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Fandom Soul Eater: A New Beginning

Ryushi frowned, looking over the mission board. Most of them required two partnerships that were ranked one-star. He assumed that meant new teams, such as himself and Hannah. He looked over at the girl who had introduced herself as Bonavie, then looked back at the Board, scratching his head. "Well, maybe this one that says to defeat a Kishin. It only needs a one-star team, so I think that means us. But should we take care of it today? Or wait till tomorrow and head out right after class? We could do some training today, since I don't even know if you could wield me correctly." It was true. His weapon form was pretty simple, but he didn't know if she could handle him properly. He didn't want to lose his first mission, and maybe die.
Hannah just looked at him "Your so smart, i think we will wait till tomorrow and talk it over, but your right first i need to find out if i can wield you!" She smiled this brilliant smile and looked at him with sas! "So." She looked at Cameron knowing he had been hitting on the other girl. "We are gonna go and train, goodbye! If you wanna come over we will be beside the building looking into the sunset!" She smiled and then ran outside and got ready to train.
Ryushi looked at Cameron and Bonavie, then shrugged his shoulders. Hannah was going to be a handful for him. She was full of energy and he was pretty calm about things. He sighed. "Well, I wish you two luck as partners. I guess I'll see you later, then." Ryushi turned and jogged out of the building, trying to picture how this was going to play out. When he walked through the front entrance, he looked around for Hannah, noticing her a bit away. He walked over and examined the surrounding area. The place wasn't crowded, and was actually pretty empty aside from the two teens. He noticed the sun setting on the horizon, and he stood in awe for a few moments. He shook his head, trying to get his attention back on the task. He turned back to Hannah. "So, I guess I should transform into my weapon form now." He jumped into the air, his body molding into a slighter figure, into his sword form. He the point of his blade landed in the ground, sticking into it. "Alright. It's not amazing like other weapons, but I can be useful."
Hannah looked at it "AWW, you look so cute!" She looked down at him and smiled, she then picked him up and swung him with force that a girl should not have. She moved extremely quick for this being her first year and her first time ever doing this and as she was swinging it looked almost as if she could see something that everyone could not but nope she was just practicing.
Ryushi was thoroughly surprised at how she swung him around. He wasn't use him so fluently, and she seemed like a master swordswoman. "I'm not sure if that was a compliment or an insult. I don't think a sword should be cute, but nevermind that. Have you ever wielded a sword before? Or any form of weaponry? It's amazing how you just picked me up and can just swing me so skillfully." His face and upper torso formed in the reflection of the blade. When he had first learned he was a weapon, he knew he could do this. It didn't seem to be exceptionally useful, except to scare anyone if they thought he was a regular old sword. His face was a mix of awe and confusion.
Realm made her way through the busy evening streets of Death City, heading for her school-appointed apartment building. She didn't realize how much colder she was in the presence until she was away from him. The streets were lively and bustling with people headed to and from work and dinner and errands. The streets filled with the tantalizing smell of freshly made food. Her stomach began to growl, whining about its own emptiness. Regardless of the temptation to stop and buy some ramen she kept walking. She had already spent her weekly $200 on money for groceries and new clothes. She didn't have many belongings when she arrived, and thought it was high time she bought herself some clothes that actually fit.

She was stopped a few times by street vendors or to look at weapons. Real weapons, not Demon Weapons like the students at school. She thought that maybe, if she didn't find a partner soon, she could just start using real blades. She once read a book about the great Swords Master Mifune, protector of the witch Angela. Sure, he was a samurai and completely human, but Realm could be like him. She already had a colorful array of weapons at home that she practiced with often, trying to gain skill before handing a Demon Weapon.

She finally made it to her small, single bedroom apartment. She unlocked the door and shuffled in, closing the door lightly behind her. As soon as the door was shut everything changed. She stood up straight and her normally laid back face became stern, and look of slight annoyance or anger becoming her resting face. She tossed her keys on the kitchen counter and walkd to the small cupboard above the sink. A stockpile of ramen was inside. Finally, dinner.

After dinner Realm wen to her small bedroom and sat on her bed. She picked up the old hardback book that was lying on her pillow and opened it. Realm had a hard time sleeping, and so she read to pass the time. But that night her thoughts were continuously pulled elsewhere. To broken trees and ice crystals. A pair of headphones. And a boy with an unusual soul wavelength.
Mac zipped back into his human form and nodded. "Alright, you want to grab something to eat quick? Then, after that we can... uh, do you know what the sleeping arrangements are?"

After saying this, Mac realized how horribly his question could be misconstrued. Blushing, he hoped Xen didn't start thinking he was weird, because he definitely wasn't. At least not in that way.

X looked at her partner and couldn't help but smile and chuckle at how he phrased his questions. She knew he didn't mean it that way but the way it came out was a little funny. "Haha, I don't know it's my first time here and sure" she chuckled again "Just watch the way you say things" She actually wondered what the sleeping arrangements were here too, she honestly didn't care if she had to sleep on the cement she was just curious.
Blushing a little more, Mac said, "Y-yeah, I'll make sure of that. But what do you mean you've never been here before? I thought you said you had a partner before me."

He gave her a questioning look. Had she gained the partner outside of the DWMA? That was rare. Well, she was a samurai after all, so he wouldn't have been surprised.

She nodded "Yeah, he was a weird one. I actually saved him from a star clan raid, he was never a very kind person" He had been on the star clan's hit list for that reason, his whole family was on their bad side.
Mac cleared his throat uncomfortably. He didn't know how he felt about that. Part of him was curious, yet he feared he would fall into his instinctive ways if he started barking up that tree. It was hard for him to think through. He didn't want to become a monster like most of his family, yet he still wanted to be a Star. Was there anything he could be proud of? At least here they were after someone who was unkind. But, did that really constitute killing the person? Mac wasn't sure at this point.

Starting to walk out of the courtyard and toward Death City, Mac tried to clear his mind. "Um... so, where do you want to eat? Any place in particular? I don't really know anything around here."
"I heard there's a pretty good coffee shop around here" She heard it was run by somebody Death knew, how true that was she had no idea but she knew that they had great coffee.
Mac smiled, "Sounds good to me," then his family pride started to kick in a little bit, even though it was bittersweet, something forced Mac to continue, "Although I personally think it would sound better if they had named it Starbucks. Uh, but that's just me."

Mac blushed after saying this. It made him feel like a self-righteous idiot and he didn't like that. Yet he just got an impulse to say it. That was another curse of being a Star.

X looked at him like he was crazy. "Starbucks? what a weird name... what would ninja run it?" Starbucks... that was an odd one that's for sure, who would ever call a place that? what's next a mermaid for the logo?

<-- Genius
Mac smiled. He could no longer help himself. "Yes, in fact it would be run by ninjas," he replied defiantly, "They'd crawl along the rafters with your food and such. Then they would swing down and place the food on the table without you knowing. Then the customer would get a whisper in their ear! 'You've been Star served.' If there were any targets that we'd have, they would find burning coffee in their laps randomly. That is, right before they choke on their food! Ahahahaha... I-I mean... I"

Mac drooped his head. Could he ever get away from the evil within him? He was constantly getting carried away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it," he mumbled.

X watched her weapon ramble on about what he thought this starbucks place would be like and started to worry about him when he started talking about burning people's laps and choking on food. She didn't expect him to have a moment when talking about a coffee shop but she guessed there was a first time for everything wasn't there? "Just calm down and keep your mind clear" she would have to keep clear of mentioning the star clan around this guy if she wanted to avoid theses moments.
Mac made eye contact with his partner and said, "You're right. Thanks X. I mean it. Most people would just get freaked out by the stuff I do or say. But you took the time to understand me. I guess, if there's a chance that I might beat this, you're the one to help me through it."

Flipping up his hood and slipping his hands in his pockets, Mac stared at his feet. He didn't like opening up like that, but it was the truth. As he shuffled along, they reached the coffee shop.
Bonavie's eyes scanned the boy, unwavering. She narrowed her eyes as he asked if she would like anything. There were many things she would like, for example being the most cutest thing in the entire world, having dolls made out of her. And she would like for her partner to know who she is. She wondered if he had looked at the paper. But if her brother was here, he'd tell her she was being much too harsh, and she knew she was. Bonavie placed a finger to her lips, "I'm your partner," was all she said, her voice softer than her thoughts were.

She smiled, she was happy to see that her partner and her were building such a close relationship on the first day. It was starting to get dark... "Thank you for trusting me, after this we should head back and see what the sleeping arrangements are it's getting kind of late"
Mac looked up again as he sat down and started ordered his meal. "Yeah, you're right. It hadn't really bothered me, but we have to find you a place to sleep. I'm used to sleeping on the streets. I think there are dorm rooms at the DWMA. We just have to check in. I think they are gender sensitive though, so we'd have to stay in separate dorms. What do you think?"

She thought about it and then remembered about a pair that she had heard about. "Well I heard from someone that Soul and Maka used to live together so maybe they don't separate genders the way other schools do... who knows? anyways we should get done eating before dark"
"I think they had an apartment in Death City though. I haven't heard of any co-ed dorms in the DWMA. But what do I know?"

As Mac got his meal, he started chowing down. He hadn't noticed how hungry he was until now. Getting up at two in the morning for a Star Clan caliber workout tends to do that to people.

X had ate her meal normally laughing a little at how her weapon ate, he must have had a healthy appetite. A lot of Stars were like that though she had realized. Despite them being her enemy she had met some in the past that were like Mac and wanted to control their instincts, she had learned quite a lot from them about their behavior outside of battle.
Mac had ordered the equivalent of three normal meals and had wolfed them down quicker than a shooting star. He shoveled up a salad, then swallowed a sandwich hole, and finally ground up a hot dog like a buzzsaw before flinging pieces of a cake in his mouth and sucking down a malt. He still didn't feel over full, but that would do.

Taking a deep breath, he looked to his partner, "Ready to start looking for the rooms?"
She giggled at him for being a pig and nodded. "Yeah, lets go" she said walking out of Deathbucks with a full stomach. She went to go see how they would be roomed up, she figured it would either be with their partners or with someone of the same gender t=if they separated the dorms.

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