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Fandom Star Wars: Rise of Darkness

This. Looks. AWESOME!

I'm all about the Mandalorian hype right now, so would a Mandalorian mercenary/adventurer character be amiss?
Force Wardens Founded by Corwils Starev, Anyalea Wainstr, Lexulea Brialb, and Jormal Trulbun, all Former Jedi Exiled due to their distinct lack of adherence to the Jedi Code, and wishing to train in both aspects of the force. Following their exile, the four had left the temple on coresant, to find a new home where they could train and experiment with all aspects of the force without the council breathing down their necks. The four allowed the force to guide them, as they drifted through the void from the unknown regions into wild space, where they came upon a world steeped in the power of the force. The entire planet a nexus of this energy neither light nor dark. They soon found after landing that the world was inhabited, and that they were all powerful in the force, though their abilities were raw and untrained. Soon the four learned that the world they now inhabited was once the seat to a powerful empire that rivaled both the Republic and the Sith of old, and found relics and technology thought lost to the sands of time. The four would learn the name of the would, Tulpaa, and would soon unify the tribal people under a new order, one devoted to all aspects to the force, and to maintaining the balance very much like their new home. The Force Wardens had united the peoples of Tulpaa, and once more uplifted them. They had also rebuilt their once mighty citadel, making it the main temple to their order. Soon their numbers would grow, and their members would spread throughout the unknown regions and outer rim, recruiting anyone sensitive in the force, while hiding from the jedi.

Culture Unlike the jedi, the Force Wardens embrace both the light and the dark seeing them as two sides of the same coin. Because of this, they have become more martial in organization, while basing some of it off the jedi's. Unlike the jedi, they do not forbid attachment, and in fact encourage it. They also do not exclusively recruit children, or former jedi, but also adults and darkside practitioners so long as they swear to uphold the balance. The Force Wardens even take in non-force users, as they too play a part whether it be a soldier, or a craftsman. While the Jedi prefer their lightsabers, the Force Wardens employ numerous weapons in combat. Some even taking up physical blades that can turn aside the plasma of a lightsaber with ease. And like the Sith of old and Jensaarai, make use of armour or armoured robes granting greater protection. The Force Wardens have also adopted some sith teachings, at least some that could be recovered from the ruins they explored on worlds strong in the darkside. This has made them very open minded towards other groups, and extremely adaptive. one of the stranger aspects of the Force Wardens, at least from the eyes of an outsider is their lack of embarrassment or modesty, finding that the members bathe communally and sometimes train naked as the day they were born like the echani. The reasoning behind it is to both build confidence and remove the shock of nudity, for some foes will attack at inopportune times, and will use the embarrassment to their advantage. This also works the other way around. In fact it is not uncommon to find a Warden fighting enemies in the buff.

Organization the Force Wardens like the Jedi have ranks within the group, along different sects within the order.
Ranks compared to the Jedi Order: Initiate - Youngling
Apprentice - Padawan
Crusader - Knight
Warden - Master
Warden General - Grand Master

Sects compared to the Jedi Order:
Paladin - Guardian
Mentor - Consular
Seeker - Sentinel
Custodian - Temple Guard

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