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Fandom Star Wars: Cold War



'Master Cole' shook his head and lowered it, in sadness, "I highly doubt it. I have yet to encounter her, and as I have traversed this area already, so far I have had no luck. But perhaps you shall, right? Anyway, I will be on my way." Kali wanted out of there as quickly as possible, when 'he' stopped and looked to the Cyborg at the question, "I haven't, but maybe he hasn't gone to far. Good day." 'He' bowed his head in respect and left swiftly, going back into the forest towards the Jedi Fortress.

Once out of sight, 'Master Cole' sighed and leaned against a tree, but would keep up the alter image until 'he' got to the fortress safely. With steadfast determination and wanting to get as far from that bounty hunter as possible, Kali 'Master Cole' went in the direction she thought the fortress could be, keeping her awareness high and staying on guard.

[Her appearance with alter image up, she is a man in his mid-40s with black hair that's greying with matching beard, 6'4'' in height and 180 lbs average-type body:


Tagged: @theunderwolf @Lurker


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Master Dural seemed strangely comfortable with the idea of Zeres' plan, despite his desire to keep both himself and Fenn out of sight.

"Hmmm. I had hoped not to risk knowledge of your existence here on Tython. Though... I suppose there is a chance that may not be necessary if there are no witnesses. Alright Master Zeres... let's hear what you have in mind."

Kali made it safely to the tree line, and her sense of direction pointed her safely toward to Jedi Enclave. She would nead to travel only another 40 yards before coming upon a sanded opening that lead to the great steps.
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Zeres retracted the map he had given Master Dural and wiped it clean. Quickly, he sketched an entirely new map, sparing a few details but including what was important. He slid the map back on the table, and pointed out several points.


Zeres cleared his throat and continued.
"I will lead a small strike force at the red dot. Acting as a diversion. This is assuming, though, that they're setting up an actual operational camp." He tabbed the black dot next. "Master Fenn, and any other veterans you want to task, will lead a larger force. I'd give my squad about six men, myself included. For the larger force, I would assign no more the fifteen. Eleven or twelve will be sufficient. Judging by the size of the smoke, I'd assume that this is an expeditionary force, and nothing more. Therefore, there won't be more than twenty-five or thirty men. Give or take a handful." Zeres paused briefly, thinking momentarily. "I'll call the red dot, my squad, Fire Squad. The black dot, Master Fenn's squad, will be known as the Boulder Squad. Now, I will explain the attack pattern." Zeres took a sip of water from a glass on the table. No one is quite sure when he placed it there, but it was there nonetheless. "Fire Squad strikes first. I need one Jedi skilled in illusionary Force, and we will charge with five of our six, acting as the Boulder Force. This will draw the bulk of their attention away from their camp, since they will think they are being charge by a large force of Jedi. Meanwhile, the Boulder Squad will bring the flank to their backs, and catch them from behind unawares." Zeres looked at Master Dural, hand resting on his desk, and grinned. "Well, do you agree?"
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Master Dural feels an incessant nagging at the back of his head. As though he has no choice but to trust the plan that has been laid before him. It is an odd sensation, though he pays it no mind.

Rather than deny it outright, he places it forward to both Talyn and Ki Fenn.

Perhaps their input would be of some value.

"I agree that the ships could carry no more than 30 soldiers, though I would consult with both Master Fenn and our young ward here. Talyn, do you sense anything else in the area? Anything that might give us insight to the benefits of this arrangement?"



After making it safely to the Jedi Enclave, Kali dropped her alter image and felt so relieved to be her old self again. She walked up the steps past the sanded opening and to its front door. She looked about her, studying her environment but also marveling at the beauty this ancient place had. She heard stories of this place, but never thought in her entire lifetime she would ever see it. Coming to the entrance, she spotted a short balding man, stocky in build, in Jedi robes, flanked by two guards. Well, there's a start.

She approached with respect and lowered her grey hood to reveal her face, and she bowed to the Jedi before her, "Greetings, I am Jedi Knight Kalira Torwyn. I was hoping to speak to the leader of this place, regarding a pressing matter, please." She rose up to her full 5'6'' height and smiled to the man graciously, her eyes pleading but hopeful. "I am also very humbled and honored to be here."

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Jedi Master Gelrin


"And is of course an honour to you receive you."

The stout man stepped forward and held a short arm out toward her. His fingers curled as the found their way beneath her chin, and raised her head so as Gelrin could see her face.

"It is though, very curious that you would arrive here on this day."

His mind seemed to race for a moment, before he abruptly released her chin and spun on his heel. The masked guards stood to the side almost instantly, and allowed Gelrin to pass.

"You will follow me immediately to the council chambers."

Upon entering the temple, he made for the staircase on his right. Taking one step at a time, he appeared rather humorous to behold, though still spritely.

He stopped instantly at the stop of the stairs and spun.

"Kalira you will explain to me immediately what brought you here. It is important that I am made aware of this before you are brought to see Master Dural. This is not the first visit we have had today, and with the councils absence... it is most disturbing that we should be gifted yet another."

He began walking again, almost forgetting to check if Kali was even bothering to follow him.

"Please wait here."

He gestured to a small room that contained a desk, two chairs, and a small window.

"Master Dural will wish to be notified of your arrival.



Kalira was confused for a moment as to why the Master was studying her facial features, but she remained patient and composed. She blinked when the stout man turned on his heel and asked her to follow him, her dark blue eyes wide before nodding, "Yes, of course. Forgive me, Master, but what is so special about today, of all days? Is there something important going on?" She gently asked as she followed him, up the stairs only to stop suddenly, faced with a question. "I am here to ask Master Dural if he has heard anything on the whereabouts of my Master, Cole Ragnos. I also still have family back on Coruscant, and wanted to see how I could save them from the Empire's cruelty."

She bowed to him and did as she was told, taking one of the seats in front of the desk, "Thank you very much, Master. I truly appreciate your help and kindness." She smiled to him and took a seat, waiting to speak with Master Dural. She kept her hands in her lap, her eyes on the desk and tried to keep her racing heart in check. Her eyes wandered after a few minutes to take a look at the surroundings of this small room. At long last, she could at least finally know what became of her beloved Master, her "Uncle Cole," and save her family.

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Talyn had felt Dural's hand give her some support, not thinking all that much about it. Her attention was shifted though to Ki listening to his words simply shrugging. "I ain't no delicate little flower, I'm a big girl that can handle herself when needed." She spoke as she tapped her free hand on her chest in a light fist as if to symbolize her own strength commenting about him asking about her well being.

She had grown up in a rough and tumble word. As close as she was to her companions, it wasn't unusual for them to act more tough around each other... none doing so more then Talyn. She had known she was often viewed as a bit more fragile in part due to her lack of vision, making her that much more adamant to come off strong. She wasn't beyond working with others as much as the thought of being viewed as feeble herself.

She heard as Zeres entered the room. Her head tilting a little in the direction he came from. She kept quiet, hearing the sound of a paper being laid out. She stood still moving up a little closer as she listened in. "Wow... that's a really nice looking map." She commented casually, leaning up against her staff with a tinge of her sarcasm in her voice. She had a habit of toying with people a bit at times.

She turned her head slightly in the direction of Dural. She seemed to shake a little, pressing more against her staff as another vision suddenly came to her. Her eye lids appeared to flutter, her grey looking almost mystical as if they were glowing. Her heart raced as she breathed heavily, leaning up more. She placed her hand on her head as it tilted down. "The... I feel so many king flames... being snuffed out... some... tall man... a lanky shape... so... haunting... creepy... a sound.. a distress beacon..."
Jedi Master Gelrin


As a second vision presented itself to Talyn, Master Gelrin -head of enclave security- entered the council chambers.

"Please, Master Dural, I must have your attentio...."

He was cut off mid sentence, by his own realisation of the rooms inhabitants.

"I... I apologise for the intrusion. I was not aware that you were with company."

He stepped further into the room, and bowed quickly to all parties.

"Master Dural, there is another young Jedi Knight here to see you. She claims to be the apprentice of Master Cole Ragnos. The name rings no bell to me, but perhaps that may not be the case with you."

Dural turned his attention from Talyn, and stood firmly. It was clear that the Force had plans for Tython this day...

"Send her in Gelrin... there is no use in denying the will of the force."

Gelrin bowed and turned for the door. He walked a short while down the hall before coming upon the room where Kali sat.

"Kalira. Master Dural will see you now in the council chambers. I should warn you that he is not alone. That is, if the content of your conversation is that of a sensitive nature..."



Kalira snapped her head up when Master Gelrin came back to the room, and said she would be able to meet with Master Dural now. She smiled and swiftly rose to her feet, bowing to him, "Thank you very much, and I do not mind if there are others around, I need all the help and guidance I can receive right now." She would follow him in silence until she stood in the council chamber, looking up at Master Dural before bowing to him with great reverence and respect.

"Greetings, Master Dural, I have come a long way to speak with you, and I deeply apologize for the sudden intrusion." She rose to her full height now, "I am Kalira Torwyn, former apprentice to Master Cole Ragnos, who went missing on Coruscant six years ago. I came to seek out any knowledge of his whereabouts, and also, I desperately need your guidance in my time of need." Her voice was steady, but still had a great sense of urgency to it.

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Ki looked toward Master Dural as he walked to the large glass window overlooking the forest. He kept a silence about him while Dural took a moment before responding further, at first Master Dural seemed in agreement about making haste and that being perhaps they're best hand to play, but however came an although...... Perhaps another thought of action was coming to mind, maybe leaving so soon wasn't the best hand to play here, as Master Dural spoke, Ki Fenn listened and heard his counter point, it was true that it could lead to the opposing forces noticing they're departure and track them, follow them to Ilum and bring about perhaps greater danger and sooner then would be preferable. Master Fenn was in agreement it was better to wait for Tython's defense to have been seen too first and have the departure postponed until then, allowing no tracking to take place. Upon watching Dural walk toward his desk and use the communicator line given to him by Zeres, activating the small holocron and contacting Zere. Master Fenn looked toward Master Dural and listened to the two jedi speak and Dural requesting Zeres to return to the enclave and him along with Ki should not be seen by the visitors eyes. It made sense for the threat to be dealt with first before departure and perhaps it was best for them to remain out of sight during the defense of Tython. But as Master Fenn listened and heard the converse take place, he found himself opposing the second part to Master Durals postponing they're departure, he didn't like the idea of not aiding his fellow jedi against the opposing Sith forces. He may have been one to heed the councils wisdom and only press them to reconsider and bring about a debate of sorts to take place between himself and the council, when he felt it was right and the time was correct for it. But still he also wasn't one to shy away from conflict with opposing forces, especially when lives were at stake and he could not play a role in aiding the defenses or offensive. He rather preferred being part of it all and using his skills, power and resources to help stop and defeat the Sith whenever they would be present or other forms of threat arises and could threaten more lives. Master Fenn was rather more adventurous then his people were for the most part known to be, he was a balance of the different roles the jedi would have to select from, while most of his people would often select the role of consular or be likely to select. While Ki himself though selecting the role as a jedi guardian and furthermore jedi instructor, didn't see himself soley as one role, but instead found himself willing and able to fulfill any role that was needed of him, for he related to each and did not see either of them to be his sole and Identifying role.

As Zeres entered the room and spoke of a plan he had devised, Ki found himself intrigued and wanting to know more of the young Knights plan. He soon mentioned it would require himself and Ki Fenn to lead separate squads of jedi, which further found to have Master Fenn's interest, it sounded like a plan worth exploring and would have Ki playing a role to help in Tython's defense. Further into the discussion came Master Dural's approval to hear out Zeres and his plan, despite wanting initially for them to remain out of sight. As Zeres continued with Durals approval, he spoke of his plan and the attack pattern they would use for the coming strike, while drinking from a glass Ki Fenn wasn't quite sure of when it had arrived. From what all Zeres had devised and spoke in telling of his plan Master Fenn seemed approving of Zeres plan but withheld from speaking until hearing from master Dural first. Master Fenn then heard of Master Dural wanting the input and consultation of himself and Talyn on the matter, while Talyn came to share with them another vision, mentioning a lanky shape man.... Creepy... Haunting, Ki pondered the description and felt it was likely no ordinary trooper, he could have perhaps been a Sith Lord or apprentice, meaning this arrival from opposing forces was led by one of greater power then what the troopers could provide alone.

"It's too bad a unexpected air strike could not be used here, catch them off guard and make them more vulnerable to Zeres's plan." Master Fenn responded aloud, in a gathered and amused tone. " It would bring about a swift and thorough end to they're visit and impending threat on Tython." He continued knowing it was only a thought of adding to the plan, but unlikely to pull off now without some difficulty and losing of time, while having everyone in position according to Zeres plan and able to capitalize swiftly upon the open and vulnerable position without catching the notice of the opposing forces and the potential force sensitive among them. Still Master Ki Fenn was approving of the plan and rather liked the idea of the tactics, while liking the opportunity it provided for him in helping defend Tython.

As Master Gelrin entered and spoke with Master Dural, Master Fenn paused and looked toward them both, leading up toward Kali's entrance into the room. Ki gave a polite bow of his head and kept silent to allow her to speak with Master Dural.
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Dural seemed almost exhausted with the day's inundations. Unannounced visiting Jedi. Great disturbances in the Force. Possible Sith troops on the planets surface, and Talyn caught between it all.

He was determined to see her reach Ilum alive, and in order for that to happen... they would need to meet the enemy head on.

If there were no witnesses left to track the vessel, they would make it safely from the planet.

Turning, he met Kali's entrance with as much grace that he could muster.

"Kalira... it is a pleasure to have you here with us today. Please allow me introduce Masters Fenn and Zeres."

He did not mention Talyn at this point, though she was not exactly well hidden. He gestured so that Kali could come toward them.

"You mentioned a Master Cole Ragnos. I am happy to admit that I know the man, though I am sorry to say it has been more than 10 years since we were last together. I can imagine you were already a part of his life then."

Dural did not remember Kali, but that was not uncommon. It was likely that they had not met at all.

"Master Ragnos was indeed a good man, but his whereabouts is unknown to me. Perhaps your role in this is as much about about finding him as it is about helping her."

At this point, he gestured to Talyn.

"Master Zeres and Fenn have agreed to accompany Talyn to Ilum... it is possible you could find more answers there?"

He glanced to the plan, and sighed deeply...

"We have no choice. We must eliminate the enemy. Kalira, from which direction did you travel to the enclave?"

Perhaps if she had some insight to the whereabouts of these intruders, they could begin to bring Zeres' plan to motion.



Kali turned her eyes to Masters Fenn and Zeres, bowing respectfully to each one and giving a friendly and peaceful smile, "I am honored to meet you both." She looked back to Master Dural now, and approached closer when he bid her that she do so. The girl was not unnoticed by her, but she did not get a chance to address her when Master Dural mentioned Master Cole. Kali's heart raced and a smile graced her features, only to be met with bitter disappointment. Still, no Master Cole.

Still, she kept her composure, her smile a bit sad now, "Master Cole practically took me under his wing ever since I was a Youngling, then made me his apprentice, he and I were very close, I considered him family. It fills me with joy that you knew him as well, he truly was a good man. I believe that he's still alive, I can feel it-he's out there, somewhere." She looked to Tayln, bowed her head respectfully to her now, "A pleasure to meet you, Tayln," she said gently, then looked to Master Dural.

"If I may be permitted to come along on this journey to Ilum, I will do whatever I can to help Tayln, Master Fenn and Master Zeres. I feel that you are right, that my answers could lie there, or at least, the trail to my Master could start there. I thank you deeply, from the bottom of my heart-all four of you." She bowed to them, then answered Master Dural's question, "I came from the direction of the Twi'lek camp, sir, I trekked the forest right beside it and found my way here." She kept her encounter with her Cyborg hunter silent for now, not wanting to bring alarm to Master Dural. "If I may inquire, Master Dural, you mentioned...enemies?"

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"You are correct, Kalira. Talyn here is a gifted young girl... and has witnessed their arrival here. It is not coincidence in my opinion that they have arrived on this day. You see, there are plans in motion to have Talyn removed from Tython for the very purpose of putting her gift to good use. I believe this would be best served on Ilum, where she would learn to control it."

He stepped behind his desk and reviewed Zeres' plan of attack.

"If this plan is to have any significant advantage, we must act now. Master Fenn, Zeres... report to the barracks. I will send word for your arrival. Talyn, I must do my utmost to keep you safe. Kalira I would ask that you stay with her during this ordeal."

He knew Talyn would object to a baby sitter... but he could not risk her life in an attempt to wave offence.
"Actually, Master Dural, if I may," Zeres began, and without any interruption, he continued. "I would think it beneficial for Talyn to view the battle herself. Not on the field, mind you, but our friend here can take her in my starfighter, and hover above. This way, she can get a real picture of what she's in for as a Jedi in training." He glanced at Kalira, immediately remembering who she was. Though she might not remember, he knew her from training as a Padawan. He was a few years younger than she was, and during his time at the academy he had grown fond of her from afar, but the romance never lasted in his heart. Jedi training does that to people; just beats the love right out of them. He sighed with the feeling of nostalgia. "Also, just call me Zeres, Kalira. I'm the same rank as you, after all." In fact, Kalira, being older, became a Knight before him. Therefore, she should hold more seniority over him, but he took the honor as a compliment from Master Dural.


"Secondly, Master Dural, I must inform you of one thing likely to happen with this plan." He had ignored the jab from Talyn about his map quality with a light glare at her, whatever good that would do. For now, he retracted the map and drew a large "X" over the spot marked for the enemies. "Even if we destroy this party, there will be more Sith arriving." He frowned slightly, and continued. "Since this is an exploratory party, if they don't return word there will likely be either a rescue party or some form of Sith contact following this. However, if we do not act, it will be very likely that the Sith will find out about Talyn and Ilum. That is why I wished to act in this way. I beg that you forgive my pushiness."

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"I may have use for you ship, Zeres, but with Talyn onboard it will not be within 100 feet of that battle. My word is final."

He directed his gaze to the young girl, despite her inability to see him.

"Please understand that I do not doubt your abilities. But ensuring your survival is key. I believe that Kalira will keep you safe."

He turned to both Fenn and Zeres.

"Considering the damage to one of their shuttles, it seems clear to me that these men may not have intended on finding themselves here. It is quite unlikely that their ship went down at the exact moment they desired it to. No. This distress beacon Talyn spoke of is a call for help... and we shall make sure it never arrives."

He removed his hood, and began walking toward the door.

"Talyn... Kalira, accompany Zeres and Ki Fenn to the barracks. It is best you remain close to the men if you should chance upon another vision before they leave. I will send word when it is time for action. As for your ship, Zeres... I trust you will not frown upon Kalira moving it to a safe location?"

Talyn heard Dural speak about her, shrugging again quite nonchalant by his words. She could be a little full of herself, even without needing her gift as an excuse. His commenting on needing to control it did leave her feeling less satisfied, though she allowed him to pass it off without a whimper. She knew full well her abilities weren't to their full potential.

Her face turned to a frown as her head turned a bit more in Durals direction as he mentioned the aspect of her being watched over. She kept quiet as Zeres came up with a plan. The girl observed on listening in intently. As much as she had no problem with her ego being worked up a bit, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy by its use. While in her gang it wasn't as if she wasn't being hunted herself... but the scale of what it seemed the operation being taken if it was as Master Dural said... it left her feeling quite uneasy. She didn't want anything bad to happen in part due to herself.

She heard the Master's words, straightening up more as she held the staff up straight. "Of course..." She spoke, her voice showing some of her frustration despite attempting to disguise it. She still disliked the whole aspect of her being babysat.... even more so the fact she wasn't able to do much to help. She didn't like the idea it was in part her fault for such an attack, one that her visions revealed as being bloody, yet she couldn't do much to actually contribute. It felt as if she was just some frail piece needing to be protected. Her hand clutched tightly into a fist, stifling her frustration as best as she could.
Zeres gave a slight bow of his head. "Very well, Master Dural." He flipped up his hood, and swept out of the chamber, bringing Talyn in tow, at least until the doorway. He stopped in front of her, and let out a sigh. "Look, I know you're frustrated about being left out. I can see it in your... Fist, there." He motioned to her clenched fist and chuckled lightly. "This is just how the Jedi operate. They will underestimate you until they can see you're competent, and then continue to push you around until you can become a Jedi Master." Zeres nodded in the direction of Master Dural, voice low enough to be undetectable. He pat her on top of her head. "You are literally bursting at the seams with potential. It's why I wanted you to see the battle for yourself, and realize that putting up with their crap is what lands you with really cool abilities, and lets you help lots of people." He turned from her, after pressing something into her chest. It was a very small blaster pistol; one able to be hidden up a sleeve or in a pocket. "Keep yourself and you friend safe. We'll head for Ilum before the night is out." And with that, Zeres swept off towards the barracks.

Mark raised an eyebrow when he saw that the footprints vanished and were replaced by someone else. Hmm. That's strange. The bounty hunter nodded his farewell to the Jedi, glad that he was gone. There was now a conflict of interest however. On one hand, that Jedi definitely knows something about Kali. If I follow him though there's so many things that could go wrong. I really don't feel like fighting a jedi so I want to avoid that if at all possible. I doubt I can sneak my way into the nest of jedi either so that's out of the question. Oohubbeva seems to know the lay of these lands. I'm sure he could tell me a more secret path. Those Twi'lek have to know something Mark nodded almost to himself as he formulated his plan.

The cyborg was about to begin walking towards the treeline when he remembered the other person near him. She clearly knows nothing about Kali. Should I trust her to help me though? She doesn't look like a jedi. Ah well, the more the merrier. He shrugged at that last though, deciding to invite her along. "Say, would you be interested in coming to do a little investigating with me? I'll give you those five thousand credits I told that Twi'lek I'd give him. His footprints just up and vanish over there. I think something might have happened to him."

Mark gave the girl his best smile, trying to seem sincere. If she thinks I'm just doing this out of the goodness of my heart I don't see why she won't come along. Figuring out how to ditch her once I find Oohubbeva might be a problem though. Oh well, one problem at a time as they say. The bounty hunter had sweetened the deal as much as he could, now it was up to her. He hated relying on others but he had to admit that giant blade on her back looked quite menacing.




Kali nodded, "I see, Master Dural, in that case I will do everything I can to make sure Tayln is safe." She looked to Zeres now, and upon closer inspection she did recall seeing his face in passing before, and she smiled at him, "Of course, my apologies, Zeres." She nodded her head slowly to him, an apologetic smile on her lips. She looked to Master Dural once more, then bowed to him once she was given the task to accompany the other Jedi, especially Tayln, to the barracks, "Yes, Master Dural, I thank you again for giving me the opportunity to help you, and for giving me the guidance I need to find Master Cole. It is my hope that I return to this planet with him at my side once again."

With that, and just after Tayln and Zeres finished their small private chat away from them, she walked over to Tayln and suddenly felt a bit awkward about this. While she had no reason to dislike this girl right now, she barely even met her and already was her protector. Still, she would do whatever it took to free Master Cole and her family from the Empire. She gave her best smile to Tayln, though the other could not see it. "Hello, Tayln. I'm sorry we were put in this predicament, but I'm sure we're going to be fine in the end." She did her best to comfort and assure the girl that everything would be fine.



@Hanarei @nebulachan
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Naka sighed softly as she watched the fake master Cole leave. Whoever that jedi was, he or she (she supposed) didn't recognize the exile. She thanked the force for her concealment. It had been six years since she had left the order, and over the course of those years she had met three jedi by accident all had tried to kill her. Turns out the order did not forgive crimes like her easily, not that she'd wanted them to. It'd make them meaningless. But now that the jedi was gone she could figure out what this cyborg was up to and figure out why she was on the stinking planet. "Five thousand credits does sound nice." She conceded to him, figuring that that he would probably make off with the money the minute he showed his true colors. Calmly she shifted her shoulders so her blade was a little more obvious and menacing. "Lead the way. I'll have your back." She stated, then waited for him to start moving.

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Master Ki Fenn stood and listened, observed and allowed thoughts to circulate his mind. He gave a bow of his head to Master Dural and turned for the chambers, allowing his silent response to give his reply to master Dural. He then came to notice the others speaking to one another for a moment, giving him pause before continuing toward the room. As Ki waited before continuing toward the room he looked towards Master Dural and Kali then toward Zeres and Talyn, keeping the plan in mind and pondering a few thoughts while recalling the different jedi he had met so far while on Tython. "Hmm.... Interesting what part the force plays in our intended path, today has become more eventful then I would have expected." Ki thought and motioned forward.

He smiled and walked on toward the barracks, removing his hand from near his lightsaber and once more folding his arms just as before the mention of visitors and their potential threat to all present on Tython.

(My apologies for the poor and short post, I have had a touch of writers block with Ki Fenn today.)
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The movement did not go unnoticed by Mark as she shifted her shoulders. Well, at least I picked someone that looks like they can handle themselves in a fight. Unless that sword is just for show. If it's just for intimidation that's fine too. The bounty hunter nodded and the HuD from his eye switched to highlight Oohubbeva's footprints. He began walking towards the treeline, fuming just a little bit. Yeah sure. Let's make the guy with the long range weapons go up front. Meanwhile I'll just sit as far as possible from any danger with my humongous sword. The thought brought a smirk to his face and he reached down to grab his blasters. He didn't pull them out, just held on to them in case he needed to use them. Each one was strapped to either thigh and he was thankful to have the familiar weight in his hands. Though he would never admit it to anyone else, he had actually named the blasters. The one in his right was named Mako and the one on the left was called Blizz.

Once they arrived near the treeline, Mark's eye zoomed in where Oohubbeva's footprints had disappeared. Doesn't look like he tried to run or anything. It's almost like he was picked up right where he stood. There's no blood or anything either so I don't see what could have happened to him. "This is where his footprints just up and vanish. They were replaced by someone else and it looks like they're headed through here." Without waiting to see what Naka said he began walking through the trees.He paused after a moment, seeing a peculiar sight. Are those ships? What are they doing here? His muscles tensed when he saw an armored sentry scanning the area. He collapsed to the ground, hissing at his temporary bodyguard to do the same. "Get down. There's some guys over there that don't look too friendly. Looks like on of their ships is smoking."

The cyborg's eye automatically zoomed in, trying to gather as much information as he could. He knew he wasn't the sneakiest sort in his heavy armor but he was hoping the terrain would provide an advantage.

(Hope that's okay. Kind of assuming the guys that were watching went away when they caught Oohubbeva. Just wanted to get into position!)



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Mark's HuD zoomed in to enlarge a set of numbers on the edge of one of the assault ships. If the armoured sentry hadn't already given it away, these ships were Sith class Assault Shuttles. Mark could see that one had crash landed rather ungracefully, while the other had clearly followed.

The sentry was not actively looking for any intruders, but his attention was caught by a low rustling noise.

He began to walk toward the area where Mark lay.
Naka'Il followed the bounty hunter cautiously trying to keep her steps soft. She was glad the man was fine with going ahead. She was not fond of having various blades stuck in her back. She had scars to prove she'd been there. Others had disassembled bodies to prove she didn't like it. Besides she knew she could move fast enough to get to the front before anything could happen. She didn't want to draw though. No reason to escalate the violence. As they entered the forest though, Naka felt her old war instincts waking up. Something was wrong. Her force sense was never the best, but she could tell when an area was just, wrong. Subconsciously, she shifted her stance, her walk grew more purposeful, her eyes begin to shift around taking in every detail. She heard every breath the man take. Then he stopped to check the footprints. She just nodded, before noting he didn't care. She kept following but froze when she saw the ships. Sith ships. On the jedi planet. She bit back an angry curse. The sith. On Tython. Sith. They had taken everything from her. They and the jedi. She started breathing hard. She hated them. Hated them, loathed them wanted to see their severed limbs fly away and to reap them like wheatwith her ryyk. But she realized it was time to drop into the shadows. She was going to rip them apart. Piece by piece. As soon as that guard (Alerted by the elephant like blundering of the cyborg) got a little closer...

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