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Fandom Star Wars: Post Force Awakens


Senior Member


Hey everyone. So I've been itching for a Star Wars RP as of late, and I wanted to see who else would be interested in my idea.

Our story starts almost immediately after The Force Awakens ends. Our characters are all on Tatooine with the goal of aquiring an artifact from tuskan raiders. We all meet through coincidence, and decide to join together and show the artifact to the rebellion. More will be explained as we continue through the story.

We would all fly in one ship, called the 'Ebony Sky', as our living quarters and primary means of transportation. Regarding what's canon and what's not, I'd say that everything that takes place before Return of the Jedi is still canon regarding games, books, etc. Everything afterwards, though, only follows the movies.

There'll be a total of 8 spots open. I'd like to keep the male to female ratio even, so a total of 4 guys and 4 girls is required. Maximum of two characters, and no one can be younger than 16. Minimum post length of 6 sentences per character.

Lastly, some requirements.

1. Post at least once a day if you can. You MUST post at least every other day or you will be removed from the RP, unless you notify me first.

2. Use proper grammar and spelling, please. Third person is a must as well, nothing can be written in first person.

If you've gotten this far, you have my thanks. Comment bellow if you're interested or have any questions, I'm happy to answer them.

Spaces Open:


1. Sorasonic (Mandalorian)

2. Raikou Kaminari (Zac Krynn, Mandalorian)

3. Rookie (Hoss Kadaren, Trandoshan)

4. Savagai (Juth Vos, Zabrak Matukai)

5. Abyss (Gurlanin)


5. ThatGuyWithSouvlaki (Zabrak Smuggler)





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What races will you be allowing to join?
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@Abyss Anything is fine as long as it's already part of the universe. No new races or anything like that, but Chiss, Bothans, Twi'leks, etc. are all good.
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Redrobinwing said:
@Abyss Anything is fine as long as it's already part of the universe. No new races or anything like that, but Chiss, Bothans, Twi'leks, etc. are all good.
I haven't made any final decisions but what about Gurlanins?
@Abyss Hm, I think that's fine. I've never read a Republic Commando book so I don't know much about the race, but I think it's a cool idea nonetheless.
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Interested, Could I be of the Chiss species? And if so I'd like to be a bounty hunter looking for some extra coin.
Wow just did extensive research on Chiss names, tricky stuff. But it came out as Vucassert'roja'Nakesh, but it's common to smush the middle parts of the name to make a shorter name, mine being Trojan.
Redrobinwing said:
@Reznor Interesting, didn't know that. You use a name generator?
Not unless it's Rum & Monkey, in which there isn't so I had to do research. Like just look at these names.

Dotthe - I like William Shakespeare too.

Hrasd - If I was still nine years old I'd make a joke about harrasment.

Wrarri - Warrior or Wario? Either way I'm not going to try and pronounce that.

Dlamm'ram'oramm - What???

Rlwananki - Why don't you pronounce that?

Dlirt - If I took out the L it'd be dirt...
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