Opinion Stimming?

Artificial Sugar

Plus Ultra
(Not really sure what prefix to use..)

So I heard about stimming on Tumblr, and though I usually don't like to take anything on tumblr with any seriousness, I researched it, and I believe that I do it. I don't have autism, but I have both general anxiety and social anxiety, and I also have OCD and ADD. I recently bought some stimmy toys- a spinner ring and some stuff to chew on, and I was wondering what everyone's opinion is on stimming.

Do you stim? If so, how do you do it?
(I personally like to feel things, like fur, fabric, slime/dough, ect ect, as well as bite my cheeks/lip and fidget with my hands)
And, do you stim from autism or another issue, like what I have?

I am slightly embarrassed, too, because I feel like the things I do are for children, and I'm an adult.

Does anyone else have this problem with embarrassment?
I like to poke at my gums with a tooth pick, the pain is pleasurable. Idk why I'm not emo or anything.

**Edit, not autistic to my knowledge. But I question myself sometimes.
What I do could be considered vestibular stimming... I think?

I pace, usually blindly. Too deep in thought, I instinctively put my hand up to prevent myself from walking into the walls. The natural oils from my hands have since stained the spots I usually touch. Nothing seems to get them out, and I have to paint over them.

I'm diagnosed with social anxiety and a social phobia. My therapist frequently says during our sessions that my thought process and mannerisms resemble either aspergers or schizoid personality disorder, however, we've held back from diagnosing me with either for reasons.

I've done this since I was at least ten to diminish any sudden emotional surge. It was so bad during my teens that I'd spend almost two hours a day pacing. I don't know if it counts as stimming, but it's a compulsive physical habit I have. I'm not embarrassed to talk about it, but I'm too embarrassed to pace around people. I've gotten better about not doing it. Some days I don't pace at all.
You guys are the type to want fidget spinners, aren't you?

Actually, fidget spinners are something I think are stupid, just as you do, I'm guessing. Either way, your comment was rude, and not appreciated. If you're not contributing to the conversation, please refrain from commenting. :)
I think people who make fun of stimming and people with autism are scum. I'm tired of fidget spinner memes as well but I'm not gonna shit on people that use them for their intended purpose just to make myself feel intellectual.

I'm not autistic, but I have anxiety and I tend to pace a lot and fidget with things. Usually my earrings if I don't have anything on me. I used to have a ring that spun but it got stuck and just doesn't work anymore.
I have severe adhd so there is rarely a time when I'm not stimming if my hands aren't already both occupied. I like to drum my fingers across desks and tables, play with strings and stuff (I've lost a lot of necklaces that way lel) and I used to have a habit for a number of years of chewing on my shirt collars but I stopped that shit when I realized some of my favorite shirts got ruined that way xD. There's prolly more ways I stim than I can think of rn tbh.
i have anxiety, when i'm getting nervous i put my hands behind my neck for some reason. i also carry a fidget spinner with me now that they've gotten popular i realised that they're a lifesaver for me. i mean, if it helps then i don't see the problem.

i don't poke mine with a toothpick but i like pressing down on my gums. not because i'm nervous or anything just because it feels good lol

Yeah. It just feels good. Idk why.
I admittedly stim quite a bit, owing to being high-functioning autistic. I mostly play with stringy objects or any anything thin like some random toy necklace. Playing video games help keep my hands busy, though. I also pace when I start daydreaming.
Not autistic or anything to my knowledge, but when I'm anxious or stressed I tend to bite my inner lip. It's gotten to the point where I have to get electrotherapy for my jaw muscles because I'm now doing it in my sleep which cause my teeth to grind and the muscles to go into spasm -.-'

I don't have a fidget spinner but I did buy one of the cubes (with the different fiddly bits like buttons and shiz) to help keep my hands busy - I get nervous hands and tend to fidget so it's been a really big help since it's small and unobtrusive.
I pace, most often when I daydream, which is often throughout the day. I pet soft things when I can-- furry charms, mostly, I have this ball I like, about the size of my palm covered in silky fur. I have a bean bag style stress ball as well, it's very soft and super-malleable. Today, I got a fidget spinner and I'm in love with it. I also have a spinner ring. My favorite's either the stress ball or the ring. I also crack my joints multiple times throughout the days-- fingers and shoulders, mostly.

So yeah, I do stim, although I'm not autistic, but rather anxious. Not embarrassed in the least, it's so comforting.
We each have our own ways of dealing with stress and anxiety but some measures can be seen as unhealthy or even worrisome for ones closest to you and vice-versa.

Therefore I cannot really say anything directly condoning or condemning it so long as it is not an inherent hazard towards me and others.
i love stimming, i own a fidget cube which helps me with my anxiety and keeps me from picking at my skin or biting my nails.

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