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Fandom Soul Eater: The Trust within Meister and Weapon.

Bailey couldnt help but feel a little sad and shrugged bit off with a smile. She stood up and brushed herself off before offering her hand to him. "It's getting late and we have a busy day tomorrow. And I'll make us dinner."
Mac grabbed her hand and returned the smile. "Alright, good plan. I'll help with dinner though too. I'm not an amazing cook, but I can do an awful lot with random ingredients. I guess it comes from all those years living on the streets. Speaking of which, I really need to thank you for giving me a place to stay."

Straightening up and adjusting his back a little, mac held out his arm, "Let's go then partner."
Ruby stopped after a while, still confused. She felt like her brain had turned to goo and was seeping out of her ears. She threw back her head in frustration, racking her hands though her hair. She had to prepare for tomorrow and the last thing she needed was a brain that was practically mush.
"Maybe I should go visit her. You know, make sure she has all of the essentials that she needs," he said to himself, stuffing some last minute water bottles into his backpack and closing it shut. "No no no no! Don't give yourself an excuse to go visit her! She'll think that you're friggin' weird or something! Just find something else to pass time!" He sits down and grabs some paper, starting to make another creation.
Ruby started singing again.

"Oide oide samishii hito yo

Ochikondetatte shouganai ze

Minna minna iroiro aru sa

Issho ni utatte moriagarou"
He hears her singing faintly, finishing off his paper kunai and keeping quiet so that he can hear her sing. "Huh, she's not half-bad..." he says, smiling softly. "Though she has to be singing pretty loudly for me to be able to hear that."
"Iya na koto wa hara no soko kara

Fuusen no naka ni hakidasou

Ippai ippai fukurande kitara

Hari de tsuite PAN to sacchaou"

Ruby sings louder, her voice carrying though the room as she sang.
"It would be my pleased to meet your aacquaintance. " Bailey replied before doing a little curtsey and graciously accepting his arm. "Eep! The mats! I almost forgot. " She grabbed one before tossing the other to him.
(Sorry, passed out in front of my computer :P )

Mac caught the mat awkwardly, a loose end flapping in his face. When he was able to get the mat rolled up, he smiled at Bailey. "That wouldn't have been good. I'm sorry about that. But anyways, what do you want to have for dinner?"
When Carly got to her parents house she bursted through the door and yelled "Mom! Where are you I need to speak to you now!" Her mother came down stairs in a hurry and a worried look on her face. What is wrong with that girl busting in this house and screaming like that. She thought to herself as she came down the stairs. When she got down there Carly walked up to her mother and told her the whole story about the witch, and asked her what did the witch mean by asking her who she really was. Her mother went to the living room and thought for a min she never thought she would ever have to tell her daughter this. "Sit down" her mother said. Carly sat down next to her ready to hear what she had to say. Her mother began to speak. "You know how me and your father told you you were left on our door step one day and we took you in as out own because I couldn't have children?" Carly shook her head up and down slowly afraid where this was going. "Well that's not true you see my brother fell in love with a witch and well we tried to tell him that it would only leave to trouble but he wouldn't listen. He married her and later you were born. But your mother was being hunted down and didn't want you to get hurt so your farther brought you here and told us to raise you as our own and we did. Now before you ask I do not know where he is. And as for your mother well i'm afraid she died at the hands of a Meister and his weapon." Carly didn't speak she was into much shock. Her mother continued "That's why I didn't want you going to that school because of what you are." "I'm half witch." she said. She looked at her mom "Do you know what would happen if anyone knew. I can't tell anyone not even Jinzo.......but I have to wake him up. Who was that witch that attacked me?" "It was prob your mother's younger sister. Please tell me after you wake him up you'll stop all of this and come back home?" "Sorry mom I can't where does she live?" Her mother gave her the directions and Carly said good bye got in the car and drove home. Be better if I do this tomorrow and get some rest first. She thought to her self.
'I probably shouldn't say anything, but the other people living in these apartments might have some issues with her singing,' he says while standing up, going to her door and knocking.
Ruby stopped singing when there was a knock at her door. Her mind started floating to that "You Know who" and she sighed, shaking her head to rid herself from those thoughts. It was probably a noise complaint from a elderly neighbor. She opened the door, looking up at the face in front of her. This really didn't help with her problem.
'Okay, now just say something,' Jay thought to himself, wanting to form some semblance of speech. 'Come ON already, you're making this really awkward! Just throw out anything!' He quickly shakes his head and blurts out, "U-Um, well I just wanted to say that your singing is pretty good!"
Ruby flushed a bit. 'WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU !' She said, mentally yelling at herself. She had no idea what was going on up there, but it was crazy that's for sure. She shook her head a bit and smiled. "Thanks." She said. "You can come in if you want." She said.
Jay turns around and is about to start back to his apartment. "No, it's fine. I don't want to bother you and all of that jazz," he says. "It'd end out with a bunch of paper weapons everywhere."
Ruby reached out, embarrassingly tugging his shirt. She lit up like your house on Christmas and let go, frozen in place. "I mean, last time it didn't but you know, it's cool." She saidl
Bailey giggled when Mac didnt catch it correctly. "My bad. You don't have to apologize it's ok." She gave him an awkward side-hug.

"I bought some stuff the other day so how about we make sushi?"
Bailey looked up at him.
He blushes a beet red and turns back around, nodding softly and walking inside. "T-Thanks for the invitation," he said, trying his best to hide his blush.
Ruby slapped her forehead, a blush coming from in between her fingers. She sighed and sat back down by her window.
He sits down in a chair and looks at her sitting by the window, trying to think of a conversation starter. "I, uh...like the look of your place," he starts, stumbling over his words. "I-I didn't get to say that the first time, I don't think."
"Yeah, well it's not that great," he says, rubbing the back of his head. "It's quite bland compared to back home, and besides, it's probably a wreck due to the lack of time I've spent there and with all of the stuff strewn about the floor.'
Mac blushed a little when Bailey hugged him, but smiled back. "Uh, yeah. Sushi sounds great!"

He started walking toward Bailey's apartment, feeling much better than he had before.
"Yeah, I did," he said a bit sheepishly. "I felt a bit weird listening in like that, but it was pretty nice. Not sure how the neighbors felt about that, but still."

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