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Well, it sounds like this isn't your first time doing it, so you'd have to be at least a little fit to trek about for 3 days in the outdoors. And you said earlier that this was a trial run, hm? So you'll be doing it all over again in the near future- to have the endurance/ resolve to do so is admirable. Either way, it sounds pretty cool- bet you get to see some lovely scenery along the way ^.^
thank you man ;u; and yup, the highlight of the entire thing was having some sheep charge at us XDD

astraeaaa astraeaaa
Question. How is your RP history like on this website and others? Do you like to be challenged and are open to it? Or you're more carefree and easy with what you do?
hmm, well im very new to this site (joined a few weeks ago i think?) but i've been rping on other sites for around 5 years. i guess i'm open to being challenged, but i'm also v carefree tbh, so basically,,, i'm p flexible cx
hmm, well im very new to this site (joined a few weeks ago i think?) but i've been rping on other sites for around 5 years. i guess i'm open to being challenged, but i'm also v carefree tbh, so basically,,, i'm p flexible cx
That means "crush me"
thank you man ;u; and yup, the highlight of the entire thing was having some sheep charge at us XDD

hmm, well im very new to this site (joined a few weeks ago i think?) but i've been rping on other sites for around 5 years. i guess i'm open to being challenged, but i'm also v carefree tbh, so basically,,, i'm p flexible cx

Gotcha. Well then welcome to the site Astraea. Hopefully you enjoy your time here and participate in awesome stories. So in that case, I'll introduce myself too. I joined June 2014 and that was the 1st time I roleplayed =P. I like to challenge those who I write with. Not because I'm mean (lol I'm so nice), but because I like to see everyone grow as writers while having fun too. So be on the lookout; I got your number. Don't think just because Sera's cute she's going to have it easy. :ghostuvu:

With that said, I look forward to writing with you then =). Show me whatcha got Astraeaaaaaaaaaaa!
That means "crush me"
Gotcha. Well then welcome to the site Astraea. Hopefully you enjoy your time here and participate in awesome stories. So in that case, I'll introduce myself too. I joined June 2014 and that was the 1st time I roleplayed =P. I like to challenge those who I write with. Not because I'm mean (lol I'm so nice), but because I like to see everyone grow as writers while having fun too. So be on the lookout; I got your number. Don't think just because Sera's cute she's going to have it easy. :ghostuvu:

With that said, I look forward to writing with you then =). Show me whatcha got Astraeaaaaaaaaaaa!
o dear... what have i gotten myself into owo jk jk but pls dont hurt meh
dang, you rp really well! i honestly used to be a one lining noob, but eventually got better over the past year or two cx and right back at u~ ;0
Gotcha. Well then welcome to the site Astraea. Hopefully you enjoy your time here and participate in awesome stories. So in that case, I'll introduce myself too. I joined June 2014 and that was the 1st time I roleplayed =P. I like to challenge those who I write with. Not because I'm mean (lol I'm so nice), but because I like to see everyone grow as writers while having fun too. So be on the lookout; I got your number. Don't think just because Sera's cute she's going to have it easy. :ghostuvu:

With that said, I look forward to writing with you then =). Show me whatcha got Astraeaaaaaaaaaaa!
Can confirm astraeaaa astraeaaa just because her character couldn't keep her hands off of mine in our last RP certainly didn't mean Masque-tan made it any easier for me.
o dear... what have i gotten myself into owo jk jk but pls dont hurt meh
dang, you rp really well! i honestly used to be a one lining noob, but eventually got better over the past year or two cx and right back at u~ ;0

Excellent *salute* Eh you'll be fine =P

IG42 IG42
Lol. IG shush your lips. >_>
Mm, I've heard of Journey a couple times but have only seen screenshots prior to you posting that video. I might have to go check out the rest of the soundtrack now...

Question though: were you saying that the gameplay is only ~4hrs? That seems pretty short, especially for a console game (Unless its got great replay value).

Well, it's only fifteen quid on old or new gen, and you can extend its gameplay easily enough, but one solid journey in Journey usually takes a little less than four hours.

That being said, I've re-trekked my way through Journey easily over two score of times, especially when I just want to relax and enjoy myself for the day.
clarinetti clarinetti

, Netti-chan~

I'll add Gabriel's post to the summary tonight, but d'you think he can handle feisty? If he wants playful, go JinX. If he wants sweet, go Seraphina. If he wants crazy, go Trouble. Just make sure Gabriel knows what he's getting himself into.
Well, it's only fifteen quid on old or new gen, and you can extend its gameplay easily enough, but one solid journey in Journey usually takes a little less than four hours.

That being said, I've re-trekked my way through Journey easily over two score of times, especially when I just want to relax and enjoy myself for the day.
Mm, gotcha: in that case that makes more sense given the price range, and as long as you're enjoying the experience, then its all good. I just get miffed when you see a $50+ game and it ends up having only a couple hours of solid content *Cough* No Man's Sky *Cough*. Unfortunately I don't have a console, but if it comes out for Mac or PC I'd love to check it out :).

White Masquerade White Masquerade
Hah, don't worry about Gabriel: he can handle whatever any charming lady has to throw at him. It's the guys like Joker and Axis that get him nervous and hot under the collar ;p.
Mm, gotcha: in that case that makes more sense given the price range, and as long as you're enjoying the experience, then its all good. I just get miffed when you see a $50+ game and it ends up having only a couple hours of solid content *Cough* No Man's Sky *Cough*. Unfortunately I don't have a console, but if it comes out for Mac or PC I'd love to check it out :).

White Masquerade White Masquerade
Hah, don't worry about Gabriel: he can handle whatever any charming lady has to throw at him. It's the guys like Joker and Axis that get him nervous and hot under the collar ;p.

Does he not like quiet people o.O. Axis looks like a gangster and Joker is clearly schizophrenic, but besides that they don't seem particularly scary, lol. But ZPPPT! YOu will hear from me IC!
Does he not like quiet people o.O. Axis looks like a gangster and Joker is clearly schizophrenic, but besides that they don't seem particularly scary, lol. But ZPPPT! YOu will hear from me IC!
No, I don't think it's that. I think Gabriel gets worried/uncomfortable when he can't properly read a person, and to him both of them have a poker face that's hard to get past. Perhaps that will change with this assignment with Axis though.

As always, I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us next ;p

Refaulted Refaulted
I don't think you've missed too much, so no worries :)
No, I don't think it's that. I think Gabriel gets worried/uncomfortable when he can't properly read a person, and to him both of them have a poker face that's hard to get past. Perhaps that will change with this assignment with Axis though.

As always, I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us next ;p

Refaulted Refaulted
I don't think you've missed too much, so no worries :)
Oh, I meant on the site, not just in this RP. Sorry. I didn't make much sense.
White Masquerade White Masquerade

Still on my Persona binge, the game's actually been suspiciously easy for the past few dungeons - incredibly weird for an Atlus game. It's also a hell of a lot darker than Persona 4, though that's to be expected with a predominantly black and red color scheme on everything.​
Should I just wait until everyone moves the story forward, that way I might have a way to work Emilia in?

Everybody is starting their missions, so you might want to jump in now. I doubt it'd be easier to fit her in later, unless you're fine with waiting until everyone finishes their missions. The ones that have yet to get off the ground yet are:
  • Building Bridges, with Cobolt and Axis Mundus
  • Another Codebreaker, with Stein, Lahz (Black Gold), Yung Icarus, and Trouble
These are near the Guild Building. If you want Another Codebreaker, you should jump in now, before they possibly drive off into the distance with their awesome new car.

Quests in progress that will require a bit more work for you to fit Emilia include:
  • Loving Leah, with Katsura Kanetsugu, Joker, Mya, and Seraphina at Harrod's (Territory 2)
  • Money of the Month, with JinX, Royal, and Rhyme at the Town Hall (Territory 3)
  • The Pickup, with Gimbal at the Dong's home(Territory 3)
White Masquerade White Masquerade

Still on my Persona binge, the game's actually been suspiciously easy for the past few dungeons - incredibly weird for an Atlus game. It's also a hell of a lot darker than Persona 4, though that's to be expected with a predominantly black and red color scheme on everything.​

Sounds like my thing honestly =(

...he is?

astraeaaa astraeaaa
Don't let IG scare you. You'll be fine so long as you find an excellent partner.

Yeah, who else does you know thinks wearing a fedora is okay?

Should I just wait until everyone moves the story forward, that way I might have a way to work Emilia in?

It's up to you. If you want my suggestion I'd say jump in now. How I do my RPs, it's best you start something sooner rather then later. History plays a big part in my RPs and you don't feel that if your character is new.

Everybody is starting their missions, so you might want to jump in now. I doubt it'd be easier to fit her in later, unless you're fine with waiting until everyone finishes their missions. The ones that have yet to get off the ground yet are:
  • Building Bridges, with Cobolt and Axis Mundus
  • Another Codebreaker, with Stein, Lahz (Black Gold), Yung Icarus, and Trouble
These are near the Guild Building. If you want Another Codebreaker, you should jump in now, before they possibly drive off into the distance with their awesome new car.

Quests in progress that will require a bit more work for you to fit Emilia include:
  • Loving Leah, with Katsura Kanetsugu, Joker, Mya, and Seraphina at Harrod's (Territory 2)
  • Money of the Month, with JinX, Royal, and Rhyme at the Town Hall (Territory 3)
  • The Pickup, with Gimbal at the Dong's home(Territory 3)

Excellent. I wouldn't add another word to that. You do well with summarizing and detail.
Lol, you can take the code if you want I don't mind others using it for their own.

That was perfect. You didn't mess up at all. Funny post too. I sigh over having the good fortune of getting Trouble in this quest >_>. Also I'm not able to see the codes for peoples posts, lol. I can delete them, but nothing else.

Also, Trouble is taking back seat with Stein :kissclosedeyes:
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Sounds like my thing honestly =(

Yeah, who else does you know thinks wearing a fedora is okay?

It's up to you. If you want my suggestion I'd say jump in now. How I do my RPs, it's best you start something sooner rather then later. History plays a big part in my RPs and you don't feel that if your character is new.

Excellent. I wouldn't add another word to that. You do well with summarizing and detail.

Fedoras are fine if you're an old-school hardboiled film noir detective and not a neckbeard atheist.

Lucem Lucem

There's also low quality scans of Yossha Lucky's Orion power-up and the movie exclusive Cereberus Voyager.​
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