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Futuristic Space Pirates

Seraph Darkfire]I've got a picture for the Black Perl as well. I'll post it when Malias shows Scylla the ship. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/2944-accelerate/ said:
Okie Dokie. I actually need to do something for about 30 minutes so I will be back.
Seraph Darkfire] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/2944-accelerate/ said:
@Accelerate[/URL] I think Icarus is a stowaway at the moment.
Oh? ?.? But in the bio-......eh ok
im curiuse shoold my character Know the pirates and be part of them alredy or shoold jade be a new comer?
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Are you by chance accepting new people?

Daniel boy ! What happened to your other account ?
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[QUOTE="The Jackal]Daniel boy ! What happened to your other account ?

Had to make a new one so I could still rp

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