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Fandom Star Wars: Cold War

Master Fenn kept a grin and looked over toward Vati and the ship. He kept a close and focused eye on the small shuttle that entered while listening to Vati speak. He kept his hands still within each sleeve that was folded before him while his right hand lightly gripped his lightsaber that remained hidden up his left sleeve, keeping prepared should trouble arise. "Ah I see and I here I thought you and Zeres would come to blows. It seemed likely..." Ki chuckled without a blink from his eye to take away from his sight upon the arriving shuttle within the ship. "In theory I always supposed 'Coincidences' were far from just that. It's too convenient." Master continued and considered her suggestion of contacting Master Dural about their change of course and departure from Tython. "Quick to react. You're right Vati....Not much gratitude for one in his position. Force Concealment? Wise move. But I am certain Master Dural has come to realize we are no longer on Tython. But yes, I see your point. Perhaps I shall send word to him." Master Fenn spoke and gave pause considering another thought in relation to the present topic. He closed his eyes for a moment and exhaled a breath. " First I must ask of the new destination, you all have likely discussed and settled on with Ilum no longer a viable option to us for this mission. Have we reached one?" Ki asked hoping he was wrong about the likely selected option in place of Ilum. He didn't care for the idea of the obvious being chosen. One of there home worlds would be a likely selection.... It was comfortable and known to whoever said home was chosen or could have been. But in Ki's point of view it was not the wise move and would not buy them enough time before the Sith Lord and/or troopers caught up with them. Which Master Fenn was certain they would at some point no matter the selected planet. But they could prolong that point if they chose somewhere unexpected and without connection to any of them.

Meanwhile as the cyborg figure approached from his shuttle and spoke. Master Fenn merely remained silent for now and watched him carefully.

@mechanimated @Lurker
"Perhaps later," she said with a faint smirk. "There are times to act with your head, and times to speak with your fists. The boy doesn't know the difference yet."

Vati, without taking her finger off the trigger, leaned over and hit the large red button for the bay door. With a groan and a clang, the heavy metal doors slammed shut. No need to give the interloper a chance to make a run for it. Vati took note of his equipment, the way he held himself. There was...a certain manner, about people who did the dirty handiwork of others with more money than they. A sly readiness, perhaps. An opportunistic awareness of their surroundings. It was hard to quantify, but this fellow had it in spades. Her force senses thrummed with it, the deceit that he lived in rolling off of him in waves like cheap cologne.

"I don't know about what they settled on, but there was much talk of Jakku. I'd go to Caarimon myself. No one has lived on the surface for thousands of years except the occasional forager tribe. All the Caarite cities are above the cloudline. It'd be the ideal place to land and hide out for a little while. Plus, it's in Republic territory. Not up to me, though. I fly and I kill, that's all I was hired for. If you want to discuss a new destination with your wards, that's up to you."

"Though," she added, with the hint of a laugh in her voice, "from what I overheard from those melodramatic children, Zeres might be no student of yours any longer. Might wanna have a talk about that."

@Saru @Lurker
The easy smile on the bounty hunter's face did not diminish when he heard the doors slam down behind him. Well. There's another problem. I have no intention of leaving without the girl but...Oh well. 2V will handle it. Mark raised his hands to show his innocence. "Hey, I mean no harm here. Don't have to point the big gun at me." The cyborg was nearly buying himself time as he spoke. While he continued talking his eye began scanning everything, looking for Kali. "Lovely ship by the way. Seriously. One of the finest I've ever seen I think." Mark was entirely unconcerned about the gun trained on him. If this person had planned on killing him they would have done so already. They were just trying to scare him, which didn't happen easily. The implant beeped, flashing red when it did not find his target.

Mark fought to keep the sigh from escaping and began lowering his hands slowly. "Ah. Right. You want me to give you my weapons. Sorry. I kind of space out when I get excited." Mark had known that he would have most likely needed to forfeit his weapons. He wouldn't need them anyway. What do they think I'm going to do? Start shooting up everyone on the ship? I'm good but not -that- good. The clip on his side clicked as he unlatched it. The bounty hunter placed the guns carefully on the ground, letting them slide down the ramp. "Do take care of those. They have some sentimental value." Mark flashed his grin even wider.

Just have to convince them I'm not going to hurt any of them. Once I get free reign on the ship catching Kali will be easy. Then I just have to figure out how to leave. The cyborg feigned ignorance when the woman mentioned his real reason being here. "What do you mean 'my real reason being here'? I need to fix my ship. As fun as it sounds I don't want to die in a horrible explosion. I'll have it fixed as soon as I can and be on my way. Promise." Mark hoped he had been convincing enough. He could see from the way the woman looked at him that she already suspected him of -something-. Whatever she thinks I've done is wrong. No one has even seen me yet. That twi'lek disappeared but there's no way he's here. That bodyguard was still on the ground... Ah crap. That one jedi. Could he be on this ship? A shiver was sent down the bounty hunter's spine with the thought.

Nar Shaddaa


An apparent shared sense of their commander's indifference had swept the two drunks, like the smell of pie on a windowsill drifting sneakily up their nostrils. It wasn't long after the Lutrellian captain had ventured inside the cantina before the pair had rounded the very corner they had turned mere moments ago. Hanging off one another for support, the taller of the two dribbled words almost incoherently about his companion's ability to produce piss.

"I just don't know how you had anything left?! I was certain that whole bottle ended up on the bar!"

The two crew mates cackled at the remark and steadied themselves for a minute.

"C'mon... let's get back to our bunks before he finds us. Ass hole can't ask us to do shit we're asleep!"

As they passed Suul, the pair lost their footing, ramming her shoulder accidentally and dragging her to the floor alongside them. Almost without noticing her presence they laughed windily into the night air. Slowly, a curious crowd formed around the scene, and all eyes were on them.
"Uh huh. That's nice."

Yammering. Pointless prattle to keep the conversation away from what was important. Vati hooked the gun clip with her toe and deftly flicked it up, catching it with one hand. She attached it to her own belt - not a familiar weapon, but why pass up a potential advantage if things went wrong? Vati strode up the ramp behind Mark and pressed the barrel of her gun between his shoulder blades. She didn't need to look to expand her senses once more. She groped around the small ship the cyborg had landed in, using the Force like a vast net. Seeking life, seeking resonance...


Nothing. At least, nothing living. There could be someone cloaking themselves, much like Vati had cloaked the Monarch, but that was unlikely. Mm. Good. Pushing Mark down the ramp with the rifle, Vati jerked her head back at the craft, her gesture directed at Fenn.

"I'd search the ship if I were you. I don't sense anyone else aboard, but I could have missed something. There might be weapons, a datapad perhaps...Something that gives us more of a clue to his identity and purpose. I'm gonna take him up and have a little chit-chat with the fellow."

Vati put a firm hand on Mark's shoulder, guiding him out of the cargo bay and toward the ladder that led into the depths of the ship.


She kept her gun trained on him the entire time. She'd take the cyborg to her room. It was the only place on the ship she could seal that didn't also contain lots of dangerous and vital ship workings. No need to have the Jedi interrupting her when she was getting information. They might decide to interfere with her methods, if their precious morality demanded it.

@Lurker @Saru
The smile faded from Mark's face as the woman took his guns and placed them on her own belt. Do what you want to me. Just leave me blasters out of this lady. The cyborg seethed with the knowledge that he was at the woman's mercy and couldn't say anything. The cyborg grunted some when the gun was placed between his shoulder blades but did not react in any other way. It wasn't the first time he had been unarmed and had a gun pointed at him. Hopefully it wouldn't be the last either.

The bounty hunter put his hands up as the woman began leading him down the ramp. He grinned over his shoulder at the woman as they walked. There was nothing incriminating on Mark's ship and so he wasn't worried about them finding anything. Some bounty hunter I would be if I dock in a stranger's ship and left up a big sign that said "Hi! I work for the empire!" "If this is how you treat an honest, hardworking guy, I'd hate to see what you do to people you don't like." The grin widened once Mark had finished talking and he turned back to face forwards.

Mark paused when the hand was placed on his shoulder. He heard the woman tell him to go up but he stood there, gazing up the ladder. He decided to tease the woman again. Might as well have fun if I'm to be made prisoner. "Taking me somewhere more private? I'm flattered. Truly. Gonna be hard to fix my ship though without actually being at my ship." The bounty hunter's voice oozed with sarcasm but he decided not to press his luck any more. He scrambled up the ladder and took a step back to allow the woman room. While he waited on her his cybernetic eye was scanning all around, building a makeshift map for him. It had already been tracking his every move since he landed so that he could find his way back easily.
There was no accounting for drunks, and no accounting for fools. Too bad this was a case of drunken foolishness.


Ground and metal met with a clang, and she was staring up at the sky while sprawled on what passed for a street.

Things might have been better if the drunkards hadn't landed in a awkward manner on top of her. If a certain hand hadn't wound up groping a particular section of of durasteel plating. The plating itself had been torn off various droids and patched together under a crude coat of grey paint. It could take a hit or two, but it couldn't stop blows to what dignity she had salvaged in the past few months.

The drunken space-farers reeked of cheap alcohol.

It reminded her of Tresidiss. Of Nyhoon. Of being an object. Of being dangled in front of leacherous gamblers as a distraction.

Fire flooded down her veins. How dare this scum lay hands on her? The power sang in her head, rejoicing in her fury. It demanded a reply to this.

And the reply was swift.

"You....Filth! I am not your whore!"

Her right arm tore free from the tangle and shot across the drunken man's back to seize his left shoulder. With a violent yank, she flipped him off her and flat onto his own back with a satisfying thud. Enough to stun, her instincts told her. But not enough to make her point.

She twisted up from her own position and mirrored the flip, swinging her leg up and over the unfortunate as she did.

In the space of a single blur of motion, she was now straddling his torso.

While he attempted to determine why a stranger was on his chest, she drew the answer from her back. Her glaive was no gleaming masterpiece; it was three sharpened ailerons welded to scrap metal to make a nasty three armed blade-disk. But it could cut just as well as any other device. She freed it from it's harness of wires and cable and snapped it forwards. With no further words, she jammed one of the blade tips into the base of his exposed neck with all the strength she could summon.

No one would miss him, she imagined.

...Except perhaps his friend.

Maintaining the lead she had established, Suul ripped the crimsoned blade from her victim and rose swiftly. The low-life she'd stabbed was making wet gurgling noises behind her, but that didn't concern her. There was a second man, and he had also to pay for the sins of the first. She turned with her blade raised, wary of a possible attack from the other man. The crowd didn't matter. The soon-to-be-dead man didn't matter. All that mattered was avenging the last insult she would suffer today!


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