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Fandom Soul Eater: A New Beginning

Ink Bottle Faerie

Gumball Guardian
It's a new year at the DWMA. Death the Kid has taken the place of his father as the overseer of the Death Weapon Meister Academy. And many of his peers and friends have remained in close distance to the school.

However, with new times comes a new evil. The Elder Vampire, Kyuetsuki, has woken from her coffin, and she is not alone. She has raised an army of thousands of undead to do her bidding, and has summoned many lower vampires to aid her. She waits in the seclusion of Fang Mountains, hundreds of miles away from Death City, training her army and regaining the power lost in her thousand year sleep.

Once fully strengthened she intends to push her legion of the dead into the Death territory. In doing so she will be able to destroy some of the most powerful of her threats first- weapons and meisters- reigning in stealth and an element of surprise.

Even so, as she strengthens her army her enemies grow stronger every day. At the DWMA students are still training to become 3 star meisters and Death Scythes. A new age of students, more determined and motivated after the destruction and fear caused by Asura, climb the ranks at the DWMA. They are not yet aware of Kyuketsuki's presence, and begin by going about their normal lives, finding partners and completing simple missions for school. They have yet to face one of the greatest threats the world has ever seen.


Death Weapon Meister Academy

1. Be respectful of all characters and their actions.

2. You may not control the action of another role players character unless you are a meister wielding your weapon.

3. You must be literate. You will write one paragraph AT MINIMUM. You will use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

4. Please read all the rules. There is a word at the end of rule number five hidden in white text. Please highlight it and put that word on you application in the 'other' section.

5. "Talking" will be in quotation marks. 'Thinking' will be in apostrophes. Do not use - or * for actions. DWMA

6. Please be thoughtful and try to follow the plot line. Do not make the RP center on you and don't go off on any crazy angles.

Read This

After your forms are accepted you will permitted to role play here.

You will begin at the DWMA, just arriving for a new day of school. The night before arriving you were assigned your new partner, and before going to class you are expected to find them in front of the school. Please only reply to your partner at first. Once everybody is settled in I will release a Bulletin full of missions that characters can complete as partners or in teams.

Please check the updates page when it is available for information on new students, partnerships, current and completed missions, and the quantity of souls each weapon has consumed. You will be required to return to the DWMA after every mission, ready with a report on how the mission went and number of souls consumed by each weapon on the mission.
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Hunter stood near the entrance leaning on one of the pillars with his headphones on and music loudly blasting he watched the other students as they arrived, waiting for his partner. He was told the name of who is meister was but didn't know what he looked like, so he kept an eye out. They had a tendency to put two similar people together so he essentially just looked for someone like himself, someone relaxed and someone who wouldn't look too excited no matter how excited they actually felt. Though that was just Hunter, he hoped his partner wouldn't be a child who'd blurt out randomly. Hunter played with his music, patiently awaiting for more students to arrive so he didn't look like he had been up and ready to be here for a while even though he had been here all morning and was the first to arrive, it's not his fault he is an early riser.
Yukina walked up to the DWMA building with some mixed feelings. He'd only agreed to come here so he could become a stronger weapon like his friend had suggested. He saw some guy listening to music and ignored him, he had to find his partner... he looked at the paper with their name. Wait a minute their last name was Gorgon? as in Crona and Medusa Gorgon? his meister was related to the demon sword? he wondered if they had black blood or not. He was amused by this, at least it sounded like his meister would be powerful enough to wield him. He was actually a little excited to meet this person now. The name was Ahri, so his meister would be a female. He looked around to try and see if he could find her, he was easy to spot out in the crowd what with his pink hair and fashionable clothes. she'd probably find him especially since the paper had his nickname on it as well and by appearance he'd probably match the name "Strawberry Terrorist" in the meantime he stood there looking around also listening to his music.

@Mei Miyamoto
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Dante would start to walk up the steps gazing at the schools architecture staring at the spires half-interested in it all. How it was designed and how it was created but of course he already knew of all of this, being the type of person to read random facts. His music was blaring loudly some of the students close to him could possible hear it even with his hood drawn up. He was currently dressed in a gray zip-up sweatshirt with a equally gray shirt he wore simple black athletic sweatpants tight around his calves loose from his knee's up. Virgil gazed around wondering where his new partner could possibly be Hunter, was his name as he recalled. He hoped it wouldn't be like his last partner, an egotistical girl who never shut up. He stopped reaching the top of the steps scanning his almost gray eyes looking to each feature of every possible candidates face.
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R.J stopped at the foot of the steps heading towards the famed school for weapons and meisters. A blank expression was exposed upon him as he looked up to the school, old memories resurfacing of his guardian. He shut his eyes a have out a shaky sigh, gripping a piece of paper in his jackets pocket. He opened his eyes once more, taking on his stoic form and began to climb his way to the entrance of the school. He focused on one qeustion in mind. Who was his partner? He never got a letter yet telling him who he was paired up with, only an acceptance letter with today's date. He masked boy began to reminisce on what kind of weapon he could be paired up with. He was hoping for someone that could be of use and not just let the Meister fight all of it's battles.
Soleil hesitantly walked up the steps to the school, gazing at all of the students talking to each other in pairs. She took out the piece of paper from her bag and peered at her partner's name. It's quite a long name, Soleil thought to herself while looking around. She looked at all of the searching faces, wondering which one is her weapon. She started to think to herself. Soleil doesn't know how they paired up the people, just knew that they did pair up people. She was definitely fine with that, because if otherwise she wouldn't want to go out trying to make friends to see who her most 'compatible' weapon was. Soleil pictured her partner in her head and pictured the personality they might have. She walked around slowly, gripping her paper tightly in her hands that it might rip. There were so many people around her and she felt nervous.
Hunter watched as Dante walked up the steps, piquing his interests as he deduced that that had to be his partner as everyone else he saw wouldn't be a good fit for him. Walked slowly towards Dante, Hunter took his headphones off, placing them around his neck as his music still played, being able to hear it clearly and probably the people around him could hear it clearly as well. Once he'd arrive at his target he stated clearly as he didn't want to have to repeat himself. "Are you Dante? If so you are my partner, honestly a little disappointing" Hunter chuckled lightly though it was probably a fake laugh. "I am just joking I really hope you aren't big on jokes sometimes they bug me." He looked his future meister in the eyes as it was the proper thing to do. "I'm Hunter."
Emanuel stood by the large DWMA building, looking up at it. With his hands in his pockets, he was amazed by the structure. He didn't often get fazed by anything, but this was pretty cool. Students were rushing around him on all sides, and he wondered if any of them were his partner. They should have name tags in this place. He remembered the name though. Soleil. Wonder if that was a boy or a girl name, he really had no clue. Man, a picture with the letter had been nice. At least he could've trusted his partner to find him in that case. He stuck out of the crowd, being at least one head higher than the other tallest person around.

He didn't like bringing attention to himself, but he really didn't feel like standing around on this platform all day, waiting for his partner to find him, so he turned to where the largest part of the student crowd was, just by the stairs. "Hey! Anyone with the name Soleil around here?" His voice echoed over the platform, and a couple students raised their heads, but it didn't seem like anyone was gonna laugh at him for wanting to find his partner quickly. Woah, people around here are actually kinda empathic.

Soleil heard her name and looked up, seeing a man towering over everyone else. Raising her hand Soleil calmly states, "I'm Soleil." She slips away from the big group of people to meet with her partner. She was sure he was almost a foot taller than her. "You're my partner?" Soleil said in awe of his height. "Emanuel, you have a very long name."

She sticks her hand out and looks up into his eyes.
"I'm Soleil."

He was almost convinced he'd heard it. Somewhere in the crowd someone had responded. He looked around, and suddenly a girl plopped out of the crowd. She walked up to him and said; "You're my partner?" He nodded. "Emanuel, you have a very long name." He frowned. "Usually people don't use my first name. Just call me Aidan, only my parents call me Emanuel." He leaned down and grabbed her hand to shake it. "And you have a very unusual name. At least I haven't heard it before. Does it mean anything cool?"

He wondered how this was supposed to work out. He was even taller than this when he was a sword, and he would probably be very unwieldy. Tsh, well, he shouldn't immediately lose hope in his meister. "I hope we'll work out well."
Dante brought his gaze to a blue haired male that started to approach him he'd narrow his eyes for a moments thinking of the name again. 'Hunter.' He was unsure if his weapon was a girl or a boy for the name was in fact unisex. Once Hunter arrived in front of Dante he took out his ear buds with a raised brow looking at the boy before him. He'd hear the insult type joke and just continue to look at him a very nonchalant expression though the name was his own. He'd reach out his right hand speaking clearly and to the point. "I am Dante, are you Hunter?" He'd say then raising his brow once again.
Soleil smiled as he shook her hand. "Okay Aidan. Soleil actually means 'sun'. It's not that cool, really."

She looks at him little a small uncertainty. He's a tall man, but how is he in weapon form? Is he big in weapon form, or does it become very ironic and he's tiny. Soleil doesn't mind, but it may hinder her ability to run as fast as she could if he's really big. "I hope we'll work out as well."
Hunter sighed as he had to repeat himself though he assumed it must of been to the fact that his music was rather loud. "I am Hunter, you must not have heard me. We are partners from here on out... I hope you're a good fighter because, though this might sound cliche, I want to become the best in a different type of way." Hunter smirked before nodding towards his partner looking back at the school. "You have to enjoy the architecture of this place, it was rather clever as to how it worked out. I can't wait to take a better look inside, as well as get a better look at the rest of the world on the missions we go on." Hunter usually doesn't talk this much but he needs to get along with his meister so they can become stronger as one.
Dante would pat Hunter on his shoulder as he went to repeat himself. "I asked again to get back at you for that joke. " He'd then only gaze at him as he spoke about being a good fighter. Dante was a good fighter this he was sure of it was just his approach on things that got him in trouble. He'd listen to his new companion ramble but didn't much find it irritating he was only explaining his joy for the place. "I can't not agree with you, the architecture of this place is very well done." He'd start to walk only nodding with what he had said again. He already detected his wavelengths something he was very skilled in was soul detection. He knew theirs would match fairly well, resonating like a finely tuned duo.
"I hope we'll work out as well." "Good then." He looked around the area for a moment, and then looked at his watch. He felt like he wanted to know how well she could handle him, so he said; "There's a little time before the morning lessons start still. Let's get away from this crowd somewhere, and check how we'll we work together?" He scratched his neck. He really did wonder how well this girl would carry a 9 feet sword.
Yuri felt nervous as she walked through the gates of the academy for the first time. She had lived in death city her entire life and she'd never been here until now. She wondered how her partner would be like, she hoped this guy was nice... but she was also feeling a bit of dread while waiting for him. What if he wasn't nice? what he was mean? what if... she was never good in social interactions, she always froze up or stuttered when talking to others so she preferred to avoid it... hopefully he wouldn't be so talkative and make things too awkward. She took a deep breath and silently moved around in the crowd looking for her partner, she was sure he'd be taller than her since everyone was. She wondered how they paired people up, it had to be on personality, if they didn't get along than they wouldn't be able to match their soul wavelengths right? so there was probably no real reason to worry about such things but she couldn't help it...
Calvin had slept late and was just walking up the steps to find his partner. Her name is cross, or his name, why cross, what does she look like, Calvin was getting frantic. It was only his first week in Death City and he was as nervous all could be. He finally gave up and sat down, hoping his partner would find him. He came from two very strong meisters, but right now living up to the name was seeming impossible.
R.J heaved a sigh as he reached the top of the stairs. He looked around at the meisters and weapons, noticing a blue haired individual that caught his eye. He slowly made his way through the small crowd, trying to reach to the blue haired boy. He didn't know why he wanted to be close to blue hair, his wavelength felt right to him. Maybe he could be his weapon, that is if he is one. He approached the man from behind, noticing another man a head taller than him. His posture slumped as he realized that they were already together. His silver eyes became fixated on the ground, thinking about all the negative results. 'Maybe I won't be given a partner... or one that is afraid of there own shadow.' He simply groaned softly and continued into the school, brushing past the blue haired student.
Yuri was close by and saw RJ who seemed to be looking for his partner, the blue-haired girl felt bad for the boy who seemed to be sad that he couldn't find his partner, and he wasn't talking either... maybe there was a chance that they were a match. She was as she had thought much shorter than him so she got up on her tip toes and lightly tapped his shoulder "E-excuse me... are you by chance a meister named Rezso?..." she had a very soft voice, she was already getting nervous meeting a new person.
R.J looked down upon the girl, frowning underneath his mask.

"Yeah, that's me." He replied quietly, barley be heard in the dense courtyard. "Weapon?" He asked her, hoping it could be her rather than just being alone. The isolation was taking affect on his mental health along with bottling up his emotions. Maybe she would be helpful with expressing those feelings, but he didn't trust her enough yet.
She sighed in relief on finding him. She smiled "Yeah, I'm your assigned weapon, Yuri Takahashi there was a mix up and only I received the information about the partner the DWMA staff apologized in advance and told me I would have to find you" she took out a piece of paper showing him the information and a note on the bottom of the paper giving an apology for the inconvenience, it was signed by Death the Kid himself.
Cross sighed as she walked into the courtyard. The long sleeves of what was obviously a straight jacket hung loosely to just beneath her knees. She looked slightly cranky, her mismatched eyes scanning the front of the school. An absent tilt of her head sent her striped black and white bang in front of her eye and action that would soon cause her to shake her head as more of her hair hooked in two of the three piercings in her lip. She sighed giving up after a moment and letting her hair fall as it might. Her hair was strange, pure white for the most part and nearly ankle length that faded from white to a bright blue at the middle. The bang was heavily striped with black and the tendrils that framed her face were black and rainbow striped. In addition to the piercings in her lip she had two bars through her nasal bridge. All this combined with a perpetually cranky expression and her clothes made her look a bit unhinged. She headed up the stairs supposing she would just wait for her partner to show up and pray they weren't annoying.
Michael sprinted up the steps of the DWMA, earbuds with Lord Death's face were in his ears and his hood was pulled up. A normal person would gawk at his horrible fashion sense. A sleeveless hoodie with animal fur and celtic designs. That along with his long hair, he probably looked like a girl at first sight.

As he jogged, he passed a sleeping hobo, but payed him no heed. He was too focused on his own issues. 'I cannot be inferior! If a meister is going to be depending on me, I will be the best. I have to! It's not just about me anymore. Screw the Star Clan! They may be better assassins, but at least I'm still alive. Heck, I'm going to the DWMA! I couldn't imagine any of the Star Clan stepping foot here except me.'

He gave himself a smirk as he reached the top of the stairs. Then he turned about face and jogged in place, waiting for his new partner. He couldn't remember their name, or anything about them really. But that didn't matter. He just hoped they would like him. As he jogged, he stared at the moon. 'So what if it's two o'clock in the morning. I had to be on time. jog, Jog, JOG! I refuse to be inferior!" He continued to jog until the sun took over the sky and more students began to appear. Whoever his partner was would no doubt come to him.
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He simply took the paper and stuffed into his jacket pocket. "What kind of weapon?" He questioned her. R.J tried to avoid the talking, but he was curious as to what kind of weapon she was. He was hoping something that was light and sharp, he actually smiled a bit know that he can end all of those accursed humans who ended his guardians life. 'One day'
She watched as he took the paper. He didn't talk much did he? well that was a good thing, she didn't want a meister that was awkward and talked too much. She didn't want to talk more either so she would just show him. She transformed into her weapon form and fell to the floor, she was a classic scythe, a gothic looking one that was purple and also had bandages wrapped around her, she had a pretty sharp blade and since she was ascythe she was big but still light weight because of her design.

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