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Futuristic Space Pirates

How long do you think we'll be waiting to start? Also, I'm moving our conversation to here as we shouldn't fill up the character creation page.
Really depends on how many peeps are interested... Like I said I am in class and won't be able to add attachments to my CS until I get home and on my own PC
I was actually talking to Accelerate :P , though I do thank you for answering me.

There is at least six people who showed interest, including the two of us. At most, four people will join, also including us.
Yep... I've been looking for another space sci-fi as I have a whole line up of alien races that I want to use xD
Yeah, it is surprisingly hard to find one, especially one that will continue. One I recently joined is kind of in a stasis like moment, where the GM is still interested in continuing, but is constantly busy.
One I found looked good but the guy who made it had just disappeared after creating the rp.. No warning just gone
Well, in the roleplay I made them for, they were supposed to be the most advanced species in the universe, evolved from a reptilian, predatory race that hunted massive creatures that had also evolved in their high gravity environment. I had all sorts of things going on in that roleplay.
I'm referring to my race... Which I took from a game I love very so much... It isn't original... But yours is xD
:P I like being original in some things. Not everything though, there are a lot of good ideas out there already.

What race do you want to use?

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