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Fandom Soul Eater: The Trust within Meister and Weapon.

Ruby chuckled. "I could care less about what the neighbors think. I just needed to clear my mind a bit." She said, breathing in the sweet refreshing air.
"What was fogging up your mind in the first place?" he asked, a bit curious. "Don't tell me that you're worried about the next mission. I think we'll do perfectly fine."
Ruby shook her head. "Something else." She said, a fain blush covering her face as the wind whipped around her short hair.
"Something else?" he said, raising an eyebrow. "Well what else could it be? And how come you're blushing like that?"
Ruby looked down. "Nothing." She said, turning more red. She could never let him know she had a weakness. Never. She was the strong Ruby Rose. She never cracks.
"Oh really now?" he said, giving her a piercing look. "It's quite obvious when you're hiding something. I mean, your face could pass as a tomato right now since you're so red."
(Sorry its like I suddenly have a life) Bailey walked beside him, her mind somewhere else. He's a trustworthy guy, and seems to trust me. Its really good to know that this, might work out."
[QUOTE="Spade Oleander]Isla rolled her eyes. "I am in a more spiritual form. I am neither naked, nor clothed. It's sorta complicated." Isla laughed. "Dear goodness, I am like a ghost or something!" Isla then turned herself back into human form. "As far as throwing me goes, You can throw me, and I can change back into this form. Then I can turn back into weapon form again and land in your hands." Isla smiled. "That is a good thing we should talk about. Strategy."

"If you were naked I would want in." He said to her smirking. He looked at her as she said the word Strategy "I'm sorry but if we are gonna go through with some complicated plan I won't be able to remember it so you should not try to help me there." He told her.

(Sorry I thought I replied to this.)

[QUOTE="Broken-Angel]Abigail sighed and and ran after Vick. Once by his side, she changed into her weapon form. "Alright my miester, how do you wanna do this?". Despite being tired, she was primed and ready.
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He looked at the Saby "well, I need to find where they are though I have to find it no matter what the cost." He said to her as he started running through the forest to find the Kishin egg. He soon saw a person and he threw Saby at the egg and he the disappeared into nothing leaving only his soul. "We finished our mission finally!"
LeafKnight said:
"Alright, alright," he says. "I'll drop it, I suppose. Sorry for prying so much. I'm a very curious person."
Ruby looked outside, glad he wasn't going to pester her. After all, he was the topic of her thoughts.
He pulled out the paper kunai he had made and twirled it around his finger a few times, trying not to be awkward. "You know, my family doesn't approve of a lot of things that I do," he says, throwing the kunai into the wall and watching it stick. "Like the paper craft. They are absolutely livid about those."

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LeafKnight said:
He pulled out the paper kunai he had made and twirled it around his finger a few times, trying not to be awkward. "You know, my family doesn't approve of a lot of things that I do," he says, throwing the kunai into the wall and watching it stick. "Like the paper craft. They are absolutely livid about those."
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Ruby chuckled. "Well that sounds like it would be a fun place to bombard with paper shuriken." She said.
"It was pretty fun, until they confiscated all the good folding paper from me," he said with a pout. "I had to use crappy notebook paper to tide me over until I came here. I can make all the paper stuff that I want without any care in the world."

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LeafKnight said:
"It was pretty fun, until they confiscated all the good folding paper from me," he said with a pout. "I had to use crappy notebook paper to tide me over until I came here. I can make all the paper stuff that I want without any care in the world."
Ruby smiled. "Bet you if we walked over there and coated there room in paper, they would freak."
"No doubt they would," he said, chuckling from thinking about their reaction. "They'd probably ground me for life or something. And then see to it that I never got my hands on paper ever again. Maybe even go so far as to make me use chiseling to write stuff, I dunno."

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LeafKnight said:
"No doubt they would," he said, chuckling from thinking about their reaction. "They'd probably ground me for life or something. And then see to it that I never got my hands on paper ever again. Maybe even go so far as to make me use chiseling to write stuff, I dunno."
Ruby laughed. "Well then I could just break you out and we could live in a paper castle together." She said.
"I'd be Lord of Everything Paper, and have my paper subjects to do my bidding," he said, smiling at the silly thought. "You'd be the Paper Queen and we'd live happily ever after, or so the fairy tales go."

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LeafKnight said:
"I'd be Lord of Everything Paper, and have my paper subjects to do my bidding," he said, smiling at the silly thought. "You'd be the Paper Queen and we'd live happily ever after, or so the fairy tales go."
Ruby chuckled at the thought. Though it would be nice, it probably wouldn't happen.
"Well all dreams start somewhere, so here," he says, reaching into his pocket and grabbing the crane from earlier. "A symbol for the paper kingdom. The most delicate and intricate of all paper creations!" He hands it to her. "I have no need for it, anyways."

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