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Fandom Soul Eater: The Trust within Meister and Weapon.

Gamer Wizard Justin

Commander Of The Justin Force
Welcome to DWMA, There are a number of new students that have to get paired up between Meister and Weapon. They all have a skill one way or another they just have to progress with practice. They all have to take missions within the school so that the weapon can attempt to become a death weapon.

I hope you enjoy your stay in DWMA,


1. Be respectful of all characters and their actions.

2. You may not control the action of another role players character unless you are a meister wielding your weapon.

3. You must be literate.You will write 2- 4 lines at a time unless you need to get important info out. You will use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

4. Please read all the rules. There is a word at the beginning of rule number five . Please highlight it for me to see in your app(itizer :P )

5. Soul Eater "Talking" will be in quotation marks. Thinking will be in apostrophes or Italics.
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Michael sprinted up the steps of the DWMA, earbuds with Lord Death's face were in his ears and his hood was pulled up. A normal person would gawk at his horrible fashion sense. A sleeveless hoodie with animal fur and celtic designs. That along with his long hair, he probably looked like a girl at first sight.

As he jogged, he passed a sleeping hobo, but payed him no heed. He was too focused on his own issues. 'I cannot be inferior! If a meister is going to be depending on me, I will be the best. I have to! It's not just about me anymore. Screw the Star Clan! They may be better assassins, but at least I'm still alive. Heck, I'm going to the DWMA! I couldn't imagine any of the Star Clan stepping foot here except me.'

He gave himself a smirk as he reached the top of the stairs. Then he turned about face and jogged in place, waiting for his new partner. He couldn't remember their name, or anything about them really. But that didn't matter. He just hoped they would like him. As he jogged, he stared at the moon. 'So what if it's two o'clock in the morning. I had to be on time. jog, Jog, JOG! I refuse to be inferior!" He continued to jog until the sun took over the sky and more students began to appear. Whoever his partner was would no doubt come to him.
Bailey wandered down the market streets in her blank state of mind. She could feel all the presences around her and narrowly avoided them by aimlessly slipping past the market area and back to where the DWMA was positioned. Bailey opened up her black satchel bag and stuck in the few things she bought just some apples and a celery stalk.

This was the day to meet her weapon the first time, and to her first impressions are everything. So, she buttoned up her black blazer with military pins hanging off the sides and smoothed out her skirt before treking up the many stairs to find her partner.
The young man Gus marched forward, his body straight and tall. He was wrapped in a teal cloak that was tattered at the ends, and his shoulder guard was still exposed to the air like a flame on top of ice. He went up the steps towards the academy, his eyes flashed with power. He had no partner, but his soul was already strong enough for minor attacks, he was happy to know his power would simply be amplified by his Meister. He sat and waited at the top of the stairs, his arms folded, staring and waiting for anyone to step forward.
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Mac started doing pushups, which gave him a perfect angle of sight down the steps of the school. Suddenly he saw a girl walking up them. Was this his partner? He began to feel nervous. He had to make a good first impression. If she thought he was inferior right off the bat, he wouldn't be able to handle it.

So, he sprinted down to her and extended a hand, "Hey! My name's Mac Sta… I mean, just Mac. Are you looking for your partner?"
Bailey looked around until she saw him walk up to her instead. She plastered a smile on her face and accepted has hand, lightly grasping it before letting go. "My name is Bailey and-" she looked down at a crumpled peice of paper before continuing " and I believe I am your new partner." She smiled up at him.
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Mac froze. 'Crap, what do I do now! She'll definitely want to see my weapon form and then she'll realize just how inferior it is.' Laughing nervously, he pulled down his hood and pulled out the earbuds. "Great! You look amazing! I mean…" he began to blush, "E-exactly what I'd expect of a top of the line meister."
Bailey blushed and nervously scratched the back of her head. "T-thanks, you don't look bad yourself, have you been training alot?" She asked curiously recognizing the strong grip from earlier.
Mac smiled and nodded. He could delay the inevitable for a little while with an explanation of what he was doing. "You know, I bet most weapons don't give a hoot about excursive. Besides, it's not like it affects the weapon shape at all. But there's something everyone misses. By exercising, I train a sound body. If I have the discipline to exercise on a regular basis, I train a sound mind. From there, everybody should know that a sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body. Thus, I am training my soul wavelength."

Mac began to balance on one foot, rather impressed at how intelligent he sounded. At least he hoped it sounded intelligent. 'Shoot, I hope she understood that. Man you probably sound like a blundering idiot!'
"Wow, you know that makes sense." Bailey nodded and grinned picking up a rather uncomfortable vibe from him. "Hey I'm not going to judge you or anything I totally understand where your coming from. We have to be able to trust each other ok? I mean, not to be pushy or anything.and if you dont want to thats ok." She looked away at the sun.
Blinking, Mac smiled. 'She thought it made sense! Goal!' Then she got real personal real fast. It sort of made Mac relax, but made him uncomfortable in another sense. 'She says she understands where I'm coming from, but she doesn't. How could she? Yet, I can't go telling her about the Star Clan, can I?' "Uh… trust? Yeah, sure. But… c-can I trust you to keep a secret?"
Bailey stopped dead for a second thinking about how what she said may have made him uncomfortable and that is the least she wanted. She shook her head and returned her presence. "I can, but only if-" she decided if he can trust her, she can do vice-versa, "you can keep mine."
Mac gave a quick gasp. What did a girl as perfect as her have as a secret? Giving a curious nod, Mac said, "Of course I'll keep yours. Besides, you're my meister aren't you?"
wizard justin updated Soul Eater: The Trust within Meister and Weapon. with a new update entry:

Updates are updates and they need to get out sorry!

Ok, well we have more Meisters now but yet there was only one person who seemed to perfectly fit the weapons so I'll have to wait for more weapons to come out.
The new partners:

Vick (Meister) (Grand Master Death)


Abigail Jordan (Broken-Angel)

Ok, so you too are free to rp but everyone else who do not have their partner can't rp yet sorry but I'm trying my best to get all the people in it hard to get them to match you character perfectly.
Read the rest of this update entry...
Mac sat down on the steps, not looking forward to his explanation. Anyone who knew anything about the DWMA knew that the school had killed off his family for a reason. They didn't believe anyone else to be alive, but of course, that wasn't the case. "Uh, go ahead. I don't know how bad yours is... but mines pretty bad."
"Ok, uh where to start." Bailey sat down next to him and placed her elbows on her knees. ""Well lets start with a story. Quite a few centuries ago there was a woman by the name of Saro who despite being a joy to everone backstabbed her family and her tribe to have an affair with the cheif. After a few times the townspeople became suspicious and eventually found her out. She was branded with a symbol of shame and given the last name Skom, meaning disgrace. This lady started a long curse in my family and people forever shunned me when I was born with this-" She unbuttoned her top button and slid her jacket of her shoulder to show a symbol of an off circle with a line through it. "so I ran. Away from that place to here. But running doesnt solve all your problems." She sighed.
Beep beep beep. The alarm kept going and going, making the young weapon grumble and and roll over in her bed. Slapping the machine, Abigial yawned and moaned as she slowly got up and out of bed. She stretched and grabbed a towel on her way to the bathroom, somewhat dreading the day ahead of her. Today would be her first day back since that fateful day two years ago. She knew this day would come eventually but she was still dreading it. Emerging from the shower, she walked over to her closet and got dressed.

Walking down into her kitchen, she made her some toast and coffee. Yes someone her age shouldn't be drinking it but she dared anyone to tell her that she couldn't have it. Abigail wasn't a scary nor mean person, but you messed with her getting at least one cup of coffee in the morning, she was not the most pleasent person. Finishing up her 'breakfast', she walked into her living and proceeded to slip on her green converse and grab her bag, ready to leave.

Bounding down the steps at her front door, Abigail slung her bag over her shoulder and placed her board onto the pavement. Stepping onto, she placed her hot pink earbuds into her and and kicked off, going at a steady speed down the street. As she rolled down the road, she bobbd her head to the beat of The Gorillaz, playing into her ears. Every other verse or so, Abigial would sing a part of the song. That band for some reason somehow calmed her nerves, making everything not seem as dreadful.

After about 10 minutes of skating down the street, Abigial came upon the building that changed her life, what felt like a life time ago. Picking up her board, and jogging up the stairs, she took a deep breath and walked into the school. Walking down the hallways, she found the room that was all too familiar with her. Swallowing and taking a deep breath again, she pulled open the door and stepped inside. Looking at all the seats, Abigail picked one that was closer to the back, naturally and sat down, placing a pen cap into the mouth to chew on. It was something of a nervous habit that she done. Looking around at everyone, she wondered what her new meister would be like and hoped that this one out lived that the other.
wizard justin updated Soul Eater: The Trust within Meister and Weapon. with a new update entry:


Here are the available missions but you cannot take one until day two.
Mission Title: Take out Corrupted Human

Location: Quebec, Canada

Info: A report from Quebec in the area.

Rank: 1 star

Required: One one star partnership

Mission Title:Disappearance of Citizens

Location: San Francisco, California

Info: Soulless bodies found two weeks after the victims went missing. Suspects think these events are a Kishin Eggs doing....

Read the rest of this update entry...
Vick woke up a little late then he thought he would ever wake up. This is gonna be my first day at the academy, I wonder who my weapon is that i was assigned to. He quickly got out of bed and he put on a gray t-shirt and some black jeans. He didn't really care for if he would be late long as he was prepared for everything he was fine. He grabbed his bag quickly and ran towards the school. He was a fast runner but once he runs too much he starts to get exhausted.

As he arrived at the school step he didn't look too happy. Great, now i have to go up steps I hate going up these things! He sighed and ran up the steps being bothered by them. After he ran up the stair he was panting and walked into the school. He walked into his class and saw a girl there. Maybe that was his weapon if he's right the paper said the person's name was Abigail. He walked over to the girl "Hey are you Abigail?" He asked her.
Abigail quirked a brow as she watched a white haired, out of breath boy walk into the classroom. He looked a bit disheviled and a bit lost and new. Abigail looked at him, not really staring but more like she was talking in his appearance. He looked like he was able to take care of himself if he was in a bind. Knowing that, she kind of hoped that he would be her partner. Abigail know that it was dumb to think that way and sighed. She looked away from him only to find that a moment later, he had walked up next to her. Leaning away from him slightly, Abigail nodded her head to his question. "Yes, I am Abigail. Can I help you with something? You look a little lost". After a moment of looking at the boy, she had this feeling that he was supposed to be her partner. Of course she really wouldn't know until he transformed and he tried her out.
As Bailey recounted her tale, Mac's eyes grew wider and wider. 'She's like me...' Folding his hands and looking to the steps, Mac thought for a second. "So... you were shunned too? Out of all the secrets you could have had, I didn't expect one like that. Um... h-have you heard of the Star Clan?"
"Well, if I'm right this letter i got a few days ago said that I would be your partner" He says to her kindly as he sits next to her. He looks at her as if he was checking her appearance out. "I've done a little bit of back round checking on you, and if i recall your last Meister has died in a battle too tough for both of you. I promise that won't happen to you again" He says to her smiling. I made a promise to her now I can't back down on my word. He hoped that when she had transformed into a weapon they would be a good match because he hated waiting for a new partner patience is not his game. "Oh I forgot, My name is Vick" He says to her.
wizard justin updated Soul Eater: The Trust within Meister and Weapon. with a new update entry:

More people who were assigned to partners

Alright this time instead of one I got a few more people I can assign at once I got the setup so here it is:
June Fawkner (Meister) (Forlorn)


Justin Cater (Weapon)


Jingo (Meister) (Kiotaro)


Carly (Weapon) (Animegirl20)

Everyone else is still placed on the wait list.
Read the rest of this update entry...

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