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Fandom Soul Eater: The Trust within Meister and Weapon.

"In some regards, you could be considered as a gem," he says. "You definitely have the shining quality of one. You're also really nice to look-" He quickly stops himself, blushing brightly and looking to the ground. "F-Forget I said anything."
Bailey pressed her palms into his and lifted a leg, to stand one one foot. "The point of this is relying on your partner, if you dont use enough pressure you'll fall over. If you use too much vice-versa." She smiled
Mac felt another warm feeling when she grabbed his hands. Nodding, he did the same. Balance wasn't at all a problem for Mac, but he soon realized that balancing with someone else was much harder. It seemed to hold a lesson for Mac. That in order for two people to stay in balance, they must both be working together equally. If one of the partners started to fall, the other partner would have to adjust their own output in order to correct it. If not, the partner would be left with two options; get pulled down with them, or let go. Mac sure wasn't going to let go, he hoped that Bailey wouldn't either. "Alright, I think I'm getting the hang of this one. How about you?"
He walks in front of her and heads up the stairs, thoroughly embarrassed by his own speaking and sits at the top of the stairs with the blush remaining. 'Way to make a Grade-A dumbass of yourself,' he thinks, hoping that the blush would just go the hell away.
Ruby walked up the stairs and into her apartment, shutting the door softly. As soon as she got inside, she started yelling at herself. "Since when are you so weak? What is it about him that makes you this way? You never blush!" She said, whacking her head. She sighed and went to sit by the window.
Mac had not been prepared for this, and felt himself tipping backwards. He tried to push Bailey, back so she wouldn't fall, but only succeeded in getting more off balance. "B-Bay! A-aaah!!" *CRASH!*

(I'll be back after supper.)
As Mac started tumbled, Bailey falling with him, he wrapped his arms around her and made sure he hit the ground first. When he hit the ground, he let his arms flap limply to his side. "Ow... sorry Bay."

Opening his eyes, Mac made eye contact with his partner and started to blush bright red. He was completely tongue tied as he looked up to his partner in awe.
He eventually walked inside his apartment as well, pulling out his phone and playing on some random games he downloaded. "Just get your mind off of her, Jay..." he said to himself. "You should be more focused on the mission, not some stupid crus- Wait, crush?! When the hell did I start thinking like that?! Oh hell no, I don't have a crush on her! T-That's absurd! GAH!" He chucks his phone and flops face first onto the couch, groaning.
(Sorry, my nieces came over to celebrate my birthday)

"I-I-I'm f-fine." Mac tried to sit up and help Bailey up, but found himself mere inches from his partner. "S-sorry. Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah i'm fine." Bailey looked up into his eyes. Wrong decision. Suddenly she was deer-in-the-headlights frozen. Eyes have always been captivating to her.
Mac gulped down sudden nervousness again. He felt strange, because in a weird way he enjoyed it, yet wasn't sure if Bailey was thinking the same. He felt a sort of magnetism draw him even nearer to her. However, feeling a little ashamed, he cleared his throat and looked to the side. "I'm sorry. I'm always making things awkward aren't I?" he said quietly.
When Mac spoke she broke out of her trance and replied"Yeah, it seems to be a talent of yours." Bailey looked to the side before jumping backwards and landing on her butt still looking at him.
Mac quickly curled up his legs, not feeling comfortable at all now. The Star in him was yelling about his continuing and destined failure, the guy in him was asking why the heck he hadn't kissed her, and his heart was complaining that he had pulled her down in the first place.

After a moment, Mac looked up. He was still red in the face. "M-maybe we should try something a little different this time, huh?"
'Yeah maybe. But everyone makes mistakes y'know. If we didnt we would lose some of what makes us sane." Bailey had thought about what she was to say a while and had decided that was a sufficient answer.

"He didnt do it on purpose so I dont have a problem with him. He has good judgement and is pretty modest so-"
Mac nodded sadly. "Yeah, but I don't think you said it the right way. I think complete sanity is boring. I don't know about you, maybe I'm just weird."

Looking back down, he continued, "B-Bay? I know I've been pretty obvious about how I feel about you, and that's not okay. I hope I didn't embarrass you in front of your friend. Overall, what I think I'm trying to say is that, should I ever start doing something that makes you uncomfortable, please tell me. I give you permission to shut me up too in any means you find necessary. Because no matter what, you're my meister, and I don't want anything to come between that."
Ruby sat by her window, humming, and trying to get her mind of a certain someone. Yep. She had resorted to not saying his name. Of course, this inside conversation with herself was not helping.
"Mac, thats really sweet of you but," Bailey took in a deep breath. "I would be lying if I said I didnt feel the same way. I've just only known you for the past two-days. And i've had some bad things happen before. "

Bailey looked down, hoping to death he would understand.
He brings his face up to breathe and he tries to distract himself by getting ready for the mission. He grabs his backpack and starts packing some clothes, leaving the unused first-aid kit in there. He throws in his phone as well, turning it off to conserve battery and even packed an extra blanket for good mea- Oh what the hell was he kidding? After a stunt like that he pulled, there was no way he could get his mind away from it.
Mac did a double take back to her, wide-eyed. "Wh-what? Oh, I see. I think can understand that. I-I don't want to hurt you Bay, so I'll do my best to back off then. I'm sorry."

Mac looked away again, still not feeling satisfied with what he said. But he felt a little more comfortable knowing what Bailey felt.

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