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Somebody That I Used to Know (FreeMustang + AntiMatter)


Don't Be Afraid To NAG Me! =D
Somebody That I Used to Know

  • Muse A and Muse B are siblings, only they don’t know it. Born to teen parents who couldn’t handle the responsibility of taking care of (fraternal) twins, Muse A and Muse B were placed for adoption when they were infants. They were separated when Muse A was adopted first. Muse B was adopted a few months later, by a family who lived on the opposite end of the state. Due to the request of Muse A’s adoptive parents, Muse B’s adoptive parents never knew that another sibling existed. Muse A’s adoptive parents decided early on that they didn’t want Muse A to know they were adopted, therefore they hid the fact of Muse B being out there somewhere.
  • Fast forward several years and Muse A and Muse B are coincidentally enrolled in the same school (high school/college). They share several classes and just so happen to make friends with the same circle of peers. Muse A and Muse B begin to get to know each other and they quickly find that they have a lot in common; they start finishing each other’s sentences almost immediately. They even have similar mannerisms. Their connection is strange, but undeniable; in a few short months they become thick as thieves, an inseparable pair. When Muse B eventually mentions that they’re adopted, it makes Muse A curious to dig into their own family history. Although their parents insist Muse A is theirs by birth, they have no birth certificate to prove it and they get flustered when asked to get one. Muse A wonders if there’s a biological reason for the strong connection they feel to Muse B.
RING! The bell rang. Jack Thorn shoved his Acer laptop and charger into his red Jansport bag. He said goodbye to his Creative Writing professor with his brother, Mike Thorn. They strolled out the corridor and went to their lockers.

"So who's this chic your dating? She any good?", Jack questioned, unlocking his locker.

"She's pretty hot," Mike said, "Her names Jennipher, but we call her Jenny. We're gonna hang out later with her ginger sibling. Your so called 'sister'. Wanna come?"

"Yeah sure. It's high time I actually talked to my 'sister'," Jack quoted with his fingers. "I see her a lot in my classes actually."

"That's proper. Now, let me just text Jenny that we have a visitor." Mike winked and fished his phone out of his pocket. He texted Jenny:

Hey girl. Is it okay if my bro hangs out with us? And where are we meeting?
(they don't know that they are siblings, so edit it. Your guys are brothers, my gals are sisters. ;) Easy)
(I know. That's why Jack quoted with his fingers. People I. Their college say they look like siblings. Sorry, should've made that more obvious.)
(Oh I guess that makes more since now xD )

Jenny smiled at the text and quickly responded "Is he single? Anna is whining that her little sis has a boy friend and she doesn't. Maybe a quick hook up will shut her up" she got straight to the point before sending in a second one "Umm I need to study for chemistry, Library?" she suggested
"Sure, Cya there babe.", Mike replied with 3 heart emoticons.

"We'll meet at the library," Mike said, glancing at Jack "she needs to study for chemistry.

Mike and Jack both strolled to the library. They settled down on the nearest table. Mike was eyeing the corridor. Jack grabbed a book about Creative Writing and began flipping through the pages, Mike by his side.
(Pairings are Jenny+Jack and Anna+Mike since Anna and Jack are the red head twins? Or was it your point to make this awkward? xD )

"His brother is really cute, trust me Anna" Jenny said as she walked into the library with her sister and went right over to her boyfriend and his brother "Hey guys, I'm sure You've seen Anna before... This is Mike and Jack" she introduced her sister.

"Hi" Anna said, feeling quite shy suddenly.
Jack was reading his book and Mike fiddling with his phone as Anna and Jenny walk into the room. "What's up Jenny?" Jack asked, then Mike kissed Jenny in the cheek. "Nice to see ya babe." Mike said, smiling.

"Hey Anna," Jack greeted nervously. He was shy around unfamiliar people. "Um, so.. Finally another blue eyed ginger." Jack added, trying to not make things awkward.
"Yeah...." Anna blushed, looking over at Jenny with a 'get me the hell out of here' kind of look

"Awww!!! Aren't they just so perfect together?!" Jenny giggled and kissed Mike back "You want to come help me find a book?" she winked at him, wanting to ditch her sister and his brother. The 3rd and 4th wheels needed to get lost! "You two just stay here or something!" she said, pulling Mike behind her, she knew her sister was going to killed her when they got home but if this made her less of a scared, shy person then it'd be worth it!
Mike played along. She knew what Jenny was going on about. "Alright. You two get comfy.", Jack gave his brother an irritated look. He just winked back as Jenny pulled Mike along.

There was an awkward silence between Jack and Anna until he decided to blurt. "So, um... What do you, uh, do on your free time?" Mike asked, trying to sound confident.
Jenny pulled Mike all the way to the back of the library where hardly anyone ever went and kissed him passionately now that they were alone "How long do you think they'll last?" she asked curiously, knowing her sister she'd likely run off and hide.

"In my free time?" Anna bit her lip and shrugged "Umm... Well I don't have very many hobbies... But umm... I like playing chess... But it's like, almost no one else plays so I play by my self and I know all my tricks" she smirked a little "What about you, carrot top?" she teased him since he kept calling her ginger!
"I think they'll last long, to be honest." Mike replied, kissing Jenny back. He knew his bro was shy but he thought since they are so alike, they would just click together.

Jack giggled, "Cool, well actually.. I play chess too. I can end a game in only three moves." he smirked back, his expression flooded with competitiveness. He was giving Anna a silent "Bring it on" face. "Look who's talking, ketchup head." he teased back, grinning. Jack always had a weird sense of humor.
"Well, appearance wise they're like the perfect match but.... You know how opposites attract? I think they're too similar to be honest" Jenny sighed, pulling back a little bit "Anna is going to analyze this and then she's going to make a rational decision that's going to end her up as an old spinster with cats..." she said, starting to think about it too much her self "And she's going to be forever our 3rd wheel... UHG!" she complained

"Ohhhh it's on!" Anna said excitedly, pulling out her mini magnetic chess set "Ketchup head? How am I supposed to top that? All the other condiments would be more of a compliment!" she giggled "Well.... The red ones"
"Eh, I don't believe in that," Mike shrugged" 'opposites attract', that only applies to magnets. If people have nothing in common then how can they get along?" Mike said, fixing his hair. "Welp, I think we have room for a 4th wheel to get the car going." Mike said, trying to get his brother into the bandwagon. He pulled forward and started kissing Jenny again.

"Bring it!" Jack shouted, just when the librarian hissed for the both of them to keep quiet. Jack toned down his voice. "Isn't ketchup the only red condiment?" Jack said smirking. "I got dibs on white." As Jack was assembling the chess pieces, he asked "So where do you live? Before college, I mean."
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"Well yeah you have to have SOME things in common but like... Well we'll see" Jenny smiled against Mike's lips as he started kissing her again. After a while she pulled back "So let me get this strait... You want to continuously be in a group?" she asked suspiciously

"Uh no, ladies get first choice and I'm always whit, thank you" Anna smirked, rotating the board around so she had her color "And no... There's saracha, hot sauce, salsa, buffalo sauce, umm... Well you get the point, they'd imply you were hot, get it?" she giggled, making the first move in the game and waiting on Jack "We lived in California, what about you?"
"Well, it depends. If those two get along we can split and live our own lives." Mike calmly replied. He started making out with Jenny again.

Mike laughed. "Wow, can't believe I didn't catch on, and I didn't know you were the flirty type." He said, grinning and staring at Anna's blue eyes. Jack made his first move. "Nice, I lived in Arizona. Pretty close to California." Mike said waiting for Anna's next move.
"Mmm..." Jenny decided to just shut up and make out with Mike, she hoped her sister was opening up and having a good time.

Anna grinned "Well you know you are kinda cute..." she admitted, batting her eye lashes at him like the sneaky angel she was, moving one of her chess pieces and announcing "check mate hot sauce" she winked at him, of course she thought he was incredibly cute! She's just been too afrai to approach him in her classes, but now that they were being pulled together by the mysterious powers of chess she felt more comfortable in going after what she really wanted.
Mike just kept making out with Jenny.

"Your not so bad yourself." Jack flirted back, smiling. "Well, well.." He raised his hands. "That trick always worked, how did you counter it? I have no idea. Congratulations." Jack clapped slowly. He grabbed his phone. "Your proper. Give me your number so we can hang out sometime." Jack said,
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Anna smiled "That'll be my secret" she insisted, giving Jack her cell number as she reset the board "So. What else do you like to do besides play chess?" she asked, casually starting to play footsy with him under the table, she wanted to know more about him, he was a really interested guy.
Jack smiled back. "I'll find out, someday". He accepted Anna's number. "Unlike most guys, im really into art. When I have nothing to do, I paint and draw." he said confidently. "I also love writing as well, which is why I'm taking up Creative Writing .I'm working on a draft for a novel right now."
"Oh yeah, you'll have to play me a dozen more times before you figure it out" Anna giggled "Maybe more than that" she kept teasing, her face lighting up when Jack mentioned that he liked to paint, draw, and write "Oh wow! I LOVE drawing and painting! And I have my own string of comics I've created!" she said excitedly "They used to be published in our town news paper before I came out here for college. But I'm also working on a bit of a novel as well"
"Let's see about that." Jack remarked. "We have so much in common. This meeting was destined to happen." He replied, grinning like never before. He never found someone with so much in common with him.
"Let's see about that." Jack remarked. "We have so much in common. This meeting was destined to happen." He replied, grinning like never before. He never found someone with so much in common with him.
Anna laughed "Do you really believe in destiny and fate?" she asked, shaking her head "The whole idea that things were meant to happen like they were pre-planned by our subconscious?" she asked as she started putting away her mini chess board.
Mike pulled back. He heard the footsteps and voices of students heading towards their direction. "Damn it." He whispered as he glared at the students with a sour look through that little space between the books and the upper shelf. They were walking to the other shelf beside Mike and Jenny's "make out hideout", but as much as he wanted to he couldn't make out with Anna in front of students. That would bear gossip, which is an abundant thing in Beecher Rep College.

"Oh well, We better get back to Mike and Anna." Mike said reluctantly, still peering at the students.


"Wait, so you think us meeting is just a coincedence?" Jack said, gazing at Anna's azure eyes, beaming. "Although there is no scientific proof or support that miraculous events like this occur, I firmly believe that this was 'destined' to happen."

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