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Futuristic (Social) OOC

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I'd prefer if you didn't, please and thanks.
You wouldn't like eating me anyways- maple syrup flows through our veins, and you'd probably get diabetes from the sugar overload.
The madame's bark is far worse than her bite. I think you'll be fine.
The madame's bark is far worse than her bite. I think you'll be fine.
What you say is true, and I suspect that you're probably right about this, good sir. And on the off chance that she does seek to off me, I'd like to think she'd at least do me the courtesy of waiting until the RP is over before doing so. But you can never be too careful... and death by cannibalism does sound rather uncomfortable :lennyslash:, so it's a fate I'd rather avoid.
Lucem Lucem
K is not special. Lucem J. Tenebris, if you don't stop trying to undermine me and everything that I do, one day you're going to be sorry.

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
Relax. You haven't seen me at my best. There was a time I had 5/6 active ships at once and threw up 2-3 more on the fly. Shipping is child's play for me at this point. If I had went in all the way, Katsura would've been locking lips with the person of my choosing. And you would have wanted it. :kissclosedeyes:.

GasMaskie GasMaskie
You see, I was going to read through all your responses and give you a proper reply, but instead, I just laughed. Hard.

clarinetti clarinetti
It's going well Clarinetti. It's always nice seeing your warm introductions and smooth-like-silk delivery. I was going to give you the IG treatment, but since you don't want it, I'll spare you for today. I'll just keep my mouth shut. :blowkiss: But only for today. And because I enjoy your general demeanor. You type so soft and concisely. It's hard to put some blame on someone so nice =).

Kinzu Hekmatyar Kinzu Hekmatyar
Thank you Kinzu Hekmatyar. Probably the 1st and last time I'll ever tell you thank you for something.

Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet
This is why you and I don't get along.
I was going to give you the IG treatment, but since you don't want it, I'll spare you for today. I'll just keep my mouth shut. :blowkiss: But only for today. And because I enjoy your general demeanor. You type so soft and concisely. It's hard to put some blame on someone so nice =).
So...no biting?
Evening folks, how's it going this fine day? :)

Azure Sky Azure Sky
Hey, I don't wish to rush you or anything, but just was wondering whether you think you'll get time to do an Axis' post before things draw to a close? I imagine you're rather busy and I completely understand if you don't have time right now, just want to clarify is all.
I will post soon. I couldn't do so today, but I will tomorrow :D
White Masquerade White Masquerade
When you said you were going to eat Clari, for some reason, I'd imagine Schweinsteiger turning into the shark Cobolt imagined him to be and eating him alive. With his words of course. -_-

More like halfboiled.

I personally prefer softboiled.

how many of them sailed?

A couple I believe. Ships need proper care to sail properly. White's method of shipping seems to be to throw as many ships out there as possible and see which ones survives. A viable strategy for some species, I suppose^^

ID-0 aired its last episode. Contrary to my expectations, the ending was actually great and managed not to ruin the show. No physical fight with the main antagonist, that already happened in Episode 10. Definitely worth watching, it's one of the anime that has managed not to completely disappoint me.​
clarinetti clarinetti
It's going well Clarinetti. It's always nice seeing your warm introductions and smooth-like-silk delivery. I was going to give you the IG treatment, but since you don't want it, I'll spare you for today. I'll just keep my mouth shut. :blowkiss: But only for today. And because I enjoy your general demeanor. You type so soft and concisely. It's hard to put some blame on someone so nice =).
Glad to hear that you're well, White-chan. And I appreciate your leniency, even if it's only a brief reprieve. As much as I enjoy watching the sparring matches between you and IG, Kinzu, or anyone else for that matter, I know I would not fare well if you didn't hold back. Maybe I'll ask them one day to teach me the secrets to their steely exteriors or sharp wits, but until then I'll just have to scrape by ;).

So...no biting?
It seems I've been spared... for the time being.

I will post soon. I couldn't do so today, but I will tomorrow :D
OK, cool. As I said before, everyone's got stuff to do, so do what you've got to do. I look forward to hearing how Axis responds to all the bureaucratic bs :P.

White Masquerade White Masquerade
When you said you were going to eat Clari, for some reason, I'd imagine Schweinsteiger turning into the shark Cobolt imagined him to be and eating him alive. With his words of course. -_-
Hah, that would be quite something, wouldn't it? XD I'm surprised Schweinsteiger hasn't shown his teeth yet, but your depiction is certainly more evocative than what I had in mind.

Personally, when White threatened to eat me, I was thinking of something a bit more grandiose.

I'm sorry

I'm hoping that we get to see the drill cape make a comeback when Hiiro uses Taddle Legacy. It's a shame that we never got to see him use a lot of Fantasy's powers since its debut.

I'm looking forward to Taiga going against Graphite. I don't see him winning, considering that he hasn't received any upgrades. His suffering might reach Hiiro levels soon.


K is not special. Lucem J. Tenebris, if you don't stop trying to undermine me and everything that I do, one day you're going to be sorry.
It's not intentional, I assure you.


So...no biting?
Lol. What? I don't bite you.

how many of them sailed?
It's not my job to keep them floating. I just make them and push them out to see. Though in most instances one of the two knuckleheads destroyed the ship on their own.

White Masquerade White Masquerade
When you said you were going to eat Clari, for some reason, I'd imagine Schweinsteiger turning into the shark Cobolt imagined him to be and eating him alive. With his words of course. -_-

I personally prefer softboiled.

A couple I believe. Ships need proper care to sail properly. White's method of shipping seems to be to throw as many ships out there as possible and see which ones survives. A viable strategy for some species, I suppose^^
:smilepuff: So you want to give me lip now too? A viable strategy for some species? One more strike and you're out Quirky.

Glad to hear that you're well, White-chan. And I appreciate your leniency, even if it's only a brief reprieve. As much as I enjoy watching the sparring matches between you and IG, Kinzu, or anyone else for that matter, I know I would not fare well if you didn't hold back. Maybe I'll ask them one day to teach me the secrets to their steely exteriors or sharp wits, but until then I'll just have to scrape by ;).

It seems I've been spared... for the time being.

OK, cool. As I said before, everyone's got stuff to do, so do what you've got to do. I look forward to hearing how Axis responds to all the bureaucratic bs :P.

Hah, that would be quite something, wouldn't it? XD I'm surprised Schweinsteiger hasn't shown his teeth yet, but your depiction is certainly more evocative than what I had in mind.

Personally, when White threatened to eat me, I was thinking of something a bit more grandiose.

I'm sorry

Lol. Sure if you want dramatic <3 We can go there. Say the magic words Clari-chan.

*Waits in anticipation*

Soran Bushi was the insert they had for the climatic mining sequence. Their cover of it, likely sung by the female VAs, was featured in the first teaser and it was a joy to have it suddenly pop up in the show.

Hm. I'll have to see how you can fight to that.
This isn't a battle shounen. It's about a group of criminal miners doing their job and Soran Bushi is a traditional fishermen's song from Hokkaido.

??? It's not a battle shounen? What genre does it fall into? Prison Escape?

Life. Life.

I tried to find some kpop dancing gifs to show you how I felt, but there were no clean ones =/. They were bare-skinned and provocative.

Pequeno Burraidh Pequeno Burraidh
Kind of like Anubis eh?
Life. Life.

I tried to find some kpop dancing gifs to show you how I felt, but there were no clean ones =/. They were bare-skinned and provocative.

Just seeing you online is good enough. No need to show me your presence and enthusiasm through a gif. Leave that to me.
Lucem Lucem
Caught up with Amazons. Got to say, they really don't fuck around with the endgame - I'm hoping we get a full transformation scene of Chihiro into Amazon Origin since we never got that armor cast-off effect with Machine Chaser
I'm still behind on Amazons. Most of my free time has been spent trying to clear games and managing a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. I think I'll marathon what I've missed after getting through ID-0. I've also been doing a bad job of keeping up with Kyuranger.

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