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Fantasy Steam and Sand: Steampunk Wild West


Gravedigger agrees to realign the leg on Chesco's Struthomotor as an excuse to stay outside of the cabin for the night. "This can take all night," Gravedigger says, "Since I only packed a carry-on toolkit, and my only large machinery is my arm pack, I have to take apart the entire leg and straighten each part out individually, then screw it all back together. Don't worry, though, it will be good as new in about... 8 hours." Gravedigger pulls a steel tray out of his toolkit to put screws in, and uses his arm-pack to ease the walker on its side. He begins disassembling the damaged leg.

@That One Bruvva@AnyoneElse
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"I'll come along. My Raptos and. I are good at flanking pray and cutting them down quick" Rex said smiling as he followed Mark to go hunting. "So what your style of hunting if I may ask? I usual go with a supriseing them and striking or chancing them down." Rex asked following Mark.

@Fishman Lord

"Ok, let's get going! I'll be leaving Al behind for now." Mark began walking into the forest with his gun. "I prefer a herd-spray technique. Surround a group of animals and slowly force them closer together until they're a cluster, then fire with a rapid fire weapon. You'll get a lot with bullets, and some will get trampled by the others. Of course that only works on groups of animals. For solo animals, I usually try to injure them so they can't move, then finish them off." They were getting deeper into the woods.

Agnes's head poked out of the cabin's entrance upon hearing Mark's words.

"Well, Mark, I do indeed hope that you won't be dragging our Doctor with you to the hunt." She said with a sarcastic smile plastered all over her face. With a mischievous wink she disappeared back in the cabin, which could now be described as a far more pleasant place. That and the fact that they won't have to sleep out in the open put her in much better mood. The kitchen area was at least roughly dust-free while the rest was clean enough for a not-very-dirt-sensitive person to relax.

Stretching, Agnes sat down on the edge of a small wooden porch in front of the cabin, rolling and lighting a cigarette. As Mark and Rex were gone, she eyed their dinosaurs with clear curiosity. One cigarette break and she is so going to check them out.

Kat sat against dragon that curled up cat like behind her, she was smoking and being her usual self. Nonchalantly looking around the area and watching the mammoths, she smiled softly and petted Rin when he nuzzled her. Drooling her hand she glanced over at Agnes and tilted her head. Kat felt as though her and the doctor were the only people around here with morals, "I have no problem with hunting dinosaurs, but doing it in a crule manner...that's different." She lent back against Rin, "he shot that beast in the leg because he has a rubbish shot and can't his a moving target. That animal shouldn't have suffered."

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Rex left his raptor tied to a tree while he was gone. It eyed the other mounts and wished he could hunt them.

"I see. Each hunter has there way. I think it's more sporting to fight a dinosaur at it best and kill it at it best." Rex said as they got deeper in the woods. "But I've seen many people die the way I hunt so yours is defintly safer" Rex added. He was also looking arounds a eyed all he small animal that were moving and the birds in the sky.

@Fishman Lord
"I CAN HEAR YOU, YOU KNOW!" Chesco announces as he's helping Gravedigger on repairs. "I don't know what your deal is, but you don't see me judging you. Everyone seems to have a deal with a crippling shot, but nobody seems to bother that a carnivore was just also looking to make them into dinner at the same time, and without warning!" He collects some screws. "I just wanted it out of the way, not haul along dinner. You don't like it, you announce that before we go on a wild hunt."

He pauses as he aims one of his pistols in the air and fires. "And for the record..." The inventor waits a few seconds before a pigeon falls to the ground, head shorn off. "My aim is not crap." Once he feels that the point has been made, he goes back to his repair work. Even if the rest of the crew doesn't feel charitable, he'll still have dinner.

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"If your shot is good then why cripple it? You should've just shot it in the head whilst you could." She looked up at him eyes narrowing, "we both know you slipped up out there first time she shit blindly. The second shot you aimed it, I am woundering why you didn't just go for the kill there and then." Tilting her head she sighed, "every one judges overs it's human nature. You can't tell me that you herd the word 'assassin' and didn't think cold blooded, heartless or murderer before you actually met me."

Agnes resisted the urge to cringe upon hearing Katya and Chesco bicker. It seemed like the drama over the captosaurus situation hasn't settled down yet and she honestly didn't want to have a discussion about it on a fine, relatively safe evening like this. She would rather roll a extraordinary type of cigarette with that pack of cannabis she bagged before leaving, eat whatever Johnathan is going to cook for them, do some science and sleep. But the energy in the group of people who didn't go gather wood, nor hunting was rather murky. She could tell why Mark and Rex tailed it on a manly bonding hunt as soon as they settled down. Somehow the feeling of being slightly more responsible for the group sticking together than the rest overtook her.

The young scientist casually stood up, heading inside to retrieve a bottle of water and scotch as well as a smaller flask of vodka she pocketed before heading back out. She was about to offer everyone who seemed on the edge of their nerves a small gesture of kindness, but before she could fully make it outside she already overheard Katya's snide retort.

"Enough!" The young scientist stated firmly, careful to not raise her voice too much as the atmosphere seemed tense to begin with.

"Are you done heating up arguments? We could have done better - hell, you BOTH could have done better. Face the music, swallow your pride. If you think your unresolved issues are that important, go for a walk and talk it out, we don't need you preaching to each other across the camp!" By now Agnes was well on the edge. She was about to bring everyone a drink and hoped they could have a normal meal and leave all that behind.

Katya exhaled a large cloud of smoke. Her expression was blank as she stroked Rin's scales. She listened to Agnes quietly and shrugged before turning to look at her, "I never said I couldn't have done better, I know I could've." Sighing softly Kat tapped grey ash onto the ground besides her, "I apologise, Agnes. I'm not much of a conversationist. Preaching is all I really know," literally Kat thought, "I'll refrain from doing so." Standing the assassin walked towards Chesco with a cold blank expression and offered her have, "Let's...stop arguing."

@That One Bruvva @Sora
Chesco makes a hurried huff. "Fine, fine. Potential philosophical conversation about intentions, shelved." After all, even an inexperienced ringmaster knew when a routine became old hat.* "Well be good kids now."

Once the leg was finished, he let's Gravedigger worry about straightening the leg while he gathered a small pile of tinder to light up for the pigeon. He doesn't quite like it, but it made for a damn ubiquitous food source.

@Sora @JustCallMeAimee

*In his experience, that time was generally after the second performance. This number does change based upon how varied the act was.
Agnes's expression softened. She wasn't used to herself going out of her way to straighten an argument like this, but at least the two didn't look like they were about to draw their weapons anymore.

"Thank you guys. Katya, give me a moment." The scientist strode over to the two engineers, a bottle of water and and one filled with scotch still in her hands. "Here guys, I didn't know what you'd like so I got you something softer and something harder. I'll call you for dinner, ok?" She set them both down next to the the two hardworking man with a smile before turning to Katya and striding over to her.

"Can I join you for a smoke... and a drink maybe?" She pulled the flask of vodka out of her pocket, signaling that it was indeed the drink she was referring to. Dinosaurs will have to wait for a bit. With the responsibility of the expedition on her shoulders, Agnes felt the need to pay some mind to her traveling companions first.

@That One Bruvva @JustCallMeAimee @Sizniche
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Johnathan Watched from afar as the group bickered and argued amongst themselves and found this rather disheartening as the group seems to be on the road of tearing itself apart. He then turned his back from the cabin and walked to the pond taking in the crisp air of raw lizard meat and the starry night sky free from the others whom johnathan thought to be rather obnoxious save for Gravedigger as. Looking back maybe he should have given them the bag of Dino meat but on the other hand he wouldn't have the chance to eat by himself so that he won't have to deal with a dinner table filled with tension and hate as that would just ruin his appetite. As Johnathan came upon the pond he noted a clearing in which he could set up a camp fire and perhaps a spitroast to cook all of his meat though he had to deal with bathing as opposed to setting up his own camp though he did mark the clearing as his own by leaving his weapons and clothin there. After leaving his belongings and clothing johnathan began swimming in the calm pond enjoying the cool waters after a long and stressful day of travelling.
The sun was setting behind the trees giving everything a particularly long shadow. Among these shadows was a young man named Jekkel. He was a man of Native American descent. He was golden brown, dressed in the traditional outlander attire. He had a revolver on his left a Tomahawk on the right which he called Black Heart. Jekkel was also in possession of a rifle. This rifle was customized to his choosing with a green power source on the left, This rifle still used gunpowder but the Power source called Sapphire Ziramunite it gave it a bit of a kick. Jekkel walked through the wonderful flora and animals. He was not in need of food at the moment he killed an Agilisaurus A couple of hours before Sundown. He walked deeper and deeper into the forest looking for some fun or perhaps a cave to seek refuge in for the night but instead he found a man-made structure. A cabin it had quite a lot of people almost gang like but they did not look like thugs or bandits. Jekkel sort of wanted to interact with them seeing if they needed help with anything but instead he decided to watch them. He wanted to make sure he knew what they were capable of first. So Jekkel did what any other sain man would do. He climbed up into a and surveyed the people.

Gravedigger began the tedious process of straightening out every bent piece of the mechanical walker with a hammer and bench vise he rooted into the ground. He needed to make sure no part snapped, and that every part was perfectly straightened; easier said than done. After a few parts were straightened, he recalled the assembly of the leg in his mind, then drew a rough sketch of how to reassemble it. He went to fetch Chesco to help repair again to cut down repair time.

@That One Bruvva
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Chesco quietly accepts the bottle from Agnes without further argument. The stress is starting to get to him; he'd been running the entire day, and it seems like terrible timing that it only kicks in now. Maybe the bottle and pigeon might keep him up for a little longer. That and the warmth of his man-portable flamethrower's pilot flame as he uses it to light up the tinder.

Hopefully, once finished with a full night's sleep, he can begin to shake off some of that dreadful first impression.


He takes a sip and follows Gravedigger back to the Struthomotor as he mentions the leg and its bits being as straight as possible. He considers the engineer's recommendation on steel pistons, considering how this is the second time he's had to replace them in the year. The issue is how long it'll take for those parts to arrive or how to build them. Considering the largest base in the caravan was a small wagon for research, finding pieces was probably going to be difficult if he can't get any at the next stop. Even some reinforcement would be a step up.


"Alright, the bits are straightened out, as are the pistons," Gravedigger says to Chesco, "But reassembly is a two-man job. I'll hold the parts in place, as some of the pistons weigh several dozen pounds and will be easier with my arm pack, and you can bolt them in where this sketch says." He hands Chesco the sketch he made and a wrench, then moves the first piston into place to bolt in.

@That One Bruvva
"Good thing you drew it out yourself, Grave," Chesco comments as he pulls out his own toolkit. "If I had to dig out my owner's manual from out of my pack, it'd take a whole other hour to even find it!"

The two manage to make some steady progress on the leg while the pigeon cooks. As he eats his pigeon, he asks, "Say, where did you get that fancy gear anyhoo? A pair like that looks like it has potential to be something incredible."

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"I designed and assembled most of it myself, with the exception of the fireproof suit, and, of course, the toolkit. The fireproof suits were tailored for me when I began working as a steamboat engineer." Gravedigger moves to pick up a piece of cooked pigeon, but stops and withdraws his hand.

@That One Bruvva
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Chesco gawks. All self-designed? That's a mad inventor's dream!

"And you're just here..." There HAS to be some big bucks to be made here, he's sure of it! The gunsmith offers half of his pigeon over. "I wasn't intending on it replacing a full meal, just to tide over until we actually heard back from those hunters. Recipe's from this psychic; she had this whole crackpot theory about how pigeons were going to cause an epidemic over the world and how we'd need to move to another food source the moment they began eating cows and pigs. Of course, I don't believe her, but it's a lifesaver if I've ever seen one."
Al decide to go to bed early and placed his sleeping bag but instead laid there for sometime looking up at the ceiling wondering if he will fall asleep tonight. *When will I fall asleep this time? 1AM? 3AM? Or not at all? (Sigh) I guess I'll take a walk for sometime.* He then got up from his bed and walked out. He started walking for sometime until he came across a clearing and found some equipment *What the?* He thought as he started to investigate. He then found a hat that looked familiar *Wait Isn't this Johns hat?* As he thought he heard as splash in the distance. He looked where the noise was and saw John swimming in the pond he mentioned earlier in the day and walked towards him. "Hello john how you doing this fine evening?" Said the doctor reaching the end of the pond, not in the slightest bothered by the mans lack of clothing.

@Aughto von realname

"Oh, an animal doesn't care about dignity or dying a good death. It won't care how you kill it, just that you kill it. I suppose when I'm hunting bigger dinosaurs, I usually do whatever is safest." Mark continued walking until he noticed a smaller pond in the forest with some ducks in it. "You know, dinosaurs are good, but some good old fashioned duck is always great." Mark began sneaking closer and aimed his gun.

After finishing his rather long bath Johnathan emerged from the water was refreshed both mentally and physically, Sadly the same could not be said about his clothing as he still needed to wash those in the pond which after doing so turned the pond a barely noticeable tint of red. Johnathan whilst he waited for his laundry to dry started a fire with flint he acquired nearby and his saber which he then used to dry his clothes even quicker and cook half of his meat while the other half he left out in strips near the fire to begin the long process of turning the meat into jerky so that it can be used for further consumption later on in the trip. Fortunately for johnathan the fire did allow for him to dry off his pants rather quickly allowing him to wear them once more though he did wish the blood stains would have washed off and for the ground to be slightly softer when he sleeps on it.
"Each hunter there own way." Rex said queitly as followed mark stepping queitly. When they got close to the pond Rex pulled out his shotgun and aimed it at the ducks. "It been sometime sense I had duck. This should be good... Unless we shoot them to much..." Rex said queitly rembering the last time he hunted ducks... It ended in a mess.

@Fishman Lord

Gravedigger politely declines the pigeon meat. "As much as I'd love to, I don't eat in from of other people, because I'd have to remove my gas mask." He taps the front of the mask. "Enjoy your food, I'll work to straighten out a few more parts until you're ready to start assembling again," and so he did.

@That One Bruvva

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