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Fandom Steven Universe AU RP


Just a sweet transvestite

You might be wondering exactly what this is, or what it will be.

Simple. Exactly what it looks like. Plans for a Steven Universe RP. This, being an alternate timeline. An alternate timeline where 3-5 different crystal gems have raised Steven. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, have not exactly "Made it" in this canon.

I'll be recruiting up to 6 players.

5 of you, will be The Crystal Gems! Anyone may volunteer. Simply copy-paste the following template, and fill out as necessary. No back-story is to be written for your characters. Spoilers for the series are to be avoided. They likely won't be relevant in this timeline, regardless.  However, I will ask questions behind the scenes, and will expect you to know the canon well. Keep it simple, and sweet. No matter how brimming with love and ideas your concepts for your Gemsonas are, please. Keep it concise. Your exact stats and abilities can be ironed out for the system if you're accepted into the game.



Gemstone Color:

Gemstone Location(s):


Preferred Height:

Preferred Build:

Preferred Attire:

Basic Appearance:

General Demeanor:

NOTE: I'd prefer all submissions be regulated to a text format, unless you have your own, personally drawn or commissioned artwork of a gemsona. Please credit the artist of any pictures you use here, dearies.

If you are accepted, we can iron out your backstory, and relation to Rose Quartz, Greg Universe, and the Crystal Gems, in PM's. Please do avoid sharing Out-Of-Character, however. After all, one of the greatest things about the show is that everyone has their secrets. :)

And the final one. Shall have a very specific. Limited role. And shall be the most important member of the group.

We need a Steven.

Someone who feels they can play true to the Steven of the show. As both a pacifist, and a kind leader-in-the-growing. Someone willing to start much weaker than everyone else, and to post with the most regularity.

If no-one wishes to be Steven, I'm willing to play Steven, and have him take a back-seat to the rest of the gems.

But remember: THERE CAN BE, ONLY ONE STEVEN. Outside of Steven-tag. In Steven Tag all must become Steven.
















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GEMSTONE(S): Morganite

Gemstone Color: Pink (I think that's pink...maybe peach?)

Gemstone Location(s): on her eye


Weapon: Gun-blade



Preferred Height: 5'0

Preferred Build: in pic

Preferred Attire: in pic

Basic Appearance:


General Demeanor:

She is kind, cheerful, energetic and honest and has it easy to make friends.  She always talk politely, no matter who she talks to. She is diligent and brimming with curiosity. And once she set her mind to a goal, she'll give it her all to achieve it. At times, she can also be somewhat air-headed, childish and clumsy, but she is also mature and can stay calm under pressure. She is also clever during fights, and uses her abilities to her advantage.
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3 little tidbits, dearie!

1) I'm going to need her Gem. 

2) Write the descriptions, or use credited artwork of the gemsona.

3) Try and have your character be something you could get away with submitting to cartoon network.
GEMSTONE(S): Sunstone

Gemstone Color: Orange-yellow-red

Gemstone Location(s): On her chest, over what would be her heart

Weapon: Giant broadsword, and I mean giant. The blade itself is about as wide as she is, and very much taller than her, with a handle as long as her forearm. Both sides of the blade are cutting edges. 


Preferred Height: Amethyst-sized

Preferred Build: Slim

Preferred Attire: A white and orange general's coat with golden trim, and a simple orange cotton skirt that's ragged at the bottom. Her boots are similar in color and design as her coat, and come up to her knees. She wears a red cape with a hood. Stars are prevalent on the buttons of the jacket and clasp of the cape.  

Basic Appearance: Sunstones tend to be short in stature, and lean in build, making this particular Sunstone just the right size. Most Sunstones bear orange-ish skin, with yellow eyes and bright red hair. They tend to have more childish features, and may look innocent at times, but that is on purpose so as to deceive their enemies. 

General Demeanor: Sunstone is very much a battle-hardened individual, and does not take threats lightly. She has a tendency to overreact when things turn violent. Out of combat, Sunstone is a shy and rather awkward gem, not really faring well socially, despite the time spent on Earth to perfect her communication skills. She doesn't back down from a challenge, but isn't one to issue challenges to others, either. As far as Sunstones go, this Sunstone is rather passive, and could almost be forgotten about entirely if it weren't for her bright colors.


Gemstone Color: Slivery Gray

Gemstone Location(s): Left Foot


Weapons: Crystallized Boots


Preferred Height: 4'1

Preferred Build: Childlike but slightly muscular

Preferred Attire: Shown in Picture

Basic Appearance:



Basic Demeanor:

Galena is very fun-loving and confident. Rowdy and full of laughter, she is easily amused and very expressive about how she feels. Galena is also athletic and cunning and sometimes partakes in human sports, especially with soccer, which is her favorite one by far. When in combat she usually chooses brutality over strategy and due to her boots, she is a very strong and accurate kicker, however, her emotions are her prime weakness as her pride can lead to her wanting to taunt rather than battle, her hotheadedness can also be a problem as it is easier for her to let her guard down when she will refuse to do any dodging and just keep attacking. Galena is usually immature, and always does what she wants to do, which sometimes involves causing some hijinks.

Gemstone Color:Orange 

Gemstone Location(s): right hip

Weapon: ring blade


Preferred Height:7'3

Preferred Build:Curvy and toned 

Preferred Attire: Mostly in white and gold crop top, long skirt

Bangles bracelets, multiple earrings. She prefers to go barefoot

Basic Appearance:Burnt orange hair with a lighter orange skin color and chocolate brown eyes.


(My sketch sorry for the bad lighting)

General Demeanor:

She has a soft demeanor that enjoys interacting with others, learning, and exploring. She enjoys being around people and is a relatively happy gem. People find her friendly if a bit weird, she can easily start a conversation with a person or a house cat.
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I have returned to SMALL and TALL.

And your sketch is lovely, Dear. I wish I had a hand that good. PMs en route. :D

Gemstone Color: Purple

Gemstone Location(s): Waist on belt

Weapon: Crystal wrecking ball on cord


Preferred Height: 9'

Preferred Build: Thin and sleek

Preferred Attire: 70's era clothing

Basic Appearance:


General Demeanor: Calm and collected in almost any situation, but is one slick cat, and oh so funky. She is often over caring, and this can lead to problems when dealing with certain gem monsters she may have known long ago, during the Gem War.

NOTE: I do not own any of the images above, nor are they pictures of my personal gemsona, as I doubt you'd allow a diamond xD all art was created by Deer-Head on Deviant art, they're awesome and you should check them out  :D
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More gems for submission, or offers to be steven! :D  I'm fine being Steven myself to be honest, but if you've got something you want to be, come on in, dearie! :D

GEMSTONE: Angel Aura


Gemstone Color: Shades of Pink

Gemstone Location: Right Outer Thigh


Weapon: Can summon multiple crystal Boomerangs.


Preferred Height: 5'8"

Preferred Build: In Pic

Preferred Attire: In Pic

Basic Appearance:


General Demeanor:

Angel stands with an air of poise she takes no small amount of pride in, similar to her elegant speech craft. She acts in a way that seems to encapsulate the term precision, which also seems to embody her fighting style. Determined to stay organized and tidy, Angel is often irritated by those who lack those traits.
GEMSTONE(S): Apatite

Gemstone Color: blue greenish

Gemstone Location(s): neck and stomach 

Weapon: Small directed shards 

Preferred Height: around 7 foot tall

Preferred Build: see picture

Preferred Attire: see picture 

Basic Appearance: credit to FloodHips deviant art 


General Demeanor:

Apatite is rather cold not seeming to act on emotion or display very much of it.  It is  noticeable that Apatite prefers less human appearances  often calling them inefficient thoguh rarely explaining how.  Apatite prefers to speak in short concise sentences  even when it comes to highly technical explanations.  Apatite enjoys technology both gem and human and constly pushing what can be done with it and to improve gems. 

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