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Futuristic (Social) OOC

Which Stories Are You Most Interested In?

  • The Formation of Guild "Week"

  • The Rise of the Group "PK Fire"

  • The Circumstances of the Accused

  • The Secrets of the Blackland

Results are only viewable after voting.
QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Haha, that is how I look from the outside huh? Excellent. I accept. Love is certainly a battlefield!

GasMaskie GasMaskie
Lol. I can't deal with you and your theories.

hosaki hosaki
Scam WHAT? Being paid $200 to walk and collect some money. Pfft. That's very generous.

Lucem Lucem
Lucem T. Tenebris. I don't target people. I simply enjoy when they cause trouble for themselves. I won't you down the well, but if you fall in, I wont say I won't sit at the edge and laugh.

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
hosaki hosaki
Scam WHAT? Being paid $200 to walk and collect some money. Pfft. That's very generous.
Yeah... until you consider that it costs roughly 2K to learn a skill. Skills that will most definitely be necessary to survive as a Codebreaker. Who gets this money anyway? Does somebody run the Code Academy for profit?
Holy ...I didn't get any notifications from this...which combined with other factors almost made me forget it...Until I saw White's username and I remembered ...:dead:

Hope I didn't miss much IC.
clarinetti clarinetti Oh and here I thought Mundus would be the only one interested in the Coca Cola alliance quest. I was ninja'd it seems :D
Yeah, I too am curious to see what this Coca Cola guild is really all about. As for Gabriel, its maximum profit for minimal effort, since he's happy chatting folks up and all that. I am rather curious to see how him and Mundus get along though, should be interesting :P
Congratulations on surviving: sounds like quite the hike. Hopefully the weather was decent and you're not suffering from internet withdrawal ;p

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
Why do you suspect that? A mysterious, shifty PI is far too predictable as being the potential double agent, I'd think.
thank lmao, and trust me it was aha DX it rained on the second day but apart from that the weather was decent. we got to walk along the seaside so that was nice c: i'm so glad to have my phone and laptop again tho ahh ;u;
All of you worrying about deception and betrayal and secret plots and I'm the one with a character in the middle of nowhere, at White's request, getting secret messages, at Whiyes behest. XD

I'm worrying that this is gonna trigger PTRD, Post Traumatic Roleplay Disorder.
All of you worrying about deception and betrayal and secret plots and I'm the one with a character in the middle of nowhere, at White's request, getting secret messages, at Whiyes behest. XD

I'm worrying that this is gonna trigger PTRD, Post Traumatic Roleplay Disorder.

And so the game starts. Play to the best of your abilities Pequeno~

I may start working on a post, since JinX has a ton of messages to respond to...and a ton more to dish out. She's hopelessly chatty ^^;
Lucem Lucem
Lol. Lucem you get me so mad sometimes. I don't think I could stand you on a daily basis.

GasMaskie GasMaskie
You need to go and fix yourself before we move on. :lennymeh:

hosaki hosaki
Oooooh like working at a failing library for 6$/hr is any better. Ch. Rhyme better be grateful. He just got hired, is getting paid Kirito, and now has an audience with a mayor. Who gets the money doesn't matter, heh.

Azure Sky Azure Sky
You didn't miss much. Only because there are several stories happening at once. You don't have to read them each, but I am certain events from other people's stories will eventually affect your own.

Also, I prefer Axis. I think you should call him Axis, instead of Mundus too.

astraeaaa astraeaaa
Astraaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, are you like training for the Olympics? Jeeeez. I would die around 4-5 km.

clarinetti clarinetti
Because Gasmakie is the shadiest person here.

Pequeno Burraidh Pequeno Burraidh
Beag, you do these things to yourself, hahahaha =)

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
There's no game. We're just RPing.
Lucem Lucem
Lol. Lucem you get me so mad sometimes. I don't think I could stand you on a daily basis.

GasMaskie GasMaskie
You need to go and fix yourself before we move on. :lennymeh:

hosaki hosaki
Oooooh like working at a failing library for 6$/hr is any better. Ch. Rhyme better be grateful. He just got hired, is getting paid Kirito, and now has an audience with a mayor. Who gets the money doesn't matter, heh.

Azure Sky Azure Sky
You didn't miss much. Only because there are several stories happening at once. You don't have to read them each, but I am certain events from other people's stories will eventually affect your own.

Also, I prefer Axis. I think you should call him Axis, instead of Mundus too.

astraeaaa astraeaaa
Astraaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, are you like training for the Olympics? Jeeeez. I would die around 4-5 km.

clarinetti clarinetti
Because Gasmakie is the shadiest person here.

Pequeno Burraidh Pequeno Burraidh
Beag, you do these things to yourself, hahahaha =)

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
There's no game. We're just RPing.
No, no, no, you specifically requested I start out in the midst of nothingness cos it would help for a quest. And then I made my mistake.

I trusted you! DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nah, I'm sure I'll manage to make things work out in my, and Anubis', favour.
No, no, no, you specifically requested I start out in the midst of nothingness cos it would help for a quest. And then I made my mistake.

I trusted you! DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nah, I'm sure I'll manage to make things work out in my, and Anubis', favour.

Ofc. You can do it. I believe in you Pequ-Pequ. I want to see what a Scot is made of and I have been duly impressed so far. There is certainly some stiff competition here. I'm wary of several person here.

Aren't we RPing a game? You can't fool me White. ^_^

Walks past you and leans in to whisper in your ear. "Don't think you can play this like Nao played Dai Dai, Quirk. This is a whole different level."

Smirking with a satisfied grin, White winks and continues on.

Walks past you and leans in to whisper in your ear. "Don't think you can play this like Nao played Dai Dai, Quirk. This is a whole different level."

Smirking with a satisfied grin, White winks and continues on.

I don't know what you're talking about. Dai Dai's the one that gets her wish if Nao wins the exam <.<

You gave me an impossible-to-work-with teammate =P

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