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Fantasy STC - OOC

Alright imma find CS code (if anyone can recommend me what they got or what’s already being used in the CS thread, I’d appreciate it lots) and get to work on this guy
Alright imma find CS code (if anyone can recommend me what they got or what’s already being used in the CS thread, I’d appreciate it lots) and get to work on this guy
I can send the one I'm using if you'd like ^0^
Alright imma find CS code (if anyone can recommend me what they got or what’s already being used in the CS thread, I’d appreciate it lots) and get to work on this guy

I just make my own codes. Anyone’s free to use them though.
I painfully found that code and reworked the whole thing to match lumbagos. I was so confused when first looking at it lmaooo. But it was fun to work though. Nano has so many cool codes!
So I’m working on my Ice Queen (making her a villainess) but I’m a bit stuck on the gift. I’m really not sure what to do for it. 😓
What are you stuck on? If she's an ice queen cryo seems like the obvious choice to me lmaooo. But like jokes aside, what has you stumped?
Just like, what did she bring over from her past life? Like I’m sure she could have been admitted to the school for her martial prowess (she’s a fencer), but if it needs to have been from her previous life I’m not sure what I’m going to do.
Do you already have her past life already mapped out? Because from my understanding, their gift sounds exaggerated from their past life experiences. She doesn't have to be world champ, but just good at the skill for it to carry over and be exaggerated to something amazing.
Gifts? Damm, if they can be anything, I am gonna have my guy be a science dude.

WE GONNA HAVE A TELLY UP IN THIS BUSINESS (kidding unless GM approves lmfao)

Although, radio communications could be neat trick. Little nitnacks and gadgets might be nice.
Do you already have her past life already mapped out? Because from my understanding, their gift sounds exaggerated from their past life experiences. She doesn't have to be world champ, but just good at the skill for it to carry over and be exaggerated to something amazing.
I’ve got most of the key events from her past life plotted out, I’m just having trouble thinking about the little stuff like, what did she do as a job or for fun.
Ahhhh I struggle with things like that too. It just feels like so much to choose from. I don't think you have to get too specific though. I kinda try and pick from things I want to try using later for that character. Or give them reasons as to why they like it. Or just choose something you whish you can do and put it on them
I’ve got most of the key events from her past life plotted out, I’m just having trouble thinking about the little stuff like, what did she do as a job or for fun.

Technically speaking, you can figure that out as you go. Maybe she'll have interests that align with other characters.

Or you can focus on one or two and make it a key part of her. Maybe she likes gardens or feeding ducks while also playing the cello or the violin on the side.
Maybe she likes gardens or feeding ducks while also playing the cello or the violin on the side.

Violin playing in the background, the young lady carefully tends to her little a garden. She gently plucks some fruit from one of the trees, and runs towards the lake, where she chucks the fruit at the ducks while giggling. The camera turns around to see the same lady is the one playing the violin.
im literally going to leave the archetype section blank

i feel the GM would have the best idea where to put my dude lol
runs in here
so i know i put in my placeholder as a nice onee-chan npc archetype but...
maybe... she could also.. be a rival... hmmm

instead of rival to protag, she rival to EVERYONE

or some side character or another rival lol. THE RIVALS HAVE RIVALS or something lol
Technically all the love interest are rivals to each other lmaooo
lumbago lumbago I was wondering if there's still spots open for a novel resident, it'll help me find out if i need to tweak a few things on my cs 👍
I’ve got most of the key events from her past life plotted out, I’m just having trouble thinking about the little stuff like, what did she do as a job or for fun.
To be honest, I usually just use a random generator :') Likes, dislikes, and that sort of thing usually stump me so I just roll on something to give me buzz words. If they fit, it'll be added in XD I recommend Springfield ^0^

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