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DofE ain't a sporting award it's a personal achievement something or other, when I worked in a charity shop I had a stream of DofE slaves/peons to boss about. It isn't just about running a lot it's about giving back and bolstering my ego. XD

Well he can't brainwash people...unless that's what he made you think.

I see. So you are a terrible person then.

I tried to barrel roll and...it wasn't happening XD. Had to watch my altitude 24/7 too >_>

WHAT? So basically Astraeaa.....YOU ARE TRAINING FOR THE OLYMPICS?! You got a bronze medal last year, but got a silver one this year =). Even though you don't want to go for gold, I encourage you to try your best for it. Think about having a gold medal in your trophy case. How that would feel. That'd be an excellent accomplishment you'd remember forever. I would root for you on TV too! We all would!

Keep training :bishiesparklesr:

IG42 IG42
IMO, I think Gimbal is just playing everybody. Don't try to shift attention on other characters.
oml nah man i think i worded that all wrong oops x-x aha dofe has nothing to do with the olympics (i'm rlly bad at sports anyway), it's a separate thing you can do that usually with your school or scouts group etc. nothing olympics related xD
oml nah man i think i worded that all wrong oops x-x aha dofe has nothing to do with the olympics (i'm rlly bad at sports anyway), it's a separate thing you can do that usually with your school or scouts group etc. nothing olympics related xD

LOL. I'm just messing with you - I know what you meant. Congrats with it. A lot of people I know honestly wouldn't last that long. You don't realize how out of shape you are until you actually need to travel by foot, or play a sport. Keep it up. Love, work out, and treat your body well!

GasMaskie GasMaskie
? Context?
LOL. I'm just messing with you - I know what you meant. Congrats with it. A lot of people I know honestly wouldn't last that long. You don't realize how out of shape you are until you actually need to travel by foot, or play a sport. Keep it up. Love, work out, and treat your body well!
Oh aye using your own two feet as your main mode of transport is the best, I walk somewhere alongside normal people and I can almost feel my legs itching to go faster.

Me and my sister where once fast-walking into town to catch a movie and I was keeping ahead while walking backwards.
Oh aye using your own two feet as your main mode of transport is the best, I walk somewhere alongside normal people and I can almost feel my legs itching to go faster.

Me and my sister where once fast-walking into town to catch a movie and I was keeping ahead while walking backwards.
Lol. However you get that exercise. I do lower back exercises, squats, and calves, so I know what you mean by itching to walk faster =P. You feel free in a sense.

Anybody need help with creating their own RP, let me know. Free assistance until Saturday. Or at least if anyone wants to have an in-depth discussion on some aspect of RP here, I'm open to it. Need to fill the void until the weekend
Journey, I assume? Never heard of it. Has a ton of high rating though...it's Indie?
Indeed. It is one of the highest ranked playstation network games, and even amongst the standard playstation games,the the PS3's lifetime, and furthering on that, scored major awards over triple a titles the year it came out. It's worth playing at least once, and is one of the most amazing gaming experiences I've ever personally enjoyed.

If you ever play it, just secure about four hours, beat it in two, and then pick whether you want to bask in its splendor for the next two hours, or take the journey again.
Indeed. It is one of the highest ranked playstation network games, and even amongst the standard playstation games,the the PS3's lifetime, and furthering on that, scored major awards over triple a titles the year it came out. It's worth playing at least once, and is one of the most amazing gaming experiences I've ever personally enjoyed.

If you ever play it, just secure about four hours, beat it in two, and then pick whether you want to bask in its splendor for the next two hours, or take the journey again.

Yikes. An indie game is an all-timer o.O? I'm Xbox Over Playstation though =/ have to wait for a PC version or something :lennyslash:. I will watch a "Let's Play" of it:smilepuff:
:lenny: Even if I turn the volume all the way up? Headphones are stereooo~
Its like.... If you personally get to do something amazing like a concert, you get that high, that feeling like 'Nothing can ever top this'. Thing is, you don't get that secondhand. Your best mate can't tell you about it and you just feel in the moment. You'll wish you had been there though, that you could have breathed in the moment like it was the freshest air you've ever had, or enjoy that euphoric emotional high that you only get from being in the moment.

My advice, honestly, is to see if you can find it on anything other than the PS3, I think, for some reason, it may have been ported over to Xbox.
Its like.... If you personally get to do something amazing like a concert, you get that high, that feeling like 'Nothing can ever top this'. Thing is, you don't get that secondhand. Your best mate can't tell you about it and you just feel in the moment. You'll wish you had been there though, that you could have breathed in the moment like it was the freshest air you've ever had, or enjoy that euphoric emotional high that you only get from being in the moment.

My advice, honestly, is to see if you can find it on anything other than the PS3, I think, for some reason, it may have been ported over to Xbox.

Your eloquence and passion for me to experience this, sways me Pequeno. O.K. it won't be soon, but I'll see what I can do
Your eloquence and passion for me to experience this, sways me Pequeno. O.K. it won't be soon, but I'll see what I can do
Well to phrase it simply, I rarely if ever played any video games before I was convinced to play Journey. Now I play a vast multitude of games. =P

Part of me is always going to be looking for something that moves me like Journey did, though.
Indeed. It is one of the highest ranked playstation network games, and even amongst the standard playstation games,the the PS3's lifetime, and furthering on that, scored major awards over triple a titles the year it came out. It's worth playing at least once, and is one of the most amazing gaming experiences I've ever personally enjoyed.

If you ever play it, just secure about four hours, beat it in two, and then pick whether you want to bask in its splendor for the next two hours, or take the journey again.
Mm, I've heard of Journey a couple times but have only seen screenshots prior to you posting that video. I might have to go check out the rest of the soundtrack now...

Question though: were you saying that the gameplay is only ~4hrs? That seems pretty short, especially for a console game (Unless its got great replay value).
LOL. I'm just messing with you - I know what you meant. Congrats with it. A lot of people I know honestly wouldn't last that long. You don't realize how out of shape you are until you actually need to travel by foot, or play a sport. Keep it up. Love, work out, and treat your body well!

GasMaskie GasMaskie
? Context?
oHH PHEW i was gonna say XD aha ty, tbh i'm pretty unfit, but yup, somehow survived? X3
oHH PHEW i was gonna say XD aha ty, tbh i'm pretty unfit, but yup, somehow survived? X3
Well, it sounds like this isn't your first time doing it, so you'd have to be at least a little fit to trek about for 3 days in the outdoors. And you said earlier that this was a trial run, hm? So you'll be doing it all over again in the near future- to have the endurance/ resolve to do so is admirable. Either way, it sounds pretty cool- bet you get to see some lovely scenery along the way ^.^
astraeaaa astraeaaa
Question. How is your RP history like on this website and others? Do you like to be challenged and are open to it? Or you're more carefree and easy with what you do?

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