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Fandom Soul Eater: Next! ~CS~

Batch #2
  • Koyorin 🍎 on Twitter.png
    (Platinum blonde and visible blue eyes)​

    Name: Valentina Volkov

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'9

    Weight: 144Ibs

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Race: Russian-American

    Weapon/Meister: Meister

    Family: Volkov Family

    Soul Color: Icy Blue almost white color

    Partner: Milo Ismael


    Survivor's Wavelength
    Regardless of having a decent sized soul, Valentina's will to defend and protect is stronger than any other logic

    Background: Valentina's character wasn't always one to look up to. Her childhood derived of schedules and training lessons to become a proper meister and stay one step ahead of the game. Her concentration focused to expand her abilities and skills. She aspired to be like her father. A brilliant meister. The way he tells his stories about his days in the academy, the victories and trials to be who he is now. To Valentina, it was a goal to reach and make her father proud.

    Reaching her dream through the years, began to stress her out. Her training wasn't as challenging or it was too difficult on most days to even try. The excuses continues and her patience was growing thin where her rage would cause destruction of her house. A chair, a wall even a mirror. It broke her father's heart to have her sweet angel change drastically. It didn't help that he himself had a temper. When trying to have a conversation, it would turn into in outrage like wolves at each other's throats. Frustrated, Valentina would always be the first to leave.

    Anger management was suggested to which she found unhelpful, but wouldn't give it a chance to attempt any techniques. He issues grew worse when she scurried off to band with gang members. It was enough to make the girl feel free and powerful. Her choices slowly guiding her in the wrong direction. Her rebellious action growing out of hand, worrying her father day in and out until one faithful mission after a heated argument and exchange of words, concerned about his daughter, distracting him enough to gain a major injury. He fled with his team as they carried him to medical where the doctors did as much as they could to keep him alive. A short time to speak, with tubes up his nose.

    Hearing the tragic news, about her father, Valentina raced to the hospital to see his condition for herself. At the doorway, she felt so terrified to even go near her father. His appearance was enough to turn away. So she did without knowing his true condition. Moments after regaining her composure, she returned to her father's room where the life support was shut off and the sheet was draped over, indicating his death.

    Her father's death set her into a deep depression but also a wake up call to do better and promise him never to be afraid, and follow her father's principles. A new chapter to recover herself starting with anger management classes, and eventually succeeded in who she is now.

    Personality: Valentina is seen as a kind, lawful good, who seeks to defend the weak and put others first over anything. That isn't to say she is a brute, quite the opposite, she has a high intellect and great instincts.

    Around people, she's open, and quite intimidating. Some may see her as too strict or snobby, but she's actually careful and tries her best to keep everyone safe like a mother. She knows how to pick her battles, but her temper does tend to slip taking 100% of her restraint. A strong character if you will.

    On the battle field, she's keen and vigilant and usually takes the lead. She isn't afraid to hand over her leadership to cooperate. Valentina prefers to work fast, but has trouble for those who are slow paced. It's far worse when one is ignorant bringing out the worst in her


    Strength: 2
    Agility: 4
    Stamina: 3
    Soul: 1
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  • The DWMA’s Weapons Instructor

    Name: Ksenia Sobol

    Age: 36

    Gender: Female

    Nationality: Russian

    Sexuality: Asexual

    Height: 5’7”

    Weight: 149 lbs

    Weapon or Meister: Weapon

    Family: Sobol

    Soul Color: Heterochromatic - half blue and half black

    Soul Type: Regular Soul

    Partner: Xavian Shilder

    Weapon Name/Form: Rose Whip

    Resonance Form: The whip grows exponentially longer and Ksenia gains the ability to extend individual barbs along the whip’s length in order to make it even harder to dodge.

    Weapon Abilities:
    • Black Blood
      Ksenia has black blood inside of her which makes her that much more durable of a weapon. She knows how to manipulate it as well. When she resonates with her meister, she can spread the black blood into her meister and this then creates an ultimate defense for her meister. It can be dangerous for her meister, though, if she does not remember to pull all the black blood out of them before returning to her own human form and can thus pull her partner to madness.
    • Partial Transformations:
      Ksenia is able to partially transform arms into the vine of the whip she fully transforms into and is thus also capable of fighting independently from a meister. She’s at her most powerful with a meister, though.
    Ksenia was a “whoops” child. She has one older brother who was 20 years old when she was born. Her mother gave birth to Ksenia when she was nearly fifty years old and the birthing process was not easy. In fact, a few hours after Ksenia was born, her mother hemorrhaged and passed away. As she grew up, Ksenia was never protected from the gory truth of what happened when she was born. Every time she asked about it, her father told her the truth. He thought it was important for her to understand why he didn’t treat her like all the other fathers treated their children. It wasn’t that Ksenia’s father never loved her; he tried his best, but it never quite matched what he expected of himself.

    She never hated herself for what happened, either.

    Actually, Ksenia grew up as a rather curious child and she sought to understand why all that had happened when she was born. It could be said that curiosity was in her nature, though, because her father was a scientist who studied the effects of different chemicals on souls and on soul wavelengths. It was research he shared with the military of Russia.

    One of the things he studied was black blood. Actually, Ksenia’s father was one of the few individuals in the known universe who still had access to the substance because it had caused so much chaos in the world back in the times of Lord Death - the God of Death. The Russian government entrusted Ksenia’s father with their one small sample of it. However, the fact that he possessed black blood would guide Ksenia’s fate, ultimately.

    At the young age of six, Ksenia was wandering in her father’s lab, which he never kept locked up, and she tripped on a wire on the ground, stumbling into a table and knocking a vial of black blood off of the table onto the floor. She fell into the puddle and the blood - for reasons beyond understanding - seeped into her skin and consumed her body. When her father found her, she was unconscious and her skin was nearly black. He called the emergency officials, she was brought to the hospital and he was left waiting, unsure if his career had taken away the one last connection he had to his wife.

    Eventually, the conclusion was made that she could survive, but the only people who could keep her from succumbing to madness from the black blood that they could not remove from her system were those at the DWMA in the United States. Ksenia was sent there without further delay and from there, she learned. She studied. She trained with the most powerful weapons and meisters who could possibly teach her. It was discovered that she had a weapon gene along the way and that became part of her learning process. When she was old enough to enter the EAT class, she did, and she excelled, eventually - quite nearly - reaching the state of a death weapon.

    However, Ksenia never became a death weapon. There was never a witch to kill when she was around and Ksenia never saw a need to seek one out. If there were less witches around, that ought to be viewed as a good thing and she left it at that. No one should doubt Ksenia’s power, though.

    Personality: Her friends often found her to be a snotty brat because she knows so much. Then again, it’s hard to expect anything less from someone who’s been studying souls since they were six years old. She needed the knowledge to keep the madness at bay. Any student that tries to mouth off to her will find that Ksenia has a very short temper with “tiny meisters and weapons” who “know nothing of the world.” She maintains a tight ship.
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