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Realistic or Modern 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐆 — (𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌)


bad wolf

do you love my insides? the parts you can’t see?
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)










    inspired by the old guard



♡coded by uxie, from the wonderful mind of dreamglow♡
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Dajmira the Red.
  • 01
    Dajmira Wojciech
    Daśka, Dasia, Mira, Danny (more recent alias)
    1400 CE, 15th Century (an indefinite 600 some years)
    Medieval Poland, just outside Gdańsk (then Danczig), in the Pomeranian Voivodeship
    Caucasian, Polish/Prussian
    Biromantic, asexual
    "To be a monster is to be a hybrid signal, a lighthouse: both shelter and warning at once."
    — Ocean Vuong

    Physicality: She stands tall at 5' 11" and weighs 67 kg (148 lbs). She's incredibly lanky and quite thin, most of her skill reliant on speed and agility rather than brute strength.

    Hair: There was a time when she wore it long, soft ginger waves nearly reaching her waist, but those years are seldom ever remembered. She keeps it shorn, a boy's cut which never quite grows past her ears. Particular about her appearance, she's rather adamant about keeping it freshly trimmed and dyed, a task harder to achieve given present circumstances. Her natural color shines through, but the cut persists.

    Eyes: A bright and glassy green, her stare is often round and wild and always asking.

    Skin: Very fair. The sun's never kissed her skin kindly. Rather, it scathes and so she keeps care to wear accommodating clothes.

    Distinguishing features: Thin lips, sparsely grown brows, a well-defined facial structure.

    Body modifications: She finds tattoos and piercings rather tedious, too often having to touch them up to combat her body's regenerative nature. Because of this, she's more prone to adorn her person with jewelry and clothes. Dye and a good haircut are perhaps the only alterations she consistently keeps up with towards the modern age.

    Face claim: Tilda Swinton
code by @Nano
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  • A Duty to Fight / To See.

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡
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Osvaldo Mendoza
Ozzie, Val

Strengths: Osvaldo is calm under pressure and is very skilled in mcgyvering items from little to nothing given to him. He is able to keep his composure during hectic situations and use his mind when needed to get out of situations partially to hardly unscathed. He is able to wrap almost any wound up within minutes. He is an excellent sniper, as he was one in the war when combat medics were deployed into the battlefield.
Weaknesses: Osvaldo is not the best at negotiating and would rather stay out of any negotiating as long as it doesn't involve him. He is also emotionally attached to his immortal family and his cat and basically anyone he feels is deemed worthy of his trust. With being attached he has a hard time detaching himself from people and memorabilia.
Combat: Osvaldo is skilled in close hand-to-hand combat, and multiple fighting styles such as Muy Thai, Capoeira, Jujutsu. His weapons of choice are handguns, sniper rifles, and double blades.
Languages: Spanish, Arabic, French, Mandarin, English, German, Italian

Physicality: Osvaldo stands at a rough 6'1" and is 193lbs. He has a mesomorphic build with toned muscles. Even in the apocalypse, Osvaldo still exercises to keep his body healthy. He does morning combat training.
Hair: Osvaldo has dark brown, curly hair that is currently shoulder lengthed, he enjoys keeping it in a bun while out scavenging.
Eyes: Brown orbs that look magnificent in the sun, if only they weren't showing the signs of a tired and emotionally, physically, and mentally drained man.
Skin: Osvaldo has beautiful tanned skin with multiple scars and marks scattering his body. Some of his scars are covered up by his tattoos.
Distinguishing features: He has bags under his eyes from being tired all the time even though he is a heavy sleeper. He also has a full beard that he maintains even in the apocalypse.
Body modifications: He has Aztec tattoos covering his back, both arms, and top of his chest.
Face claim: Oscar Issac


Brief summary: Osvaldo is a simple man who wants to live a simple life. He is mild-mannered and is the more level-headed person in the group. Being the healer, he is more interested in people not needing his help and tries to keep his teammates from doing reckless actions to which his attempts fail the majority of the time. Osvaldo is often looked at as the voice of reason but isn't hesitate to speak the truth and express his opinions. He is always concerned about his family's safety and is always bickering with them when either one of them does anything reckless. Osvaldo isn't one for yelling and raising his voice, he enjoys the peace and quiet even though he knows the silence can bring insanity. He is very close to his immortal family and values their lives more than they value their own. He hates being stressed out and becoming frustrated and will let another know to stay away from him until he has calmed down. He has his dark days as well, there are days he wishes wouldn't wake up. He is passionate about art and literature for he believes it is the only thing besides his family keeping him entertained in an apocalyptic wasteland.
5+ positive traits: Resourceful| Level-Headed| Compassionate|Innovative|Virtuosos
5+ negative traits: Emotionally-Attatched| Reserved| Unorganized| Secretive| Over-Thinker
Fears: Losing his close friends and family| Always being on the run| Being Immortal
Aspirations: Find love once again| Have a family| To have his immortality end
Habits: Osvaldo is a heavy sleeper and will sleep through almost anything| Talks to his cat| Asks for backrubs regularly |Has a new book each week| Smokes a pack of cigarettes a day|Sleeps with a gun under his pillow|He loves being awake at night to watch the moon| He tinkers when he is frustrated|
Osvaldo was born in 1492 C.E under the name Patlea in Tenochtitlan. His childhood consisted of hunting in the mornings with his father and men in the tribe and during the afternoons he would spend with his mother learning how to use different herbs to create medicine. Patlea enjoyed learning about his peoples' history and polytheism entities. During his years up until adulthood, Patlea has never seen other humans besides the people of his tribe, until he was hunting for fish by the ocean and he witnessed a large ship docked along the coast, he watched men in heavy metal clothes arrive in smaller boats before he ran back into the forest to alert his tribe of intruders. The intruders turned out to be Spaniards. Patlea and his tribe were fascinated by the Spaniards in their homeland and welcomed them with open arms, they shared with the foreigners their way of hunting, living, and history. Patlea's tribe looked up to the Spaniards as Gods, and while the "gods" shared their skills and delicacies with the Aztecs, they also shared their diseases. Patlea noticed members of his tribe became ill from an unknown disease, not even the healers could cure. His people were dying off at an alarming rate and Patlea's only assumption was the Spaniards as the people in his tribe didn't become ill before their arrival to their homeland. Patlea quickly urged the tribe leader and demanded the Spaniards leave their home. Deciding not to leave their home, The Spaniards days later raided the tribes' land and slaughtered Patlea's people. A warrior at heart, Patlea fought back but his efforts were useless when he was shot in the stomach and stabbed through the heart, the last person to cross his vision a Spaniard. Patlea awoke to his body aching all over, his throat on fire from the dehydration and his heart spiked with pain with each breathe taken. His adrenaline was pumping through his veins as he was registering what had happened to him, he was killed and he knew it, he watched as the Spaniard stake him through the chest with his own blade. Patlea wasn't going to sit around and question why he was alive, the only thing registering in his mind was his family. He quickly arrived at the hut to see his mother and siblings lying in a pool of their own blood, stricken with pain and anger. Patlea hunted down the Spaniards and attempted to kill each one but was instead captured and taken back to Europe as a prisoner along with others from his tribe.

Patlea is living amongst the Spaniards, the same race that slaughtered his tribe and imprisoned them. Patlea was sold to an apothecary owner, a gentleman in his mid-twenties who was fresh out of medical school. Patlea was given the name Osvaldo. He was more interested in teaching his new servant about his work instead of using him as a slave. Osvaldo's years consisted of learning about different variations of medicine, learning Spanish and English, understanding the body and the number of diseases active, and assisting his master with his medical rounds. The first death Osvaldo experienced has always left him with nightmares of the tragic moment, years of the same nightmare sparked him to do research on how the injuries he had sustained should have left him dead. The night of Osvaldo's second death confirmed his immortality when his throat was slit in front of his master after a break-in. Osvaldo's master was intrigued by the sight of the wounds of the other healing immediately that he vowed to keep his ability a secret. Osvaldo stayed by his owners' side, one wasn't able to survive without the other. The companionship grew into an intimate relationship. Osvaldo never experienced romantic relations until he was sold, he never had an interest in learning about his body until he met his owner. Was it wrong to love a man? Osvaldo didn't care. He didn't care about the consequences. With immortality at his fingers, Osvaldo wasn't prepared for the consequences of others around him passing away. Osvaldo witnessed his master die as he continued to live and be age-less. After his lovers' death, Osvaldo sold the apothecary and moved throughout Europe and the many years ahead of him.

March 18th, 1961, Osvaldo enlisted in the army and was deployed to Vietnam as a Combat Medic. He used the skills he learned from his tribes' healers and the knowledge taught to him by his master and used them to save soldiers and Vietnamese villagers. The dreams of the others didn't start until the end of the war. Osvaldo thought they were nightmares at first of soldiers in the war, but he noticed each dream was a message to go find the said person. He was found by The first. His dreams were linked to theirs as the hunt for the others began.

In current times, after the apocalypse decimated half the human population, his immortal family was alerted in their dreams of another immortal.

My will to live ended years ago.
© pasta
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  • novice.


    lewis capaldi

    character name

    Artemis Mercier

    age & d.o.b

    130 years old (appears 23); born 12th October, 1921




    Nice, France


    Male/fluid, uses he/him and they/them



    sexual orientation


♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

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  • helm.


    in the blood

    orpheus & eurydice


    Nila Rahul Prabhakara


    Neela Prabhakara Chettiyar
    நீலா பிரபாகர் செட்டியார்


    Just Nila - She simplified the transcription in recent years. It means dark blue in Sanskrit.
    Zero - 0, from Nil. Usually out of a little teasing but she's a bit of a blank slate at times.
    Captain - Some of the other immortals met her while she was still at sea.


    Dvijati of Chola - Twice-born in Sanskrit. Given after her first death and used periodically.


    Cis woman (she/her), and enjoys presenting feminine for the most part.


    Probably reached the thousand year old mark by now. Physically 29.

    date of birth

    April 1023 CE.

    place of birth

    Tanjore, the Chola Empire.


    Tamil, Southern Indian.

    sexual orientation

    Polyamourous queer, graysexual.

♡ design by natasha. coded by uxie ♡

  • NAME
    Nila Rahul Prabhakara

    Neela Prabhakara Chettiyar
    நீலா பிரபாகர் செட்டியார்

    Just Nila - She simplified the transcription in recent years. It means dark blue in Sanskrit.
    Zero - 0, from Nil. Usually out of a little teasing but she's a bit of a blank slate at times.
    Captain - Some of the other immortals met her while she was still at sea.

    Dvijati of Chola - Twice-born in Sanskrit. Given after her first death and used periodically.

    Cis woman (she/her), and enjoys presenting feminine for the most part.

    Probably reached the thousand year old mark by now. Physically 29.

    April 1023 CE.

    Tanjore, the Chola Empire.

    Tamil, Southern Indian.

    Polyamourous queer, graysexual.

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: The First
Name: She'd know it if she heard it... She thinks.
Nicknames/aliases: There's been so many.... She thinks the main one right now is Ruth? Ruth is a common name now, right? (It is Ruth, but it's a 50/50 chance she recognizes that when you say Ruth you mean her. Name changes as little as necessary.)
Gender: She doesn't remember. Usually, it doesn't bother her- So much time has passed and so many things have changed. She's not sure that whatever she has could truly be explained to a modern human and it's not like she's done anything related to it in centuries. She can't even remember the ways she used to honor her role in her society of birth. But sometimes she misses the feeling of caring- Of it mattering. (Mentioning Ruth is AMAB bc her face claim is and I don't want any confusion!!)
Age/D.O.B: They stopped counting years ago. (7500s-ish)
P.O.B: Modern-day Senegal, though she sure as hell could not tell you that.
Race/ethnicity: Treated as Black/It's been so long she barely remembers snippets of what it meant, let alone what it was
Sexual Orientation: So listen. Sexual orientation is weird on a good day. But she has so many labels and attitudes and things she just didn't understand and sometimes some young human would tell her that the word she was using to try and get across her preferences was offensive now and it was location dependent- There is too much to it. As far as she is concerned, it doesn't matter, because as she has learned, mortals are born dust and are unworthy of her affections. A fellow immortal might be an option, but she's seen the ways they look at her these days. No thanks.

Once at least average, Ruth is now on the shorter side, especially with the company she keeps, at 5'7". During the beginning of humanity's fall, she was overweight and the only reason it didn't stick was lack of food. She's now fairly underweight and has begun losing muscle mass on top of everything else.
Hair: Curly, short black
Eyes: Dark brown
Skin: Dark brown
Body modifications: Very old ritual scarification on her chest, back, shoulder and ribs
Face claim: Le Diouck

Brief summary
: Ruth is living proof that death exists for a reason.

She's been around a long time and though she still learns things with ease, she has more than a bit of trouble keeping her facts straight. She can tell you in detail about the taste of the beef following a battle with long-dead immortals only she and The Second remember but she can't tell you where it was or when or who they were fighting or why. She can't even tell you what those she shared the meal with looked like. If she thinks about it, she's not even sure that's where the memory of beef is from.

And it would be one thing if the only consequence of living so long was finding herself lost in the details, but it's not. The little things lose their meaning when you see them enough times. She sees the sunset and feels the rain, but what does it matter after tens of thousands of such experiences? What's the point of one human life after watching so many fade quickly and slowly and often for no reason except the callousness of others? What's it matter, anyways, when they're going to be gone in as quick as a blink regardless?

It would be a mistake to call her cruel, because she isn't. She doesn't seek to hurt others without cause- She just doesn't care if anyone other than a fellow immortal dies. A human life just isn't worth that much.

Despite her trouble with the details and morality, she does have her positives. You can't live as long as she has and not pick up at least a couple tricks for almost any situation you'll find yourself in and she's got a broad enough range of experiences that if one plan fails, there's probably another one she can flip to as needed. It's hard to ruffle her, given that she's the embodiment of 'been there, done that', and she's been around long enough that it's hard to see anything less than the grander scheme of things.

She doesn't see the value of keeping secrets and has had it come back to bit her enough times that she'll tell you exactly what she thinks and get to the heart of her thoughts... though she won't be nice about it.
Ruth has always been blunt and moody and difficult, but more than that, Ruth used to love. She loved brightly and recklessly and fought for the bright recklessness she saw in others. She told stories and didn’t care when she mixed up the details. She saw the beauty in a fleeting moment- Every sunset unique, each raindrop falling for the first time. She was old and you could tell, but she was still benevolent. Sure, tracking time still befuddled her and words changed meaning too much for her to track easily, but she delighted in it- There was always something new, even when you thought you’d seen it all. But maybe you can only have so much of the bad stay the same before you come undone.

5+ positive traits:
+ Clever
+ Adaptable
+ Calm
+ Far-sighted
+ Honest
+ Persistent
+ Precise

5+ negative traits:
- Blunt
- Cold-hearted
- Callous
- Cynical
- Asocial
- Difficult
- Moody

Fears: Being like this forever. Being here forever. More a discomfort but places where light blots out the stars. Any place that she finds unusually dark.
Aspirations: To die.
Habits: Light sleeper. Tends to be up to watch the sun and to go to bed late in the night. Chews on her thumbs when she's thinking. Hums and occasionally sings when going from one place to the next. Though she didn't used to be, she's grown still in the last half a millennia or so. Before that, there was always something in her hands- Something she could do.

+ Jack of all trades : She's old as shit and has spent a large amount of said life transfixed by what people can make- Food, drink, weapon, building... She's by no means the best at any of it and much of the exacts are gone until she starts back up again, rust falling away, but she's decent at a surprising amount of things.
+ Organizing others : Ruth knows her way around people- She knows how to get people to do things and who to win to her side to move and unite a mass.

- Passive : A lot of problems arise and get worse around Ruth not because she couldn't fix them if she tried, but because she doesn't bother trying in the first place. She's become quite happy to watch everything go to shit as her old bones wither to nothing.
- Alienating : Ruth doesn't think like most modern people because she isn't a modern person and, worse than that, she doesn't care to try. She's well past the point of pretending to care how time's being measured or the intricacies of some philosophical problem. And she's not nice about it. She rolls her eyes, doesn't pay attention, and has even been known to scoff at people just trying to help.

Combat: She took to guns relatively quickly, largely TBA upon fleshing out history.
Languages: English, French, Mandarin, Arabic, Hindi, largely TBA upon fleshing out history.

Ruth doesn't remember much of her time before immortality- Less than a percent of her life and so far back, can she really be blamed? She knows she was settled. She knows she loved her village and almost everyone within it- That even when they fought internally, they were kind to her and treated her as their own child. There are snippets of memory- Her father's hands warm and rough over her own, shaping the warm clay beneath her fingers, or the half-remembered verve of her older sister's voice. She remembers her initiation rights- The pain, sure, but more importantly the ecstasy. It had mattered to her. Her scars still matter, even if she can't recall for the life of her the meaning behind them. She knows she was happy.

And then she died.

All this time later, she still remembers the first time she came back. She remembers the bodies and her confusion- Her fear. Death was meant to be permanent, and she had known she was dying. She had felt the blood slipping through despite the pressure of her hands, the weakness. She had known it was too late. And she woke up without a scratch.

When her people couldn't find it in their hearts to bring her back into the fold, how could she blame them? You died and you stayed dead- It was as simple as that. Something like this... Not even she believed she had come back anything other than wrong. She was something that should not be. The only thing that kept her going in the days she died more often than she didn't, wandering the Green Sahara aimlessly and avoiding fellow humans whenever she could out of fear she might do something unforgivable, was the dreams. When they started, there were three others, though she only ever met two.

She doesn't know how long she avoided other people- She knows it felt like an eternity, but she's old enough to know that how it felt means nothing. But eventually, long before civilization as we know it began to take off, she couldn't ignore people anymore.

Well, maybe it's more correct to say Ruth had never been able to stand by and watch people be hurt, possibility of evil influence be damned. To be honest, she doesn't remember the exact details of what happened. What she remembers is meeting the first of many loves in what would be an eon of them. She remembers thinking they were the most beautiful person she had ever seen. That was what initially kept her there, but as she began to learn more and more about them, she was drawn in by their kindness and her perseverance.

Back then, Ruth didn't know she was immortal. If she had, there's no doubt in her mind she would have left. In the past, it was one of the many small things she used to hold close- A small blessing she didn't know. That she allowed herself to fall in love with them, even if she doesn't remember her name. She remembers how they made her feel. She settled in with their family, becoming something like an aunt to their children. It's where they first learned to fish- Where they first encountered boats, specifically canoes. They found peace in the work, enchanted by the way they carried people in the water.

It was a simple life- A good life.

She lived long enough to notice she wasn't aging. Those around her began to grow uncomfortable. She did as well. She tried to hang on to her relationships, to feel anything but terror- She had long accepted she wouldn't die unnaturally, but she hadn't expected old age to be denied to her. She stayed as long as she could- As long as her love would have her. And she would have her a long while longer- Until she died.

Ruth had known it was coming, but that didn't make it any easier. She tried to stay, thinking that maybe she could use this curse she'd been granted to at least protect her love's children, but it just hurt. The alienation of the community sank in, and so again she left.

She doesn't remember much before ending up in Egypt except that it was lonely. She doesn't remember much of Egypt. She remembers traveling. She knows that later she would discover near-misses with one of the other immortals, though she couldn't recall now where it may have occurred.

She remembers the way her heart had ached at having missed an opportunity to meet them sooner- To have had that sense of belonging, of having a place in the world.

But she wouldn't meet them for several hundred years and it was impossible to isolate for that long unless she wanted to die constantly and brutally. So even as it burned her, she engaged in communities, forced to care for those in her community and watch them die unsure if she ever would.

And eventually she couldn't avoid falling in love again. It came fast and hard and was again returned and she couldn't bring herself to leave. She just couldn't.

That first time, knowing that her love would age and die in front of her... It tainted everything. It felt impossible to give her anything, but despite herself, she did. She gave a lot of her. And when she died, it ached.

But she needed people- Needed company- as things changed in ways she had never been meant to see. She fell in love with a hundred people in a hundred ways- As teachers, as mentors, as friends, as family. And it wasn't that the loss got easier- It ached every single time in a way that never went away, not fully- but she found the beauty in the fleeting. She found herself not only willing to disclose her inability to die or age, but trusting those around her to stay despite it. And sometimes they didn't, but sometimes they did, and she loved them just as she would hundreds more.

The most shocking thing she discovered was this: Loving someone leads to loving someone else and slowly, she fell in love with the world. And that was when she once again became willing to die for others. She protected her communities and began to suck up as much as she could, never before a warrior but willing to learn for the good of her people and those beyond. Though it rarely worked out as neatly as all that, it was a nice thought at its heart.

Despite it, war wasn't anywhere near a constant in her life- More a thing to take up as a last resort. She didn't travel to battles, didn't seek out fights, and only occasionally ended up moderator to minor fights.

She still didn't fit. The humans she traveled between loved her, yes, but they didn't understand- Couldn't understand- what it was like not to die. And outside of those, she was often feared and shunned, though she couldn't blame those that looked at her and saw an affront to the planet that birthed them all.

And she still dreamt. Very rarely, she confided her dreams and the worries they brought her to a friend. She was there as the world began to rise around her, growing into something new and unfamiliar. And with others by her side, all she felt was wonder at the sight of it.

She finally ran into another immortal hundreds of years after her own first death. The feeling of seeing someone she had known in her heart had to be real but had only ever seen in dreams, a lifeline unconfirmable until that very moment... She couldn't describe it even if she tried. It is very hard for her to exist in a world where so few of her fellow immortals have ever felt that exact relief. It was one thing to wait decades and quite another to wait centuries.

Once they met and bonded, her life came into a focus she had never before felt. She had been wandering alone for so many centuries and now she finally had someone else who knew what it was like and had a very simple question: "What do we do now?"

The answer was, of course, find the others.
[hahaha we’ll fill this in later. i feel we’ve got a good enough grasp on her that i can come back to this once i’m fitting in the other immortals, too]
If you stripped Ruth's history searching for the moment the rot broke her, you wouldn't find it. There was no dramatic moment the First fell to pieces. It was a slow thing- The kind of thing where you don't notice it's happening until it's already complete and you're left wondering where that person who had loved and who you had loved with all your heart went.

There are still pieces that brought it together, though they stretch back farther than most of the other immortals remember.

In a way, it started when that third nameless immortal died. Ruth hadn't been able to let it go- That someone had existed for an eternity, haunted by the dreams of people they would never meet- the only people who could have understood- and surrounded by those who couldn't. She doesn't know who they were, or where they were, but she knows that they died before they could mean anything beyond hope.

The death of her eldest friends didn't help. When she met the Second, there had been three of them, working as a team, guiding and loving each other, every decision made together. They were all old enough to not know how old they were and by the time they'd met, each had been well through the initial pains. It was different with a fresh immortal.

She had leaned on them heavily with the arrival of the Second. The first time an immortal she knew died was soon they had finally settled. It had hit her hard, but not as hard as it would to lose the other.

And none of that would hurt as much as to see a world she had traveled full of people she knew capable of such great kindness and love who she herself loved again and again led to hurt each other. In her early years, she had been able to numb herself to it. After the first time a part of the world seemed to fall to ruin only to come back once again, strong and well-formed, joining that which had gone on without it, she had been able to convince herself that things always got better. But things only seemed to get worse- People just wanted to hurt people.

There are a million and one things that could go here- Colonialism or the American slave trade or Hiroshima or any of the several genocides or the first and second world wars and even more beyond this meager list.

That is what hurt. She grew used to watching those she cared for die, but to watch it over and over again, more and more pointless as it went on?

And with time, mortals mattered less and less. They were so eager to spend their short lives tearing things to shreds or ignoring it around them or, worst of all, being torn to shreds themselves. It was so much easier to pretend that the immortals she had sunk herself into, who had for years admired her, mattered more. It was even easier with the simple effect of far too long a life bleeding her lives together, details lost in an ungainly morass of memory.

After all that, nothing felt special. She had seen the sun before, had seen children smile days before they died. She found, to the horror of some small part of her she could squash, that it was easier like this. So she sank deeper into it even as the way the others looked at her began to change and she got in deep enough that even if she wanted to there's no guaranteed way out.
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The Soldier

I have a need of wilder, crueler waves;
They sicken of the calm, who knew the storm.


ROLE The Soldier
NAME Theocritus, Theodore Beaufort.
NICKNAME/S Theo, Teddy.
AGE 3171 (est.).
APPEARS Late 20s, early 30s.
GENDER Cis-man.
PRONOUNS Uses he/him pronouns.
SEXUALITY Unlabelled, queer.
YEAR OF BIRTH 1120 BCE (est.).
PLACE OF BIRTH Arcadia, Greece.
ETHNICITY Greek — Egyptian.


VISAGE Standing a centimeter or two above 5' 10, Theo was considerably above average height for a Mycenaean soldier. He has an athletic build with broad shoulders, his years of fighting have kept his figure toned and in shape. However, he is certainly not as brawny as he had once been, and is approximately 81kg (180lbs). His skin is a warm beige with olive undertones that bronzes in the summer, scarcely dotted with few dark freckles. Theo's hair is a thick, wavy, dark brown that curls past the nape of his neck, and his eyes are deep-set and hazel-green, with undertones of caramel. Theo most closely resembles Tamino Fouad.


PSYCE Callous, distant, and often times, cynical — most things Theocritus says seem ill-considered. His personality has a tendency to be polarising as his humor is dry and coated in several layers of sarcasm, his mischievous expression making it difficult to decipher when he's actually being serious. In spite of his light-hearted jabs and a seemingly rash approach to life, there is a disconnect between his devil-may-care appearance and what lies beneath; he can seem...empty. Theo will simply short-circuit when presented with a serious conversation, as his apathetic attitude is the only thing stopping him from drowning. He has had witnessed too much death — fragmented images of those he stole life from plague his dreams; the guilt chewing its way through his body, leaving him bitter. But he isn't heartless. Moments of humanity still flicker within Theo; his flame not entirely snuffed. He finds solace in music and has a fondness for playing the Bouzouki, as well as finding humor in the most mundane of things — such as watching the way a duck waddles what? it's cute. And deep down (although he cares not to admit it) there lives that disciple of Apollo; righteous, driven, and dedicated to averting evil.

POSITIVES Adaptable, courageous, devoted, observant, sharp-witted.

NEGATIVES Apathetic, arrogant, callous, jaundiced, impetuous.

FEARS Theocritus awaits the day that death will greet him, and the souls of those he ended will rip him apart upon entering the House of Hades. He is haunted by those he's slain in the dark, and fears that there will never be a time he can feel at peace, feel — normal, as he would never truly deserve it. He also thinks spiders are pretty freaky.

ASPIRATIONS To be reborn without guilt. Theo knows this to be impossible, but still dreams of purging his visions of regret from his mind. He also wishes to grow old and perhaps one day, meet his sister in the afterlife — though is fearful that he would not recognize her face.

HABITS Theo, oftentimes, finds himself disconnected from the world around him, as if his earthly tether has been cut. His mind will go blank and he will go quiet, trying to recall who he was and what era this is. In Theo's current life, he prefers to shut down when topics get heavy or arguments get heated, leading to him — more often than not, excusing himself from a conversation without a word. On a lighter note, Theo likes to sculpt and create art, having learnt from artists such as Polyclitus and Caravaggio. He likes to be expressive with his painting, and a large portion of his clothes are stained with paint. Additionally, despite his long life, Theo is still quite awkward and feels the need to constantly be alert; standing rigidly in a room despite being offered a seat.


STRENGTHES Team work; Theo has served in enough armed forces to understand the value of good cooperation and communication. Working as a general, corporal, private, etc., he's experienced the consequences of being rash in battle and high-pressure situations. As a result, he has also become quite a proficient strategist. Despite his occasional shortness when it comes to socializing, one can trust that Theo's plans are well-thought-out and thorough. He has also developed great physical strength and endurance, especially in his upper body as he is most proficient in archery.

WEAKNESSES Theo has a tendency to be dishonest with his feelings, relying on humour to mask emotion; but what had once been a coping mechanism has turned into a crutch. need to add more...

COMBAT: Theocritus' weapon of choice is a Turkish bow. Although he has much experience in melee combat, his accuracy with an arrow is something that he has relied on throughout the millennia. As weaponry has evolved, he has maintained his marksmanship and is proficient with long-range firearms. Accompanying this, Theo is good at surveillance work and covering his teammates in combat. When at the forefront of a melee, he will typically wield a xiphos sword and is comfortable in hand-to-hand combat and grappling. He is also quite receptive to his surroundings under-pressure, trusting his intuition in battle and putting the safety of his teammates before himself.

LANGUAGES Greek (Doric, Mycenean, Tsakonian, Italiot Greek, Romano-Greek Koine etc.), Latium, Italian, Old Anatolian Turkish, Instanbul Turkish, Coptic language, Arabic, Old & Middle Persian, French, English.


BACKSTORY First born in 1120 BCE, Theocritis was the son of Achaean — Egyptian parents. He lived with them in the region of Acadia, Greece, tending to their wheat farm with his twin sister, Theodosia. Theocritus was a pacifist. He avoided conflict where he could and used to get sick at the sight of blood. A hard worker, Theocritis rode from his home to the city of Mycenae at the age of 18 to trade goods. During this time, tensions had been brewing in the larger cities as Sparta teetered on the edge of a war with the Anatolian city of Troy, and Theo was approached by Spartan soldiers — coerced into participating in the war. He was reluctantly sailed from Aulis to Troy, making a friend in a Spartan soldier, Pericles. Theocritus, though inexperienced in the ways of war, survived for 10 years before he was slaughtered by a spear through the chest on Anatolian shores. Pericles dragged his body to a temple of Apollo and prayed for Theocritis' life, his calls seemingly answered as Theo's chest began to rise and fall. Spared by the gods — for what reason? Pericles was not so fortunate as he fell a week before the end of the war.

The war had ended and Theo was now indebted to Apollo. He returned to his family and married a local artisan, having both a son and a daughter. He was thankful that he could now return to the quiet life — however, as the years rolled by, he noticed that his wife and sister had become grey and his children were now mistaken for his siblings. The god of healing had not only spared his life, but granted him immortality. To honor Apollo, Theocritis moved to Delphi where he did the god's bidding; striking down Neoptolemus with his arrow, who had come to the temple in Delphi to avenge his father — Achilles, a hero who was said to have been killed by the guidance of Apollo. Theocritus' immortal existence become known throughout Mycenean Greece. For a time, he was regarded as a demigod and the son of Zeus; he was treated as a hero and enlisted in many wars to come by kings. Inside the Oracle of Delphi, the Pythia (priestess of Apollo) prophesied that he was to fight for millennia, and only find peace once his duty to humanity was complete. And so, he fought, slowly numbing to the violence.

Theocritis fought in many wars, and in 479 BCE he aided the Greeks in their victory of the Battle of Platea. The Greco — Persian wars had seen so much loss and Theo had grown bitter of his immortality; despite Apollo's blessing, he could not save all his loved ones and it ached. He used the Battle of Platea to fake his death. In anguish, he gradually destroyed all evidence of Theocritus the demigod. He tore down sculptures, and tarnished works of art that sung his legend, and slowly...his name began to vanish. Theo was still shackled to this earth — but free of expectation. Nevertheless, all he knew was war. He tried to live a normal life away from conflict, but violence continued to find him as he was continually met with heartache and loss. In 336 BCE Theo met the Macedonian king, Alexander the Great. He was enamored with the mortal's military prowess, however was concerned for his hubris — sure that Zeus himself would smite him. Enthralled by Alexander's charisma, Theo was devoted and fought alongside him until his death in 323 BCE. Throughout their years together, he could see the ruler succumbing to madness, gutted as he watched Alexander make plans to conquer Arabia. So. Theocritis, fearful of what he was becoming, poisoned him.

In the 3rd century BCE, he had unwillingly spent many lives as a gladiator. He thrived fighting for a cause, not for the entertainment of others. In Rome, 260 BCE, he had fallen in love with a Roman senator's daughter, and having been discovered having premarital relations, been killed on the spot. The senator was both horrified and fascinated by Theo's regenerative abilities, and presented him to the emperor as a gift. He was then instructed to fight for the emperor with one condition — he must always lose. Once the crowd was satisfied by the fight, Theocritis had to let his opponent strike him down however they pleased. He had once again become a marvel, and this continued until he escaped his chains and fled Rome several years later. Theo fought against the rise of the Roman Empire from 27 BCE to 476 CE, the Mongol Conquests in the 13th century, the American Civil War, the Napoleonic Wars and many in-between. He couldn't slow down, it made him think...filled him with waves of regret. Bloodbaths had become a normalcy or Theocritus, and he couldn't shake it — he didn't want to, until 1909 CE.

There's a big jump here, but could potentially be filled with stuff regarding the other immortals.

In 1909 Theocritus had found a moment of peace in Paris, France. Now choosing to go by Theodore, he had married a French opera singer. He had felt selfish, too anxious to disclose the truth about his life to them out of fear it would shatter this false reality he dreamed of. Their voice brought him some calm in a life full of storms, and for short time, he wanted nothing more than to stay where he was. To his dismay, World War 1 broke out in 1914, and Theo once again found himself in the midst of battle, this time as a French Army Corporal in Field Artillery. After the war ended, he returned home to find that his partner had been killed when the Germans attacked Paris on March 21st, 1918. So this is how it was? Theo fought again in World War 2, bitterly, but at least he had a purpose. Currently, I'm not sure how the immortals are gonna tie in together so imma leave this blank :^)

© pasta
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ego, ultima
  • birthname
    son of volka
    viggo || phaedromus || vadim || jackal || the ostrogoth || ???
    cisgender Male
    date of birth || age
    ~ 410 a.d. || ~ 1640 years old
    bisexual aromantic
    place of birth
    sirmium, pannonia
    east european
    the soldier

    6'4 | 1.94 m ⸺ 92 kg | 202 lbs

    deep chestnut brown, a bronze cast in sunlight. silver at the temples.

    dark hazel-grey.

    tan, weathered, finely lined by many lifetimes of wind and sun. he's back to clean-shaven, these days.

    distinguishing features
    the height and impeccable posture; the huge, uneven-toothed smile; the strange but friendly 'nothing' accent.

    body modifications
    a broad but almost entirely faded tattoo reading S•P•Q•R LEGIO XIV GEMINA lies across the back of his right hand, impossible to see in all but the closest quarters. both his outer collarbones bear an eight-pointed pinwheel star, their relative novelty making this branding far darker than his first, though their ink is already old enough for the edges to have long begun to blur.

    christoph waltz

    Such an open, genial manner can seem like strangely treacherous ground when it belongs to man without a trace of softness to his name. From the dense, whip-hard muscle of his frame to the eyes to even the calluses on his palms, Vidigoia is quick-smiling but seemingly cast in raw iron below, large hands steady as a surgeon's, bearing of capable ease. The ramrod stillness of the posture that holds his exceptional height gives him a nasty little habit of looming. His biological age is somewhat harder to guess. Even he doesn't remember quite how old he would've been when he first died, but to place him around the mid-to-late thirties would likely not be far.

    No number of untold centuries has managed to blunt the teeth in his smile. Vidigoia's wolfish good-humour has seemingly never once flickered since he woke into immortality, becoming, if anything, slightly wilder, slightly more unattached, almost, with each decade past. Time has hardly mellowed him. Nothing seems to shake the hard, perpetual sunshine of his outer disposition, never angry, seldom serious. Careless would be a fitting word. The intense, playful friendliness often strikes a kind of unsettling dissonance when taken beside his breathtaking capacity for violence. Even so - Vidigoia certainly considers himself to be the 'fun uncle' of the group, and it's a role that, considering his surprisingly lax, easy-to-talk-to extroversion, he does well to make believable. He's markedly unafraid of showing familial affection, though to call him protectively so would likely be a step too far.

    He has, apparently, taken it upon himself to become the shameless incarnation of the unkind philosophy of 'life isn't fair', and is entirely disinterested in any attempt at making it so; for what it's worth, he's an unhypocritically good loser. He doesn't believe in human nature, or the benevolent hand of a God - he believes in luck, and luck alone. Perhaps he could even be called intolerant of such ideas, and openly so. He doesn't often conceal his thoughts; he's even surprisingly skilled as an orator, if asked, though asking is far from necessary in order for him to make his opinions loudly and plainly known. The truth of them, however, isn't quite as much of a guarantee. His millenium-long thrill-seeking quest for entertainment can make him a touch manipulative, often far more concerned with making something entertaining out of a situation than any moral obligation towards honesty.

    [+ more]

    ➳ easy-going
    ➳ self-disciplined
    ➳ unflinching
    ➳ patient
    ➳ light-hearted
    ➳ astute
    ➳ forgiving

    ➳ domineering
    ➳ ruthless
    ➳ remorseless
    ➳ flippant
    ➳ reckless
    ➳ unprincipled
    ➳ indifferent

    ➳ the existence of a god;
    ➳ being sealed away, alive, for eternity;
    ➳ unending, existential boredom;
    ➳ running out of wine.

    ➳ to be entertained;
    ➳ to enjoy the world's return to a natural lawlessness more akin to that of his origin;
    ➳ to remember what it feels like to have ambition.

    ➳ can occasionally be caught chewing the inside of his cheek when deep in thought.
    ➳ rarely ever eats a meal at midday, or 'lunch', whatever you want to call it. (what an excessive custom.)
    ➳ a light, easy sleeper and a chronic early riser. seems to have some innate sixth-sense for waking to catch the dawn.
    ➳ tends to walk at a mercilessly fast pace, mile-long legs capable of huge, distance-eating strides. complaints will fall on deaf ears - seeing others having to jog to keep up can be rather funny, after all.
    ➳ sometimes found idly playing with some kind of coin. he's accumulated quite the collection of tricks with them over the centuries.

    ➳ cold, sunny weather
    ➳ hot showers
    ➳ wine
    ➳ cats
    ➳ tennis
    ➳ competition
    ➳ 80's chart music

    ➳ low ceilings
    ➳ churches
    ➳ lingering
    ➳ gloominess
    ➳ small chairs
    ➳ sugary food
    ➳ chores
code by Nano
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: The Second
Name: Li Chen
Nicknames/aliases: Sun Jia, Wang Baozhai, Chu Hua, Li Hua, Li Mei, Li Ming and many others.
Gender: Female
Age/D.O.B: Around 1800 BCE (making her over 4,000 years old)
P.O.B: Erlitou, China, during the Xia Dynasty (
Race/ethnicity: Chinese
Sexual Orientation: She's functionally Pansexual and Demiromantic, having tried everything and every combination under the sun at some point

: A mere 5'5" and 136 lbs, she's in peak physical condition...or was, before food scarcity became an issue again. She retains a reflexive economy of motion, born of centuries spent in confining dresses and costuming, and her tendency towards absolute stillness while not on the move can be disconcerting to an eye used to people fidgeting.
Hair: Long, straight, and a brown so dark it's nearly black
Eyes: Dark brown
Skin: Rather fair, though she gets enough sun that she doesn't burn often
Distinguishing features: Model-perfect light complexion
Face claim: Dilraba Dilmurat

Brief summary
: Chen is a focused force of nature. A relentless storm of warfare fixed in a woman's form. Millenia of lives have whittled away most of the minutiae of who she'd been, habits and hobbies falling to the wayside. The past several centuries have seen Chen 'become' the life she lives, up to and including wholly different manners of speech, interests and personality. Only with the end of the world has she fully become herself again.

There's not as much of herself left as she'd thought, though. Chen's become something of an archetype, the role of the Second and General and Physician more than an actual person who simply does those things. People are made up of their relationships and they've all largely run together now, and it doesn't help that the hundreds and thousands of remembered relationships are with people long dead and buried. She's capable of making new relationships, and even enjoying the process, but there's a tendency to mentally map a new relationship to an existing one (because she's been through this so many times), which occasionally leads to confusion on both sides when the other person doesn't behave the way Chen then expects them to.

Positive traits:

Negative traits:
Socially unfocused
Forgets human frailty
Mixes memories up

Not a hell of a lot.
Getting burned alive (done it a dozen times, hurts worse than anything)
Becoming like the First has become.
Getting her heart broken for the millionth time.

Cure death
End war
Cook the perfect souffle

None, exactly. She used to be fond of medicine, homemaking, kids, and crafts of all kinds and was marked by the inability to not be doing something all the time. Over the past few centuries, her 'living in the role' approach to each life left her with wholly different habits (the ER physician twirled hair around a finger, the farmer rubbed a thumb along her beer glass, etc.) which were promptly abandoned when she became the next person. Now that she's Chen and only Chen, she's marked by the absence of habits. When not in motion for a purpose, she's motionless and simply...waits, for something to react to or for the right time to act on her own agenda.

Natural Leader - At some point in the distant past, Chen studied leadership and the examples set by emperors, generals and the wealthy. Centuries of experience and practice have concentrated and distilled those lessons into core behaviors. She's capable of compassion and empathy while always having a plan and being able to execute on it. She can be open to suggestions and actually change her mind, while retaining the ability to commit to a course of action. She's led thousands and thousands to prosperity and to death, she's taught tens of thousands of students, to the point that knowing how to inspire and motivate comes naturally now.

Perceptive - After the first million people one meets, everyone else falls into an unconscious internal classification system. Within a few sentences, Chen can generally work out a stranger's basic personality and predict what they'll do next. She'd make (and has made) an amazing psychologist.

Skilled - She's always had a good memory for skills, particularly the tactile. She can throw a pot, demonstrate the forgotten art of the slow stitch and pilot a 1950s Convair Model 23 despite having not been behind the stick in a lifetime. If faces and relationships all blur together, she remains a talented individual. Although modern medicine is the only thing she's actually worked to keep current (ex. she spent a lifetime studying mathematics but moved on from that life in the 1920s and hasn't looked at them since).

Unrelatable - The immortal Chen's grown into being is one that increasingly struggles with relating to people. She'd solved it a few centuries ago by basically 'forgetting' her past the way one might tuck a yearbook into the back closet and never looking at it for years. Since the world's ended, though, Chen finds people more difficult than ever. Remembering what motivates mortals, what they're scared of and what they all strive for in common no longer comes naturally and she tends to forget their limitations, particularly in the heat of the moment.

Strategy - She's fought in hundreds and hundreds of wars, and been in ten thousand battles. This makes her think she's better at war than she actually is. The sheer immensity of her military experience make her an effective tactician but she's not a natural at it. Chen can think up and execute on a tactic that she's seen work in the past, while not really understanding why it worked or particularly how modernity might have changed its application. Her brilliance in a fight has often saved her from her mistakes but not from making them in the first place. She's broadly aware of this tendency and is good about delegating strategy and tactics to other immortals, although the weight of ages have made her care a lot less. She's died so many times, she doesn't care if a tactical plan goes as planned or not.

Anachronistic - Chen's done a remarkable job of surviving modernity and the unprecedented rate of change, almost entirely by going method actor and 'becoming' one life or another. But the reality is that thousands of years have left her ill-suited for rapid advancement. Staying current is too much work for the Chen that exists when all roles are gone. Computers are particularly a source of frustration; she was one a formidable hacker in the 1990s and could do nearly anything in C. She made the transition to C+ and C++ but when Java, Python and Rust came out, she ragequit the industry and hasn't touched a computer since.

Chen is a consummate warrior, the master of a dozen martial art styles and peerless with the Jian. If you can stab or shoot someone with it, she's probably used it. She spent most of the 20th century avoiding guns, until the catastrophe of 9/11/2001 took place. Her rage at the sheer terror and loss of life involved led her to enlist, where she became proficient in the use of a variety of pistols, rifles, heavy weapon elements as well as a basic ability in driving military vehicles including tanks. About the only thing she never picked up was the art of explosives; she's seen enough to understand the essentials of transport and disarmament but hasn't had time to figure out how to shape charges, wire in timers, etc.

Yes. Particularly, Mandarin, English, Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Malay, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swahili. She also knows a dozen minor languages based on places she's lived. Her native language functionally doesn't exist anymore, though it sounds a bit like ancient Sichuanese.

Chen was born before recorded history, during the Xia Dynasty who is mostly remembered now for their bronze age archeological remnants and being the dynasty conquered by the Shang Dynasty, who were the first to produce written records. In Chen's case, she was born in a village along the Yellow River. She married, bore two children and might have gone on to be a perfectly ordinary mother if food hadn't grown scarce during a drought year. Shang warriors raided her village and she perished when stabbed while trying to save their pigs from being looted. She woke minutes later, confused and unnoticed in all the chaos save for her four year old daughter who didn't understand what had happened to her mother. Chen worked with her husband to salvage what they could before moving with the rest of the survivors towards the capital.

By the time the Xia Dynasty fell, Chen had outlived her husband and let herself be captured by Shang warriors to 'disappear' and silence the whispers of witchery, given she'd lived to her 60s and looked the age of her grandchildren. Pressed into service, she lived a number of lives under the Shangs before becoming an accomplished acupuncturist, bonesetter and practitioner of herbal medicine, able to 'switch lives' with relative ease.

But then she met the First. The exotic woman found her in the middle of a war and promptly pressed a sword into her hands before drawing another and slaughtering half a dozen warriors who'd come to kill the Medicine Woman as Chen had come to be called by then. The two then escaped from the ruins of that life into an extraordinary series of lives to follow.

For an immortal, Chen came late to war but when she arrived it was with a vengeance. She'd carefully tracked her direct lineage, made up of a few survivors from one conflict to another, before they all perished when the Qin Dynasty fell. Chen swore an oath of revenge and proceeded to spend a full century hunting down and slaughtering every single soldier and their descendents. By the end of it, she was heartsick of violence yet incredibly adept with it.

From century to century, she looked to the First for guidance and direction. And as the ages wore her mentor down, they hardened and focused Chen. The other immortals turned up, one by one, rallied by the First who Chen supported in all things.

TBD with everyone else.

By the time the world came to an end, Chen had established a pattern for the modern centuries of adopting a life and 'becoming' it, with her core identity and history becoming something of a second personality, like a wedding dress worn once and kept in the closet for years to come. She was Sun Jia, Rose Bennet, Chen Tseng and many more, living a whole life as an actress, a farmer, an ER physician and scores of other jobs. Chen herself only woke for war. The Napoleonic Wars, the American Civil War, both World Wars as well as the Armenian Genocide, the Cambodian Genocide, the Rwandan Genocide, the Second Sudanese Civil War and the crisis in Syria; all of these conflicts saw Chen disappear from her adopted lives for months or years. She spent that time saving lives or taking them, depending on who she saw as the victim or the aggressor.

When the world ended, so did her last adopted life. For the first time in centuries, Chen is just Chen once more. The several decades of relative isolation due to the absence of people has brought her face to face with herself once more. And she teeters now, on the brink between summoning up the energy to be the fearless leader and crusader she once was or at last letting go and falling into the numb indifference that's claimed the First, casting aside her humanity for the promise of lethe.

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