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Fandom Star Wars: Cold War


Master Fenn motioned into a upward stance upon successfully slashing open the Sith troopers thigh, while taking note of the responsive fire in direction to him..... The sounds of blasters firing and the closeness of the reached target as he stared them down though sighed in relief at the result of their failing to graze him and his robes. "Well.... That was a relief, wouldn't have gone to my liking if those blasters met their target." He thought brushing off the attempt on his person. Recounting the situation and seemingly time having stopped in his mind Master Fenn closed his eyes and relived each moment in his mind and considered just how he would respond in his next move, where would his lightsaber strike and what will be the reply to his kindly greeting and following action in response to the Sith's arrival? First Ki took note of Captain Marcann's successful Fire and the right flanks finding success as well, despite the left flanks miss he was rather pleased with the results and saw more troopers fell when Master Gelrin entered play and took out the (S9) trooper. Though shocked to see a rift in time and space and the force travel of Zeres. It was likely for good reason and saw no cause for him to wonder of the move.

As time again seemed to flow naturally as Master Fenn opened his eyes to gaze upon his chosen target, no longer slowing down his mind and focused in thought and readied his tactics from here on out. Master Fenn walked towards troopers (S12) and (S13) giving only a simple and silent focused stare.... Keeping his lightsaber to side and pointed down as he approached them. Barely a sound from came from him as his steps walked across the grounds giving off the noise that would come from the jedi master. He neared The Sith troopers taking the center path allowing for him to take a middle ground position between them and their forward view, Master Fenn had his next three steps planned out and begun his first move by quickly bringing his lightsaber up and toward his left aiming to slice through (S12's) neck to take out one of the two troopers who opened fire on him while leaving a following up with a flowing attack afterward open for Ki on the trooper on his right (S13) upon the earliest opportunity.


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Kali followed the droid to the ship, and she looked up to see the ship itself, rather impressed by it. She looked to Tayln, "We're about to see Zeres now, please tell him exactly what you told me, Miss Tayln." She nodded, "Right, not a moment to lose!" she followed the IRIS droid onto the spacecraft and led Tayln to the cockpit where Zeres sat.

"Ah! Zeres, thank goodness you're alright! Did you need me to help and be your co-pilot for the time being?" She sat beside him and coaxed Tayln gently into a seat behind them, "Tayln, go ahead and fill him in. The large ship that's coming, do you know if it is it meant to hinder or help us in any way?"


@Hanarei @nebulachan
Successful Attack

Fenn's attack was swift, and the yellow glare from his blade met S12's armour with grace.

A shower of sparks cascaded into the air, as the weapon sliced perfectly. Energy cut through the armour and nicked the soldiers neck, causing him to recoil in pain.

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Sith Troopers 9-18

Fenn's attack sparked the interest of the entire remaining group. Every trooper turned their weapon to the Jedi Master, and opened fire.

Again their blaster fire proved no more of a danger than a small fly... whizzing past his ear.

It was a pathetic attempt.


Republic Left Flank

Disappointed with their previous attempt, the soldiers lined their sights on a bulk of troopers that remained by Master Fenn's position.

They opened fire on S16 and S9.



Republic Right Flank

The soldiers remained in cover, and opened fire on S18 and S15.



Captain Marcann

Remaining by Master Fenn's side, Marcann took his blaster and aimed for the chest of S12. The same trooper Ki had previously struck.



Master Gelrin

The wave of battle surrounded him. The feelings he had experienced upon entering this place had only grown in their intensity.

This place felt physically wrong. As though it was tainted with something truly dark... something perfectly evil.

These ships had not been brought here by chance. The Force, it seems, could play both sides.

He grimaced as a rogue trooper approached, and lashed out woefully with his weapon. It was a pathetic strike, not truly intended on making contact.

"Balance..." he whimpered.

"The Force must maintain balance... and you were brought here to set the scales."

Gelrin spoke to no one but himself.

But that would change, he knew.

Naka's pay was quickly evaporating with this performance. Mark wondered if that gigantic sword of hers was just for show. He knew he would be found out soon but his current position was still safe for now and so he stayed where he was. He was expecting the jedi to do some fancy force tricks against the troopers. Alright do your mind tricks and have them all shoot each other. Okay he's starting to use the force, here he go- He...He just ran away didn't he? This is going swimmingly. Mark dismissed the vanishing act from the Jedi and observed the battlefield once more. There sure are a lot of these guys. When they find out where my shots are coming from it won't be so easy to pick them off. Oh well. Might as well take advantage of the situation.

The cyborg's eyes scanned through the rest of the troopers, determining which one posed the most immediate threat. It would have been the one Naka attacked and missed but she was in between him and Mark. The bounty hunter sighed and flicked his eye to lock on to the second closest trooper to Naka (S8). Mark toyed with aiming for the head but didn't want to try his luck from this distance. He took a breath in like normal to stop the shaking in his hand. This tedious ritual before a shot made it easier to aim but of course was harder to do when he was getting shot at. Mark squeezed the trigger and let out the breath, trying to do what he could to help her out.

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Successful Sneak Attack

Mark was on an absolute roll, but with Zeres gone, the troopers would soon be onto his position.

His blaster fire soared past Naka and struck S8 in the middle of his breastplate.

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Not letting her testing slice interrupt her rhythm, Naka focused the force on her blade and let it emanate through her. This fight was annoying her and she let that annoyance feed her fury as she kicked away the dying trooper and charged one of his friends and took a wide underhand swing at him.

#attack #forceweapon #tataminis still a thing

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Successful Force Weapon

Finally, Naka's blade struck true, slashing open the armour of Sith Trooper S5.


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Sith Troopers 1-8

The slash was immensely painful, and the trooper's reaction was instant. He dropped back and attempted to open fire on his aggressor, Naka... and her big bloody sword.

Despite their close proximity... he failed immeasurably.

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Focusing soley on his surroundings and the enemy force Master Fenn watched on as the Sith troopers fire opened upon him, feeling the sounds of blaster fire whizzing past his head and once more missing him, a inner relief at this moment though his outer expression and overall manner showed nothing but focus and being unfazed by the attempts. He had his tactics settled into mind prior to this and yet remained to put into practice and form.... He maintained motion and returned his lightsaber into his intention reversing course and coming back toward the Sith trooper on his right (S13) pivoting his foot in the ground and spinning around to face his foe while attempting to slash across the troopers chest while moving into his defensive form, the stance of form III Soresu in following motion. He was keeping calm and focused allowing nothing to distract him while keeping notice.

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It called at her. It nagged like a cold wind.

The Power.

She put it out of her mind for now. It wasn't time.

An actual breeze swept over the walkway of green, stained stone. The bitter smell of industrial waste crept through her helmet. It was a simple thing of metal and transparisteel, which mostly served to hide her face. She really needed to add filters to it.

The spoiled atmosphere of Nar shaada gave everything a green haze, and the current region was no exception. Green, and black steel. Hutt territory. As was much of the accursed moon. She hated them, every one she met gave her flashbacks of Nakkor.

The thought drove her fists to clench and made her own screams ring in her head.

She reached the giant metal door, dark and imposing. Two hooded weequay guarded the entrance with dangerous looking vibro-pikes. They regarded her with a cold stare and a clank of their weapon hands.

She fished a data-pad from her hand and showed it to the guards without comment.

After a moment, one of them nodded.

"Open it."

The door ground open with the complaint of badly oiled machinery. She walked in. The light of dim glow-panels cascaded down over her dull grey armor, flickering over the curves and seams of her defensive durasteel plate.

The interior was grimy, dull, and in bad need of cleaning droids. Various forms of machinery peeked between mortar and masonry, winking and clanking at random.

After more guards, she began to encounter more colorful visitors. Half of them looked like merchant sorts, or bill collectors. A few guns here and there, maybe various enforcers. And of course, the eye-candy slaves. The mark tattooed on her arm burned within her mind. But with her plating covering it, they couldn't possibly see it. Working her way past the throngs, she spotted a further door within the main chamber, beyond the various court-goers.

She flashed the datapad again, and went through.

The Hutt was inside. Immense, mottled, and a pale purple. Surrounded by more females in increasingly scant clothing, and perched on a barge for mobility. Oddly, many screens of a green hue decorated the chamber, displaying strings of numbers in huttese. At her approach, the great worm's amber eyes opened from a lidded half-gaze to fix on her as two glowing almond shaped suns of ill omen. She suppressed a shudder and bowed.

"Mighty Gorza. You....sent for me?"

"Ooooh. Ho, Hoooh....Yes. Yes my child, I did."

The voice boomed and made her wince. She did not rise. The power prickled at her mind.

"How may serve?"

"That....depends. What do you know of me?"

The massive creatures intoned with it's resounding vocals.

"Little. I make it a point not to meddle in the affairs of those who don't pay me to."

"You are Clever. Very clever, little suul. Clever enough, I think, To escape Nakkor. "

Ice spilled into her veins. Don't move, she willed herself. Maybe this wasn't what it sounded like.

"I...Do not understand."

The Hutt smirked.

"I trade in information. I make a fortune on the right words at the right time. And right now-"

A fat arm pulled a screen close.

"This display tells me that the Slaver's guilds are offering quite the sum for escaped slaves. Seems they place great value on proving that their goods are reliable, and taught the price of running."

Oh gods.

"Of...course, Mighty Gorza. Reliable goods are something I know well. It is important to deliver."

"Hoooooh, Yes. It is. Which brings us to business, My child. A simple matter of credits. What I need to know, is....which is more valuable to me: You, or the money the Herglics will give me."

He knew. He absolutely knew. Suddenly, she found herself wondering how far she would get if she just leapt at him. But He was greedy. She might be able to con him into making a mistake.

"If you prize information so much, you must surely know that I am not normal goods. Selling me out would be a waste, when I could turn those talents to your benefit."

"AH, this is true. And a good point. But Nakkor tried that."

"He was...less, than you, Mighty one. He did not deserve me."

The power cracked like thunder in her mind. Sweat dripped down her brow inside her helmet. She had to keep him talking, find a way out.

"True, True. Truly you are a clever girl. Perhaps I could find use for you...But before I do that, A little gift for you."

A slave twi-lek in exposing clothing walked up to her where she yet knelt, holding what looked like a collar.

Suul swallowed hard. An explosive device. She could see the wiring. The power slammed at her will power, crashing like a wave.

"Put it on, My child. Let me see how it looks on you-surely you'd grant me that favor."

She picked the object up in her hand. It shook slightly. To put it on was to give this monster her fate. To ignore it was to be arrested by the dozens of weequay gaurding the complex. And enslaved once more.

She stared at it, and a dull rushing noise pulled at her senses.


It would be so simple.


So... simple. To lose herself and get slaughtered. If she tried something now, it would be her end. The power raged behind a cage of cursed reason.

She took the collar and placed it around her neck silently. The click of the lock activating was like a knell. The Hutt watched with a mixture of pride and gloating amusement, gesturing grandly.

"Ah, wonderful, My child! You look truly stunning....And more suited to listen, I think. Now, I believe we had business to discuss..."

She glared at him through her opaque helmet visor. Silence held reign.
The Slender Man


The commotion from outside his accommodation felt so distant at that moment. Seated on the cold bench of SAS1's cargo hold, his bony fingers wrapped creepily amongst themselves and in their tangled state lay delicate and motionless upon his knee.

The symphony of battle echoed beautifully through the ship's hollow body, as the man's wrinkled face stretched eerily to produce an ominous smile. Screams of dying men sent satisfying shivers through his cold veins, and anxious sweat from his pores. His eyelids remained shut for the entirety of his meditation, but his head cocked with odd pleasure from time to time. He had been focusing on the planet, and its surroundings. The life forms... the soil... the trees.

Everything had been touched by the Force. And it was the Force, he realised... that had brought their ship down on this world.

It was clear Oohubbeva's mind had not lied. This was in fact Tython, and this was precisely where he desired to be. The Jedi had something hidden here. He could feel it... feel her. A gifted child. His lanky body stretched awkwardly, as a set of elongated digits ran through slick, greasy hair, and a pair of pale grey eyes flashed to life.

Rising, he stepped toward the rear bay door and gently willed it to open. The roar of battle quickly grew in volume, and filled the vessel. His nostrils flared hungrily at the scene, the smell of burning armour, the taste of blood in the air.

Before him stood a man he recognised. A barrel shaped Jedi, with a green saber in hand. His voice emerged as a calm bellow. Thick with resonance... but placid in tone.

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Vati was nursing her fourth drink, feeling pleasantly buzzed, when a chittering Pyke parked himself at her elbow. The miraluka sighed, stirring the sweet, bright orange cocktail and watching glittering flecks of sarupa swirl through it. Work. No one ever walked up to her looking this agitated unless it was about work or money.

"What is it, then? Out with it."

"Ah, ah, youhavvamessijmistressif'nitpleasesya!"

The Pyke blurted out his missive in one breath, dry washing his hands anxiously. Vati was famed for her prickly attitude and preference to be left undisturbed when taking time off. She gestured placatingly in the Pyke's direction, soothing him before he had a heart attack.

"I've been expecting it. Show it to me."

The Pyke produced a small package, shaped like a cube, and presented it to the pilot. She picked it up by the tips of her fingers, frowning. The thing hummed with traces of Force energy, even through the thick wrapping paper. A holocron. Whatever the message was, clearly it had come from her "friend of a friend of a friend" Jedi employers. What had Urpadu gotten her into, exactly, that would require a holocron? Usually, such artifacts were reserved for the most secret of missives. A non-Force user wouldn't be able to read it if they tried for the next thirty years.

"Dunno wha' kinda 'messij' thassapposed ta be, cube-whatsit-"

"Enough. Don't test my goodwill with your chatter. Get out of here."

The Pyke garbled to silence, threw out a halting bow, and disappeared back into the crowd. Vati, meanwhile, found herself an isolated corner to activate the holocron. The bar had several rooms ostensibly for "private dinners", but really they were for patrons to take their escorts to or do glitterstim in. She slipped into such a lounge and sealed the door. Ripping the packaging off the little cube, she let it rest in her palm. The thing was barely two centimeters to a side, and appeared to be made of bronze inset with glass or crystal. Activating it took little more than a moment of concentration, powering each of the glass pieces with the Force. Instantly, the image of a seated Kel Dor appeared before her and began to speak. His voice echoed as though he were at the bottom of a well, but it was still quite understandable.

"Greetings, pilot. I am Master Gnost-Dural, of the Jedi Council. The group of individuals you've been hired to transport are, as we speak, mired in deadly combat with Sith troopers. Their ships are surrounding the area here-"

A new image popped into existence, a tiny model of the planet. An area of it was highlighted, and even as Dural continued to speak, the holocron zoomed in on it to show Vati the lay of the land.

"-where our people are pinned down by blaster fire. Extract them with all due haste. Their lives are in your hands. The future hangs in the balance, and if peace and the Light is to prevail you must-"

Vati deactivated the holocron, cutting Dural off. Blah blah balance goodness heroics blah. Get the idiots, get out. Simple enough. Jedi never could just say what they wanted done. Always had to try and lean on you with their stupid morality politics, as though to preemptively wash their hands of it all. Oh no, we're not asking you to go kill a bunch of troopers for free because it's convenient, we're asking because it's the right thing to do. Yeah, okay.

On the way out, Vati tossed some credits on the bar to cover her tab. Duty called.



The hangar where Vati kept her ship was mostly empty at this hour. She gazed on the vast orange-and-black bulk of her ship with a fond smile. "MONARCH" was printed in bold black letters on one side. Her and this ship had been through a lot, and much of the interior (and exterior) had been swapped out by Vati herself over the years to better suit her needs. That was the great thing about the YV series - so easy to modify. The YV's were popular with smugglers for that reason.

Within 15 minutes, Vati had seated herself at the flight panel. This was where some of those mods were easy to spot. The co-pilots chair had been ripped out, and the controls replaced with those from a gutted BT-7 Thunderbird fighter. This allowed Vati to singlehandedly control the gun turrets and pilot. She wasn't a fan of the idea of relying on anyone else to get full functionality from her ship.

The Monarch hummed to life under her expert touch, the propulsion panels glowing blue and white with heat. The site of the battle wasn't far, but from the sound of it, they needed air cover ten minutes ago. Edging the ship out of the docking station, Vati circled around the outpost and kept low, heading for the area specified on the holocron. The directions proved to be barely necessary. Several assault ships came into view in no time, as well as the dissipating red cloud of a flare. Leaning forward eagerly, Vati made her approach from below and behind, hoping to surprise them. Judging from the way the ships appeared to be pointed at an area in their center, she figured she had a good chance of doing just that. No doubt there was a clearing in the middle there where her lost lambs were fighting for life and limb. One of the ships was smoking, clearly crippled. How convenient.

Taking aim, Vati shot toward the assault ships, opening fire on them. As she passed by, she sent the Monarch into rapid reverse, spinning around to face the assault ships and provide cover for those on the ground. With a few toggle-flicks, Vati had the cargo bay open. She didn't have a ladder or anything back there, but she did have hooks for loading goods. Another button press, and the four loading cables began to rapidly unwind with a whine of machinery. Hopefully whoever was down below would have the physical capability (and presence of mind) to grab on and get reeled up.
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Sith Troopers 9-18

Turning their attention to the Republic Soldiers in the brush... several troopers opened fire in their direction.

Blaster fire ripped through their cover, and struck true on R4's leg.



Republic Left Flank

The left flank opened fire once again, in a poor attempt to disrupt the Sith firing line.


Republic Right Flank

Despite their comrades injury, the remaining soldiers sent fire toward S16 and S18... tearing their armour to shreds in the process. Both troopers fell to their death.



Captain Marcann

Marcann, confused in the midst of battle, swung the butt of his pistol at a nearby enemy... doing nothing more than ring his helmet.

The Confrontation


Gelrin's disgust was not misplaced, it would seem. His body had not taken to the rhythm of battle as had once been expected. Despite the years of training, despite his desire to defend, despite the natural reactions engraved to his very core. A Jedi stood for justice in the galaxy, but it was not beyond human nature to fight for survival. Instead he had walked through the battlefield like a lamb to the slaughter.

Gelrin's curiosity had pulled him to this meeting like a mindless beast on a rope. His heart raced with realisation, and his swelling throat gave way to an admission of weakness. He had been played.

What stood before him was a tall, thin man. Rather than draped in black cloth, or robes... he wore a fitted charcoal uniform, as an officer would. His face was sunken and wrinkled. His hair greasy. His eyes void of emotion. Gelrin knew this man... this creature.

A spout of blind rage rushed through the Master's veins, as he brought his lightsaber overhead. Green light cascaded in a powerful arc toward the enemy, and met resistance in the form of a crimson flash. Immovable and queer in stance, the slender man pressed against the Jedi's attack... edging his weapon outward. Their eyes met amongst the sparking energy, and blazed with their own viable connection.

"You have something I want, Jedi... and you will tell me where she is."

"No." Gelrin strained.

With every ounce of his will, Gelrin drew on what remnants of inner strength that remained to him. He had been embarrassed by the deception that brought him here... that forced him to meet this enemy face to face. His opponent had manipulated his mind from a distance, and lowered every aspect of his mental guard.

Allowing his weapon to dip low, he stepped back and swept the blade toward the man's gut with a complete rotation of his body. Nonchalant precision met his attack, as the crimson blade struck against his own.

The slender man stepped back, and held his weapons end toward Gelrin's feet.

"With every moment that passes, you divulge the very information you fight to protect. Your mind is weak, and your resolve pathetic."

Gleaming, his teeth sparkled behind a thin pair of pale lips... and the confrontation came to its close.

What followed was a blur of motion, green and red, black and brown, light and dark. Speed met with grace in a ferocious dance of skill and power. When the flashing ceased, and the dust had settled... the light in Gelrin's eyes had been extinguished.

The pale man brought his left hand out in a crude motion and tightened his fist. His eyes delves deeply into what seemed like Gelrin's very soul.

"Ih... Ilum..."

A flash of crimson light exploded through the Jedi Master's chest, and emerged on the other side, before retracting completely into the enemy's hand.


The Master's body fell limp to the floor, as smoke rose from his gruesome death wound.
Zeres began flipping switches and punching in coordinates, even before Kalira and Talyn had approached. His ship was already humming with life and the HUD had begun glowing, reflecting gently against the sleek black leather seats. He primed the weapons, and the hyperdrive, and once Iris was on board, snapped the calculations into the computer, which put up the image of Ilum on the screen, with a small box asking, "Prepare the jump to Ilum?". Zeres was nearly pressing the affirmative key, when Talyn spoke up, saying they should help in the fight. Zeres spun around to face her, but the instant before he spoke, a pang ran through his head. It felt as though someone had swung a plank against his skull, and in that instant, he felt a great darkness coming from the battle's location. He grabbed his head and winced, before returning forward. "Kalira... Did you feel that too?" He didn't even wait for her reply. "Looks like the real deal showed up to play."

Zeres yanked back on the controls, and the ship sprung into the air, and with a jamming of the controls forward, the ship was in flight, flying towards the battle's location. Zeres unhinged himself from the ship's safety belt, and popped open the cockpit, hovering his craft above the fight.
"I'm assuming you know how to fly, so I'll give you crash course, Kalira." He stared right at her, wearing a deathly serious expression. "Iris will help you keep this craft in the air. All you need to do is fire on the enemy." He pointed at the controls. It looked like some sort two handed controller, with a multitude of buttons stacked in the center of varying color and size. "Red button means fire lasers. Yellow button drops the targeting HUD for the missiles. Pressing the yellow button again fires said missiles. Blue bottom is the shield control." Without losing a beat, he look at his droid, who perked up instantly. "If things go south, don't be afraid to leave without me. If I am slain, go to Jakku, and contact the Jedi from there."

He stepped up onto the lip of the cockpit, and without looking back, he spoke.
"It was nice getting to see you again, Kalira. You remind me of times long gone." Zeres lifted his hand, and gave a stiff wave. "Take care of Talyn." And with that, he jumped from the ship, preparing the Force to dampen his fall, and re-entering into the fray of battle.

@DarlingWaylonPark @Hanarei
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It was a bittersweet farewell to Kalira, but one he knew was going to come one way or another. It was truly the way or the Jedi, and it was for his nobility he cursed himself. In fact, it was something that Master Ipsim had warned him about during training. He could practically call the quote from his memory as perfectly as if it happened yesterday.

"You're going to get yourself killed one day, Zeres. You rush into things without thinking. I can respect that in a man, but not in my pupil! You need to think more about what you do before you do it!"

Zeres chuckled gently, still falling face first towards the fight, hair flying wildly as the wind whipped by his face. He unstrapped the hook of his cloak, and the thing went flying up into the air, as Zeres continued to descend. He brought his knees up into his chest, and with a grunt, he used the Force to quickly turn himself around. He then realized the problem. No matter how good he was, this fall was still going to hurt him. Force or not. He sighed, bringing that quote into his mind, as he approached the ground.
"We're all going to die one of these day, eh, Master?"

Zeres slammed into the ground, feet first, sending up a billowing cloud of dust into the air. He began coughing, and stepped forward from the hole he created. Nothing broken, but his ankles were definitely sore after that fall. Should he have used Force Travel again? Probably not. He was still reeling after the last time, which surprisingly went off without a hitch. Zeres reached to his hip, and took hold of the curved handle of his lightsaber, looking up and facing an enemy. Gelrin was dead on the ground before this man. Someone who probably could have beaten Zeres in a Force fight. This person looked to have handled Gelrin without much effort, bringing a cocky smile to Zeres.

"You must be my new friend." He gave a bow to the man, and without a beat wasted, began pulling his arms out the top of his tunic. He struggled briefly, but was freed, and allowed the shit to fall loosely at his waist, leaving Zeres now shirtless. "Sorry to cut out all the pomp and circumstance, but I figured we should just get down to business." Zeres rolled his neck, bent over to stretch his hamstrings, and then dropped into a low crouch, resting one hand before him for balance, looking like some sort of animal. To his side, he snapped out the blade of his saber, and grinned at the Sith. "Let's dance!"

Zeres sprinted forward, keeping himself low, and came up on the side of the obvious Sith. He planted a foot, and attempted to land a stab in the Sith's side.

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The Obvious Sith


The lad's boyish charm was tangible... it fermented the air like thick cologne, and invaded his nostrils without invitation. Sending a gust of air from his nose, he expelled the taste... and regarded the visitor with curious grey eyes.

His crimson blade sparked to life, casually swiping Zeres' attack. The pary was not followed by an advance of his own, in fact... he stepped back. The man's eyes closed eerily, as his left hand made gentle spinning motions. His thin bones visible through aging pale flesh.

"Mmm... this one does not speak so much as scream. Your pride is deafening, Zeres... and your presence all but expected."

His eyes flashed open with animalistic rage, as his left palm widened outward. Drawing on the planet's energy, he focused on his opponent for a moment, before tensing his hand into a tight fist.


"You are weak, boy..."



Kali felt it too, and she looked to Zeres and nodded, "I did." She then got her crash course on how to operate the missiles and shield on Zeres' ship, and her dark blue eyes widened, "Zeres, don't! You can't!" She pleaded with him, and she felt a blush on her cheeks when he told her she made him feel like it was the good old days, and her eyes filled with tears, "Zeres...Zeres!" She shouted after him when he jumped, and she took the controls right away, but made sure Tayln was strapped in before doing so, "Hang on tight, Miss Tayln, we're going to help Zeres in the fight!"

Filled with determination now, she piloted his ship to attack the Sith forces, spotting him on the ground fighting a mysterious figure. "Hang on, Tayln!" She called to her and began firing on the Sith troops below when another ship came in to shoot at them as well. She gasped when it came in, "Is that...a friendly ship?" She would ally with that ship for now and pressed the blue button to raise the ship's defenses. She looked to IRIS, "Is there a way to extract Zeres back to the ship?" She then focused on her targets and opened fire.


@Hanarei @nebulachan

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Successful Air Strike

The fire from Black Acklay's laser canon's tore up the forest floor, sending dust and dirt overhead. Five of the Sith Troopers turned their gaze in unison to the sky, before their armour felt the brunt of the strike.

S1, S2, S4, S5 and S7 are spread around the battlefield in pieces.

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How long had it been since Zeres had seen his Master's face? Two years, he would answer somewhat confidently. His confidence would die pretty quickly, though.

It was two years of anguish.

Two years of suffering.

Two years of pure, unadulterated loneliness.

You see, there was only one thing that Zeres feared in this world enough to bring him to his knees. That fear of loneliness. It was what he felt aboard that craft fleeing from Coruscant. The one that left his Master to die without one of his arms. And Zeres was alone again. He was back in the dark desert night; a small boy hiding under whatever scraps he could find, trying to survive every day. Trying to be the best he could be.

Trying to be anything, really.

That was what Ipsim Celsis brought to Zeres. A chance to be something. A chance to be anything. A chance to stop being alone. He saw his Master standing there, back to Zeres, but looking over his shoulder at Zeres with a wide grin. His left arm was gone. His right eye was gouged out. He was breathing heavily. And yet, somehow, he found the way to smile. To smile at Zeres; the pupil he fought tooth and nail to get involved with the Jedi Council. One who foolishly abandoned his post and chose to run in head first towards the Sith. A choice that led to his Master's demise. It was his fault.

It was...
his fault.


Zeres gripped the sides of his head. He fell to his knees and began to scream, at the top of his lungs. He wasn't screaming anything in particular, but to those that could hear, it was a scream of anguish. Regret. Sadness. Everything built up through two years; pushed down through intensive Morichro training. It all exploded out at once, the moment he was reintroduced to the mistake that now fueled him. The fact that he killed his Master.

"I didn't mean to kill him!" Zeres was now screaming words. He was still on his knees, and he was rocking back and forth wildly. Tears streamed from his eyes. Blood ran from his lip, which he bit open as a natural response to his anguish. The tears and the blood began forming neat drops on the ground before him. "It wasn't my fault! I wanted to make him proud!" His screams reached no one, however. He was alone, completely covered and surrounded by the lonely darkness. He couldn't see anything. He couldn't hear anything. He couldn't feel anything.

Zeres was truly, and utterly alone. Alone with his thoughts. Alone with his regrets, alone with his failures.

"Please, Master! Don't leave me here! I don't want to be alone again!" He fell over now, head against the ground, curling up into a kneeling fetal position. "Someone... Anyone... I don't want to be alone..."

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Mark had been aiming at the last trooper when things began to get weird. Well. More weird than they already were. The bounty hunter could only watch as a Jedi came plummeting from a ship he hadn't even seen before. It took Mark a moment to notice that it was the same...Graceful Jedi from last time. Mark had been so focused on the troopers in front of him he had not noticed the sith nearby. Just looking at the slim man made his skin crawl. I have no idea what's going on anymore. I just came here to find that stupid Twi'lek and now I'm in what seems to be a war. Wonderful. Mark decided to leave the force users to deal with each other. That was out of his pay grade after all.

The cyborg's eye focused back in on the cluster of troopers near Naka. He took the time to carefully aim his shot, taking in a breath. The breath was released unexpectedly when the ship above began firing at the unsuspecting troopers. Mark could only watch as they were torn to shreds, leaving only a single trooper left. Well, I don't know who's up there in that ship but I hope they're friendly. Turning his attention back to the Jedi he noticed the young Jedi was on his knees screaming. The bounty hunter couldn't really empathize with him. That's what you get when you screw with the Sith. Don't do it if you can't handle it.

With the dust cleared from the earlier bombardment, Mark's eye alerted him that there was still a trooper left alive. Deciding it would be better to just put the fool out of his misery, Mark took careful aim. Despite the craziness going on around him the bounty hunter felt a strange calmness. He hadn't been in any real danger and after this trooper was dead he fully intended to get out of here. I don't want all these Jedi to start asking questions. The cyborg's eye zoomed in on the final target and before long Mark was squeezing the trigger.

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Successful Fallout from The Monarch

Laser fire from the massive cargo ship hailed down upon the wreckage of the SAS2. Exploding on impact, the shrapnel blew out toward a handful of troops, laying them entirely to waste.

S10, S11 and S12 were all fatally wounded.


Unsuccessful Ranged Attack

Unfortunately, Mark's eye wasn't so good this time around.



Kalira was happy to take out so many Sith Troopers, but now her goal was to save Zeres. She waited until the cargo scoop was ready, and then in one swift motion managed to get Zeres back into his ship and away from whatever man was down there. Kalira only knew that the figure was giving her a sickening feeling and she didn't want to be near it anymore than she had to. She closed the cargo scoop up once she knew her fellow Knight was secured, then looked to the ship called the Monarch. She looked to Tayln, "This ship you saw...was it called the Monarch? Did you see a name? Still, it helped us fight off the Sith. Let's go!"

She flew to the Monarch and right into its cargo bay, and landed it safely there. She turned off the ship and unbuckled herself quickly, then helped Tayln out of her straps, "We're in the ship that is going to save us, just like you saw! I feel it! Let's go to Zeres!" She took Tayln's hand gently and guided her through the ship to the cargo where Zeres was. Kali gasped and let go of Tayln's hand in a moment of great concern for Zeres, throwing her arms around him, then grabbed his face with both hands, "Don't ever do that again! You hear me?! You had me worried sick!" She scolded him gently, with a soft and breaking voice. "Are you alright?"


@Hanarei @nebulachan

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