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Realistic or Modern Small Town - Urban Fantasy


a boi of energy
Before I bother fleshing out any power and balance systems, and generating the lore surrounding the little town, I figure I should check for interest. The big picture is a small town in middle america, where the 'magical authorities' (To be fleshed out if people are interested) arrange for orphaned children with either magical talent (Which I sort of have a system in place for, and will describe later) and afflictions or heritages (Like Lycanthropes and Vampires, and other mythical creatures) can be sent to live with a foster family, and be taught how not to be a pain in this magical authority's arse. It's also simply a safe place for the supernatural to live compared to others (However, There can be duels, dark plots, murder and many manners of deviancy), and if you didn't want anything to do with the previous stuff, that'd be cool. You could simply be the lycnathropic owner of a bookstore or a respected councilman who happens to be a Vampire. The town isn't hidden from sight or anything, and around 45% of the townsfolk are normal people, who may or may not know about the majority of denizens of the town. There's also the possibility that people can play as a manner of investigator, trying to figure out why documentation is being fudged so that children are fostered here at a higher rate.

Magic system is a bit WIP but the grounding is here.

One's attunement to magical energy is a mixture of age and genetics. The extra exposure to magical energy also lends

Mages are those that have the innate ability to convert magical energy, into an elemental form. Earth, wind, fire, water, etc. They're the more common magic user, and their 'cast time' is rather quick.

Wizards are rather rare, and slightly revered. They can deal in spells and can-trips, mysticism and dousing. Their plethora of abilities within whatever field they specialize in make them walking tool boxes, and while without preparation they'd be easily outclassed by a mage in combat, a Wizard with time to plan is the most dangerous thing on this earth.

Rarer abilities include: Illusions, Enchantment, Divination. Banned by Magical Authorities: Mind Magic, Necromancy, Blood magic.

If this is dumb, let me know. I'm willing to put in the effort to make it nice and pretty if anyone's interested.
Elikacheese said:
Is there such thing as Time Magic?
Yes, but it's not something one person can do a lot with easily. They might slow time for a minute, so that they appear to be moving at four times the speed as normal. Or speed up their perception of time. And it would leave them very tired and depleted. To do anything else, you would either need an EXTREMELY powerful enchanted object, or 5 or 6 very old and powerful wizards to do it.
At first, you had my curiosity, but now you have my interests.
Current day, but practitioners of magic and technology don't mix for some reason. They have to be careful not to short electronics, or throw off fine machinery.
Also, if you have a general idea of a character, feel free to let me know. Here or PM. It'll help me get a feel of the world building I need to do for Y'all.
Update. (If you have an idea for something that's not on the list, PM me. I'd like for you to be creative, and more than willing to help you hash out the details so your idea doesn't imbalance the rp.)

The Magical Authority is the Grand Circle.

It is made up of: the Order of Magi (Mages), the Order of Merlin (Wizards), Representatives from both the Court of Holmwood (Dracula style, blood sucking vampires) and the Court of Frache (Vampires that feed off despair and fear), and which ever relevant Werewolf Alpha is available.

Every Mage and Wizard has the option to join their respective order. Those who pass the initial test are allowed to call themselves a member of said order. There is a second level, however, that the Orders share. It is the Council of Merlin. A wizard or mage on the Council of Merlin is an elite. They are the best at what they do. Dragons, Demons, and Fae alike would do well to fear them.

Both Vampire courts are like noble families, with the oldest vampires holding the most power. All vampires except younglings and rejects live lavish lifestyles. Fast cars, good wine, and chateaus. The town is simply a political training ground for them.

Werewolfs are an unorganized bunch, ruled by strength alone. It isn't always physical strength though.

The Grand Circle rules over all Supernatural Humans and Former Humans.

It does not include:

The Sidhe Court (The Fae. Like Queen Titania and Mab. They can take care of themselves. They're scary)

Regular Humans with knowledge of the supernatural

Divine or Damned humans. (Angel blooded or Demon blooded humans. They will not be allowed until later.)

The Order of St. Michael (Humans guardians of two powerful holy swords. Their wielders are nearly unrivaled in hand to hand combat. One of the blades is said to be Excalibur)

Dragons (Very few left. Might allow an excellent roleplayer one later on. They are like wizards. Except they're very very old. And Very strong. And their actual form is a massive scaly scary beastie)
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[QUOTE="Neo Bloodworth]I'd like to take the role of an investigator.

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