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Fantasy STC: CS

Nikias — Tsundere
    • tsun-tsun
      It's not like I like you or anything, but everything you're doing? Wrong. Here's how it's done.
      22 YEARS OLD
      Cut from stone itself, his eyes gleam morganite under the harsh rays of the sun. Though blessed with the picture perfect face of a prince, his always seems to be twisted into a menacing scowl, warding away any who dared to covet him for their own. He usually wrangles his unruly hair into a neat ponytail—a useless attempt as stray hairs will always fall out of place, dashing his deep marble skin with splashes of coffee brown.
      — ○ ○ ○ height: six feet
      — ○ ○ ○ skin color: cool shade of brown
      — ○ ○ ○ hair color: dark brown
      — ○ ○ ○ eye color: pink

      — ○ ○ ○ Espresso Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom

      — ○ ○ ○ Virgil Sanders played by Tom Sanders.
      Nikias takes everything seriously.

      He’s taciturn, one to put as much effort into a simple group assignment as he would into his personal passion projects, and, perhaps, a bit of a nag. Maybe too much of a nag; he won’t let even his friends off if he sees them lagging in their duties, their reasons notwithstanding.

      In such circumstances, he can be callous, too single-minded in his drive to push others to his perceived height of greatness. In his own thoughts: if sanity must be sacrificed to reach one’s full potential, then sanity be damned!

      However, don’t take this to mean that he’s above it all. Because he really isn’t. Any casual implication of challenge is treated with all seriousness. He treats these competitions as measurements of his skills and worth. Losing time to time is only natural, though; thankfully, Nikias is a graceful loser. While he won’t be crying about it in his bed, he’ll leave, instead, with a renewed desire to better himself and come at them again. For as many times as necessary.

      While it, by no means, excuses his actions, Nikias isn’t trying to hurt anyone. Not intentionally. He pours his all into those he cares for, but his form of affection is simply a little… twisted. Hopefully, he can learn in his time at the Paideia.
      — ○ ○ ○ Ambitious | Competitive
      — ○ ○ ○ Conscientious | Perfectionist
      — ○ ○ ○ Hard-working | Excessive
      — ○ ○ ○ Taciturn | Inconsiderate
    code by Nano
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    Alfen — Megadere
    • Protectivness
      20 YEARS OLD
      CIS MALE
      Alfen is undeniably cute. He has a soft face and a sweet demeanor. He brightens up rooms with his soft smiles. His fingers are long and deft from his swordsmanship and his body has a slight bulk to his thinness, he couldn't be called muscular but there is no doubt he's incredibly strong. He is graceful in an aristocratic way that catches the eye. He has an air of calm about him despite his soft child-like demeanor. Alfen's hair was a sure surprise when he was born as both his parents had dark hair, it made him stand out from those around him, Malum knew him by his bright mop of hair, which made it quite impossible not to be recognized. As he aged scars began to dot his skin, from sword training and just how he lived in general.
      — ○ ○ ○ height: 5'6 ft
      — ○ ○ ○ skin color: Pale Porcelain
      — ○ ○ ○ hair color: Cotton candy Pink
      — ○ ○ ○ eye color: The green-blue of the sea

      — ○ ○ ○ Cavetown
      Alf is a kind person, sweet, lovable, and affectionate to the point it seems odd. He cares for even those who scorn him. . . There must be some motive behind it? He seems to lack substance in his personality, sugary sweet without a hint of bitterness, mind the rare moments you see a look of melancholy on his face. Alfen doesn't seem to change. Those who have known him all his life have always seen him the same, a great loving force, that appreciates even the simplest things in life, never one to take things for granted.

      He is smart about his choices and a slight bit mischievous pulling the occasional prank or two, never one to be blunt it's sometimes hard to tell what he's truly thinking. Always making preparations for a future he idealizes, never showing his hand except when it's for his benefit. Alf keeps his and his trusted people's secrets as if he had no tongue to speak them, his loyalty is matched by no other and his charm brings his enemies to their knees, rather than by his sword.
    code by Nano

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    Evelyn — Villainess
  • 19aa205f584f7b3198cd933700985120.jpg

    ... Name: Evelyn Mistral
    ... Nicknames/Epithets/Aliases: The Outcast Girl, The Dark Witch (Atleast that's what people call her)
    ... Age: 21
    ... Gender: Female
    ... Sexuality: Heterosexual
    ... Isekai'd or Novel Resident? Novel Resident
    ... Social Status: The Dark Knight's Daughter, Noble
    ... Character Trope: Villainess
    ... Grace: Dendro


    ... Appearance

    ... Faceclaim (if applicable)
    Reze, (Chainsaw Man)

    ... Personality: Evelyn is abit harsh and cold. She has grown up being hated by many people due to being an outsider from Aniketos and her father being especially cruel and ruthless as a knight. She is constantly on edge and is psychotic. Those who knew her as a child might remember someone constantly following her father and remember a sad and quiet girl.
    She is quite different and barely manages to keep herself functioning half the time. She tends to be quite mean and often bullies or fights with others. She hates it when people defy her.
    Despite everything deep down she more than anything wants her father's approval and feels incredibly lonely.

    ... Goals in life/college: To
    ... Likes: Spiders, Drama, Bullying others
    ... Dislikes: Being seen as inferior, people who always act perfect
    ... Most Compatible Force outside of one's Grace: Hydro
    ... Most Incompatible Force outside of one's Grace: Electro


    ... Talent: Making Art. Evelyn specializes in making collages and making scrapbooks. Usually collects butterflies and puts them in a scrapbook and also makes collages out of different pieces of art.
    ... Skills: Reading, Writing, Swordplay
    ... Fears: Being alone, Spiders, Being in the dark
    ... Weaknesses:
    Her greatest weakness is her own instability. She could be easily taken down if someone could manipulate her own traumas against herself. It wouldn't be hard to prod at her being from Aniketos or the fact that her relationship with her father is distant. Her childhood of being ignored is also a point of comtempt.


    ... Current Self's Backstory:
    Originally was born in Aniketos her father was a ruthless and cold knight feared high within Aniketos. He was known as "The Demon Knight of Aniketos" and it was seen as one of the greatest losses at the time when he defected from Aniketos. He did as he was suffering from poverty and didn't see a way to afford raising a child if he ended up staying so he ended up defecting from Aniketos.

    She would grow up being rejected by many due to her father. Despite everything she genuinely did her best to get along and be nice to everyone however any accomplishment she achieved would never garner any sort of reaction from her father. She would grow more hateful and would get into trouble more as a teenager however even that didn't seem to garner a reaction from her father.

    ... Past Self's Backstory:
    N/A (Novel Resident)


    ... Significant Relationships, such as exes, lovers, friends, rivals, etc: TBD
    ... Potential Arcs: TBD
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    Irona — Merchant
  • ~If you want something done, do it yourself. If you want something done right, pay someone who does it better than you can.~

    • sample-85dca3bd66585acc9907b91c7635907e.jpg
      Irona Faarship

      Caravant's White Wolf

      Age: 20 (looks much younger than that)
      Gender: Female
      Sexuality: Straight, maybe. That kind of thing just has yet to really cross her mind.
      Social Status: Unknown, but generally considered a commoner, as she doesn't really reveal her status.
      Isekai or Novel Resident: Novel Resident
      Character Trope: Merchant NPC +A Dash of "Not Growing Up Sucks"
      Goals: Money
      Grace: Anemo

      • 9XiXFfMrU1XeB6soAOlZ8wnGrY3rvAF4hnuk4iDtpA0.jpg

        Irona's pale blue eyes and violet hair contrast heavily with the white outfit she almost always wears. Even in game she only seemed to wear something different during certain game events, such as wearing a halloween costume or a swimsuit, but afterwards it was right back to the usual state of affairs, despite this outfit visibly consisting of clothes for a very cold climate, even if slightly decorated with a set of blue ribbons along the sleeves, a yellow sweater underneath, and a set of blue animal ears that moves with anemo magic as a joke. If not for that blue though, she might very well disappear in the snow as her skin is likewise very pale. However, perhaps one of the most notable aspects of her appearance is how young it looks, as she could easily be taken to be around 10 years old if one went by looks alone... and the occasional behavior and sweettooth.

    *Note on the title: Caravant is a legend, a story about a man who received many treasures from messengers of god due to his witty good deeds, which he later hid them in many places for the worthy to find them, behind challenges to test if they were indeed worthy.

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    Phien — Best Friend
    • creativity
      energy reserves
      Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.
      20 YEARS OLD
      Phi wasn't exactly the picture of vitality. Somber shadows hung onto her eyes, lending her a ghoulish physique. Her marble skin only contributed to her willowy frame. Wandering fingers meanwhile wrapped themselves around her figure, erratic in their conquest for activity. They usually settled with picking the ends of her strands, their war leaving stray hairs all over her face.

      — ○ ○ ○ Seaweed Soup
      Though she'd never admit it, Phi can be a bit of an airhead sometimes. Well, perhaps more than a few sometimes.

      From the outside, her crestfallen demeanour can have others mistake her for the quiet geek. Yet inside her head, it couldn't be further from the truth. Thoughts and dreams dance across her mind hand-in-hand, leading to very dazed conversations to any lucky, or unlucky, individuals to talk with her. Her head constantly remains in the clouds, too distracted with her own ideas and voices to fully grasp and cohere a basic conversation with others.
    code by Nano
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    Adelaine — Protagonist

    • Adelaine.png
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    Lavi — Brilliant But Lazy
  • (Everyone's CS is so fancy. I feel so self conscious not even gonna lie)


    ... Name: Lavi De Alymaruius

    ... Nicknames/Epithets/Aliases: The Crown Jewel of De Alymaruius, Master De Alymaruius, Lazy Bones

    ... Age: 23

    ... Gender: Male

    ... Sexuality: Demisexual

    ... Isekai'd or Novel Resident?: Isekai

    ... Social Status: Vaguely Noble by proximity

    ... Character Trope: Brilliant but Lazy

    ... Grace: Anemo


    … Appearance: Lavi stands at a towering 6'2" with a slender but well toned build.

    The most noticeable thing about Lavi is his eyes. His right is a piercing cerulean and his left is lavender pink.

    Jet Black hair. A tangled mess at best, a hawk's nest at worst.

    ... Faceclaim (if applicable):Guren-Ichinose-seraph-of-the-end-38377949-326-485.png

    … Personality: Lavi is kind of a slacker. It's not that he can't do it, rather things come so simple for him that doing it doesn't challenge him. This disconnect makes him come across as irresponsible and lazy, but in actuality he's never come across anything that requires his full ability or an understanding of what the full extent is.

    Due to the heavy focus on religion in his upbringing paired with his slacker aspects has caused Lavi to have a devil may care take on life. "If it is meant to be then it will be. No need to rush." Like a leaf in the wind he goes wherever life takes him.

    At least that's the mask he presents to the world. A carefree slacker that just goes with the flow.

    Under this facade Lavi is afraid. He fears he can't live up to the expectations that come from his abilities. He fears that he'll let everyone down. He fears that he'll be all alone. The facade exists as a way of preparing himself and those who know him for the moment he disappoints.

    But Lavi doesn't know who he is without his mask.

    ... Goals in life/college: Happiness

    ... Likes: Clouds

    ... Dislikes: Ambition, People who take themselves too serious, Pandas (if they exist)

    ... Most Compatible Force outside of one's Grace: Dendro

    ... Most Incompatible Force outside of one's Grace: Pyro, Hyro, Geo


    ... Talent: Lavi has an acute ability to retain information. If he has seen it or read it once he can recall it nearly verbatim. Which makes him a terrible opponent to play cards against.

    ... Skills:

    • Excellent gambler
    • Adequate sword fighter
    • Better flute player
    • Does terrifyingly accurate impressions

    ... Fears: That his abilities have peaked and that the full scope of his efforts are what he is currently capable of.

    Not living up to the expectations that are expected of him.

    Becoming boring and rigid like his father

    ... Weaknesses:Lack of self confidence to expand his horizons beyond what he is familiar with.


    ... Current Self's Backstory: Lavi De Alymaruius was born to the De Alymaruius family of Malum, the most influential merchant family in Theosmati.

    The eldest of 3, Lavi is expected to inherit the reins of the De Alymaruius empire when his mother retires.

    (Gonna try to add more here but right now I'm drawing blanks)

    ... Past Self's Backstory: (:


    ... Significant Relationships, such as exes, lovers, friends, rivals, etc: (:

    ... Potential Arcs: (:
    Shoya — Angsty
  • To the person above me, same.


    : Shoya Miyuki
    Nicknames/Epithets/Aliases: Sho, Yuki, Moonlight Mask, and anything anyone else can come up with, he doesn't really care.
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Asexual/Straight (He's not aro)
    Isekai'd or Novel Resident: Isekai'd
    Social Status: Commoner from Aniketos, somewhat close to poverty.
    Character Trope: Angsty, sad love interest, though I plan on having it be at least somewhat comical levels
    Grace: Cryo


    Appearance: 5'11, though he lies and says hes 6ft. He has a tan skin, white hair that is somewhat long (about the same as the character in my pfp), and droopy blue eyes (as in, it seems like he never sleeps). Despite his rough upbringing, he actually has really soft skin for whatever reason. In terms of muscle, he has some, but he's not jacked in any way. Though, he has a burn mark in the center of his back. He likes wearing tight but soft clothes, most of which have hoods. He wears a chain with a small sapphire in the shape of a crescent moon around his neck, though he always keeps it in his clothes to avoid it getting stolen.
    Faceclaim: None, really. Maybe my pfp but with darker skin and white hair?


    Angsty, edgy, sadness. He's kind quiet until he considers you a friend, and can be both tonedeaf and unintentionally goofy. Blames himself for everything, which only feeds his angst and self esteem issues more (self hatred). He doesn't have much regard for others, so he is occasionally very blunt.
    The Moonlight Mask
    His alter ego. He wears a mask whenever he sneaks out and hangs around the roofs or places, staring at the moon and doing miscellaneous things all night. When he wears the mask, he becomes more.... bold, and his edgelordness goes into overdrive, even being able to lower his fear of thunder by a bit, leading to him wearing the mask on rainy nights in his room for comfort.
    Goals in life/college: He has absolutely no clue, but money sounds nice. At the moment, he's just doing whatever seems like the next step and rolling with it a "lone wanderer" if you will.
    - The moon. He loves to just... stare.
    - Loves cold tea and coffee, and is learning to make them as a hobby.
    - Climbing and sitting on rooftops and other high areas
    - Drawing
    - Hearing music from taverns and whatnot.
    - Thunder
    - The sun
    - Sleeping
    - Most spicy or hot food/beverages
    - Graveyards
    - Alcohol
    - People who are not self aware (Definitely not a hypocrisy)
    Most Compatible Force outside of one's Grace: Geo, maybe hydro
    Most Incompatible Force outside of one's Grace: Electro


    - Acrobatics (So flexibility?)
    - Making teas/coffees
    - Replicating most signatures on the spot, as well as some art (Nothing really complex)
    - Drawing^
    - Has really good vision, can see really well in the dark and at spotting small details.
    - Fast climber
    - Using darkness to hide
    - Competent with a knife
    - Moderately good at using rope darts, but mainly uses them as tools.
    - Thunder (Major)
    - Being buried alive
    - Very overly cute things
    - Math
    - Self esteem issues
    - Direct fights
    - Tonedeaf at times
    - Horrible singer, will only ever hum or whistle. Seriously he'd rather be tortured before sing.
    - Very unself aware at times
    - Bad at dealing with kids


    Current Self's Backstory:
    Shoya's family was assassinated by a powerful oligarch in his homeland of Aniketos, after a disagreement the father had. However, he does not know this, and to him, he had simply came home and found the horrific scene of his parents and younger sister. After that, he was taken in by his neighbors, but kicked out in less than a year due to death threats made to the family that he was unaware of. This is where his obsession with the moon began. On his nights in the streets, he would climb up whatever tall and stable structure he could find, this kept him out of plain sight, to not be disturbed by thieves or corrupt soldiers looking for someone to beat. He found comfort under the beautiful moonlight, like a guardian angel. He almost praised the moon as his god, until one night. Rain was rather rare in Aniketos (it's mostly desert), so one cloudy night, he couldn't see the moon. Thinking that perhaps he wasn't high enough, he would keep climbing increasingly tall structures until ZAP he was struck by lightning, giving him a scar on his back. That night he almost passed, and it made him realize the moon was just that, the moon. He would spend the rest of his life up until the present making a living stealing at night while attending school during the day.


    Significant Relationships
    : He was always a loner. Though, there was a girl who he had a crush on when he was younger, he never spoke to her about it. He didn't deserve it. Though, he still can't get over it and is just another regret in his life
    Potential Arcs: Maybe when he becomes more empathetic his "Moonlight Mask" alter ego can become a vigilante and much less edgy. Also an arc over time to accept himself and learn to care for himself.
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