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Fantasy Steam and Sand: Steampunk Wild West

The Russian woman really wasn't much of a talker. As the night fell over the valley, Agnes figured it would be best for her to try to at least take a nap. She still felt well-rested from sleeping at home in a comfortable bed not too long ago and on top of that could still feel excitement coursing through her veins whenever she remembered that it was actually happening. The long-awaited expedition to the Wild West. Her father's dream.

She debated sleeping in the cabin, but not many people seemed to be around it by now, so she rather opted for sleeping next to her dinosaur, knowing that she'll feel safer that way. For some reason she couldn't shake off that uneasy feeling of being watched. Maybe it was just the other members of the expedition... maybe it was just her paranoia. Either way she couldn't shake off the discomfort.

Agnes pulled a tightly-wrapped bedroll out of her cart before nestling herself by the side of Para. Resting her head against the large lizard, she tried to keep her mind from racing.

Mark slowly got closer until he was in range. He took aim, then fired small bursts at the ducks. Some died, but many began flying away. "Quick, get those ones!" Mark aimed upwards and began firing again.

Chesco withdraws the plate. "Eh, it's fine. Don't exactly care much for it myself. I'm sure the big meat'll be done eventually if they don't have some smaller game." The rest of the pigeon is devoured with haste so they could finish the leg. "So, what convinced you to hop into this little caravan?"


"Money, mostly," Gravedigger lied. It seemed less crackpot than saying he only remembers the last five years of his life. "Normally, engineers can make as much as 5000 dollars a year in large cities. Problem is, though, that I don't live in a large city. In the small town I come from, there isn't a single dollar bill; everyone conducts their trade in pennies, nickels, and dimes, possibly the occasional quarter. The pay for this journey is twice as much as I used to make in that town, and since we'll be living off the land most of this trip, I won't have much in terms of expenses."

@That One Bruvva
"Got it" Rex said before fireing up and hitting serveral of the ducks flying away. "Looks like we are going bring back few big one back" Rex said smiling at the spread of dead ducks.

@Fishman Lord
Jekkel watched the big group. Most of them were split from each other only to resign in smaller groups. He was thinking it would be best if he introdused himself with the whole group present so it would look less shady, but who knows when they would regroup. Jekkel finally decided he would make a distraction else where to lure them away from there camp. By the time they returned he would be waiting for them in there own camp. Jekkel thought it was a pretty superb idea but anything could go wrong for instance one of the dinosaurs could rip him to shreds or perhaps he would be spotted and they would attack on sight, but Jekkel was perfectly capable of saving himself from both of thoses situations. Now Jekkel was off for the fun stuf. He traveled to an open plain and started a fire. Jekkel needed to make a sound of distress to make sure they came in big numbers. He started to fill his lungs with air and made a blood curdiling noise. He then ran back into the woods waiting for the fish to take the bait.

(Sorry for any errors i have made in this post, Its a lot more difficult to type this up on a phone.)
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Johnathan awoke from his slumber as he heard the faint sound of screaming from the distance. "Welp looks like someones gonna die soon" He stood up and picked up saber and the scoped revolver and trudged off into the woods towards the direction of the screaming that is of course he noticed a native american man running away from the screams. Drawing from his past experiences with natives, which always seemed to be violent, he made an assumption that the man had probably done wrong thus he began taking aim with his revolver and began shooting the man with intent to wound.

@Sir Jake

((I know that feel, the majority of my post is on my phone))
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Suddenly, a noise was heard. It was a scream. Mark listened for a moment then turned to Rex. "Gather as many ducks as you can. That's a human scream, and it's a lure. Someone is trying to bait the group away. They call it the Injun Scream around here." Mark reloaded his gun and listened for more.

@ChazGhost @Sir Jake

As Gravedigger and Chesco are repairing the Struthomotor, he hears the scream. Gravedigger looks at Chesco. "My gas mask's carbon monoxide meter is reading some trace amounts of carbon monoxide; that probably means we're downwind of a fire," he says to Chesco, tapping at his gas mask,"The scream came from the direction of the wind. Should we go check it out?" Gravedigger holds still for a moment, waiting for response from Chesco.

@That One Bruvva
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"I heard it before. This could be bad... Or good. But most of the time bad..." Rex said after hearing the scream. Rex then gathering as many duck he could... which was all of them. He was able to carry them all in a bag with him. "Got them lets do it" Rex said after getting the ducks.

@Fishman Lord
Chesco gets his pepperbox pistols at the ready. "Much as I'd like to do something to keep my wits about me, pardon me if I'm a bit leery about the two of us, the only people with any mechanical know-how going there by ourselves before the hunters get back here." He agrees that something shifty's going on, but it's pretty clear it looks like a trap.


He notices said two hunters hopping by carrying a bag but not stoppijg. "Hey!" he shouts as they run. "You need some backup for your little search party?"

@Fishman Lord @ChazGhost

Kat had fallen asleep outside and was woken by the harsh noise of bullets and screaming, the noise startled Rin, sitting up Rin got to her feet and walked towards the noise. The young woman rolled her eyes as she watched Jonathan shoot at a man who seemed to be screaming, "is that really your first answer?" She rolled her eyes and walked ahead following the man who was screaming she ignored the bullets as they hit the ground near her feet. Sighing Katya broke out into a sprint and ran after them boy who she was faster than. Reaching forwards she grabbed his coat and pulled him back before pulling his feet from under him by hooking her foot around his ankle. Sighing she straddled the man and painfully pulled his arms behind his back pinning them, "and you are?" The Russian asked.

@Sir Jake
(Sorry for the delay band concert)

Jekkel was running through the woods trying to find a hiding spot when some man started shooting him. "Ya Bandits." He ran in spontaneous movements trying not to get shot. It all happened so fast, Then this one lady came out of nowhere literally picked him off his feet and bent him as if he was a pretzel "That plan worked out a lot better in my head. You guys aren't very friendly aren't you" He said in an uncomfortable tone. Jekkel tried to struggle his way out of her grasp but that only made it worse. "If it's my color, Shame on you, And my name Is, Jekkel If you want to know so badly" He said in a mocking tone.

@JustCallMeAimee @Fishman Lord @Aughto von realname I think I got everyone
"Tell me have you heard if availability heuristics? it allows peaople such as myself to judge a situation on the basis of similar situations in their past. Now tell me how would another react in seeing a Native american, whom often times are violent towards men Such as I, run away from a blood curdling scream from afar. The answer is we must infer that you have hurt or god forbit killed someone thus you must be brought to justice at the end of a barrel of a gun" Johnathan walked out of the bushes Revolver still pointed at the Native american who is now under the iron grip of the russian whom he still hasn't introduced himself to.

"Ah you must be the woman who executed the dinosaur hmm? I'm johnathan pleased to meet you Miss." he pulled back the hammer of the revolver then promptly shot Jekkel in the leg to prevent him from escaping or at the very least get very far if he did.

"Now Jekkel what did you do?"
Jekkel winced in pain and shouted as the bullet hit his flesh. Blood splattered on his face "What the hell man, It is because of my color, screw you!" He shouted. "I was trying to get you away from your camp, so you guys could regroup and I could introduce myself. If I just came out of the blue I would be shot on the spot and I was!" Jekkel looked at them with a dirty look on his face. "You still didn't have to shoot my bloody leg!" Oddly enough Jekkel could speak fluently in English. After his home was destroyed a Britsh man took him in despite his skin color.
"Actually from what I heard locals passby here daily so If you just came along to the cabin it all would have been fine really." He walked over to Jekkel and looked him straight in the eye. "And yes it is about your colour But do I care...No, No I don't your legs already been blown off and well you should get that treated before you bleed out hmm?" He turned his back to the native american man and went on his way to his makeshift encampment by the pond.

@Sir Jake
Sounds of guns firing in the distance strayed Amber out of her feet. She quickly grabbed her rifle sniper and swung herself on Para, dashing on her dinosaur towards the source of the sound.

"What the fuck are you twats doing?!" She groaned in annoyance as the odd scene unraveled in front of her. Johnathan was just about leaving, but she paid him no mind and instead rushed over to the young Native American with severe injuries who was being straddled by the Russian assassin.

"Huh... What do we have here? Care to explain? Ah don't worry, I'll just rid you of your weapons." She chimed, jumping off of her large lizard, her finger steadied on the trigger, but the sniper rifle pointed downwards. Reaching towards the man, she retrieved his rifle, revolver and tomahawk.

"Katya could you please help me get this gentelman on Para's back, we need to get him to Al. I'm not saying he's to be trusted, but at this rate he could bleed out anytime. I'm not fond of seeing people die."

Gravedigger makes the finishing touches on the Struthomotor, when he hears the gunshot. "I heard a gun," Gravedigger pauses for a moment, then says,"Well, it was nice knowing you. I'm going to hide in the cabin with the heaviest tool in my toolkit," he says, grabbing a large wrench. He runs toward the cabin, hiding inside the doorway.

@That One Bruvva
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"Hey, I have a knife in my boot, If you need to take it," Jekkel said with a look of pain. "Really please ease off, Your about to break my arm." Jekkel eyes were getting heavy.
Chesco's scope worked well enough for him to observe the mayhem away from him. "Hey, you knew there were injuns in this neck of the woods?" Just as he's about to ask Gravedigger, he's already gone. Wonder what's got his tail?

He notices Katya and Agnes carting an unfamiliar person on the Parasaurolphus. "Oooh, that doesn't sound good." He puts down the rifle and shouts. "HEY! WE GOT A DOCTOR HERE, RIGHT? WE HAVE SOMEONE SHOT UP PRETTY BAD HERE!"

@Huor Spinks @Alushey
"Oh for fuck's sake! Sir, listen to me, look at me, quit spacing out!" Agnes shouted, lightly slapping Jakkel to prevent him from falling into a potentially life-threatening coma.

She wriggled the Russian off of him. "Thank you for holding him down Katya but now he's barely conscious anyway." She said before yanking the knife out of his boot. The scientist tugged one of the belts on her boots off, strapping it around the man's leg, just above the bullet wound.

"Try to stay awake. She said, grabbing his weapons under one arm and helping him up with the other. Para understood the situation perfectly and immediately arrived, leaning down so Agnes could clumsily prop Jakkel on its back. Running along the dinosaur she returned to the camp, where she spotted the doctor by the lakeside.

"Doctor! We have a bleeding man. Shot in the leg." She huffed, bringing the Native American to the physician who promptly began to men his wounds.

*Note: @Alushey allowed me to control Al enough to make him aid people.

@Sir Jake

Gravedigger peeks out the doorway, hearing the shouting of the group by the Parasaurolophus. "Hey, what happened!? Is everyone alright?" He runs out to the group and looks at the injured native. "Hey, who's this fella? His injury is bleeding like a gunshot wou... ooohhhhhhhhhh..."
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Jekkel could bearly keep his eyes open. "Why does everyone have an identical twin, wow they have four eyes" Jekkel could hardly feel his pain now which in his case was not a good thing. "You now I remember when I was the president of Canada or was that Switzerland, Good time's good time's" He had no idea what was coming out of his mouth.
Al and Agnes dragged the nearly-unconscious man in the cabin, laying him down on the bed.

As the doctor began performing his art, Agnes carried over a bucket of clean water and some towels.

The stress was really getting to the young scientist so she excused herself and headed out for a quick cigarette she lit with shaky hands.
Chesco forks over the bottle of scotch Agnes offered.

"It'll go a while to calm your nerves. Barely even took a shot out of it for the pigeon, and considering we might have a casualty on our hands, I'm sure you'll be needing it to take off the edge more than I do." He was about to add an "What the hell was he thinking?" statement too, but considering her disposition, the economically-minded salesman considered it wiser to stow it.


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