Stained by the Crimson Queen

Thank you for sharing your writing we us!

I was saying I needed assistance to help you.

Like I feel like I'm the awkward uncle as lady hales and zombie are your responsible parents, since we're all sortve helping you get the hang of the site and I was just thinking,

'Oh no what if I give terrible advice! Nuuuuu' x)
Oh no of course not! Ahhh, you're being just fine I'm just an awkward slump. •-•

Though I think I'm finally going to fall asleep...after laying here for two hours.
xP I completely understand how that is. :)

And, alright. I'm not sure what time it is for you, but it's 11:12 so I still have a few more hours before I finally pass out. >~< (Or maybe I will try to get some rest now? Hmm...)

Anyways, night! Thanks again!
Question: was the letter being handed to us legitimately written by the White Queen or was it written by a scribe and signed by the white queen? This is something Olive would know as soon as she touched the letter so I just want to make sure I get it right...
It will have been written by the queen herself.

That's how you'll know she means business. *taking care of business begins to play*

Great question
Ok. I won't have a post up until later today because I have a 6 hour nursing lab right now, but it will be up today.
More likes than the posts I have in total... D: O.o :P

EDIT: Oh wait, I guess that's normal! (In this group at least. xD coughcoughdeadgurlcoughcough)
Actually I usually write two paragraphs but today I'm in a good mood so Tada! And you will get better!!!!
Well if you may be questioning it in regards to your characters ability of manipulating bones.

But no, he has no actual human parts and is simply made up of different metals and gears.
Oh no! As a fellow alto sax player I'm well aware of the stress missing your instrument brings.

Was it yours personally? Or are you renting it?

That's really no fun! Do you have any idea who could have taken it?
You play alto as well? That's awesome!

But yes, it was mine personally, and it's a real shame because we are traveling to Ashland this weekend for our concert. (Ashland OR, I live in Eugene.)

I don't know. People don't mess with me very often. And and and mehhhhh.

Okay, done ranting. No drama in the OOC. Sorry.
That's really to bad! Ahhh I'll go tussle with someone(then lose).

Oh it's fine if you wanted to rant, when I say no drama in the OOC I just mean like maybe two roleplayers who just start bickering because of something in the roleplay perhaps. Something I don't see happening since we have a pretty cool group. :)

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