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My Interest Check
Heheh my character is done and Iโ€™m thrilled to discuss relationships with the great Zungenbrecher!~
Also I saw that thereโ€™s a main link, does that mean itโ€™s ready to go or is there a start date for the IC?
Also I saw that thereโ€™s a main link, does that mean itโ€™s ready to go or is there a start date for the IC?
There will be a start date soon. More than likely we will start on the 25th.
So, am I mistaken in assume we can go to any of the classes that were listed? Or do we just go to PE?
Sorry for the confusion, but PE is first and so on after. Everyone is in the same class, so it's PE>Baking class>Cooking for the schedule today. There will be some days where you can choose where you want to go but since it's the first day, gotta have everyone together XD
Sorry for the confusion, but PE is first and so on after. Everyone is in the same class, so it's PE>Baking class>Cooking for the schedule today. There will be some days where you can choose where you want to go but since it's the first day, gotta have everyone together XD
Coolio. Just wanted to clarify. Also feel free to PM me if you want to discuss character stuff. Since, unless I'm wrong, our guys are dorm mates
Coolio. Just wanted to clarify. Also feel free to PM me if you want to discuss character stuff. Since, unless I'm wrong, our guys are dorm mates
I believe that's drummerboi drummerboi who is your dorm mate. I adjusted mine because I didn't realize it XD But definitely down to. More than likely I'll pm you tomorrow since I'm out today.
Also another question. Given our differencing nationalities, what language is everyone speaking. Is it English or Japanese, since it's set in Japan?
Will work on a post!
My charicter can't speak japanese so he will be speaking english but is learning through a travelers manual as well as classes after school if that's okay. he knows basic things like yes no sorry thank you etcetera.
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Ooo please sign friek for the prestige club and the athletics club!

Canโ€™t wait for the competition and everyoneโ€™s research into cuisine! Friek is definitely an excellent chef and one of the best so itโ€™s gonna be interesting to see other godly chefs as well!
Also another question. Given our differencing nationalities, what language is everyone speaking. Is it English or Japanese, since it's set in Japan?
Sorry for the late post XD But Japanese, since it is located in Japan after all
*EDIT: My boy Takumi is going to die in the last class, because he can't cook for life โŠ™ฯ‰โŠ™... lmao
Sorry for the late post XD But Japanese, since it is located in Japan after all
this will be very interesting for my character :) since if it's okay it makes No sence my character would speak clear japanese due to his background so maybe some character development on that would be great if you alow him to only know english for now with some Very basic Japanese and were talking single words of course he will be taking classes
this will be very interesting for my character :) since if it's okay it makes No sence my character would speak clear japanese due to his background so maybe some character development on that would be great if you alow him to only know english for now with some Very basic Japanese and were talking single words
Definitely fine. He can utilize anything he must in order to speak with the other students (book, phone translator, etc). On the other hand, teachers are more than likely to understand English due to their background (meaning they must have taken English class or some teachers may have been culinary chefs/patisserie).

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