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Realistic or Modern π’𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐄 πŽπ… ππ„πˆππ† β€” (π—ˆπ—ˆπ–Ό)


bad wolf

do you love my insides? the parts you can’t see?
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Applications are due March 28th, 12am EST.

Feel free to post any questions you may have about the rp here.
I will be editing the main post to include helpful information.

After decades of disease, the world's gone quiet. Nature's taken back what once belonged to her.
Buildings are toppled and overgrown, streets cracked and eroded.
The once great human civilization is reduced to small groupings and simple settlements.

It's been nearly thirty years and things are still quiet.
Conflict is common but the greater threat to the remaining few is a lingering sickness.
It takes them fast. A fever, a cough. A reddening rash which blisters, creating open sores.
For some it takes weeks to pass. Others, only a few days.
The outcome however, is always certain.

They've regenerative capabilities which keep them living and healthy as the years pass them by.
The oldest is a few thousand years old. The youngest only a hundred.
The larger the wound, the longer it takes for them to heal.
Eventually, the healing stops but that's not for many years and there's no true telling when that time will come.
All they know is that the healing gets slower and slower until it stops altogether.

Since their first death, they've been dreaming of each other.
In the age of technology, it might have been easier to make sense of those dreams.
They could find each other faster than without those means. But now?
It's as though they've stepped back a few thousand years.
There's no telling how or when they'll find the next person they dream about.

The characters of this roleplay all know each other. They've been acquainted and spent time together.
There's a history there which is not all good, but not all bad either.

SIDE NOTE: If you'd like to plan ahead for any secondary characters as well, feel free!
I just ask that you save their forms till after the main cast has been created.

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Started on the descriptions. They're pretty brief.
If you need further clarification or have any questions, I'm always willing to answer them. ^^

Looking forward to seeing what characters you guys create!
just poppin' in to say that this looks Super Exciting & i'll work on getting an app posted within the next few days !! xo
just poppin' in to say that this looks Super Exciting & i'll work on getting an app posted within the next few days !! xo
thank you!! so excited to see what you have in mind but take your time. ^^
hi!! just a quick question, since i’m choosing which role to apply for - the novice, being the youngest, is there a certain age you’d like them to be?
sorry, to clarify; is there a certain age you’d like them to look i.e 16, younger, older etc
Heyo! I was thinking a few hundred years old. Just one or two centuries, really.

And really they could look however old you'd like. Mid-twenties and on.
hello!! i know none of us have a role yet, but i was wondering what everyone else was planning on doing with their characters! id love to get an idea of what everyone else is thinking of doing, especially if anyone else is applying for the first! what's your take on them you know? id just love to get some communication going :>
i've got the day off today! working on my cs for the idol.

mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties the idol's very much a work in progress but i'll post some ideas i have for them in a few!
Or nah. Sorry! Something came up. I’ve work today but will be off the next couple days. I’ll work on getting The Idol posted then.

A huge thanks to everyone who’s posted something already and to everyone that’s still interested! I look forward to seeing your characters. ^^

If anyone needs any help/has any questions, I’ll be around.
hi !! i don't think this was mentioned anywhere but what year is it? yknow, for age reasons
also, did you want the characters to spend time as found-family mercenaries like in the old guard or is it more flexible than that?
edit: and how much combat is expected to play out overall?

if anyone wants to talk characters, i'm making a south-indian born in 1023 with a maritime background. she doesn't have a role rn, but if we need someone older or male, i can swap her out.
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hi !! i don't think this was mentioned anywhere but what year is it? yknow, for age reasons
also, did you want the characters to spend time as found-family mercenaries like in the old guard or is it more flexible than that?
edit: and how much combat is expected to play out overall?

if anyone wants to talk characters, i'm making a south-indian born in 1023 with a maritime background. she doesn't have a role rn, but if we need someone older or male, i can swap her out.
oh, man. it's set sometime in the near future. thirty years have passed since things were even remotely normal. so thirty from now, maybe 2051?

a bit of both. they obviously know each other. have history together. they could have fought together and the likes, but i'm open to them having spent time apart as well. or just living together and not fighting. the possibilities are endless really. we don't have to strictly follow the movie, but it'd definitely be nice for them to have some sort of history together, combat history and other.

quite a bit. it's post-apocalyptic. people are desperate. there's plenty of conflict and disease to spare. but the main focus i guess would just be on them interacting with one another. finding the child. coming to terms with the fact that this new immortal is a child. seeing how that influences them and the likes. like i wanna see that good ol ✨ character development ✨

yo! i love that. can't wait to see how you develop her character!

i'm hopping on my cs again. i had something going and COMPLETELY shifted gears so i'll try and have a brief blurb about her up in a few.
UPDATE: Heyo! So excited to see the place holders and CS's everyones been putting together. They're looking SO good. I appreciate the time everyone has put into their characters and look forward to seeing what else is in store. ^^

I just wanted to give you guys a quick heads up about the due date. I've been having a rough time of late and things are pretty tight at the moment. My CS is still in the works but there's a possibility it might not be finished by the deadline. I'm thinking about extending it till after the weekend!
March 28th at midnight would be the new cut off. If anyone needs more time beyond that, feel free to PM me. I totally understand the anxiety about time constraints and RL always takes priority. I'm completely open to discussing things if you are at all concerned about the new deadline.

As always, happy writing!
I haven't got a whole lot to show for the amount of time I spent on Danny. Most of it's just been research but in the last few hours I've come up with a name, age, and P.O.B!!!


She was born in Poland during the 15th century and is roughly 600 years old now. Her name's Dajmira Wojcicka. Yeah. *cracks knuckles* Now... BACK TO WORK!
i’ve never done an rp with an immortal-character based storyline, so forgive the probably silly question, but - how does the immortality work? for example, my character looks about 23 but is over a century old, so did they get to 23 and stop ageing? or, i see mention of a first death - do they die at that age and β€˜come back’?? like i said, sorry if it’s a silly question lmao
i’ve never done an rp with an immortal-character based storyline, so forgive the probably silly question, but - how does the immortality work? for example, my character looks about 23 but is over a century old, so did they get to 23 and stop ageing? or, i see mention of a first death - do they die at that age and β€˜come back’?? like i said, sorry if it’s a silly question lmao
since we're following the old guard universe, they stop ageing after their first death ! if they didn't, everyone's characters would probably look super young
since we're following the old guard universe, they stop ageing after their first death ! if they didn't, everyone's characters would probably look super young
okay perfect ! i’ll have to do some more research on how the whole β€˜first death’ thing works,,, i’ve never seen the old guard lmao
i think i've done my CS! it's a little rushed so i'll probably go back and edit/add things, but all the important information is there!
bad wolf bad wolf hey hey! I've got two questions if that's alright :v
firstly! I've been so torn between applying for the First and the Soldier but I've mostly settled on the latter for now, so I was just wondering if giving them a DOB at around 430-ish A.D. would make them too old at all for that role? 1600-ish years old would keep them under the several thousands you mentioned for the First but like. I don't want it to infringe on the First and Second if the age difference has to be greater lmao

man. I know way more useless details about the late Roman Empire now than I ever thought I'd need in my life pahaha

second question, mildly grim, sorry about that loll but would a more 'permanent' death like decapitation actually get around their regeneration capabilities?
i think i've done my CS! it's a little rushed so i'll probably go back and edit/add things, but all the important information is there!
i took a look! i love the idea that art would lie about how he died but won't the initial immortals know he's lying from their dreams? unless none of them went looking until later

firstly! I've been so torn between applying for the First and the Soldier but I've mostly settled on the latter for now, so I was just wondering if giving them a DOB at around 430-ish A.D. would make them too old at all for that role? 1600-ish years old would keep them under the several thousands you mentioned for the First but like. I don't want it to infringe on the First and Second if the age difference has to be greater lmao
tbh i think the first and second would be way older, im personally hoping to see a spartan or babylonian princess? or maybe a riff on gilgamesh? im biased tho, those were my first ideas
i know in the movie andy is like 7000 and quynh is 5000, so that's probably the farthest back we could go

bad wolf bad wolf some more questions: im assuming the immortals have been sticking together since the start of the apocalypse, any idea what continent they're gonna start on?
do you also have any plans for a light lore page? mostly i want to know more about the disease + kinda want to make a timeline summary since im a sucker for continuity
bad wolf bad wolf hey hey! I've got two questions if that's alright :v
firstly! I've been so torn between applying for the First and the Soldier but I've mostly settled on the latter for now, so I was just wondering if giving them a DOB at around 430-ish A.D. would make them too old at all for that role? 1600-ish years old would keep them under the several thousands you mentioned for the First but like. I don't want it to infringe on the First and Second if the age difference has to be greater lmao

man. I know way more useless details about the late Roman Empire now than I ever thought I'd need in my life pahaha

second question, mildly grim, sorry about that loll but would a more 'permanent' death like decapitation actually get around their regeneration capabilities?
I think that'd work fine. Honestly, so long as each immortal is separated by a few centuries, it should all work out. They're also both supposed to be a few centuries old, the First and Second, so 1600-ish years for the soldier would work perfect!

FELT. This is my first time doing a Polish background for a character and it's got me sweating. xD

I don't think so. They can sustain massive fatal injuries and though it may take them longer to heal, they most always recover. It regenerates, grows back, however you'd like to look at it.

i took a look! i love the idea that art would lie about how he died but won't the initial immortals know he's lying from their dreams? unless none of them went looking until later

tbh i think the first and second would be way older, im personally hoping to see a spartan or babylonian princess? or maybe a riff on gilgamesh? im biased tho, those were my first ideas
i know in the movie andy is like 7000 and quynh is 5000, so that's probably the farthest back we could go

bad wolf bad wolf some more questions: im assuming the immortals have been sticking together since the start of the apocalypse, any idea what continent they're gonna start on?
do you also have any plans for a light lore page? mostly i want to know more about the disease + kinda want to make a timeline summary since im a sucker for continuity
LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki that's a good point chamomile made! they'd likely know he was lying somehow as they dreamed of him and his death. but i suppose if he's reluctant to talk about the day he died, the details could get a bit muddled over time, forgotten. the story changes, the original only remembered when the next immortal dies and dreams of it again.

yo! that would be amazing. it's got me thinking twice about my character again. but alas! i'm already in love with danny. xp

great question... one i haven't thought too much on so bear with me. i imagine they've contingency plans for if they ever get separated, meets ups, ways of finding each other. and if the dreaming doesn't lead them exactly to where they need, this could always be their fallback. so they don't have to have been together exactly. in fact, they could have been spending these thirty some years just trying to meet up again, the birth of a new immortal giving them more reason than ever to do so.
however you wanna take it, this is the first time in a long time they're all meeting up. and as to where that is... it's up in the air at the moment. most likely someplace in the states.

i could most certainly work on one! i've been hesitant to do so just b/c i'm not too sure what all to put on it, but these questions are definitely helping! i can type something up about the disease but i'm not too sure what you mean by timeline. if it's for the characters, i believe that would probably be more suited until after the cast has been finalized. i was hoping to do some relationship/history planning between characters in the discord chat.
OR.... b/c my brain's slow, sorry. did you just mean a timeline for the thirty years that passed? i could also work on that!
They're also both supposed to be a few centuries old, the First and Second,
i think you mean millenia here?

but i suppose if he's reluctant to talk about the day he died, the details could get a bit muddled over time, forgotten. the story changes, the original only remembered when the next immortal dies and dreams of it again.
now that i think about it a little, art could definitely get away with it if nobody found him during the war.
don't the dreams only show what the person is doing right then? and it's just the first dream that shows their death?

i could most certainly work on one! i've been hesitant to do so just b/c i'm not too sure what all to put on it, but these questions are definitely helping! i can type something up about the disease but i'm not too sure what you mean by timeline. if it's for the characters, i believe that would probably be more suited until after the cast has been finalized. i was hoping to do some relationship/history planning between characters in the discord chat.
OR.... b/c my brain's slow, sorry. did you just mean a timeline for the thirty years that passed? i could also work on that!
yes! that's what i meant, i can help compile where everyone was in each century and update it as more stuff gets plotted out
i think you mean millenia here?

now that i think about it a little, art could definitely get away with it if nobody found him during the war.
don't the dreams only show what the person is doing right then? and it's just the first dream that shows their death?

yes! that's what i meant, i can help compile where everyone was in each century and update it as more stuff gets plotted out
ah ha. yeeeah. xD

i believe so, but if we wanted to make them a more pertinent thing in this world, that's also cool. have the dreaming be a bit more than this short sequence that happens when you die/another immortal is born. have it be a continuing thing that keeps everyone connected and knowing of each other. i believe andy in the movie mentioned that she dreamed of other immortals for a while before meeting them. so it wouldn't be too far out of the realm anyways. it's just a thing that happens when they put distance between each other. even after their meeting, they still dream about one another.

i appreciate it! i'll definitely work out the disease and apocalypse timeline here soon. just trying to get a good portion of my cs done first.
I should be done with the healer by tonight hun! I'm really excited to participate in this roleplay

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