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Fantasy Spirit Exodus - First War (Closed RP)

Akua Okafor



"We all do what we can to survive, so why not have fun with it?"

No need to rush


Akua Okafor


20 Years Old




Beast Human: Blue Poison Arrow Frog

Death comes for all eventually
Appearance: Akua is a very small individual, being around 4'9" coming in at about 100 Lb. She has no feminine figure as most of her body is barren ground, her chest being equivalent to that of two mosquito bites and her bottom flatter then the straightest of boards. She has a heart shaped face with extremely large eyes, her irises appearing to be a blackened circle connected to dark lines that end somewhere inside the socket. Her pupils are rather large, her natural eye color being a pale magenta accompanied by two black marks on the side falling down to the tops of both of her cheeks. Her hair on the other hand is a dark powder blue, a darker shade of her skin which is a mixture of light blue and black spots that she has developed through her eating of very dangerous and poisonous plants. Falling to the nape of her neck, the strands of blue are tied together by two long metal strings that circle together to create a hair tie. A gift from her 'mother'.

As for apparel, she wears the least amount possible. Ever since she met with the dastardly fabric at a young age, she has loathed it in the same way she is sure it loathes her. To her skin, it brings a great discomfort and irritation although she is okay with fabrics like silk and any other thin material. Hates cotton with a passion. For the most part, she uses the forest as her closet, creating bras from thick leaves as well as a skirt in the same manner. She wears golden necklaces of varying sizes as well as a golden ring on her right thigh, also gifts from her 'mother'. Does not wear shoes. Refuses to wear any and all shoes. If she is forced into thick clothing she is willing to wear a single brown cloak, a gift from her father. It is unusually big and dangles near her feet..

Personality: Akua has a very go with the flow type personality. She is one to go wherever her feet takes her, and no matter where she ends up she's one not to regret her decisions. Abnormally curious, having been kept away from the world outside the forest, she tends to find herself in a lot of weird and quirky situations. Most bad with rarely any good encounters. She is not quick to anger and is slow on the intake. She is unfamiliar with many things and so most of the time she does not know if she's being insulted although even if she knew she probably wouldn't care to much for it. She is kind, but is not as willing to help everyone around her. Life should go as it chooses, and helping others would more then likely change what life wants, or so she explains. Average intelligence thanks to her family, she can analyze and understand some situations while others may leave her baffled. Lastly, Akua is very insecure about herself. She tries her best not to come into contact with other people as she is afraid of touching them without the use of a secondary item. If you put a term to Akua's fear of herself you could say she's a coward as well as an idiot. She doesn't like causing trouble to those that don't deserve it, and tends to run away from her problems making her irresponsible and selfish in a sense. Also, is not afraid of hurting people in general, she is afraid of hurting those she cares about. She will kill if necessary without remorse. Plus she has a very dark sense of humor although she doesn't think it.

Biography: Akua was born just as any other one of her kind. Her parents met one another on one fine morning or afternoon, fell in love, and decided to stick to one another for a few days and boom, there you have it. Six hundred eggs hanging haphazardly along the canopy without any parental supervision. Unlike many mammalian Beast Humans, frogs are not maternal and therefore found no need with staying with their young, leaving the tadpoles to fend for themselves in their rain forest habitat resting on the world's equator. Survival was key, but to an unborn child, survival didn't exist. Many didn't make it through the first day as large predatory birds went about pecking away at them, lizards gulping them down without a second thought. It was a surprise Akua made it passed the twentieth day being one of fifty left. Another day, and she'd finally hatch normally outside her egg, but nature thought differently of this frog's life.

A few hour before hatching time, rain fell heavily upon the forest, the canopies shaking with each little drop. Eggs were usually attached to a leaf with a very strong substance created by their mother, but apparently for Akua it hadn't been strong enough as her egg tumbled a few feet from it's nest and was swept away by the strong breeze. She hatched the next day, alone within the freezing lakes of the North, the forest unlike the rain forest that her kind was known to inhabit. As a tadpole, she had no mind to think, a small body driven by pure instincts, an animal. The only natural feelings she felt were hunger and fear, the two intermingling with one another to create the perfect fight or flight mechanism. So as the months past, she grew. Black skin now doning a blue tint, the sign that she was indeed poisonous.

After a year, she had grown to the size of the average human child. With a change in appearance came a change in thought as her instincts were now diluted with ideas, something she had been unaccustomed to so far in life. With the ability to create ideas led to an endless array of new possibilities such as new ways to hunts, fend off predators, to survive. But nothing is ever to good as it also brought about bouts of loneliness something she had to discover in the wild. It was awkward at first. In this desolate forest, there were nothing else like her. Companionship and communication had, at this point, been non-existent to the young Akua. It had never been necessary. So why did she continue to mourn something she never knew? It was baffling to say the least. The whole concept was abnormal. It made her contradict her thoughts on multiple occasions. When she had been hungry it had told her she wasn't, when she was sleepy she couldn't sleep. Nothing made sense. This repetitive and unwanted feeling continued until she met . . . it?

It had been a usual day in the forest until an abnormal shuffling of leaves had caused her to jump into a nearby bush. It was ... she didn't know what is was exactly. It was big, that's for sure. Had a lot of fur on it too, but missed a bit at the very top. A lot of it actually. It wore something she had never seen before. It was the same color as leaves and mud, but weren't leaves or mud. Her fight or flight kicked in as the slime thickened on her skin oozing a vile scent. She should run, but she didn't. As to why, well she couldn't answer it. The melancholic feeling she had held with her had dissipated with the sight of that thing. Curious, she watched it for a moment and went about to follow it until she found herself near the forest's edge. She had never gone this far out before. Scared, instinct took over and told her to leaves, but the sound of stomping had brought her thoughts out as she turned to see an angered deer preparing to charge. The thing looked frightened, letting out a foul stench just as she had done. Maybe it was like her as well?

Suddenly the deer charged, and out sprung an idiotic Akua, tackling the deer into a nearby tree. When she had returned the thing was still on the ground, in shock at what had just transpired. It watched her, and then it spoke after seemingly calming itself to her presence. What it said she didn't know. They weren't ribbits or croaks, but a foreign sound that she did not grasp. It was apparent that she had not been following along and instead, it offered her something. An exit out of the forest to a land she had yet to see. Normally one would stick with what they were used to, but curiosity killed the cat and she followed. The dumbest decisions make for the most life changing experiences.

It had been a he, and he had been a human with what he called a family. He had taken her in as a thanks for saving him and so she was taught human language. The man had lived far out from any other village with his wife and two sons. There she was taught etiquette and reading by the woman, games by the children, and writing by the father. Everything was simple other then writing since her webbed fingers didn't allow for much movement. Etiquette had also been hard, so maybe not everything. She spent most of her life there until she reached the human age of seventeen. She had become educated in the ways of humanity, but kept to her amphibian roots as she still journeyed back and to the forest of her humble beginnings. Every day had been an adventure, something new to discover. But some discoveries are left better undiscovered.

It had been an average day in the house, the wife cooking the two men wandering off to cut firewood, and the husband preparing the bath. As she watched him blow into the flame, she had gotten this crazy idea to sneak up on him to scare him, and so sneaking around she tackled him, her blue hands making contact with his skin. That was her biggest mistake ever. He groaned, and then screamed as he held his arm, the slime that had stuck to her skin now decorating his. The wife came running, the sons coming after as they watched their father scream in sheer agony, his arm turning a horrible black. They rushed him to the nearest doctor in a village a few miles out. When he left she found out why he had been crying. She didn't realize it then, but she was poisonous . . . her entire being. She had never known the family to be without a full set of clothing that covered every inch of their body 'cept for their head. She wondered why, but knowing now what she was, it had made all the more sense. Now that she thought about, that deer she had tackled years ago had died a few minutes after contact. She had thought it to be from the impact, but no. It was from her.

When the husband came back, his arm had been taken away, the mother crying along with Akua. He hadn't hated her for it. None of them did. But she did. She hated herself full-heartedly as she watched as the meaty arm he once had was turned into a stump. Upset with herself, she isolated herself from the family. The husband, being concerned for his 'daughter' went about facing her, only to have her run away to come back again. He explained to her what she was, who she was. He had found it strange to see her kind in the forest, and truthfully had been scared of her. However, he found her brave act to be heartwarming, and instead decided to keep her, knowing full well of what she was capable of. After that, she stopped crying over it, her tears not being what her father had wished to see. The next day, she decided to explore her world, the family unsure why she'd make such a decision. She was a free soul, curious to see what this realm had to offer, as well as others of her kind. So she left them never to return. Three years later and she still find herself traveling the broad world for someone similar to herself.

So lets have fun while we wait.
Astral Cephas is something of an incomplete Astral. When sent to Akua, his real form failed to manifest leaving only the spirit. Due to this, he uses the earth surrounding him to make a form for himself, taking on the appearance of a rock golem of differing sizes. When he is travel sized, he take the shape of a small rock doll, with three rocks creating his head, torso, and bottom. His arms and leg are created by smaller rocks lined up in threes. He weighs about 5kg and stand at about 4 inches tall. To increase his size, he simply increases the amount of rocks covering him making it something like hardened armor. When this size, he grows to a height of 5'11 weighing in at about 584 Lb. His body is more rounded in this appearance and for some reason grass tends to sprout upon his head. He can continuously grow depending on the resources available to him, but prefers to grow no more then his medium size as it becomes harder to control the rocks at his disposal.

Caption:Medium sized
Personality Despite his friendly appearance, he is a rather boisterous thing with a lot to say. Angered by losing his true form, he tends to talk about how beautiful he once was and how he despises being forced into such a horrid and miserable state. He enjoys praise and finds discomfort in anything he deems gross. With that being said, Cephas is a rather intelligent being when he is capable of shutting his mouth. Quick to analyze the situation, he tends to be very helpful when it comes to strategizing and otherworldly things. When he's not bragging about himself or battling he's normally being a smart ass, speaking down on many races he come across finding himself a superior being to most. Surprisingly, he is a very capable Astral, and understands the need for seriousness. Sometimes he is irritated by Akua's bubbly nature and acts like a father figure for her. A very boisterous and loud father figure.
Abilities: Nature Manipulation || Rock Manipulation || Force Field Generation

Preferred Magic: Not yet adept in the art of magic she finds Nature to be easier for her due to her affinity towards it.

(I tried :P )
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