo. Also, not everyone can go around saying "Oh I got a permit".

7. If you are inactive, by that I mean if you don't post, for more than a week I will remove your character and no you can not hop back in, you have to make another character and wait for me to accept it.

8. Please PM me if you want to be one of the canon characters, don't go take it without asking.


Two hundred years after the destruction of the old Empire and the rise of the Kazumitsu Dynasty, the Shima Imperium balances on a knife-edge. The marvellous technologies that have propelled them from a group of warring clans into a global power have also wrought a terrible toll on their ecology. Pollution, disease and mass extinctions are a part of everyday life. Constant warfare overseas has wrought a bloody toll on the populace, and the nation’s Shōgun and the machine-priests of the Lotus Guild are locked in an uneasy alliance steeped in mutual hatred.

The Seven Isles are controlled by four clans – four superpowers that have, in the two centuries since the death of the last Emperor, consumed or destroyed all other clans around them.

The Tiger Clan

The Tiger are the greatest and most numerous of Shima’s clans. Their greatest house, the Kazumitsu Dynasty, has ruled the isles for two centuries. The current Shōgun, twenty year old Yoritomo, can trace his lineage directly back to the general who began the revolt against the old Empire - great Kazumitsu himself.

The spirit guardian of the clan, great Tiger, is associated with ferocity, hunger and physical desire. They venerate Hachiman, the God of War above all others.

The Dragon Clan

In the days before the rise of the Kazumitsu dynasty, the Dragon were a seafaring clan of raiders who pillaged among the northern clans with impunity. Since the fall of the Empire, the Dragon have become renowned as great explorers and traders, sending their sky-ships to every corner of the known world.

The guardian of the clan, fierce Dragon, is a powerful spirit beast associated with elemental forces and random destruction. They venerate Susano-ō, the God of Storms.

The Phoenix Clan

Since the empire’s beginnings, the Phoenix have been renowned as the most creatively gifted of all the clans, and Shima’s greatest poets, artists and artisans have been of Phoenix blood. This is not to say the Fushicho are effete – some of history’s greatest swordsaints and martial artists have been of Phoenix blood – but as a clan, they have always prided themselves on form as well as function.

The spirit guardian of the clan, immortal Phoenix, is an elemental force closely tied to the concepts of enlightenment, rebirth and creativity. They venerate Amaterasu, the Goddess of the Sun.

The Fox Clan

The Kitsune clan are renowned for their cunning, relying on guile as well as force at arms to carve out their niche in Shima. Of the four clans, the Foxes are the easiest to discount, viewed as provincial and graceless by their fellows. However, the Kitsune manage to endure and prosper, through a combination of subterfuge, tenacity and simple outrageous good fortune.

The kami guardian of the clan, wily Kitsune, the nine-tailed Fox, is said to bring good fortune to those who bear his mark. They venerate Tsukiyomi, the God of the Moon.

The Lotus Guild

Not a clan, but a sect of engineers, mystics and priests, the Lotus Guild are nonetheless a powerful faction within the nation’s political landscape. The Guild controls the secret of creating chi – the fuel powering Shima’s technology – in addition to producing its heavy machinery and munitions. Without the Guild, the nation would be plunged back into the dark ages, and thus, they extract ever-increasing tolls from the Shōgun in exchange for their aid.

You may also choose the Kage who live up in the Iishi, please put in the clan spot of the cs that you are in the Kage if you are.

The Plot

You will all be non-canon characters, well most of you. The beginning part will be that all of your characters are called to accompany the Black Fox, Masaru, and Yukiko, along with the Lotus Guild's Cloudwalkers, on a mission to find the supposed Arashitora (Thunder Tiger) near the Iishi Mountains. Shogun Yoritomo no-mira has asked for Masaru to go out on the Thunder Child and capture the last of the extinct creatures so he may ride it himself and become the next Stormdancer of legend. He has also asked of a few others to accompany him during this (this'll be you guys). The rest is a surprise. You all will start off in Kigen, on your way to the Shogun's palace.


Yes there are canon characters you may choose. Please PM me if you would like to be one of them. There is only a select few and don't get pissed off that you don't get to be one, you're all special :) in your own way that is... heh heh

1. Yoritomo-The Shogun

2. Hideo- Yoritomo's minister

3. Lady Aisha-Yoritomo's brother

4. Masaru-The Black Fox and father of Yukiko

5. Yukiko-Masaru's daughter and the main protagonist

6. Buruu-(This is reserved for later so ignore this)

7. Diachi-Leader of the Kage

8. Kaori-Diachi's daughter

9. Captain Yamagata- Captain of the Thunder Child (the Thunder Child is an airship btw)

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You don't have to if you don't feel up to it. If you want to join just ask me about the lore if you're having troubles
It was the guys that tried to assassinate Iroh and Zuko I think. Idk it's been a long while since I watched it
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]Maybe...I'll need some more info on it

Sure thing, I could link a site for the clans if you like? Any questions about the story feel free to ask.
Darth Gangsta] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24503-veyd-sahvoz/ said:
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL] You do remember that character I made in the first version of this, right?
Yes, I do. I'll link it in a moment

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