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Fandom Soul Eater: A New Beginning

Mac quickly nodded and butted in, "Wait, I wasn't finished. After giving it some thought tonight, I realized how selfish I was being. If you're such a great meister, then it shouldn't matter who your partner is. I would then be abandoning you just like the others, and chickening out. I'm of the Star Clan. I cant chicken out. That's why I'm still here Xen. I won't abandon you. Because that would mean I'm a monster like the rest of them."
Calvin signed his name at the bottom of the paper, finally finishing his report on yesterdays pairs and lesson. He hadn't slept at all that night, plagued by thoughts of an unfinished lesson or unprepared students. He wasn't wrong for thinking this way, today the kids would take on their first missions, and without the right knowledge things might get complicated. He picked his feet upon his desk, leaning back on his chair and resting his head. Today will either be a great day to prove their strength, or acknowledge their weakness. With that thought Calvin closed his eyes, awaiting for the room to fill with his students.

X smiled at her partner "Well you still shouldn't even think for a moment that kind of thing, and thank you for staying here... that means a lot" Her only weapon she ever had left her alone on the battlefield so she was pretty happy to hear him say that, it was reassuring that it wouldn't happen to her again. "Let's go see kid then"
Soleil noticed Aidan's door was slightly open and she peered through the crack. His bed was unmade, there was no one in it. He must've left while she was still sleeping. She shrugged, putting away the leftover breakfast and switching off the tv. She didn't know what to do, so she might as well just head to the school of her own. Grabbing her bag, she walked outside turning out the lights. Come to think of it, she still didn't know Aidan that well. It was kind of weird how she had to live with him as well. It's lucky how he was already out when she first woke up, she looked terrible in the mornings. Laughing to herself, she found the school and climbed up the steps. She wondered where Aidan was, but she didn't mind. He had his own life, he could do whatever he wanted. Soleil idly stood against the wall and listened to her music. Maybe she could make friends? At the thought of it, she silently giggled. She didn't like being around people she didn't know, she was a shy girl. Of course, that was due to being insecure about her past doings.

She soon started to sing along with her music, and swaying to the beat. Maybe she should just be a singer, and not a fighter. She laughed again at her own thoughts. "Soleil, you're so silly." She said to herself, before covering her mouth. People might've thought she was crazy.
Mac nodded with a confident smile, "Well it's settled then. I'm your weapon. No turning back now. I can't wait for our first mission! Race ya to kid's office!"

Jumping off with a burst of sudden speed, Mac practically rolled toward the DWMA, not even looking back to see if his meister could keep up.

X watched her partner speed off and chuckled "Ha!, think your faster than me?" she caught up rather easily and they were neck and neck.
Atsoku finished the last of his coffee, wipe his hands with his napkin, threw away his trash, and left the cafe. He had noticed a few academy students walk past him while he was eating, 'looks like I'm not the only early bird.' He yawned and stretched his arms as he approached the academy steps. He noticed a couple students at the top of the steps, 'Realm, and some other kid.' He watched as the boy approached her, Atsoku picked up his pace a bit, he felt like having a little fun. "Good morning. I thought I was the only one with sleep issues. You okay?" said the boy as Atsoku came up behind the two.

"I wouldn't bother with this one dude, she's kinda cranky all the time and doesn't seem to care about anyone. Plus, she's kinda insane, I could hear her crazy laughter from my room at the apartment complex," Atsoku said to him, knowing fully well that Realm could hear. Before the boy could respond Atsoku turned to Realm with a devious grin, "by the way, my name's Atsoku." He began to walk off, giving his usual wave goodbye without turning around.

@Kriyze @Ink Bottle Faerie
Emanuel flinched slightly as someone instantly responded to his comment as soon as he walked up to the girl. Unfortunate part was it wasn't her. "I wouldn't bother with this one dude, she's kinda cranky all the time and doesn't seem to care about anyone. Plus, she's kinda insane, I could hear her crazy laughter from my room at the apartment complex, by the way, my name's Atsoku." He turned and responded "I like to get my own impressions of people.." The other guy had already walked off. What a dick. No reason to just vomit your personal opinions about people groundlessly like that.

He looked at that other guy as he walked off. He almost didn't believe him. It was such an obvious dick move. He sighed, and turned back to the girl. "Okay.. I'll just nevermind that part. Seems like you've made an enemy or something. I'd still like to know how you are, however."
Throwing his arms behind his back, Mac shot more energy into his legs. Wind buffeted his body as he continued forward. His heart was pumping and he was feeling really competitive. 'I can't be beat, I'm a Star! I am not inferior!'

"This is the result of my training!" he yelled as he leapt on the top of a building and ran across it's roof. He was practically blasting through the sound barrier. Finally, he reached the top of the DWMA steps and slowed to a walk. He had barely broken a sweat. Then he sat on the edge of the wall and waited for his partner.
"Good morning. I thought I was the only one with sleep issues. You okay?" Realm heard a voice behind her and was pulled out of her thoughts. She glanced over her shoulder and saw a boy trailing her and realized she recognized him from school. She quickly understood that he had been talking to her and slowed her pace before stopping. She turned around to face the boy, a lazy kind of smile on her face and her eyes alight with curiosity. She was just opening her mouth to speak when a different voice cut in and a wave of coldness came over her. The voice was familiar. Shit.

"I wouldn't bother with this one dude, she's kinda cranky all the time and doesn't seem to care about anyone. Plus, she's kinda insane, I could hear her crazy laughter from my room at the apartment complex. By the way, my name's Atsoku." Realms eyes widened and her eyes filled with fake hurt confusion. She looked at Atsoku, who had bud in where he wasn't invited. She wasn't surprised in the slightest. On the inside she felt her blood boiling as she resisted the urge to jump on this asshole, or throw her half eaten apple at him. Realm went to speak again, perhaps defend herself, but Atsoku was already leaving. At least now she knew his name.

"Well, that was rude. I'm sorry about that, I think he and I got off on the wrong foot somehow. Anyways, I'm just fine," Realm smiled at the boy to reassure him that she was okay. She seemed fairly relaxed and kind, not someone to be easily bothered. It was as if Atsoku's words had already slipped off of her. "I'm just an early riser. Not to mention that missions start today. I can feel everyone's excitement in their soul wavelengths. It makes it kind of hard to sleep," She laughed. "I think I recognize you. I'm Realm, Realm Watcher" She said cooly, extending her arm out to the boy. He was already much kinder than Atsoku, completely different. Even their souls looked different.
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After letting his partner catch up, Mac apologized for the outburst. Then he walked with her to Death the Kid's office and knocked on the door. "Excuse me Death, sir? We'd like to apply for a mission, if that's okay."
Kid looked up from his desk, a pen in his hand as he had obviously been doing paperwork. He had been expecting students, but he didn't realize they would be here so early.

"You may come in," Kid called. He smiled kindly at the pair as they walked in. He set his pen down directly at the middle of the paper he had been filling out. He folded his hands calmly in front of him and waited for the students to make their way to the front of his desk.

"Death was my father, you can call me Headmaster Kid," He reassured them kindly. "Now which mission has caught your attention?" He asked.
Mac gulped, now he was face to face with Headmaster Kid himself. Hopefully he wouldn't notice that Mac was of the Star Clan. That could result in sudden disaster. "Um, we want to go after Two Face I think. Is that one still open?" he stuttered lightly.
"Ah, Two Face. I believe that one is still open," Kid shifted his gaze to the stack of papers on his right. He put his thumb on the corner of the stack and fanned through them until he found the one he was looking for. He slid the paper from its place and held it in front of him. His eyes scanned the page quickly, his mouth forming the words silently. After a moment he lowered the paper and looked at the pair in front of him.

"Today is your lucky day" Kid cheered. "The mission is yours. Please read over this paper and see the photograph attached. Please don't forget to record the number of souls you get. You will leave after class today. I look forward to seeing you after the mission. Good luck," Kid encouraged. He extended his arm for one one them to take the paper from his hand. This was their dismissal to leave.
"Ah, Mac again," Break mused, entering the office. "I didn't expect you to carry through on that promise of competition for first missions. I certainly hope you aren't trying to edge in on my territory here."

A smile crossed his otherwise stoic face, breaking the stone wall that he put up around Kid. Strangely, the other student had actually beaten him to the punch. Break intended to be a bit polite and give the stand-in Shinigami a chance to awaken, but Mac apparently hit the exact right point. It didn't matter, Break convinced himself, he'd be there first next time and besides, he'd be passing his mission today with flying colors first and prove himself more powerful. It was an unstated competition, but any real challenger of his was going to understand it anyway, he had decided.

After a second, Break caught himself, and cleared his throat, "Ah, speaking of. I've got the paperwork for the witch hunt, Lord Death. I've got a temporary partner and another pair should be coming in to deliver their application. If Professor Wing gets here before them, please let him know that I'll be counting on him to be on standby."
Atsoku could hear the increase in Realm's heart rate as he walked away, it was enough of a reaction to make him laugh inwardly. He looked down at his phone after entering the building, 'six fifty-eight, enough time to relax, maybe a short nap.' He made sure the coast was clear before heading down the stairs to the basement. He remembered the route that lead him to the large doors with the 'do not enter' tape on them. It looked like the hadn't been disturbed since he'd been down there the last time. He walked lazily down the corridor to the shrine.

It was as empty as he remembered it to be, the chains lie in the same place as they had previously. "Nice and homey," he said giving himself a feint smile. He leaped from the ground to the top of the shrine where he sat with his hands in his pockets. He sat there like that for a while, enjoying the peace. Atsoku put on his headphones and blasted his music, before putting his phone down he set an alarm that should go off right before classes would start. He let himself drift to sleep.
"Ah, Break. I look forward to watching your mission. Professor Wing seems very confident of your abilities. I wish you luck with Ms. Cross. It will be... interesting to see how you two work together," Kid paused and gave Break a knowing smile. "You will be meeting in Wing's office after class. Don't forget to do as little damage as possible to the surrounding area,"

Kid's words were confident and kind, but also knowing and stern. It was a permission to be dismissed.

Kid did not have the same jovial spring as Death, but was rather quite balanced and level-headed. It was easier to see him as a figure of authority. He was always poised, calm, balanced, moving with grace and symmetry. If there was anyone who looked like they knew what they were doing, it was Headmaster Kid.
"Well, that was rude. I'm sorry about that, I think he and I got off on the wrong foot somehow. Anyways, I'm just fine," The girl spoke. Somehow, even though he had asked her a question, he didn't expect her to respond, so he flinched slightly. "I'm just an early riser. Not to mention that missions start today. I can feel everyone's excitement in their soul wavelengths. It makes it kind of hard to sleep," "I can imagine, though I'm not very proficient in sensing, all I've ever done is combat training." "I think I recognize you. I'm Realm, Realm Watcher." Weird names. People here have weird names. At least some of them. He hadn't ever heard someone with a name like that.

"Really? I can't say I recognize you... Oh, right. I guess I kinda stick out of the crowds." He scratched his neck for a moment, and then extended his arm to offer her a shake. "Well, I'm Emanuel. Emanuel Quincy, but call me Aidan. It's one of my middle names, only my parents call me Emanuel." That was a poor explaination. Well, hopefully she'd understa- Aidan's train of thought was interrupted when he realized the hand he was holding out towards the girl was transforming. He quickly pointed it to the side, and his arm turned into a blade from the elbow down and struck the road they were standing on. "Oh god. I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to hurt you, I just don't have this transformation thing completely down yet." He excused himself as he turned his arm back to normal. His arm turned way longer than it was before when he transformed it, so he could've hit the girl if he held his arm out like that.
When Realm saw the boy flinch she clenched her jaw. Does everyone just assume the worst of me here? She thought to herself. One bad run in with Atsoku and suddenly everyone thought she was some grump. She worked hard at pretending to be so laid back and simple. Maybe she just needed to try harder.

"Really? I can't say I recognize you... Oh, right. I guess I kinda stick out of the crowds." Realm smiled, suddenly realizing how tall he was. It was better for him to think she saw him from below in a crowd than from above from on top of the school building. "Well, I'm Emanuel. Emanuel Quincy, but call me Aidan. It's one of my middle names, only my parents call me Emanuel." Realm nodded every so often as the boy spoke, but her eyes seemed somewhat distant, as if she were thinking of other things. Only when he reached out his hand did she snap to her senses. She could feel the transformation before it was happening. She didn't flinch as the boys arm began to change, and her eyes followed its movement without surprise as he shifted it to the side. "Oh god. I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to hurt you, I just don't have this transformation thing completely down yet."

Realm watched the boy for a moment, saying nothing. He honestly felt bad, but that didn't change the fact that he was unstable. Once he learned to master his transforming Realm had no doubt he would make a powerful weapon. Realm's hands pulsed with the desire to wield, but she knew that this was somebody else's weapon and she had no business with him.

"Don't worry about it," Realm said casually with a shrug. "Not everyone has it down right away, that's pretty normal," She reassured him. Her words were somewhat distant but they were not unkind. It was as if only half of her knew or cared about what was happening, but the part of her that did was well-intentioned. "Anyway, I need to get to the the Academy. Nice talking to you Aidan," She smiled at the boy, not making another attempt to touch him. She figured that, since she was a Utility Meister, his unstable soul was even more likely to transform around her. Then she waved shortly and spun on her heel. She began walking down the street, noticing the sun a little higher in the sky. Today was a new day, and it had not started off the way she had hoped.
"Thank you, Lord Death," Break nodded. "I will report the results later in the afternoon along with my temporary partner. With your leave, sir."

He nudged Mac on the way out, sort of a challenge and a "good luck" at the same time. It was no secret that Break himself preferred dealing with Kid. His organization, his air of calm, was far favorable to the unpredictable Shinigami. Their souls were fairly closely matched, so much so that Break could only hope to serve the son of Death as a Death Scythe. But then, Break knew he belonged to the Arma clan and would be working against his enemies no matter what became of him at school.

With his business in the morning taken care of, Break departed once more for the meeting spot. He figured that he was still fairly early, enough so to grab some coffee and wait it out. With any luck, they'd begin before the witch's forces were entirely woken up and could do this cleanly and silently. Of course, that was still leaving a lot of assumptions about Cross' ability to sneak around, which he hadn't had time to check.

[[ooc// Hey guys, I'm starting an rp of my own. Check out the concept and leave a comment if you're interested. Here's the link: http://www.rpnation.com/threads/recruitment-a-musical-adventure.54348/ ]]
Calvin was dozing off in his chair, enjoying the last little time he had to himself. The kids will be coming soon, then off to their missions. His lesson was the only thing keeping them, and considering it was the basics it was going to be followed by a plethora of questions. Hopefully the students would learn something out of all of it, atleast something to help the missions go smoothly. He went back to dozing for not a single of his students had come, Oh they have time, let them wake up before you bore them. He chuckled and returned to his task at hand, daydreaming about his old fights. Slowly pushing himself to sleep with a lullaby of battle cries.
Bonavie opened the door, all ready dressed, with every little detail perfected. She looked up at her partner, fresh with the morning. "Good morning," she greeted. When she heard his question, she nodded, and walked out past him, her cute dainty fingers playing with her hair. She smelled the smell of morning pastries and heard the tired and cheerful chattering of other passerbys. She turned to Cameron as she walked, "By the way Cameron, we share an apartment, you don't have to knock."
Cross looked bored as she entered the school, steaming cup of coffee in one hand...well...sleeve. She supposed Break would have already went ahead with the paperwork for their temporary partnership and the mission so there would be no point for her to go to the headmasters office. Besides with her outfit the way it was now he would probably have a conniption about her pants being unsymmetrical or some such thing. She admired the Kid of course, he was an excellent meister and a Shinigami as well. But still noise was noise and she would rather be without an abundance of it. Still sipping her coffee she made her way to the classroom to check on the professor since he was supposed to be accompanying them on the mission. When she got there the classroom was still empty. She opened the door silently and slipped in side, suprised to see the Professor Wing seemed to be dozing. Not one to let such a prime opportunity slip through her fingers she silently crossed the floor and leaped up to perch on the empty space on the desk, landing noiselessly. She remained in the crouch, arms folded around her knees and stared at him wondering just how long it would take him to wake up.
The cloaked figure walked the streets of Death City. He was alone, that's how it should be. Yet, there was something tugging at the bottom of his heart. Was this loneliness? Or just madness? He didn't care in the end as he approached the academy. He was alone. All there was to it. He was a killing machine now. Meant for the sole purpose of killing anyone his creator deemed fit.

Too bad his creator was dead.

He stopped just short of the entrance. He turned back. No, he couldn't risk it in the end. He sat there just before the steps of the academy, pondering and lost in thought.
Calvin awoke with dropping of his legs to the floor, creating a loud thud. He took in a heavy breath as he outstretched his arms, hitting something in the process. His hand stopped when he felt it, and while it probably wasn't polite, Calvin began studying what he had grabbed. Cupping his hand around it, lifting it slightly. Calvin opened his eyes to see Cross sitting on his desk, her face being suffocated by his hand. "Ah, good morning Cross," He replied as he released the grip, giving a smile. He turned his chair to sit face to face with her, awaiting a response.

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