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Fandom Soul Eater: A New Beginning


X was happy to hear the compliment. "Thank you, and yes but only once. I ended up hurting myself trying to figure out how to use it properly at first. Your a lot easier to wield though, your soul works with me so it isn't as difficult." She was used to unusual weapons since she had to use whatever she could as a samurai, which was a bit odd she didn't use swords like most samurai but she liked variety and change.
As Atsoku entered the forest he could hear other groups of students who had the same thought he did about training here. Due to himself being a weapon Atsoku couldn't see souls like normal meisters could, he had to rely on his ears to locate anything he couldn't see. 'Looks like there's some action going on here, I'd better find somewhere that's secluded.' He dashed ahead, enjoying the wind in his hair, he ran until he knew he was the only one around. He found several large, sturdy trees that would be perfect to lay in to. He removed his jacket revealing a black t-shirt with the logo of his favorite band, which he also took off. Now visible were several large scars; Atsoku never gave up, even after being beaten to a pulp.

After revealing his blades he went to work, slashing the trees around him. Flying from one to the next with quick, powerful blows. He began focusing one tree, in a matter of minutes it had fallen with a loud crash. "Ah crap, that better not alert any academy faculty members," he frowned on himself for that one, "I'd rather not have to explain myself to anyone today. Other students however, I can deal with them." He returned to his training, making very careful not to have any other trees fall.
Realm had begun to walk across the schoolyard, deciding to head to her apartment rather than sit around and be useless. She walked very casually, her hands in her back pockets and her head down, not shamefully, but as if she were deep in thought. She was just getting to the steps when she felt the ripple of a soul expelling energy, followed by a faint crashing noise in the distance. She stood still for a moment, analyzing the wavelength she felt. It was obvious that she was on the very outskirt of the ripple. meaning that whatever had caused it was much more powerful than the energy she had felt. She looked up slowly, her casual appearance making her seem distracted when in reality she was putting things together. A loud crash and burst of energy coming from the forest. The very same forest that loner weapon had just wandered in to. There was no way it was coincidence. Realm stood in place, her fists clenching in her pockets as she went through her options.

Just keep walking, She sternly thought to herself. It wasn't her business. She didn't care. Self control. Realm lifted her foot to take another step forward, but the next thing she knew she had pivoted on her heel, and she found herself moving quickly towards the source of the crashing sound. "Damn it," she hissed at herself. This wasn't like Realm. She had impeccable self control, but something about the soul wavelength she had picked up was getting the best of her. It had to be the self-wielding weapon.Realm didn't even know his name and she already didn't like him.

But that didn't explain why she was so curious about him.
Atsoku was really in to his training at this point, he was going faster than he had at the start, his strikes were more precise, he was at his peak; and there wasn't even a real enemy in front of him. He heard the sound of his phone giving the warning of it about to lose its charge. 'Of course it would do that to me, it always does,' the music sound of the music ceased, 'great, I was really getting into this too.' He removed his headphones, yanked the cord out of his phone, and placed them both down with his stuff. He looked down at his nearly dead phone, 'It's dropped several degrees in this area, how long have I been out here?' he tried to quickly get to the time, but with perfect timing it turned off. He moaned, picking up his stuff and moving it to a better location, the only trees in his area that weren't shredded were the ones around his belongings. He set them across from him, next to the stump of the new-fallen tree.

Atsoku looked up with a spark in his eye, he'd gotten his second wind. He bolted toward a tree that he'd not yet hit, he put everything into his next blow channeling his wavelength to produce the most power he could. With great speed he hit it, his blade going straight through the trunk like butter. He turned back to see what he'd done; from where he hit the tree, ice now covered about a foot up and down the bark. He let out a laugh that could easily make others think he was insane, and even if he was, he enjoyed it. He strolled over to admire his handy work, however upon leaning up against the tree it began to waver. "No, no, no, don't do this to me," his voice had an urgency. He backed away slowly from the tree, releasing it of all pressure. He let out a sigh of relief and turn around to another tree, just then he heard cracking and a loud crash, louder than the last.

"Damn you," he began to examine the fallen tree as he heard footsteps a little ways away. "Screw trees," he whispered to himself. 'Those footsteps are moving rather quickly, not running like a teacher or another student might however. Whoever this is, they've only come to observe.' He leaped into a nearby tree, still not able to see who was coming. While scanning the area he noticed his items on the ground, 'well I'm done for.'
Realm moved faster once she knew she wasn't being watched. She sped easily through the forest, feeling the vibrations of a very active soul nearby. As she got closer she began to hear grunts and cracking sounds. That meant it was definitely a person, and they must be training. Realm used the powerful pull of the wavelength to guide her, and just as she felt she was getting close it pulled away. She skidded to a stop, smoothly using the friction of the grass against her shoes to slow her to a stop. She looked around, trying to identify if their was a soul close by, but she saw nothing. She stood up straight, trying to call her senses back to her. Maybe I just miss-... Real was cut off mid thought as an incredibly powerful release of energy pushed her back. She would have fallen, but she threw back her arms and flipped once into an upright position.

She said nothing, and just stood still for a moment. The force that caused that burst of energy had thrown off her soul wavelength. She gave herself a moment to relax and allow her soul to settle before sprinting in the direction of the epicenter. Before long she began to encounter trees that had been severely slashed and chopped at. She had to jump over an entire fallen tree that seemed to be taken down in one clean swipe. Realm's eyes darted all over the scene as she slowed to a walk. She stopped in the middle and looked around. A little ways away she saw another tree that was cut down with ice crystals forming up the side.

"What the hell?" She muttered under her breath, trying to make sense of what happened here. It was obviously a weapon but who could- oh. Realm's gaze fell upon a collection of belongings sitting near the only unscathed trees in the area. She shifted her gaze up the trunk of the tree and held her breath. There. A soul. A powerful... energetic soul. Of course. Realm looked down to the belongings under the tree again as if she hadn't seen anything. She shook her head with a sigh and put her hands in her pockets before strolling up to the collection of things. She leaned over and casually picked up a pair of headphones and began turning them over in her hands, as if admiring them.

"Well, since nobody is around I guess these don't belong to anyone. Guess there wouldn't be much harm in just taking this stuff," Realm said sarcastically, exaggerating to make it clear that she as aware of the boy in the tree.
@Lethal Multi\-Chara

As instructed, Break tried not to react when he felt Cross' wavelength. It was an instinct for him to drive off that very same type of soul, so this was going to be quite the challenge. Instead of going on the attack as the normal protocol dictated, Break eased up and felt for a way to send energy through Cross.

After a moment of literal soul-searching, he allowed for Cross to guide him through things without making excuses. Never mind having never worked with a Demon Weapon, Break had literally never fired a gun before. Not even a mundane one. There was no time to hit any sort of range, so after a short practice he'd resign himself to watching tutorials online until bed so he could work better with Cross. This was a competition, after all, and Break was not going to fall behind, no matter what it took.

"Understood," was the only thing Break said, shocked slightly as Cross' form changed. When he had a second to adjust, Break tried to line up a shot towards the empty ground and pulled once, just as she instructed. He had no idea what to expect.
@Ink Bottle Faerie

The footsteps drew closer and closer, he could hear the faint noise of heavy breathing. They began to pick up speed before completely stopping, 'so they've seen my handy work by now, they're getting a little too close for comfort.' Now at a sprint, the person was coming in quickly, 'hopefully they haven't seen me before or at least don't recognize my stuff, I can't risk being seen if I need to sneak up on someone.'

There she was, the girl from the hallway, of course it was her. He heard her say something to herself before directing her gaze to his stuff, she casually walked over to it. 'She's touching the headphones, if anything happens to those then she'll be sorry. Wait, she's a meister. If she's any good, she'll be able to see my wavelength, better act fast.'

After letting out she said what she did, Atsoku knew she had his location pinpointed. She didn't seem to be focusing on his position at the moment, in one swift movement he dropped from the tree and got behind her. He took her by the shoulder, turned her around and had his blade to her throat. "Set 'em down gently, and I'll let you keep your head," he said with all the seriousness he could muster.
Realm heard the slight rustling in the trees and felt the shift of the boys wavelength. She'd ticked him off, and honestly she was kind of proud. When he put his hand on her shoulder she smirked lazily, the look staying with her even after she had been spun to face him. She ignored his blade and remained unphased by his threat and his lack off... fabric. She was safe. He wouldn't have been accepted to the DWMA if he was a killer. His voice seemed stern and serious, and Realm was having none of it. This guy must think he's a real big shot, huh? She thought as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, you mean these?" She asked smugly, lifting the headphones up slightly with one hand hand twirling the cord around the pointer finger of her other. "Calm down, will ya? It's not my fault you left them unattended. How was I supposed to know they were yours?" Her tone was taunting, but more playful and sarcastic than rude. Then she let her fake sweetness fall away and tossed the headphones high up into the air, knowing he would catch them. "You know, aside from the path of destruction, obnoxious soul wave length, and completely obvious hiding spot?"

She ducked under his blade and slipped away from him, walking a little ways past him to study the battered trees once again. She put her hand on her hips and tilted her head, analyzing the moves he must have made to hit each of the marks. She nodded once in approval. "Huh... so did you see the big super powerful person who caused this damage or is that what you were hiding from?" She asked distantly, without looking at him.
He caught the headphones with his free-hand, and watched as she slipped away. 'Obnoxious soul wave length? What's she mean by that?' he asked himself. "It wasn't an obvious hiding spot, you're just a meister. You can see my wavelength, if you were any normal creature, you would have been clueless," he spoke coldly showing no emotion, ignoring her last comment. He looked down at himself realizing he had his shirt off, he set his headphones down and threw on his shirt in respect of being in her company. He studied the girl for a moment, 'if only she'd come out from behind that curtain of self entitlement and show me who she truly was.' He slid down the trunk of the tree where his things were, and now sat at it's base, relaxing his arms atop his knees. "Now, what exactly do you mean by 'Obnoxious soul wavelength?' " He questioned the back of the girls head.
Even in weapon form she was sentient and capable of seeing around her. As such she was aware that his choice of target had been the ground. It was a very bad idea, but before she had gotten the chance to tell him so he had already pulled the trigger. She was pretty sure she had mentioned that her shots were high powered, but it may have been a bit of an understatement. Really how strong her shots were depended on the combined energy of the souls of both meister and weapon. In this case that was a lot of energy and tightly condensed since she had requested a single shot. She hoped her was ready for the kickback. The barrel flashed as a single bright shot of purple energy fired from the gun. It blew a crater in the ground and kicked back with enough force to send Break, and by extension herself, flying a good ways into the air. A few large stones and loose dirt came with them. Cross flashed, returning to human from, her hand around Break's wrist.

"You have a weapon form right...? Transform into it now..."

Cross grinned, eyeing the masses of stone that were currently on the way of crashing, quite destructively back in to the ground. She wanted to see just what type of weapon he was and what better way to do that then while trying to navigate a crash landing. It was just the sort of rush she needed. Things were going pretty well as it was, so she might as well work with it. If he was going to partner with her he'd have to get used to one thing. She liked to switch roles when it suited her. If they could learn to work as a team that used both to their full advantage as both weapon and meister they might just stand a chance during a witch hunt.
She walked up to the nearest tree and stood in front of it for a moment. Her eyes followed the deep slash in the tree, analyzing the movement that must have made it. She raised her hand up and let her flattened palm hover above the deep gash, trying to feel for any remnants or residue of the power that hit it. She left the boy to redressing himself and making himself comfortable with her presence.

"You mean you really don't know?" She asked distantly, focused on the tree. She pressed her hand down onto the bark and felt a small pulse of energy. Interesting. "Well, part of it is that I'm very acutely tuned to sensing souls and their wavelengths, but your wavelength covers a massive area when you expend a lot of energy. It's very physical and... not aggressive..." She traced the gash with her pinkie finger and then pulled her hand away, examining the finger to see if anything had come off on it. "What's the word?" She mumbled under her breath.

"Oh, I've got it!" She flicker her pinkie finger against her thumb, sending some wood dust flying. Then she spun around and crossed her arms casually. She leaned back against the tree and looked across the short distance at the boy, getting her first real look at him. She thought back to the moment she felt his soul. Something about it wasn't right... it was.. oh. "Cold. Yeah, that's what it was. I didn't realize that until now..." Her eyes seemed to go out of focus as she considered this. That explained the ice crystals on the tree. What could cause somebodies soul to run cold?
He watched as the girl examined the trees he'd torn up. "Well for one, I'm not gifted with the sensing of wavelengths, I also don't see how you didn't feel the cold during our previous encounters." He let out a yawn, he could see how much she was interested in his wavelength at this point. He rose to his feet, putting on his jacket and gathering his things. "My phone died, do you have the time?" He figured he might as well get some kind of use from talking to her. Another yawn.

He began walking back toward the academy, motioning her to follow. "And uh hey, are you saying that my wavelength had a physical effect on you and the surrounding environment; and when you say massive area, how far away did the uh.. pulse, reach?" 'If she felt my wavelength, no doubt someone else did too. I've gotta go.' He put his headphones around his neck and threw up his hood, and continued his walk not paying attention to whether she was following or not.
She didn't move from her position leaning against the tree. At first he just seemed bored and antsy. Realm took her time in pushing up from the tree and stretching her arms before bringing her wrist up to eye level. She looked at her watch and raised an eyebrow. It was already that late?

"It's 5 o' clock," She replied, emotionless. His yawn was contagious, and she found herself letting out a yawn as well. At his signal she hesitated, shrugged, and then began to casually stroll after him, her arms bent and her fingers clasped behind her head as she went. She waited, patiently expecting him to speak again, and he did. She noted the heightened curiosity and... was that concern in his voice? She was walking a few paces behind him and took this moment to glance at him suspiciously. She raised her eyebrow at the question and shrugged.

"Idunno, It's possible. I got thrown back by a jolt of energy, but I was pretty close and you released an excessive amount of power when you cut down those trees in one swipe. I was probably more effected than anybody else in the area," She carefully skirted around giving an explanation as to why " but it faintly reached out to the edge of the school grounds. Very faintly," She sensed his worry, but knew it wasn't her place to ask abut it. As they began to approach the school again Realm felt a gnawing in her stomach.She couldn't wait to get home and eat.
'ALREADY FIVE!!? If I don't get home soon I won't be able to hold it in much longer. If what she said was true and I did release that energy, the faculty could have sensed it, and I could be in a lot of trouble,' in his thoughts he was about to explode, but he was calm and collected in his actions. He sped up his pace only very slightly as to not cause alarm, she seemed to have her mind on other things anyways.

The pair found themselves near the steps of the academy, "It's nearly time for dinner, ramen here I come..." He stopped himself, "I forgot to buy groceries, looks like I'm starving tonight; no time to shop." He had no choice, he couldn't be out of his house much longer. He looked to the girl, the hunger must have been getting to her as well. "Well, I guess I've got to go, enjoy your night, and treat your family well," he said the last phrase with actual feeling. He waved her goodbye and began walking home.
"I think we should continue with the spear. If we're faster, we could get more hits in without hurting ourselves. But, once we get more used to each other, we definitely should practice using you as a sword." "Fair enough." She was right. So far, she seemed to have less troubles carrying him as a spear, so they should focus on that while they were still new. Hopefully, they'd get some lessons in this soon, that would probably help out. Having no idea what was going on didn't seem like the greatest of plans, to be honest. He smirked as he cut the dummies into pieces. It gave him a sense of superiority, for some reason.

"How was that?" Emanuel smiled. "Definitely better. I think we're getting the hang of this, you didn't fall over on your face this time, which I'd say is a good thing." He wasn't sure if it was their resonance, or if Sol was getting used to him, but it was definitely getting better.

Suddenly Mac was loving his weapon form. It could generate a whiplike action that most other weapons couldn't. Though it was a little dizzying if he didn't pay attention. Yet in his weapon form, he had a much higher tolerance to that anyway.

As for the situation itself, it was a little ironic that a samurai was wielding a ninja who transformed into a ninja weapon. He didn't mind, they were just an unlikely pair that ended up working. It was all because they simply took the time to get acquainted, rather than fighting right away.

"So, how are you feeling about the mission? Is there something else you'd like to train for? Or can we start packing?"

She smiled at him confidently. "I think were ready" she found this sort of ironic as well but it's not like the ninja and samurai fighting styles were too different she found it fairly easy to use the weapon so long as she was paying attention well enough.
With the explosion of dirt and cobblestone, Break grinned. Even being launched back into the air, his response was nothing but positive. Generally, one would expect such a lawful person to care about the state of the world, but he didn't so much as bat an eyelash; their shot had worked and it had enough strength to do the job. Sailing backwards, he agreed wholeheartedly, "Hope you're ready to land!"

With a precision of motion that could only be the result of years of practice, Break shifted to his Weapon form within her hand. Within the blink of an eye he took the form of his namesake dagger, only about a foot long from the tip to the pommel. Break was very proud of his shape, and especially the neat row of slotted teeth set into his spine. Unlike Cross, he had no special application of wavelengths in this form, so he did his best to simply remain in control. He couldn't exactly line up shots, but Break was somewhat of an expert in using himself as a weapon and could offer plenty of advice.

He would wait for Cross to land however she planned to before he spoke, "Consider it an honor to get to use a Weapon of the Arma Clan. I'm what's known as a Sword Breaker, a parrying dagger born to take on other Weapons."
Realm knew something was off. He was keeping calm on the outside, but on the inside he was more... energetic? Erratic maybe? Whatever, none of my business, Realm thought. As he picked up pace so did she, maintaining her casual stride. Once near the steps of the academy Realm turned her head and looked at the city under the setting sun. It was beautiful that way. It was Realms philosophy that everything, evil vile ugly things, looked somewhat beautiful under the sunset.

Realm didn't shift her gaze when he began to speak, but she listened to every word he said. She wondered, Why he couldn't just pick something up on his way home? That seemed like the logical thing to do. I guess he has his reasons. At his last statement Realm's irises darted to the corner of her eye so she could glance at him. Deep inside her she felt a tug, as if his words were pulling at her hollowness, trying to bring it out into the open. She didn't let it show. She just nodded at the boy.

"Yeah, you too," She said, not entirely emotional but not cold or sarcastic either. It's the best she could do. She watched the curious boy begin to walk away, and felt something nagging at her. It was then that she realized she didn't know his name. Then again, he hadn't exactly asked. Realm pursed her lips as she watched him go, and then sighed. "Hey, by the way, my name is Realm. Realm Watcher," She called after him. It couldn't hurt to give him her name. She shrugged and began to walk her own way.
When we were done training, we decided that we were ready to claim a mission. "What mission do you think we should try to get tomorrow?" Soleil sighed, being completely exhausted from the training. She thought of the missions that she saw. There were only three missions left, two to destroy Kishins, and the last to find these insane twins. The one to destroy the witch has already been taken. She played with her now pink hair, wondering why she even dyed it that color. Was it because I wanted a new identity? Or was it because I wanted to seem more feminine? She thought to herself, questions popping up all over her mind. She was always one to think, rather than talk. She definitely was more of a listener, but she usually drowned herself in her thoughts once someone started talking.

"Hehe... You're lighter than I expected..."

Cross spun the dagger in her hand getting used to the light weight. It was an unexpected form for a weapon, a dagger, but she supposed he would be incredibly useful, especially for the swift way she liked to move. She began her descent, landing on one large stoned and leaping from one to another, fleet movements. She was agile, that much was certain and she loved the feel of falling through the air. Hair pluming out behind her in a stream she flipped from one large rock to the next all the while switching working the the dagger from hand to hand adjusting herself more to Break's weapon form. She landed lightly on the ground.

"A dagger eh...and one meant for breaking swords... I think we'll work just fine together..."
Bonavie walked up to the academy, she was late, which was very rare for her, but she just refused to leave her room today. She tried to fake a stomach-ache, but of course, her brother knew better. She would never admit it, but oh god was she nervous. She didn't like starting at new places, and with the feeling it gave her, she really could have been sick! Not only that, she had to walk up like what? A thousand stairs? She was pretty fit, for such a snobby brat, but that didn't mean she like climbing them any less. Eventually, to her amazement, she had made it. There were not many people still outside, and the ones who were already seemed to have found their partner. She clenched the paper in her hand, wanting to through every curse in the book at her partner for not waiting for her, but she knew that'd be the exact definition of a hypocrite. She sighed, hoping she wouldn't have to look so far for her weapon.

She entered the school with her chin held high, and with no shame stomped through the halls. She saw the mission board, and there a group of three. Odd, she thought, for everyone would be with their partners by now and it was a bit rare that there would be a group of three. She walked over, as long as strides her legs could do, "My name is Bonavie Labelle," she greeted, her accent rolling off her tongue, "Are one of you Cameron Kinch?"


(sorry for making you wait so long!!)
Although he didn't want to be rude, he decided not to return the courtesy of exchanging names. He felt that the two were far enough apart at this point that he'd have to shout, he didn't want that. He liked it better this way anyways, keeping to himself as much as possible. When he knew she was out of sight he began to sprint, doing everything he could to get home before six. And after several run-ins with several people, knocking over a few garbage cans, and causing a bit of chaos overall; he stood in front of his apartment building. He breathed a much-needed sigh of relief, and walked casually up to his room.

He threw his things on the table, hung up his jacket, and go to his bed. He rested his head on his pillow, bracing himself for what was about to come. As the time grew later, the room he was in got colder, and colder. 'Realm, Realm Watcher,' his mind began to trail off. The clock struck six, and it began to happen. The area around him began to freeze, frost soon covered everything, soon his entire room was in-cased in a bit less than an inch of ice. His eyes began to glow, fangs beginning to form, insanity overcoming him. The magic that suppressed this form only lasted so long, it's hard to keep locked within you a demon. 'Those pills the DWMA gave me,' he let out a maniacal laugh, 'never really helped me, did they?' He took another pill, hoping that it'd help. In his turmoil, he eventually fell asleep.
"Yep, we are!" was the only response as they made there way up to the mission bored, as they stood there looking at missions a strange girl walked up, Cameron turned around "Yes, yes i am. Is there anything you would like?" Then he mumbled pretty lady and smiled thinking if this is my partner im happy, then he looked around as Hannah was talking to Ryushi. "Ryushi what mission do you want?" She asked curiously.

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