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Fandom Star Wars: The High Republic - A Legacy Reforged



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Hours before the Lighthouse embarked on its mission, the crew bids farewell onboard Starlight Beacon...


This old space station once served the High Republic at its golden age, made to light the way for the Outer Rim’s unexplored dark zones. One hundred years following its installation, and with the Separatist Rebellion being the most recent event in reshaping the galaxy, Operation Life Raft is meant to pick up the pieces; to remap the trails made broken from cyclical conflict. To find the voyagers who lost their way.

A farewell ceremony was organized by the Republic Committee, led by Chancellor Utrili, who gave a memorable speech in person. The event was filled with fireworks, confetti, and drinks, but the significance of the mission was truly expressed by some of the attendees; people who were still mourning the absence of their loved ones, as they cheered for the crew's success. As the Lighthouse finally disengaged from Starlight Beacon’s docking bay, a candlelight vigil waved goodbye. They held holo portraits of sons and daughters, wives, and husbands, and sang songs from their native worlds that conveyed good fortune. Maybe they told you a story or two about their missing persons, or asked with heavy hearts and teary eyes to bring them back some form of closure. In your mind, you know the chances of finding every lost soul are low. Perhaps you’re not even sure what you’ll find out there, but after tonight, maybe their encouragement motivates you more than ever to do your best.

For most, the Separatist war is still a fresh wound, and as the Lighthouse begins its campaign, the threats that await you in the Outer Rim are hard to ignore. Many UIA separatists have fled to these distant zones, hiding among wanted criminals, and bounty hunters to name a few. But regardless of the imminent danger you'll surely face, you soar into hostile territory as true as an arrow, carrying the hopes and dreams of the Republic along with you.

Location: Consular Frigate - Lower Deck

Admiral Fekusa was pleasantly surprised at how the salon pod accommodated his team. Nearly all of the seats surrounding the large, circular table were filled—save DX27 who was piloting the ship. The admiral went from leading a fleet of attack cruisers—each carrying thousands of Republic officers—to captaining a frigate with seventeen souls on board. Oddly enough, the stakes felt higher this go around. The Separatist Rebellion was a more straightforward objective in Admiral Fekusa's mind; The enemy was easier to spot with their shiny blue ships and gaudy armor.

Now, he had the whole Outer Rim to worry about.

Thankfully, the senate approved Chancellor Utrili’s proposal to upgrade the Lighthouse, priming it with the best specs suited for this operation. And while this Corellian prototype felt nothing like the old military vessel he grew accustomed to, taking command of any ship will always feel second nature to him; so long as he had a reliable crew.

The chain-of-command was made clear through the seating arrangement. Admiral Fekusa took his post at the top of the circular table. To his right sat Commander Iatu. His side represented the Republic Officers of the group. Following the sullustan, the order went by rank with Captain Vaujay Laviken, Lieutenant Elima Dencar, Second Lieutenant Specialist Neala Valyn, Chief Engineer Whaw Flontos, and Navigations Officer Varti Nalaak. Their uniform colors matched the ship’s exterior; dark brown with orange trim. Their rank badges were clipped to collars and breast pockets, along with the 'Life Raft' patch on their right arm; it contrasts with the whole uniform with a light blue threading, showing the symbol of a figure reaching out to a circle that symbolized the Outer Rim.

Jedi Master Jul Oyemesa sat in awkward silence on the admiral’s left. Her arc of the circle contained every non-military personnel. Jedi Master Altair and his twin Padawans Mercury and Danicel Starrider, Jedi Knight Naomei, Diplomat Xul Drafix, Chief Medical Officer Jain Beroya, and Chef Moro Karta stuck out with their own individual fashions. Though their dress clashed with the military garb of the Galactic Republic, they were still viewed--at least in the admiral's eyes--as part of the team. This was the Lighthouse crew, a diverse union that represented a diverse galaxy. The first of many to come from Operation Life Raft. Before the admiral could feel a sense of pride in that moment, he caught Varti Nalaak at the corner of his eye, picking his leaf-like nose without a care in the world. Fekusa quietly sighed to himself. For better or worse.

The bothan straightened the rank badge pinned to the left breast of his dark brown uniform. He glanced around as he rose from his chair, signaling for the chatter to quiet down.

“Alright everyone." Admiral Fekusa said. His voice was low and raspy, with a slight purr detected in every inflection. “I’d like to officially welcome you aboard the Lighthouse. I know you’re all still settling in, and after that ceremony on Starlight Beacon, I’m sure you’d like to catch up on some rest.”

“Or continue partying!” Whaw said without hesitation. The voice option for his translator box was set to a human Scottish accent, which further complemented his already jolly attitude. Officer Nalaak giggled, elbowing the ithorian. Admiral Fekusa's grin was meant to set the tone and let everyone know not everything was serious business, however, Commander Iatu’s stern look did just the opposite.

“With our first mission coming up, I'd ease up on the drinks Flontos." Commander Iatu forced a smile, but his cold black eyes made him look more sinister than welcoming. Both the ithorian and the chadra-fan straightened up in their chairs.

"This won’t take long.” Admiral Fekusa said, clearing his throat. In that moment, the Holo viewer at the center of the table lit up, displaying a 3D map of the entire galaxy.


“Over the past one hundred years, the Galactic Republic has sent an estimated total of over eighty exploration vessels across the edge of the galaxy. Only less than half of those ships have been accounted for. The Great Disaster, pirate raids, ship malfunction, environmental variables, and war... have all played their part in making it extra difficult for us to find them. Yet, with the end of the Separatist Rebellion, we've recaptured most of the Outer Rim that was held hostage by the UIA. Now, more than ever, we've a chance to bring our people back home."

“With the help of our intelligence division, we were able to pinpoint the last pinged signals from several republic ships. Most were located in desolate shipyards, or scrapped to pieces in random junk markets, but our charted course is based on the latest and most reliable data.”

The map zoomed in on the Outer Rim territories as three red dots blinked between the Corellian and Rimma hyperlanes.



“Starlight Beacon received three new SOS signals this past year. The first of the three is located on planet D’qar in the Sandbra sector, but we've been informed that its distress beacon went dark 48 hours ago. The SOS on this planet has been intermittent for the last eight months, and with the UIA no longer a presence in that area, we'll be able to swoop in and investigate. Intelligence believes the signal is coming from Radiant VI, a crew tasked to survey the planet as a potential colony site, fifteen years ago.”

“Our mission is simple: Investigate the location and look for survivors. Now, our mandate under Operation Life Raft is to also help any Outer Rim communities in need. Should that opportunity present itself on planet D’qar, we will do so at our discretion, but the main priority is Radiant VI.”

“Any questions?”

The falleen diplomat cleared his throat. For a politician, he appeared more like a wide-framed bruiser dressed in noble clothing, but his silver eyes conveyed a mindfulness expected from his station. “Are we operating under the assumption that this might be a trap?”

Admiral Fekusa shook his head, but Commander Iatu responded. “Every encounter in the Outer Rim should be handled with extreme caution, Senator Drafix. We may have won the war, but our enemies are still out there. That being said, a probe was sent to confirm the distress signal’s location before our departure. We’ll have a much clearer picture of what’s going on down there when we relink with the probe."

"Seems awful convenient their signal comes popping up a year after the UIA tucked tail." Lieutenant Elima Dencar's serious expression hadn't changed since the briefing started.

Jedi Master Oyesema smiled with hopeful optimism, her dimples warping the tattoos around her cheeks. "What better time to activate their distress beacon than now, after they've... as you mentioned: Tucked tail ? Hmm... You know, I actually wasn't aware of the UIA had tails. I was under the impression that they were a collective of predominantly human radicals, though the farghul were a vocal contingent in their hierarchy. But certainly not so extreme as to force non-farghul members into altering appearances for the sake of racial cohe—oh, sorry... I-I was thinking out loud again, wasn't I?"

“Again?” The chadra-fan said, filling the uncomfortable void of silence. "So...this is a thing you do?"

"More or less." Jedi Master Oyesema's light green skin went flush with embarrassment.

"Maybe...less? Ack!" Varti Nalaak squeaked as the ithorian elbowed him back.

The admiral cleared his throat, louder than he meant to this time. "To answer your more immediate concerns," The bothan made an approving nod as he looked everyone in the eye. "We'll handle whatever the Outer Rim throws at us. While I haven't personally worked with every single one of you, you were vetted by individuals I have the utmost respect for. Do right by them by giving me your best, and we'll be just fine. Now, go settle in and do what you need to do to get ready. Our ETA is in 10 hours. If you have any questions, I'll be here with Commander Iatu for just awhile longer. You're dismissed."
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Polite greetings were all Captain Vaujay Laviken had to offer those he spoke to at the party, and unfortunately for him, he spoke to many. As one of the ranking military officers on this mission, it afforded him perhaps more attention than he was comfortable with, which is to say, more than none. Standing there in his dress uniform, his stern frown only broke to answer questions and to try to deflect attention elsewhere. Mourners and hopefuls made up a significant swath of the going away celebration for the crew of the Lighthouse, people longing to see those they had lost so long ago and still clung to some desperate idea that they might be returned to them. His answers were reserved and respectful, but he made a point never to promise anything. In his opinion, it was entirely possible they wouldn't save anyone. After all, people missing in action for this long almost never come home in one piece.

Still, he didn't have it in him to dash their hopes. It was his duty to bring these people home, and Vaujay would do his best, even if it meant only bringing back something to bury. Still, he had never felt comfortable doing this part of his job. Interacting with civilians put him almost as much on edge as actual combat did. As the party continued, attention eventually shifted away from him and other members of the crew to the festivities in earnest. Fireworks, a rousing speech from the Chancellor, and strong drinks. A good combination for him to do his best to blend into the background, always shifting to the back of the room, away from whatever the focus was at that time. Going unnoticed was a difficult task, for someone of his stature and unwavering presence. The soldier stood upright throughout most of the proceedings, his hands firmly clasped behind his back. Finally, the call came to come aboard the vessel itself.

It took everything he had not to sigh with audible relief as the crew got ready to take the ship out, though his only tells were the slightest loosening of his set jaw and a barely noticeable relaxation of his clearly tensed shoulders. The ship pulled away, darting into the unknown with unfathomable speed. A droid piloting the ship didn't put him entirely at ease, but Vaujay understood that this was mostly just his own technical worries talking. If Admiral Fekusa trusted it to guide them to their destination, so did Vaujay. It was time to start something considerably more his speed: A briefing. Even with the odd location of a salon pod, sitting next to a row of fellow Republic soldiers did genuinely put him at ease, not that he let it show in any way. Even if he hadn't served with most of them, their presence was still reassuring. The only people here he was truly familiar with in any way were Commander Iatu and the Admiral. Of course, he had been briefed in passing on his comrades, but he hadn't exactly been handed a dossier.

On the one hand, the soldiers were half of strange stock. Chadra-Fan and Ithorians were hardly the first groups of people that sprang to mind when he thought of the Republic military between the former's size and the latter's peaceful reputation, but Vaujay knew better than to jump to conclusions. Anyone that was here likely deserved to be, for one reason or another. The Second Lieutenant had the build and demeanor befitting, from what he could recall, a technician. Certainly a more than welcome addition, in his book. Lieutenant Elima was the only one that carried herself more like a regular, boots on the ground soldier. Maybe it was that she had about as unflinching a scowl as his own. Maybe he was just projecting. Probably better not to ask.

On the other, across the table, a number of Jedi and a couple non-combatants sat attentively. They were harder to read. Vaujay respected the Jedi Order for what they had done for the Republic, and staunchly agreed with what they strived for, but the mysticism always kept them on the fringes of his understanding. He had seen them do amazing things, there was certainly no doubt about that, and he was glad to have them here. More individually, however, he felt a little more uneasy. Three of the five were all so... young. Inexperience could be deadly on a mission this important. Maybe they wouldn't need it, but Vaujay made a mental note to watch out for them. If it could be helped, no young men or women were going to go home from this endeavor in a casket. Next to a pair of twins sat an older Nautolan. Hopefully, he would take could care of the two boys.

Perhaps the most difficult to place was the Mandalorian. The memories of their recent civil war were still fresh in Vaujay's mind, and the experienced soldier found it difficult to simply accept at face value that her loyalties behind that helmet were truly to the Republic. Unfortunately for him, he was used to generally wearing a helmet, so this assessment effectively was him, one by one, glancing at pretty much everyone with that same stern frown. His gaze wavered on Jaina a little longer than the others, his frown deepening for a split second before turning back to the Admiral.

When the briefing began, Vaujay sat it utter silence. It was imperative that he understood, unfailingly, what their objective was here. As far as he was concerned, his world began and ended with what he was being told in that salon pod. It wasn't until other members of the crew chimed in that Vaujay turned his attention away from the Admiral, and not in a particularly good way. When Whaw quipped about continuing to party, his head quietly turned to face the Ithorian, his scowl deepening. The giggle from Varti only drew his ire further. It was less a proper look of malicious anger and more akin to a paternal glare, like a father trying to discreetly warn their upstart child without saying anything. The soldier was about to reprimand the both of them when Iatu beat him to it, doing so with a sort of quiet underhandedness Vaujay was keenly familiar with. His eyes didn't immediately move away from the pair. Fun was not a bad thing in any military setting. On the contrary, it was very important for morale. There was a time and place, however, and during this briefing was neither.

Everything was was mostly information he already knew, save the specifics about the D'qar system. A system that was, up until recently, under UIA control. Not ideal, as even if the UIA had truly abandoned the place there would likely be things left behind, such as loyalists, or physical traps in case the Republic tried to come back in. That was the best case scenario as well. When Senator Drafix spoke up, Vaujay nodded in agreement, speaking to the group for the first time. "It would be best to act like we're walking into an ambush until concretely shown otherwise. Even the probe's information could be doctored, if it was discovered. Better to be overprepared than under." His voice carried a rumbling bass, with a tone as steady and professional as his posture. Lieutenant Elima and the other Jedi, a Mirialan, continued to converse on the matter, Elima taking a more cautious, cynical stance with the Jedi initially arguing that there was no better time to call for help before losing her train of thought.

Vaujay cleared his throat towards the end of the Jedi's tangent, then scowled at Varti once more when the Chadra-Fan made a rude remark about her seeming distractibility. While it was certainly unprofessional, she bore the marks of a Jedi Master, and deserved to be afforded some respect as a matter of her station. "While possibly true, Master Jedi, I do still believe we should tread carefully. The UIA could well have left a parting gift at the very least for people like us looking to help the lost explorers." He neglected to address the continued discussion on Farghuls and whether the UIA had tails.

The Admiral drew the briefing back on course, if only to end it. Their dismissal was met with a customary salute from Vaujay as he gathered what belongings he still had on his person and turned to address the table, rising to his full height. "Thank you, Admiral." His voice was every bit as dry and matter-of-fact as he spoke now as it was before, but he shifted almost uncomfortably as he spoke. It wasn't that he was nervous, per se. This was just still very out of his element. The vibroknife scar on his cheek ached slightly, as it often did when addressing people outside of a purely military context. The human's brown eyes seemed to scan each of them in turn once again as his hands came to rest clasping behind his back, as they had during the party.

"I am Captain Vaujay Laviken. It is an honor to serve with all of you. I have served as a Corspman with the Republic Navy for almost twelve years and been a Captain with the Army for three. I will happily provide assistance to anyone who requires it." With a very slight nod, he continued. "As we only have those ten hours to get settled in, I am going to go to the Recreation area to perform an equipment check." His head turned to face the troops on his side of the table. There was a notable change in his stance, as he became markedly more comfortable. "I would recommend any of you intending to go planetside at any point do the same. If you have any questions for me as one of your ranking officers, I will gladly answer them to the best of my ability as well."

With that, he calmly went to his quarters, dropping off any unnecessary belongings of his. There was little of sentimental value with him, and anything he did have was kept well hidden as he slid his bag next to the bed. So, this would be home for a while. Quietly, he adjusted the slightly crooked pillow at the head of his bed. It would do fine. Now, on to business. Getting back into his armor was more a relief than anything. The heavy weight made him feel truly at ease. It protected him from blaster fire and from people. They could see the helmet, not his face. The soldier took his time making his way through the ship. It was important to become acquainted with its layout. A time may come where a quick response to danger could mean the difference between life an death.

It still didn't take very long for him to reach the Rec room. As stated, once there, he simply began checking his weapons and gear. His HUD only really served him for its basic functions, but that was, in his opinion, all he really needed it for. Vaujay trusted his eyes more than what a machine could tell him.
Emotions were a powerful thing. All Jedi knew this, but few could feel them quite as strongly as Naomie. And there were few places where emotions were the most free than at a party. As such Naomie wasn't a big fan of them. Even at the farewell ceremony where cheer was in the air the Jedi Knight could feel the pain hidden beneath it, the desperation radiating from those that came to talk to her, asking for closure. It was a tad overwhelming for her and, while she did her best to counsel and assure those she spoke to, she soon found herself needing to retreat from it all and excused herself from the celebration early.

It was a welcome relief when the Lighthouse departed and the tide of emotions were reduced to only seventeen people. Most were military personnel or fellow Jedi, people who knew how to control their emotions to some extent, but even as the crew joked amongst themselves she could still feel the underlying stress. After all, nobody knew how this expedition was going to go. One of the soldiers in particular seemed particularly anxious as he looked over the crew, or more specifically as he looked at the young Jedi and Padawans and especially when his gaze lingered on the Madalorian. She could understand; the young and a potential threat. She too had her own reservations about the woman, but if the Force had brought her here than it was undoubtedly where she belonged. Speaking of, she had been pleasantly surprised when she learned that Master Altair Capella and his Padawans were coming on this mission as they were familiar faces.

She listened as the Admiral gave them their mission briefing, remaining quiet even as Master Jul Oyesema devolved into a tangent. This was a Jedi Naomie had not gotten the chance to meet before. The briefing got back on track and came to close and the soldier from before took the opportunity to introduce himself. He was brief, and his anxiety dropped when he talked to the other military men. Then he recommended everyone checked their equipment before turning and leaving. Introducing himself and then leaving before anyone else could say anything. How curt. Well she decided to follow suit but actually stick around long enough to hear everyone else's names.

"I'm Naomie Engalhart." She announced softly, white cloak fluttering as she stood and bowed. "I'm a Jedi Knight and also serve as a counselor, so if you have anything you would like to talk to someone about I would be happy to lend an ear.
The party seemed to take far to much time in Mercury's eyes. He hated being in social gatherings and didn't speak to anyone, only slowly sipping on the one drink he held in his hand through the night. He just stayed by the wall and watched everyone, wishing he was invisible to anyone who dared look at him.

Danical on the other hand was very social and a curious creature. This had gotten him in trouble in the past with women thinking he had feelings for them. But really he was just curious and cared for all people.
He was a light to the party and a calmness followed him where ever he went and left the feeling with who ever he spoke too.

It wasn't until Master Altair Capella summoned the Starrider twins from the other side of the room.
Altair didn't even have to speak. The young men could just feel through the force when Altair needed them.
The three of them were well connected.

Both boys moved from were they where and walked over to their Master. One in black wearing leather gloves and the other in light cream and had nothing covering his hands.

Altair smiled at his two Padawans. He was proud of his boys and it wouldn't ve long before they were of age to be jedi knights, so he treasured every moment with his Padawans.
"Are you ready to meet our new team?"

They all walked together up the hallway that was leading to the main meeting room.

"Master I have been ready since you told us, we were all going on this mission."
Danical's smooth, rich voice spoke as he walked on the right side of his Master.

"Here's hoping the force has actually picked the team properly."
Mercury spoke quitely and looked down at his gloved hands almost as if he was showing some kind of nervousness.

Master Altair gently rested a hand on Mercury's right shoulder. He could feel the machenics of his robotic arm loosen a bit in the shoulder part he touched.
He knew his Padawan was nervous about working with new people and building trust didn't come easily for him, but no matter what he wanted Mercury to know he would always be by his side.

"The force knows better then us... we are merely servants of it. Who ever the force has brought into this team they would be here for a reason."
Altair gently lifted his hand from his Padawan's robotic shoulder and then walked into the meeting room with both of them.


It wasn't long for the three Jedi to be seated and then fully listening to everything that was going on.
Master Altair Capella knew it was wise to stay silent in these circumstances. Listening to the plan and paying close attention to every small detail was crucial and his Padawans did the same.
He was not only teaching them the ways of the force, but to also be skilled in planning and calculate everything in your surroundings. Leave nothing unnoticed.

When it came time for everyone to introduce themselves he waited until it was his turn to speak before letting his deep and acoustic sounding voice grace the room.
"I am Master Jedi Altair Capella. It is an honour to serve amongst all of you, for however long our time together will be. The force has certainly brought us all together to accomplish peace."
He looked to his right where Danical was sitting, looking very calm and watching every that was happening with his bright, captivating blue eyes.

"These are my Padawans, Danical Starrider-"

He stopped before looking over at his other Padawan sitting on his left side, who was clearly paying a bit too much attention to a curtain young Jedi Knight who they had already met on a few occasions.

"And this is Mercury Starrider."

As soon as he spoke his name Mercury shifted in his seat and looked down at his hands.

Altair continued. "They may still be young, but they are wiser behond they're years. And I trust both of them with my life."

Danical smiled over at his twin and Mercury returned his smile with a slight curve of the left side of his lip.
It was close enough to a smile and it made Danical grin.

Mercury cared deep for his brother and his Master, but he didn't let it show.

He couldn't help but glance back over at Naomie... the two of them were long overdue for a spaing match.

Danical smiled at everyone and took mental notes of each person on the room.
He hoped all of them would work well together.


"I seriously need to invest is a new music system for this shit box."
The purple, feminine hand lifted the half finished cigarette to full, beautifully shaped lips and drew in the rich smoke created from the cigarette.
The smoke soon slowly exited her lips as she slowly breathed out.

Aurora Australis knew she was late for this so called meeting. She wasn't interested in the party either. She was only after free drinks and hopefully the odd rich woman who had a few to many rings, bracelets or even a necklace to spare.

No... no no. That was the alcohol talking. She had been told strictly not to steal anything tonight.
She took a swig of her already half empty bottle of fire-water before taking another drawn in breath of her cigarette.

She flew her famous ship into the Lighthouse's Hangerbay and couldn't help but laugh when she saw the team making sure all space crafts were accounted for, when she land the all famous Firefly down infront of them.

She walked out to the back of her ship carrying her fire-water and cigarette both in her left hand.

She saw the looks she was getting from the crew and she grinned at them.
"Easy fellas. I'm hear for some meeting with the top guns."

"Aurora Australis... the meeting started over 20 minutes ago..."
One of the men piped up although he was still clearly star struck about the famous Firefly being right there infront of him.

She gave the man a wink and then kept walking.
"I know. Take care of my baby for me."

The men quickly got to work on investigating the outside of the space rig.

Aurora made her way to the main meeting room and took a swig from the bottle in her left hand as she entered the door without a knock knowing the meeting would be completely over, but the main bosses of this operation would be still there.

"It good to see you lot still look as up tight as ever?"
She tilted her head slightly to the right as she watched the others in the room and starting to exit.

"I'm guessing I didn't miss anything I probably won't hear about for the next few months anyway."

She took in a deep breath of her cigarette and then slowly released the rich smoke from her lungs.

"All I need to know for now is who exactly will be going inside my ship so I can allocate rooms, when we'll be going out on our first mission and when is pay day?"

She looked directly at Comander Iatu when she finished talking.

"Guess you're the man to ask these questions too."
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The Farewell Ceremony

The farewell ceremony, for Jain, was well attended. In her case, it helped that the chairman of the Intergalactic Zoology Society and a senior director for the Republic Survey Corps followed the Mandalorian around, introducing her to other officials. Unlike the Jedi, who evidently kept to himself, or some of the Republic officers who didn't mingle, Jain mingled. She showed interest in the senators and officials, answering their questions with a cheery politeness.

In particular, she made a point of speaking with families. Operation Life Raft was aimed at rescuing dozens of missing crews, some missing for a great long time, and some of the races in attendance here were long-lived enough or valued family enough to share stories of theirs. Dr. Beroya asked the invitees who they'd lost, and listened to everything they had to tell.

By the time the fireworks were finished and the crew ready to board the Lighthouse, Jain had dozens of stories to add to the official roster of the missing. She watched the candlelight vigil from a window, and noted how many holos held faces and names she now knew.

The Briefing

Once the Admiral called a meeting in the salon pod, the Mandalorian filtered into the room with the others invited. She took note of the chain of command represented by the seating arrangement. It seemed strange to join the Jedi side of the table, when the uniformed Republic officers were more like her people than those mysterious Force-wielders ever were. Jain took her seat next to Xul Drafix, the diplomat, and gave him a courteous nod if he glanced her way. She otherwise kept her own counsel until the briefing got underway.

The holography of the work ahead was familiar, of course. She'd studied the mission parameters carefully before formally signing on, wanting to know what she was getting into. The three specific red dots were of interest, though. Now, finally, planning transitioned to action.

When the time for questions came around, Dr. Beroya's voice projected from the environmental armor she wore, supplying the first and only personal information about the person inside including confirmation that she was a woman.

"Admiral, I'm curious if there are any supplemental missions or ships planned in concert with Operation Life Raft. The Lighthouse is a frigate. I know scout and survey missions often had smaller crews, perhaps half a dozen in complement, but if any of our leads are for ExplorCorp Scout Ships or even a Praxeum vessel, that's quite a bit more. This ship can accommodate...what, sixteen additional passengers or so? What if we have survivors to evacuate? Or is the Republic intending to hold off on planning rescue missions until they receive our reports?"


BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
Captain Laviken's scrutiny of her appeared to pass entirely without comment or even an indication she'd noticed. Given the helmet she wore, entirely possible she hadn't. Given she's Mandalorian, entirely possible she had.

She acknowledged his introduction with a single nod of her helmet.

Ian Temero Ian Temero LibbyM098 LibbyM098
The Jedi were quite a bit more interesting, though. Jain had laid eyes on one before, when she was studying on Coruscant. This was the first time she'd ever been close to a Jedi, though, much less the half dozen on this mission. It was impossible to see exactly what she looked at under that visor but noticing the visor was pointed in their general direction was easy enough to do.

A counselor? An unexpected advantage. And what were Padawan? A term she'd have to look up if given the opportunity.

LibbyM098 LibbyM098
Aurora's arrival was certainly the splashiest. As the disreputable looking woman asked her questions and made her demands, the Mandalorian broke the resulting silence with a chuckle that sounded just a touch distorted through her armor's vocoder.

"You're just in time for introductions," she said, in a voice that sounded far more amused and friendly than that imposing armor the Mandalorian wore. "Speaking of, I'm Dr. Jain Beroya of Clan Beroya, House Vizsla. I'm the Chief Medical Officer for this mission. I know better than to ask you all to come in for physicals but do come to me if you have any conditions that need treatment, or if you are wounded. The strength of all can depend on the strength of one; don't be the weak link in the chain."


Once the briefing was wrapped and questions answered, Dr. Beroya gave a "Thank you, Admiral," in nearly the same routine, practiced tone Captain Laviken had. She then proceeded to the Med Bay. She'd already gone by her assigned quarters before reporting to the briefing to drop off the meager personal possessions she'd opted to bring.

She had ten hours to confirm the inventory stores of bacta, drugs, bandages and a sundry of other disposable materials used in the saving of lives. Once done, she inspected every sensor, every diagnostic instrument, every device. Mandalorians lived for personal challenge. And Mandalorian physicians needed the very best of weapons in the eternal, inevitably doomed war against death.

During the briefing…
Epiphany Epiphany
"Admiral, I'm curious if there are any supplemental missions or ships planned in concert with Operation Life Raft. The Lighthouse is a frigate. I know scout and survey missions often had smaller crews, perhaps half a dozen in complement, but if any of our leads are for ExplorCorp Scout Ships or even a Praxeum vessel, that's quite a bit more. This ship can accommodate...what, sixteen additional passengers or so? What if we have survivors to evacuate? Or is the Republic intending to hold off on planning rescue missions until they receive our reports?"

As Admiral Fekusa listened to Dr. Jain Beroya, he acknowledged her concerns, thankful for the question she asked, and addressed the response without missing a beat. “We’ll be coordinating with the 6th fleet led by Admiral Prostio, who's been designated to the Sandbra sector since the launch of this operation. Once we resolve the situation on planet D’qar, we’ll hand off any personnel to them before proceeding onto the next. Now, I’d like nothing more than to have a fleet like the 6th escorting us all the way to the edge of the galaxy, but the Navy is spread thin as is. While they’re obligated to assist us, their main priority is to patrol the entire sector. But make no mistake: One way or another, we won’t be alone out there.”

Her helmet made it hard for the bothan to gauge a response. Regardless, he believed in his answer, just as he believed in the 6th fleet, and left it at that.

After the briefing...
BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
Watching Captain Laviken interact with the crew was a welcomed sight for Commander Iatu. After chastising the Chadra-Fan for his behavior towards Master Oyesema, the sullustan was relieved to see somebody representing the uniform with class. He expected nothing less from the soldier. Having served with the human during the war, the Captain was an exemplary leader through and through, with nerves of steel that reminded the Commander of himself, only Laviken had it in spades, hence his nickname. I reckon we'll be needing a whole lot of that for what's to come...

LibbyM098 LibbyM098
Just then, DX27 confirms the arrival of The Firefly. As minutes pass, its owner eventually finds her way into the salon pod. Her sudden introduction, and immediate line of questioning was off-putting to the Commander. The cigarette smoke and casual liquor-sipping were icings on the cake.

After Dr. Beryoa gave her introduction to the pilot, Commander Iatu immediately chimed in.

“With how she waltzed in here the way she did, she might just need to get her head checked.” Commander Iatu approached Aurora with the smooth gait of a predator. ”Glad you could finally make it aboard. Hope you didn’t get lost along the way.” His tone was cold and unflinching, and just as he was about to raise his voice in front of everyone, Chief Engineer Whaw Flontos swooped in as jolly as ever.

“Oh, Commander Sir, don’t you worry!“ The Ithorian said, shaking his large fist in the air. “I’ll teach her a thing or two about manners!”

It all happened so fast, yet as the Ithorian led her to the exit, he immediately gave up the show once the doors slid shut behind them. “You’re THE Aurora Australis, right? Of course you are! Nobody else could walk in there like you did and get away with it! By golly, you used to be one of the best space racers of your time! I can’t believe the Firefly is really on board. Ahem, right. So, let me fill you in on the details.”

The ithorian explains in detail everything the half-zabrak missed out on. He was very thorough, perhaps too thorough for Aurora’s liking, but he insisted. After all, Whaw Flontos was very detail-oriented, and that reflected in how smoothly The Lighthouse ran. They walked as they talked, and when the Chief Engineer was finally done, he had inadvertently led her to the Dining Room. Behind the counter was a bipedal service droid ready to serve them, but Whaw Flontos--for all of his bluster during the briefing to keep the party going--had other plans.

“Um, if you don’t mind...would it be okay if I checked out your ship?” Whaw’s sandwich-like smile unrolled at the side-slits of his face, giddy like a child. “I won’t bother you for a tour, I just wanted to see it all for myself. I promise I won’t touch anything!”

Ian Temero Ian Temero
Jedi Master Oyesema perked up as Jedi Knight Naomei introduced herself as a counselor. It was good to know there was a professional of that sort on board, she thought, but she wasn't quite sure how she felt confiding in a Jedi who was lower ranked than her. One of Master Shimun's teachings resurfaced in her mind as she ruminated on the subject. 'Master is a fanciful title for an experienced student. Knowledge? Well, Oyesema, knowledge has no titles. When you truly unburden yourself from ego, only then can you truly learn.'

A tinge of sadness was felt as she recalled that fond memory of her former master.

"I look forward to speaking with you, Jedi Knight Naoemi." She said with a slight bow. The hesitation in her voice, while subtle, could be felt, but she masked it with a smile as she turned to everyone else. "As well as the rest of you. I look forward to hearing all about your stories..."

After introductions were had and questions were answered, the salon pod is empty--save Xul Drafix-- as everyone settles into their new home...


**Admiral Din Fekusa is currently on The Bridge getting a full communications report from DX27**

**Commander Iatu is also on The Bridge, going over the patrol logs from the 6th fleet**

**Jedi Master Oyesema is dining alone at The Lounge. She is currently reading a very old leather bound tome**

**Diplomat Xul Drafix is currently reaching out to the politicians of the illenium system at The Salon Pod**

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
**After a ‘playful’ sparring match with Nav Officer Varti Nalaak, Lieutenant Elima Dencar gets the rest of her workout on a droid dummy at The Recreation Room. Afterwards, she approaches the Captain with a snappy salute then asks: ‘Need any help, Captain?’ **

Epiphany Epiphany
**Nav Officer Varti Nalaak approaches The Med Bay, clutching his side. The Chadra-Fan approaches Dr. Beryoa with a shameful look on his face. ‘Um...Doc? I think I broke something’**

**Moro Karta has barely said a word to anyone. He quietly heads into The Dining Room’s kitchen and begins a meal prep**​
((Collab with ThePowerCosmic ThePowerCosmic ))

Vaujay's gaze quickly shifted upwards from his blaster for the first time since entering the rec room. Still sitting down with the blaster across his lap, he nodded in greeting. "At ease, Lieutenant," Came his stiff, formal reply to her comparatively upbeat tone. "As stated before, I'm just checking that my gear is up to par before we have to go planetside." Of course, he had already checked it before coming to the party. That wasn't the point. A lot of troopers eased up on the rigorous routine once they got out of training; Vaujay was not one of them. Beneath his helmet, he studied her yet again. "You can give the blaster a pass, if you'd like. Second set of eyes never hurt." The soldier held the blaster out to the younger officer. One fairly easy way to get a gauge on her would be to see how she handled the rifle, after all.

The lieutenant handled the blaster with a calm, yet careful attitude. Nothing was more comfortable in her hands than a rifle. After fidgeting with the targeting sensor, and double checking the cooling coils and gas valves, she handed it back to the Captain with a confident nod. "Everything looks in order, sir." Elima said. "I'm sure its served you well." She then gathered herself to express the real reason why she approached Laviken in the first place: "I must say Captain, it's a relief to have you on board. They were pretty hush-hush about the roster when they first signed me on. Had me worried I was going to be the only grunt in this outfit." She then straightened her posture, and stared assuredly at the view plates of his helmet. "I read up on what you did at the Battle of Balmorra. I just want to let you know that if things go south, you can count on me to have your back, sir."

Every move she made with the rifle was scrutinized behind his view plate. Most soldiers, if asked to dress down a rifle they had never personally used before, would have fumbled their way through it with a bevy of mistakes, but Lieutenant Elima had moved on with practiced ease. The captain nodded approvingly as she handed it back, glad to feel its weight in his hands yet again. "Very good, lieutenant. It's seen me through a scrap or two." In truth, he'd kept the older rifle for largely sentimental reasons, something he rarely did; the thing had survived the Separatist War in his hands, so in his hands it would stay.

As far as the roster went, he was again very glad to be wearing a helmet. She wouldn't be able to see the almost palpably weary look on his face, though his shoulders slumped slightly. It wasn't that he wasn't glad to serve with these people. Vaujay just had an easier time with people that had some direct military connection to him, be they peers, subordinates, or superior officers. The dynamic was clearer. Still, when he spoke, his voice was very professional and matter of fact. "I understand, Lieutenant. I am glad to not be the only foot soldier aboard, as well. If you aren't familiar with Commander Iatu, he is a good man and a good leader, as well."

So far, the conversation had the candor of standard talk between soldiers in a unit. Vaujay was comfortable. That is, until she mentioned the Battle of Balmorra. A flash of images barraged his mind. His hands firmly clasped over the blaster wound of a boy almost ten years younger than him. Mud thrown up into his face by a nearby explosion nearly darkening his HUD entirely. The disoriented panic of a unit without leadership dissolving into chaos. Blood running down the side of his head after he discarded his helmet and was nearly decapitated for his trouble. The scar on the side of his face, earned during that battle, ached in protest of the recollection. She really hadn't wasted any time looking him up. Unsurprising, and he didn't fault her for it. knowing what your XO's deal was could save you getting your ear screamed off, or worse.

A few seconds went by, for his part, in silence. Vaujay finally rose to his feet, rolling the blaster over his back. Hands free and now on his feet, Vaujay returned the earlier salute. "And I, yours. I appreciate it, Lieutenant." The sentiment was genuine, though he still wished to move on from the topic. "It seems you have me at something of a disadvantage. Tell me about your service."

Snapshots of her life up to this point laid before her mind's eye like a hand of Sabaac. In an effort to impress the Captain, she handpicked the best parts and shuffled out the unsavory details, opting to play her cards safe with a manicured overview of her record. "Top graduate from Carida Academy. Served a tour at Mid Rim in the Tashtor sector chasing pirates before they stuffed me in with the crazies at Horn Company. We were a very gung-ho Special Services unit tasked for ship capture. Hijacking UIA frigates via Hammerhead cruisers or drop pods, then turning them against their own fleets was our MO. A lot of bumpy rides, sir, especially when the enemy made their last ditch effort on Coruscant. Here's to hoping Operation Life Raft won't be as...problematic."

If she had a hard drink, she'd chug it whole. The damage done in the wake of the UIA's siege on Coruscant was immeasurable. The hail of falling ships from both fleets toppled skyscrapers, which in turn snowballed chunks of debris down into the lower sectors. Thousands of lives were lost. The city planet is still recovering from its effects a year later, but even after the Core world is fully rebuilt, the Lieutenant couldn't bear to go back.

"I'll take my leave if you don't need help with anything else, Captain," Elima said, her poker face unwavering. "I should check up on Officer Varti. I'm pretty sure I cracked his ribs during our sparring match."

The rather grim subject of the Siege of Coruscant certainly put a damper on the conversation. He hadn't lost any familiar, personally, but Vaujay was well aware that made him one of the lucky ones. Still, she described a colorful service in high stress situations. He would independently do more research on her, as he would all of his subordinates of course, but so far first impressions were pretty good. "Well... Horn may be crazy, but it might be exactly the kind of crazy necessary to bring these people home."

He was about to dismiss her when she mentioned what had happened to Varti. Very quickly, Vaujay's back stiffened. "Lieutenant Elima, you did what to our navigations officer on your first day with him?"

“Uh...” She scratched her head, smiling with an eyebrow raised, bringing her hands up in defense. Just when things were going so well. “It wasn’t intentional, sir. Officer Varti kept taunting me, then told me not to hold back. I... simply did as requested!”

Her mind raced to find some sort of deflection. Staring at his helmet, she immediately thought of the Mandalorian and nodded before adding: “I’m sure Dr. Beryoa can make him right as rain by the time we jump out of hyperspace. State-of-the-art equipment and all.”

Lt. Elima took in a deep breath and braced for the Captain’s reprimand.

Now, if Elima expected to get screamed at, she lucked out in the fact that wasn't the captain's style of leadership. That being said, his voice carried with it a genuine disappointment, like an upset father. "Lieutenant Elima, I expected better from what little I knew of you. Everything we do reflects back on the uniform. Including assaulting our fellow officers because they happened to get under our skin." His unfeeling helmet never turned away from the lieutenant. "The fact that Varti will probably be alright is irrelevant. I expect you to not only ensure he is alright, you will apologize to Officer Varti for your lack of professionalism. Dismissed, Lieutenant."
“Yes, sir!” The Lieutenant snapped a firm salute, then spun on her heels toward the Med Bay. Varti would’ve had a field day seeing me get chewed out like that. She clenched her teeth, trying her best not to swear within earshot of the Captain as she made for the exit.

That was the last Vaujay really thought about it. It wasn't exactly the end of the world, a soldier getting too rough with her comrade, nor was it exactly out of the ordinary, as much as he wanted to stamp it out. Hopefully, Elima had at least learned her lesson about being so frivolous about it with the captain. Turning to face his gear, Vaujay finished his check, placing each of the items wherever it went on his person one by one. With that business concluded, the soldier considered where to go to next. He could always meet another member of the team - a physical or a pass with the ship's counselor would probably be wise - but, for now, he just set about exploring the ship.

Vaujay made a point to get to medical last, so Elima would have a chance to conclude her business there, where he would likely just stand at the door, assuming she was even there by the time he reached it.

Naomie Engalhart
Location: Solon Pod -> Rec Room East Wing
Interactions: ThePowerCosmic ThePowerCosmic LibbyM098 LibbyM098
Mentions: Everyone

As was stated before Naomie was glad to have Master Altair and his Padawans along, though not just because of them being familiar faces but because of the emotions they brought along. She doubted that one needed as strong of empathy as hers to feel the love and bond the three of them shared. Like a family. She was a little envious, but it was a good feeling to be around. She was also aware of the anticipation Mercury was feeling as he watched her, though she didn't respond to it. For now.

Aurora came in and Dr. Jain introduced herself. Naomie found it a little surprising for a mandalorian to be a doctor- But no, she mustn't be judgmental. Just because she was a mandalorian it did not mean that she was a warrior. And what surprised her more was the excitement rolling off the ithorian towards the newcomer. Was she someone famous?

Oyesema bowed to her and Naomie returned the bow. "And I you, Master Oyesema." Though she felt some hesitation. And perhaps some judgment? Well it was a common feeling she got from those older than her when she mentioned her side job, either because she was young or 'wasn't taking her training seriously'. It had never deterred her before and it wasn't about to now.

The introductions came to a close and Naomie bowed once again to the group. "I'll be in the quiet rooms if anyone has need of me. Or wish to challenge me." She added, throwing a wink Mercury's way before turning and walking out of the room, white cloak fluttering behind. She made her way to the rec room, passing Vaujay and Elima with a nod, stopping in front of the first door of the east wing, and pressed the button to let her inside. Stepping in she found a spot to sit on the floor and closed the door with the wave of her hand. Then she closed her eyes, took a deep breath in and out, and tuned out the sounds of the ship around her. If no one came looking for her she would remain here for a while, meditating and searching for some foresight or even a vision of what trials were to come.
Ian Temero Ian Temero
Mercury started to walk out with his Master and Twin, when he cought the words of Naomie.
A smirk crossed his lips when she threw a cheeky wink his way.
He could feel his mood lightening from that. Oh she was asking for it now.

Danical cought the wink that was given in Mercury's direction. He knew the two of them were somewhat friends and Naomie was going to end up being a distraction for Mercury... he could sence it already. As for his Master he didn't seem to notice the interaction between the two! Everyone in the room had to have seen that! He just had to hope that they wouldn't be blinded to the force by this new found friendship.

As the three men walked out, Mercury turned around to his Master and obviously unsettled brother.
"I'm going to go train... it's been a while."
He made a brake for it by himself heading to the training room.

Yeah... go train. Danical wasn't so sure about that.

Mercury couldn't help but smile when he walked slowly into the training room and saw Naomie looking so peaceful as she meditated.

He quietly took off his robes leaving just his pants on, exposing how his robotic left arm also went up to his shoulder. Scars also made their way across his muscular chest and stomach, which was obviously from the accident that no one talks about.

He carefully took off his black, leather gloves and then began to wrap up his left hand with a red bandage so it wouldn't hurt as much when sparing.

His eager, ocean eyes glared over in Naomie's direction.
He playfully picked up a small rubber ball and threw it into her direction so it would hit her in the shoulder.

His deep, husky voice finally broke the silence.
"Are you in a Force trance or are you ready to dance?"

Even tho Naomie was a Jedi Knight and he was just a Padawan... he felt like an equal to her. She had never treated him like he was lower then her. His own twin had a habit of treating him that way, but not Naomie. The two of them were equals with a rivalry between them he always kept adding fuel too.

ThePowerCosmic ThePowerCosmic

Aurora Australis just sipped on her fire-water as she watched the Comander walk towards her.
She thought his face was going to turn bright red if he didn't breath.
She found his scolding some what amusing. It had been years since someone had tried to put her in a place she would never fit into.

The amusement turned into curiosity when a Ithorian chimed up.
He was going to teach her manners? Well that could be interesting.

It wasn't until the two of them walked out together the true colors came out of the Ithorian.
A smile came across her lips as he spoke.
It had been a while since she races and she wondered if she should take it up again.

When he quickly filled her in on what was going to happen, she was glad she had missed the half an hour long meeting, that she was now cought up on in under 60 seconds.

As they went into the dining room and where greeted by a service drone she couldn't help put out her cigarette bud in a tray and order herself and the Chief Engineer a drink.

She clicked glasses with him and then quickly drank the shot of alcohol as she listened to his request to see the ship.
"For the man that saved me from an ass whooping from the Comander... Hell I'd take you for a spin in it. Maybe you could help me with the delay it's been having. It chokes up a bit just before I flick it to jump into light speed. It's only been doing since my last job.
I took a bit of a hit. I've patched it up the best I could, but I'm no Chief of Engineering." She gave him a wink and then ordered them another round of drinks.
"These drinks are free right?"
ThePowerCosmic ThePowerCosmic
The arrival of Nav Officer Nalaak found Dr. Beroya in the middle of inspecting the power cable joining one of the med bay diagnostic beds to ship's power. Hunched low over the exposed panel, the Mandalorian's armor might have blended in, if it didn't favor purple hues over the medical center's more bluish theme. When the doors to Medical Quarters opened up, that visor turned and spotted the arrival of the pained Chadra-Fan but she didn't address him until she'd resealed the cable armoring and tucked it back behind its servicing panel.

Jain Beroya rose then, clad in gleaming armor, and if she wasn't especially tall for a Mandalorian she was likely twice the height of the diminutive Navigations Officer. That impassive visor tilted slightly when Varti Nalaak voiced his concern, giving the initial impression of indifference. Until she spoke.

"Not even to our first destination and you've managed an injury. I can't say it's a record, Officer Nalaak, but I hope it's not an omen. Well then, on the bed, let's have a look at you."

The Mandalorian scientist's voice was cheerful, amused and even a bit sympathetic to the poor man's pain, incongruous as it was with the typical Mandalorian stoicism. Her body language was as blunted as her appearance, in both cases concealed behind her armor. She didn't slouch, rarely moved at all except when fetching a new medical device. Her pleasant conversational tone might have been fed in by a remote operator for all her good humor failed to show on the woman herself.

"Well, you've acquired some rather lovely contusions across your abdomen as well as your maxilla, neck and chin," Dr. Beroya said after running Varti through the med bay's diagnostic bed. "Judging by the angles, I'd hazard a guess that you picked a fight with someone twice your size. Dermal abrasion of the metacarpal-phalangeal joint suggests it wasn't entirely lopsided either. Good for you."

Jain studied the results a moment longer, than pulled up the ship's medical database to cross reference her observations with species-specific files on the Chadra-Fan. "I'll be honest, Officer Nalaak, you're the first of your kind I've personally treated. But worry not, you're in good hands here. I now have good scans of your anatomy and bone structure and it looks like the pharmacological profile for the Chadra-Fan isn't too exotic. Most of the broad-spectrum bacta and drugs on board should work nicely, not that you'll need all that for this. Here." She produced a syringe and loaded it with a vial from the sealed pharmaceutical vault that made up one of the two main Medical Quarters' store rooms. "This should numb any immediate discomfort while keeping you lucid, as I expect the Admiral will want you functional and at your post in ten hours. Beyond bruising, you've also torn several of the costal cartilage connecting your ribs to your sternum. If you'd like to stay here until our arrival, a dermal microseal regenerator should clear up those contusions and fix most of the damage to your ribs. At which point I'll release you with a bacta micropatch to take care of the remainder. If you'd rather tough it out and return to duty now, I can apply a bacta micropatch now as long as you promise to return by this time tomorrow to replace it. Two days and you should feel right as rain."

"Now." The Mandalorian leaned forward as she began treatment, depending on what the Navi Officer chose. "Next time you feel the urge to challenge someone twice your size, consider your tactics. Most species aren't used to sparring with someone much smaller than them. Their martial training is typically focused on protecting their head, chest, abdomen, only one of which is going to be routinely an option for you. Take advantage of that. Watch their kicks and aim for the knees. You'll be able to strike in directions they aren't practiced at parrying. Trip them. Knock them down. Their relative mass is higher than yours; a fall hurts them more than it's going to hurt you. If there's time after we arrive, find me and I'll demonstrate several techniques you might find useful in the future for dislocating their knees."

"One last thing," she said, just as the doors to the Medical Quarters opened, admitting Lieutenant Elima Dencar. The Mandalorian circled the diagnostic bed and walked to the back of the room, where she reached into an opaque jar she'd set up on her desk. Silent, impassive and a bit regal with her flowing cape framing her armor-clad figure, Dr. Jain Beroya returned to the navigator's side. That featureless visor studied the diminutive alien for another moment. Then her arm rose in much the manner of a warrior bringing up a pistol.

But her hand instead held an orange lollipop. She waited for Varti to take it before saying, "You've been a good patient. Avoid any blows to your costal cartilage. Come back if you need any follow up."

Then the visor turned to regard the just-arrived Elima and that cheerful voice issued from the suit's vocoder. "Lieutenant." And she waited to see if she had another patient.

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