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Futuristic (Social) OOC

Which Stories Are You Most Interested In?

  • The Formation of Guild "Week"

  • The Rise of the Group "PK Fire"

  • The Circumstances of the Accused

  • The Secrets of the Blackland

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QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
You don't have to worry. I'm done and happy for probably the next few weeks. I won't bother you.

Nice to meet you as well. :]

Oooooo...I like this.

So Lahz Cho won't turn away the annoying writer man? Cowabunga. And I plan to have Morio show up from time to time, hopefully. Since he is Stein's brother and boss.
Lmao. As much as I want to comment, I'll leave it up to unraveling over the course of the RP.
Lmao. As much as I want to comment, I'll leave it up to unraveling over the course of the RP.
Stein is gonna make Lahz Cho be friends with him. The more difficult and closed off people are the people he prefers to hang around. You don't got to comment or whatever. I will aim for it to happen.
Refaulted Refaulted

RP with me. That's what we're here for :ghost:

GasMaskie GasMaskie
Your favorites :deadopenmouth:. Though just hearing the "Cha-cha"s would be enough reason to get that character if I played GO.
QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
You don't have to worry. I'm done and happy for probably the next few weeks. I won't bother you.

Feel free to bother me as much as you want. I don't actually mind.

If I were to give you a song/video, it'd be this one.

Stein is gonna make Lahz Cho be friends with him. The more difficult and closed off people are the people he prefers to hang around. You don't got to comment or whatever. I will aim for it to happen.

Hefty goals are good. I wish Stein the best of luck.
Haven't been in it but there's a whole thread on here in which I assume people are bashing it =(. It's always sad to see companies try to take new creative directions, then bite off more than they can chew and fall flat on their face =/
A lot of the complaints I've heard have to do with bugs and the characters. I'm waiting to try it for myself before making any judgements.

My desire to play with Gimbal has preceded exceeded my desire to make tons of Kiritos
It's a good thing that JinX and Gimbal are both in Territory 3. You'll have plenty of chances.

Lucem Lucem

Mercer does really well with Yusuke - it actually sounds more natural than his original VA. While skilled Tomokazu's voice sounded strange on a lanky bishounen - Mercer just fits the image a little better.​

I'll probably do a playthrough with Japanese and English audio. Atlus usually does a good job with their voice actors. I liked Rise's voice a lot more in the English version of Persona 4.
That'll depend on how easy the 'Money of the Month' quest is. The mayor doesn't seem to like girls, so it's probably better that either Royal or Rhyme talk to him.

You act as if he's not part of some great conspiracy that involves purging women from the virtual world to achieve true wizardom.
I almost want to give you pity headpats. The Mayor is related to Edge La, she's also the final boss.

Haha, you and your conspiracy theories^^

That can't be true. I mean why would Edge La do something like that? She's female too...

I think the outcome will be better if he handles the mayor. Bad things tend to happen when my characters get too involved.

Why would you think that?

I can't wait to D I E next week because I got an extra 15 hours added onto my work schedule.

It'll be okay...it's only one week. Think happy thoughts ^_^
GasMaskie GasMaskie LOL Putting your conspiracy theories in spoiler tags doesn't make them any more credible.

Unless... It's all TRUE? I think I'm beginning to see the resemblance... They both have... eyes... and ears...
(Just watch Gas be correct and then we all collectively flip while he just smirks in the back, like 'I knew it all along')

Also, Rhyme will probably be fine. He's the type to do what needs to be done. I actually chose the Money of the Month quest so he could try to appeal directly to the mayor for library funding, since the Codebreaker salary is actually peanuts compared to what the lore said. NONE of us are rolling in money yet. This is a scam :angryfrown:

(Well... except Kesi, and that's because she was rich already. Maybe Joker? What was with the car?)
GasMaskie GasMaskie LOL Putting your conspiracy theories in spoiler tags doesn't make them any more credible.

Unless... It's all TRUE? I think I'm beginning to see the resemblance... They both have... eyes... and ears...
(Just watch Gas be correct and then we all collectively flip while he just smirks in the back, like 'I knew it all along')

Also, Rhyme will probably be fine. He's the type to do what needs to be done. I actually chose the Money of the Month quest so he could try to appeal directly to the mayor for library funding, since the Codebreaker salary is actually peanuts compared to what the lore said. NONE of us are rolling in money yet. This is a scam :angryfrown:

(Well... except Kesi, and that's because she was rich already. Maybe Joker? What was with the car?)

I'm actually curious about Edge La's ex. Depending on her relationship with him, he could have a reason to dislike Pwnies...
Make sure you point out that his name translates roughly to pig stable as soon as you meet him.

It seems too similar to be a coincidence on White's part.​

>.> We don't know for certain that he's the mysterious stranger...though it's kind of obvious when you read the bio....

Building Bridges is a quest I'm interested in, but Another CodeBreaker's worth more money...and if Jessika joins a party with both Lahz and Katsura, do you think she'd get a piece of the 200 as well?
>.> We don't know for certain that he's the mysterious stranger...though it's kind of obvious when you read the bio....

Building Bridges is a quest I'm interested in, but Another CodeBreaker's worth more money...and if Jessika joins a party with both Lahz and Katsura, do you think she'd get a piece of the 200 as well?
Dunno, but good luck convincing Katsura to party up with Lahz, haha.

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