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Fandom Soul Eater: The Perfect Order

There is now a list of weapon and meister pairs of accepted characters on the Overview page. I will update it continuously as we accept more characters. If you click on a character's name, it will link you to the roleplayer that controls the character or is making the character. I was very excited about figuring out how to do that.
Yunn said:
Hmm is everyone on there, cause I can't seem to find my meister?
The list includes accepted characters at the moment. As we accept more characters, I will add more pairs to the list. When your character is accepted, you will receive a message from @Arkytior. Most of us moderators are busy with school so we can't accept everyone all at once. Don't panic if you haven't heard anything yet.
DaughterofAthena said:
The list includes accepted characters at the moment. As we accept more characters, I will add more pairs to the list. When your character is accepted, you will receive a message from @Arkytior. Most of us moderators are busy with school so we can't accept everyone all at once. Don't panic if you haven't heard anything yet.
*patiently waits because yes, school. I remember the feels and the fun*
DaughterofAthena said:
No. The rp is not ruined. Don't worry. We have plenty and twists and turns that will keep you on your toes! xD
Oh okay... Will we find the greatest Soul Eater Mystery of all though? Is Crono a girl, or a guy? Dun dun dun!
SummerWolf said:
Still interested. Character in progress... Just haven't had a lot of time to do it.
Alright! Awesomesauce! I was just checking in with people because things seemed to slow down a bit.
You will receive a PM clearly stating your character's status in the rp when I have time. If you have not yet received a PM you have not been accepted yet.

This is an extremely busy week for me so please be patient.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Heck yeah I still am I started my Character a while back, but it's yet to be completed.
I'm trying to not fail out of college (dramatic me, it's not as bad as it seems) soooo it won't be up till tomorrow or this weekend :P

Alrighty! Sounds like a plan!
DaughterofAthena said:
*Whacks the mole*

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