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Fandom Star Wars: The Clone Wars

I could edit my post to add in that she is making her way to a Jedi Master at the hanger too, if you'd like!
Was your post already edited? In that case, it'll be all right. I'm working on my next post for Lee now, in which he receives news that solves one dilemma yet opens up another.
I just wrote in a sentence or two to give the post a little more direction!

Also, I'm kind of really terrified of Kaleli! She's a scary looking woman.
bobokapita said:
Hi, @RIPSaidCone , I was wondering if my post was long enough. Also, would my character be able to land on Clak'Dor VIII anywhere?
If your craft had stealth capabilities then probably, keep in mind that you'd have to be quick given the Separatist fleet patrolling the space around the planet. Also like your post :P
Veirrianna Valentine] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14333-ripsaidcone/ said:
I haven't constructed a character sheet as of yet, but only because I wanted clarification on a single matter that has been causing more trouble than it's worth as of late.

What are your thoughts on the uses or restrictions of the Expanded Universe/Legends and the 'Disney Canon'? I only ask because I've encountered difficulties before with someone claiming only Disney confirmed canon is allowed, and want to know if that's the case before I attempt joining this RP.
The EU is canon here, I've always liked it more than the Disney canon for the most part. Only thing I don't like about the EU is the fact that the clones knew about Order 66 beforehand.
Cooper said:
I just wrote in a sentence or two to give the post a little more direction!
Also, I'm kind of really terrified of Kaleli! She's a scary looking woman.
Sith in a nutshell really xD
RIPSaidCone said:
If your craft had stealth capabilities then probably, keep in mind that you'd have to be quick given the Separatist fleet patrolling the space around the planet. Also like your post :P
Ty. Seen as the ship is uite hi-tech it probably does. Also, gonna wait for events to unfold a little more before I write my next post.
WheatThins47 said:
For appearance, do I have to use a picture or is a description okay?
A picture would be appreciated if you could, it's not required though :P (You can use a description if you want)
Geez sorry everyone for totally disappearing. I stopped getting notifications for this thread and I'm getting sick.

*runs off to finish a character*

Decided this looked like fun and needed some actual clones in the clone wars
Put together my own little creation myself. It's a touch out of the box, but as far as troops and commanders go, there were a number of non-clone ones, so I figured why not. Personally I prefer the Farghul to the Cathar, but you wouldn't believe the rarity of Farghul pictures in general. Heck, even the Cathar are few and far between.
Man, I like the look of all these new characters. I think we have an eclectic range of personalities in this roleplay.

As a sidenote, I very rarely play a 'good' or heck, even 'nice' character. It's quite different for me to play someone reserved and polite and so.... I guess far left? It makes writing her dialogue really hard because I'm not used to it. Oh well, practice!
Cooper said:
Man, I like the look of all these new characters. I think we have an eclectic range of personalities in this roleplay.
As a sidenote, I very rarely play a 'good' or heck, even 'nice' character. It's quite different for me to play someone reserved and polite and so.... I guess far left? It makes writing her dialogue really hard because I'm not used to it. Oh well, practice!
Stepping out of your comfort zone for characters is great writing practise, and I've often found it opening my eyes to things in the real world too as I come to view things from a separate, other perspective.

Also, haven't been accepted yet, but I sure hope I do, cos this actually seems like a SW RP that might last more than six posts for a change.
Well I hope you do get accepted! ( :) )

And yeah, I've only been on this site since the weekend so I can't say how others have gone. But this one is moving at a good pace so far, I think as long as nobody gives up on it then it will stay this way. I have no intention of dropping it. Not like my own roleplay that has just derailed into.... nonsense ( -_- ") haha!
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Stepping out of your comfort zone for characters is great writing practise, and I've often found it opening my eyes to things in the real world too as I come to view things from a separate, other perspective.
Also, haven't been accepted yet, but I sure hope I do, cos this actually seems like a SW RP that might last more than six posts for a change.

And the posts actually have more than six lines!
RIPSaidCone said:
I was actually in the middle of writing a post to say that you were accepted! :P Enjoy
Just because a few people have been saying they've been having issues with notifications lately(myself included -.- )there are two new CS's chilling about. That and I finally got around to constructing my own too =P
IG42 said:
And the posts actually have more than six lines!
That too. It makes this RP look really promising. That and it's obvious Cone has done research on the work too, and that's always nice to see.

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