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Fantasy Spirit Exodus - First War (Closed RP)

Name: Jorrin Alclave



Astral (Appearance): Azrial, an extremely large falcon with feathers of pure white, the tips being a sky blue. Azrial is roughly the size of a full grown horse with sharp talons and even sharper eyes. On his forehead is a three point swirl with runic markings connecting them. The mark is also on the small of Jorrins back, the same color as the Astrals wing tips. His wingspan is about fifteen feet fully spread. He is able to control the winds at will, whipping up tempests and hurricanes with a single flap of his wings. He can fly at high speeds, usually carrying his friend and master, Jorrin. His curved talons and beak are ivory white.

Astral Personality:Despite his regal appearance, Azrial acts like a child, often being scolded by Jorrin for his antics. However, he is naturally kind and very intelligent, skilled in the art of battle and war tactics. But at heart, Azrial is still a predator and often becomes cold whenever the need arises or he feels like scaring someone. Something he and his master often argue about is the topic of killing. Jorrin avoids killing whenever he can. Azrial, will kill without hesitation. It is his nature as a predator. He is prone to spurts of anger and will often dematerialize back to the Astral plane when he's irritated. All in all, the Astral is loyal to a fault and a lifelong friend.

Background: Jorrin was raised in the secluded, snowy mountains of Alcros where the high winds and blizzards constantly threaten ones life with his mother, father and two twin younger brothers. Up on those treacherous ranges, his father taught him to hunt, survive in the wilderness, swordplay and most importantly, how to contact the Astral plane. At the age of ten, Azrial came into his life. Appearing in a tempest of snow, the spirit intruded in what of Jorrins lessons. For whatever reason -a reason that Azrial still keeps to himself- he decided to bond with the young boy, much to the astonishment of his family. After that, Jorrins teachings hit a steep incline in difficulty. He began to study in nearly all known languages, learned how to harness the power of the winds and a sword style long lost to those of the material world. For the next decade he continued to learn and grow as a man, passing on his knowledge little by little to his two siblings. When he was nineteen and his brothers ten and he felt that they were old enough to take care of his withering parents, Jorrin left home to find himself.

Race:Human - Alcrostrian (Hails from the high mountains of Alcros)

Astral Abilities (Besides Superhuman physical stuff because we all have that): Jorrin can enhance his sight to that of a hawk, seeing even the smallest detail at a mile away, causing his pupils to narrow into slits. When Jorrin turned eighteen and reached an important milestone in his training (able to see into the Astral plane without meditation at anytime) Azrial gave him a gift. Two Astral blades named Ios and Noren (see the picture.) They are unbreakable, can easily cut through man-made weapons and never dull. Since they are of the Astral plane, Jorrin can summon them to his side with just a thought. He can phase himself in and out of the Astral plane, rendering himself invisible to the human eye and the ability to phase through objects.

Personality: Jorrin is quite mature for his age with an unshakable ideal of what is right and what is wrong. A cheerful soul at all times, he is the typical do gooder, helping anyone who needs it, even if its to his own detriment and much to the annoyance of Azrial.

Preferred Magic: Tempest and Ice Magic

@Knight Nate
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[QUOTE="Knight Nate]Your picture ain't there, mate. There's an error with it.

Yes, its my profile pic.

Bishop Cartwell

Age: 20

Astral: N/A

Background: Born and raised an only child in a small house out in the countryside, in the kingdom of Tevarin, Bishop's early years were quite lonely. He was raised single-handedly by his father, Casimir; a strong-believer in self-sufficiency, Casimir taught his son how to hunt and survive from a young age. Bishop's father, being a hunter, taught him how to use a bow, and how to sneak up on prey effectively.

It was some time after his fourteenth birthday that the War of the Four Kings began. Forces from three different kingdoms carved their way through Tevarin, sacking many cities, towns, and estates that lay in their path. One night, the unimaginable happened, after having lived peacefully for so long. All was quiet at first, save for the soft beat of feet marching steadily towards their house. Then, bursting through the door came six foot soldiers with a mage not far behind. Casimir, seeing Bishop in harm's way, leapt into the fray. Though he was severely outnumbered, Casimir managed to slay two or three men before being struck down himself. As this was happening, Bishop sprinted down the road, trying to get as far away from the war party as possible. When he turned around to look for his father, an arrow pierced right through his right eye.

When Bishop woke up some days later, with horrid pain greeting him. His head had been bandaged, he realized, and he was wearing clothes that were not his own. Sitting by his bed was an old man named Lionel, an old friend of his father's. Lionel explained how he had discovered Casimir's corpse by the house, along with those of some other soldiers. He also found Bishop further down the road with an arrow in his eye, alive, and carried him home for medical care. After resting and recuperating a few weeks more, Bishop left to visit the grave of his father. With nowhere else to go, Bishop left home and began hunting both animals and people for a modest sum in return, and a meal at his table.

Race: Human - Tevarinni

Personality: Bishop is an amiable sort, good-natured, and good-humored. He's a friendly fellow, quick to laugh and easy with a jest. He's soft-hearted, but he does, however, understand if circumstances deem something necessary to be done. For example, he has no problems with killing bad guys if it needs to be done. Bishop has his rebellious, bull-headed tendencies, and in recent years, has become a bit disillusioned in life. He's a stubborn man who doesn't accept change, at least not easily.

Preferred Magic: N/A
Lorkhan said:

Bishop Cartwell

Age: 20

Astral: N/A

Background: Born and raised an only child in a small house out in the countryside, in the kingdom of Tevarin, Bishop's early years were quite lonely. He was raised single-handedly by his father, Casimir; a strong-believer in self-sufficiency, Casimir taught his son how to hunt and survive from a young age. Bishop's father, being a hunter, taught him how to use a bow, and how to sneak up on prey effectively.

It was some time after his fourteenth birthday that the War of the Four Kings began. Forces from three different kingdoms carved their way through Tevarin, sacking many cities, towns, and estates that lay in their path. One night, the unimaginable happened, after having lived peacefully for so long. All was quiet at first, save for the soft beat of feet marching steadily towards their house. Then, bursting through the door came six foot soldiers with a mage not far behind. Casimir, seeing Bishop in harm's way, leapt into the fray. Though he was severely outnumbered, Casimir managed to slay two or three men before being struck down himself. As this was happening, Bishop sprinted down the road, trying to get as far away from the war party as possible. When he turned around to look for his father, an arrow pierced right through his right eye.

When Bishop woke up some days later, with horrid pain greeting him. His head had been bandaged, he realized, and he was wearing clothes that were not his own. Sitting by his bed was an old man named Lionel, an old friend of his father's. Lionel explained how he had discovered Casimir's corpse by the house, along with those of some other soldiers. He also found Bishop further down the road with an arrow in his eye, alive, and carried him home for medical care. After resting and recuperating a few weeks more, Bishop left to visit the grave of his father. With nowhere else to go, Bishop left home and began hunting both animals and people for a modest sum in return, and a meal at his table.

Race: Human - Tevarinni

Personality: Bishop is an amiable sort, good-natured, and good-humored. He's a friendly fellow, quick to laugh and easy with a jest. He's soft-hearted, but he does, however, understand if circumstances deem something necessary to be done. For example, he has no problems with killing bad guys if it needs to be done. Bishop has his rebellious, bull-headed tendencies, and in recent years, has become a bit disillusioned in life. He's a stubborn man who doesn't accept change, at least not easily.

Preferred Magic: N/A
Love it!
Mitchs98 said:

  • "Go Away"

    Full Name: Lucy 'Ophelia' Red

    Age: Looks 15(16 is cliche m8), over 200


    • Height: 5'2

    • Weight: 110 lbs

    Gender: Female

    Race: Vampire


    Astral Appearance: A massive red dragon with spines going down along along his back.

    Astral Personality: Typically calm and reserved, only reacts violently when explictly instructed or someone threatens to harm Alicia.

    Sexuality: Bi-Sexual


    Lucy is a bit of an odd girl. She actually has two tottally different personalities, Lucy and 'Ophelia'. Lucy is typically the personality that is seen the most. She dislikes pretty much anything save for a select few people she can tolerate being around, worst of all she dislikes the concept of having to keep what she really is secret from humans. She doesn't see what the big deal is so long as she doesn't commit mass murder, not that that option isn't entirely unappealing to her...but still.

    She is typically rude and obnoxious, believing herself to be above everyone, even fellow vampires older than her. Pretty much the definition of a superiority complex. Even those that could be considered her 'friends' she believes she is better than, though she doesn't outwardly state it as often as with everyone else.

    Cue Ophelia, her much nicer and more tolerable persona. If at all possible people would much rather have her stick around all the time and have Lucy be the odd occurance. She is kind, sweet, and caring about pretty much everyone around her. Most of all she really likes making friends and helping where she can, the exact polar opposite of Lucy.

    However, what could be considered both a downside and an upside is that neither persona remembers the actions of the other, nor do they ever believe what anyone tells them when they say what the other did. They typically brush them off as crazy or as trying to scare them, never really fully understanding that they are infact telling the truth.

    Short Biography:

    Lucy has always, and always will, be an odd child. She seems to of had her split personality since she was 8. No one is sure what brought it on, how, or why, but some would speculate it was the death of her mother whom she was extremely attached to. Prior to her death there was no Ophelia, there was only the kind and sweet Lucy. However everything went downhill at the point of her death. She didn't just up and decide to develop another personality, no, it was cultivated over 5 years.

    At first the changes were gradual, she'd simply seem irritable or not really care about things. After about two years she became a different person altogether, she couldn't even be considered the same girl she once was. Over the next three years 'Ophelia' developed, it was basically her sub-concious wanting her to be back to her normal happy self. Though, of course, she'd never remember what happened during personality shifts. For her it'd pretty much be like someone hit pause and changed the channel, then doing the same thing and unpausing the other channel.

    When she was old enough she eventually set out on her own travelling from village to village. She typically did whatever it took to survive, which unfortunately at times meant killing a few pesky hunters that happened to dislike her kind. Other than that the worst she did was steal here and there. Thus, she's been roaming the land ever since and to this day, never really liking a place well enough to call it home.

    Astral Abilities: Heightened regeneration, heightened speed and etc. over the norm due to her race, Telepathy

    Preferred Magic: Blood Magic, Wind Magic, Fire Magic(Basic)

Can we put a limiter on your Astral?
Lorkhan said:

Bishop Cartwell

Age: 20

Astral: N/A

Background: Born and raised an only child in a small house out in the countryside, in the kingdom of Tevarin, Bishop's early years were quite lonely. He was raised single-handedly by his father, Casimir; a strong-believer in self-sufficiency, Casimir taught his son how to hunt and survive from a young age. Bishop's father, being a hunter, taught him how to use a bow, and how to sneak up on prey effectively.

It was some time after his fourteenth birthday that the War of the Four Kings began. Forces from three different kingdoms carved their way through Tevarin, sacking many cities, towns, and estates that lay in their path. One night, the unimaginable happened, after having lived peacefully for so long. All was quiet at first, save for the soft beat of feet marching steadily towards their house. Then, bursting through the door came six foot soldiers with a mage not far behind. Casimir, seeing Bishop in harm's way, leapt into the fray. Though he was severely outnumbered, Casimir managed to slay two or three men before being struck down himself. As this was happening, Bishop sprinted down the road, trying to get as far away from the war party as possible. When he turned around to look for his father, an arrow pierced right through his right eye.

When Bishop woke up some days later, with horrid pain greeting him. His head had been bandaged, he realized, and he was wearing clothes that were not his own. Sitting by his bed was an old man named Lionel, an old friend of his father's. Lionel explained how he had discovered Casimir's corpse by the house, along with those of some other soldiers. He also found Bishop further down the road with an arrow in his eye, alive, and carried him home for medical care. After resting and recuperating a few weeks more, Bishop left to visit the grave of his father. With nowhere else to go, Bishop left home and began hunting both animals and people for a modest sum in return, and a meal at his table.

Race: Human - Tevarinni

Personality: Bishop is an amiable sort, good-natured, and good-humored. He's a friendly fellow, quick to laugh and easy with a jest. He's soft-hearted, but he does, however, understand if circumstances deem something necessary to be done. For example, he has no problems with killing bad guys if it needs to be done. Bishop has his rebellious, bull-headed tendencies, and in recent years, has become a bit disillusioned in life. He's a stubborn man who doesn't accept change, at least not easily.

Preferred Magic: N/A
Is this the new character?
Mitchs98 said:
Such as? :0
Well mine is a dragon-like thing but it doesnt have scales (vulnerable skin) I think he means for you to make it less powerful than a full blown dragon in a way like that
Mitchs98 said:
Such as? :0
What @Yaoke Saint said. Either have it that he has certain summoning conditions or he has a huge vulnerability. Or, make him the size of a full-grown horse or something.
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AzureSkye said:
What @Yaoke Saint said. Either have it that he has certain summoning conditions or he has a huge vulnerability. Or, make him the size of a full-grown horse or something.
The summoning conditions are implied. He only appears if she's in life threatening danger. 0:
Mitchs98 said:
The summoning conditions are implied. He only appears if she's in life threatening danger. 0:
I think I need more then that, like a vulnerability. He's a freaking dragon xD


Abramelin Trismegistus Ambrosius Ozymandias






Abramelin's psyche is a yin-yang of megalomania, balanced against pathological altruism. He, with all honesty, believes he is the promised savior, who has come the save the world and redeem its sinners. However, he is also a prodigy in the mystical arts, to the point where his claim may even possess some legitimacy. The result is a man who behaves like Don Quixote, however can carry through with his seemingly insane and even blasphemous decisions, forcing those around him to take him seriously. The fact that he has convinced a large amount of the population that he really is what he claims to be does not hamper his delusions.

Preferred Magic:

Name Magic - by learning the name of a thing or person, Abramelin may exert control over said person or thing. This power may be invoked by either speech or writing. Additionally, Abramelin has bound his own name very deeply with his power, such that if someone else speaks it, he may draw power from them, as well.


Born during an eclipse, Abramelin was prophesied for greatness since the moment he drew his first breath. Being adopted into a Hermetic monastery, he was trained in magecraft from a young age, and exhibited a vast aptitude for it, allying himself with the ancient, and mostly-forgotten magic of Words, and studying it almost excessively, until he had mastered it, and even claimed to have perfected it to a greater degree that its original creators. It was then that he started a cult, centering largely around himself as the promised saviour of the land.



Astral (Appearance):


Astral Personality:

Aiwass is a cryptic being of incredibly ancient age. Abramelin believes that it is the creator of all the cosmos, however he is largely incapable of communicating with Aiwass directly, except when it appears to him as an angelic avatar during his meditation. Even then, Aiwass is incredibly arcane in its mannerisms, giving ambiguous wisdom to Abramelin.

Astral Abilities:

Aiwass is capable of providing Abramelin with the knowledge of any person or object's True Name, in a sort of second-hand omniscience, known as intellectus. Combined with Abramelin's Word Magic, they are virtually impossible to defeat when coupled with one another.


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