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Fandom Slytherin Male for My Hufflepuff Female?

“How would you change it?” Ari asks, looking at him in slight wonder. Truth be told, she liked the room of his as it was, and she wondered why he would ever want to change it. Her room just reminds her of the happiness she had around the age of seven and eight. She had a lot of good memories then, and nothing seemed too hard or too overwhelming. It changed a bit when she got older, and her family seemed to separate; not her father, she never had that to begin with… well, not that she remembers, anyway. Her mom burned all the pictures of her father after the whole incident.

“I like your room as it is, you know,” She adds. “The pond is really calming, and besides, the Room of Requirement is a place where you can be comfortable. This is just the place that calms me the most for now. I’ve always liked the cherry blossoms,” She looks up at the “sky” with a slight smile. “You don’t have to change your area especially because of me. Only if you feel like a different place could help you more.”
He thought to himself, then shook his head. "When I first went into the room, I always asked for somewhere to be alone. For the longest time I've been a solitary person, and I think I'd like to start moving away from that." He smiled at Ari, taking her hand. "You made me realize making friends isn't all that bad."

He laughed at himself suddenly, realizing he sounded like a cliche. "I think you're rubbing off on me. You're optimism is contagious." He glanced over to see Kass soundly asleep, not selling to care what was going on around her. The sight made Leo aware of how tired he was.

He stretched with a small yawn, looking around the room. "It's so hard to tell what time of day in here. Did you plan on staying here tonight?"
She grins at this answer and laces their fingers together. “Alone time isn’t always a bad thing, but I’m glad I’ve helped you. Having friends makes you as a person, I think, and I wasn’t always the happy girl I am now. So I know how it feels, and I want to help whoever has that problem!” She closes her eyes in content.

“I am pretty tired. I think it’s a bit late, despite what this room looks like,” She laughs. Still holding his hand, she lies down and faces him on her side. She gives him a curt smile and closes her eyes a little bit. “I’m planning to stay for tonight. It’s bad news to try to sneak back in, I think.”

Ari thinks for a moment and opens one eye, color coming to her cheeks. “Will you stay?” She asks rather shyly. Someone sleeping in her space sounds a little embarrassing, but it’s not like she’ll mind.
He smiled and laid back on the blanket next to her, "Of course, if that's ok with you. Either way, I think you're stuck with Kass." As soon as Ari had laid down the car had taken up her favorite position behind Ari's legs, and already seemed to be back asleep.

"Luckily my housemates seem to be leaving me asking, but I see no reason to try and test that by sneaking in." While this was the last thing on his mind, he still offered it as yet another reason he should stay.
She gives a glance to Kass, and chuckles at the sight of her. She’ll never know what’s so comfortable to be right behind her calves, but she lets the little girl lay there anyway. She knows how a lot of animals like to sleep, after all. She pulls up parts of her discarded blankets and allows it to drape over her and Leo.

Ari pouts for a moment, though, and brings some of her hair out of her face with a small pout. “I’ll never get why you like my hair like this. It’s a little poofy and I don’t want to get it in my face, let alone yours,” She laughs a bit. “What a wakeup call that’d be.”
He smiles and brushes her hair back behind her ear, "I don't really know why, I just like the way it looks down. I think it's because you always have it up, so it's just something different. Plus it frames your cute face so well." He watched as the smiled and blushed at the comment.

He shifted one his side to face her, "and for the record, I can't really think of a bad way to wake up next to you." Which was true, he didn't mind a few stray hairs of it meant starting off his day with her. "I'm the one who can be kind of unpleasant in the mornings." He laughed a bit at himself. "I don't really wake up fully until about noon."
“You’re too sweet,” Ari laughs a little bit, shaking her head in slight embarrassment. “It’s not often that people like my hair down. People think that my hair in the buns is cute, or something. My mom always told me it was better up, too.” She pauses and dimples at him. “Though I’m really happy you seem to think otherwise.”

“By the way, I don’t really mind. I don’t mind giving you a nice little wakeup call,” She offers, curling herself a bit to be in a comfortable cocoon. “And I get it. When I’m back at home, I usually go to bed really late and wake up late, too. My mom sometimes has to wake me up to even get up at all!”
Leo laughed, finding it hard to picture Ari as moody or crabby in the mornings. "I'm sure that's just adorable.. I mean... Something to be feared." He gives her a sly smile.

He lets out another big yawn, getting more tired as time goes on. Feeling a bit brave, he even sides he's arm under Ari's pillow to get more comfortable. "I will say, the room seems to give you much more comfortable blankets."
"You mock me!" She gasps in fake anger. "I am the most offended I have ever been!" She pouts, though it doesn't last for long until her facade cracks and she begins to laugh at the thought of her trying to be angry at him. Even she gets a little grumpy if she's woken up before she has to be, truth be told. She's not exactly mean, but grumbly and a little unresponsive.

Ari glances at his arm for a moment, and allows a smile to come up on her features. She definitely doesn't mind this, though she's never been close to anyone like this before. Her mother would be freaking out if she saw this, though she can't bring herself to care and focuses on the happiness she's feeling right now. "I can conjure up some more if you're cold! These are my favorite kind, after all."
"No no, this is fine, really." He insists, wrapping the blanket around him a bit more snuggly. 'Always trying to make others comfortable...' he thought to himself. He smiled when he realized that was what drew him to her in the first place.

When she gave him a confused look at his random grin, he just shook his head, "It's nothing really... I was just thinking about the first time we met. Usually I tend to push people away, but with you... it's like you emit this aura of comfort..." He shook his head again. "I don't really know what I'm trying to say. I guess I've just felt really comfortable with you from the beginning."
“I get what you’re trying to say,” She smiles at him. It’s a little comforting to know that she can decipher what he’s trying to say with ease. It’s like she can sense everything. People have always wondered about empaths in her years. She laughs at the thought of people thinking she’s one of those kinds of people.

“I’m glad we got along so quick. I’ve always thought you were a really cool person, so it was a huge relief to know that we had a lot of understanding. If not, we wouldn’t be here,” She muses and reaches out to place her hand on his cheek for a moment before giving a shy grin. “Or something.”
His cheeks flush at her touch, but even so he grabbed her hand and held it when she lowered it. "I'm just glad you thought I was cool enough to talk to." He laughed a bit, "Not trying to be self deprecating, I've just never been called cool before." It was true, the few people that did associate with him usually either wanted something from him, or were forced to. It was refreshing for someone to actually be interested in him.

Even more so, Ari's friends liked him. At that, a random thought entered his mind that made him laugh. "You know... We are never gonna hear the end of it from Halli." He could only imagine the multiple 'I told you so's that would insue the best time she saw them together.
“No ones ever thought you were cool? That’s stupid. You’re, like, the coolest guy ever!” Ari pouts. “I was just waiting for the right moment to talk to you, is all...” she pauses for a moment and she hums. “Why wouldn’t people think you’re cool? You’re good with your studies, magical creatures, and a bunch of other things!” Everything she says is true in her heart, and if she didn’t think so, she definitely wouldn’t have said it. It’s safe to say that she idolizes the person next to her.

“Oh, man, I already forgot,” She realizes. “She’s going to bombard us with questions...” she clears her throat and tries to imitate the girl’s voice. “How did this happen? I knew you two would be cute together! Do you hold hands? I have to tell Tommy! Tell me everything!” She laughs.
Leo laughed at her imitation, before realizing he still hadn't talked to Tommy since the charms class. He smiled faded a bit as he looked to the side. "I also never really apologized to Tommy or you for that matter. I shouldn't have made him promise to get you away, it only made things worse."

He sighed and stroked the back her hand with his thumb "I think that's why I've never had any close friends or anything... I always try and push people away when things get rough." He hoped to himself he wouldn't feel the need to do that with Ari again.
“I think Tommy understands,” She soothes him, voice barely above a whisper. “I could tell he was a little worried with something other than help with the lesson, but I didn’t want to question it. As long as you talk to him, he’ll be okay. He’s a forgiving person, after all.” Her eyes crinkle a bit at her cheeky grin. “But you don’t have to apologize to me.”

“And don’t feel bad about that. We all have our bad habits we need to break. It’s normal,” Ari adds. “It’s okay to want to get away when things are going bad. It’s normal for us. Humans, I mean.” She laces her fingers with his with a comforting gaze. “That’s why we reach out for people who you know will help you out. Like me!” She winks.
He sighed and felt himself relax a bit more. "I really need to stop overthinking things don't I." He smiled and found that he was stroking his fingers through her hair without realizing it. She didn't seem to be complaining, plus it was rather relaxing.

As they lay there, a quiet melody started playing from nowhere in particular. It sounded almost like a tune Ari would hum to herself. The soft notes were floating him even closer to sleep. As he drifted off, he couldn't help but smile as everything felt close to perfect.
"I know it's not easy," She hums, allowing herself to close her eyes as his motions in her hair make her a bit more sleepy than before. She lifts her head a little bit at the tune, and a smile graces her features as she, too, falls asleep.

Ari awakens to a bright sky and a feeling of relief washes over her. She reaches up to rub at her eyes and tries to get up, only to find a certain someone's vice grip around her waist. She looks down at her sleeping boyfriend and laughs a little at the predicament. It seemed like he didn't want to let her go anytime soon... she decides not to try, feeling very warm still and lies back down. She holds her hand above one his and looks at the "ceiling". She never thought sleeping with someone beside her would be this nice.
It was the first night in a while that Leo slept soundly. As he woke up, it took him a second to process where he was, but when he looked over and saw Ari's smiling face he couldn't help but blush. His face reddened even further when he realized his arm was firmly around her waist. He pulled it away sheepishly and stretched.

"Sorry... Must have moved in my sleep." He said shyly. Before he could feel bad about it though, he grinned at her "then again, I'm not the one laying here watching you sleep." He chuckled as Kass jumped up between them, realizing Leo was awake.
Ari laughs a little at his embarrassment and sits up, stretching her back. Her back cracks in response. "Hey now, hey now," She begins with a pout. "It's not like I did it in a creepy way... like, have you read about those stalker people that live in someone else's house without anyone knowing? Really scary," She tries to justify herself. "I just think you're nice to look out. You're pretty!"

"Besides, I'm sure you've given me a couple glance while I was asleep, right?" She teases reaching out to give Kass some good scratches behind the ear. "If we're going to be honest," She adds. It's a joke, but on one hand, she's actually a bit curious to know.
He laughs at her compliment "I don't think I would hear the end of it if anyone heard you call me pretty, but thank you." As she flips the accusation in him however, the grin is replaced with a fresh blush. "Maybe..." Was she joking? Or had she actually caught him. "You're just so beautiful and peaceful." He added a smile, trying not to sound creepy.

Her in smile that broke it was enough to break any tension, he realized she had been joking and laughs. "You're so good at catching me off guard you know?" He holds her hand in his and rolls to his side to face her.
"You are pretty, though! What's so wrong with that?" She protests, crossing her arms over her chest and raising an eyebrow. "I think people would just be jealous, you know? They want to be called pretty, too, but they just don't realize it yet," She reasons with a half-smile. Her face turns a pretty shade of pink when he calls her beautiful, and she waves her hands about in embarrassment.

"H-Hey, I'm not beautiful! I'm just about normal," She pouts, but still takes his hand in her own. "I do appreciate you thinking so, though... but you catch me off guard a lot, too, you know!"
"Good" he said with a smile. He poked her nose quickly before standing and stretching. He looked down at her and smiled, feeling the luckiest he'd been in a long time. He brought out his wand and used a quick charm to clean and retied his hair.

He conjured up some fresh clothes and looked around. Smiling at Ari the asked "There anywhere in here I can change?"
"Ah, here," She stands up, stretching her arms above her head. She directs herself to a little ares behind some of the trees. It seems like it's a hidden away changing room for anyone who comes to her festival. She opens the door for him and gives him a wink. "There you go! I'll be changing out here, so be careful," She jokes.

Once he goes inside, she conjures up her own pair of clothes before pulling them on. She brushes out her hair and strikes a silly pose in her small, handheld mirror. "Done!"

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