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Fandom Slytherin Male for My Hufflepuff Female?

Professor Flitwick begins to teach the class how to conduct Arania Exumai, something Ari is rather excited about. She jots down plenty of notes, even nudging Leo a couple of times to show him doodles of Flitwick himself. It's almost like she knows something is wrong and wants to make him feel a little bit better with the silly pictures of the half-goblin. It isn't long until it's time for doing it themselves, and Ari proclaims the spell, in turn blasting her own little spider away from her desk. The hufflepuffs begin to clap, to which she goes a little shy and says her tank yous.

"Tch," A female student across from her begins. Ari doesn't seem to notice until the girl begins to "whisper" inside her friend's ear, not at all quiet. In fact, she seems to know that Ari's hearing isn't quite the best (she tends to ignore things,) so she says it rather loudly so she can hear. "Bellini is such a showoff. Who does she think she is, taking one of our housemates to those dumb hufflepuffs? Besides, I think he only wants her for her rack."

The Hufflepuff girl from earlier nudges her, worry in her eyes. "Aren't you going to defend yourself?" She whispers, to which she doesn't reply, but rather, hangs her head. "You aren't?"

"Ah, it looks like the cat's got her tongue. Whatever, it's not like she can just get by just by whoring herself out with that body of hers," The girl sneers.

Ari bites down on her bottom lip, keeping her from saying or doing anything. She raises her hand and asks if she can go to the bathroom, which the professor gives her permission, and she leaves. The two girls start to snicker seeing her saddened face. She heads in the direction of the girl's bathroom, to which she locks herself in the stall and allows fat tears to roll down her cheeks. She didn't ask to look like this, and why does everyone think that she's doing things like that? She's never even kissed anyone, but here is everyone spreading rumors about her doing much more than that.
Leo shook with anger. The hufflepuffs around him all began to whisper amongst themselves, and the girl who had commented before even went after Ari with the professors permission. With the slytherins still snickering to themselves, he grabbed his, rather large and hairy, tarantula out of its cage and set it on his desk. The hufflepuff boy must have sensed Leo's anger, as he placed a hand on Leo's should and asked what he was doing. Leo paid him no mind, and pointed his wand at the spider and whispered Engorgio. The tarantula grew from the size of an apple, to almost the size of a quaffle. The boy withdrew and his and, and managed to get out "Leo don't..." before Leo too soon with his wand and shouted Arania Exumai! launching the giant spider at the group of slytherins. Panic erupted as it landed in the lap of the girl who had made the comments.

Leo grinned at his aim, before bolting from the room. He saw the girl who had followed Ari coming back, and raced up to here. "You don't want to go back in there, trust me. Where did she go?" He said, completely forgetting his past awkwardness. She nods and leads him to the girls bathroom. On the way he recounted what happened after they had left. Leo waits in the corridor while she goes inside.
A good majority of the entire class let’s out ungodly shrieks and retreat to one corner of the room. With a small sigh, Flitwick casts a spell to have the tarantula turn back to his normal size, though not until it crawled up on the girl’s face. She throws it off with a yell, and points at Flitwick. “Arent you going to punish Leo?! You saw what he did!!” She accuses him, to which the small man shrugs his shoulders and ignores her completely, knowing just what she was saying about another student. “Everyone, please come back to your seats, it is safe now...”

It takes a while for Ari to come out, and she isn’t expecting Leo to be right outside of where she is. She comes out, shedding more tears that no one has ever seen while still wiping her eyes and nose. She feels so humiliated— maybe that’s why everyone likes her, not because of her intelligence, not because of her personality, but because of how big her chest is. What if that’s all what Leo is after, too? She walks and looks up to see him waiting specifically for her. She looks down and shakes her head. “What are you doing here?”
As soon as she came out and questioned him, he hugged her. "I knew you were upset, and wanted to make sure you were ok." He couldn't stand the sight of her crying, so he hugged her a second longer. "I'm sorry for the horrible things she was saying. None of it is true. I don't care how you look Ari, I'm your friend because you are a good person."

Of course, Leo thought she was beautiful, but that wasn't what drew him to her. He dropped his head, suddenly ashamed at lashing out at the slytherins with magic. "You're going to be mad.... I kind of... got back at her..." he trailed off, looking sheepish.
When he hugs her, he feels her resolve crack as she lays her head on his shoulder. She hicccups on her tears and holds him as well. “I didn’t think how I looked would have someone think that I...” she trailed off. “Do something like that. I haven’t even had a boyfriend, and everyone should know that from how long I’ve been here...” she couldn’t tell him that she was having doubts about him, and she feels like crap for ever doubting him.

“Wait... what do you mean you got back at her?” Ari looks up at him, eyes concerned. “Y-You didn’t have to! What if you get in trouble? All because of me? Oh no, oh no,” she holds her cheeks in her hands, starting to breathe heavily. “What if you get expelled? I can’t live with myself if that happens! I-I mean, I’m happy you cared enough, but I don’t want you to get kicked out!”
He sets his hands on her shoulders to settle her. "Don't with Ari. I never get in trouble, Flitwick loves the hufflepuffs, and plus he hears everything so I don't don't he heard her nasty comments." As he went over the list of reasons, he even found himself starting to believe them. "Besides" he looked at her with a coy smile and innocent tone. "All I did was practice my aim with today's spell... I may have practiced Engorgio on the spider first, but then again I've always excelled." He finished with a smile, hoping she would mirror him.

On the inside though he was wracked with anxiety. This would definitely put him at odds with the slytherins, but at the same time that wasn't what caused the majority of the anxiety. Maybe it had something to do with others pointing it out, but his feelings for Ari were very quickly becoming confusing. He was like her, in that he had never had a girlfriend, but more so, he had never imagined having one due to his oddities. Let alone a girlfriend like Ari. The thought made him blush as he thought it.
Through all his reasonings, she starts to calm down. She rubs at her eyes and offers a weak smile. “Okay... if you say so,” Ari nods, voice barely above a whisper. “And I guess no one can prove that it was for revenge purposes, either. It is better to use a rather gargantuan spider to blow away in really bad cases, too...” she rubs at her chin and decides that a clean escape plan is the best way to go. “If Professor Flitwick asks, I’ll cover for you.”

She looks down for a moment, thinking on what to do to show her appreciation. Sure, she can make him macaroni and cheese later, but what about something else. If one could sweat internally, that’d be her right now. She resists the urge to hold her palpitating heart and gets on her toes, pressing a quick, chaste peck on the cheek before she starts speedwalking, avoiding him catching the obvious look of shyness and blush on her face. “T-Thank you for checking on me!! Um, we should go back to class!”
The peck on the cheek, while the smallest of things, felt white hot to him. He was stunned for a second afterwards with his hand to his cheek, feeling the burning of it spread out in a flush. Regaining himself, he sped off after her, still in a daze.

If he hadn't regained himself by the time they got back into class, the poisonous looks the slytherins gave him sobered him up real well. Luckily Ari seemed determined not to look at them, instead smiling her way over to the hufflepuffs. Knowing the slytherins would start something he held back a second for Ari to become enveloped by her supportive girlfriends, then hunched over close to the hufflepuff boy from before. "I need you to do something for me. And I need your word as a Hufflepuff that you'll do your best to do it, it's important." The boy looked Leo up dubiously, but he just have sensed the urgency, because he nodded and leaned closer to hear his mission. Glancing over at Ari to make sure she wasn't listening, he whispered to him "When class is over, you and the other Hufflepuffs need to get Ari out of here. I don't want her setting the slytherins giving me trouble." The boy gave him a blank expression before nodding. Before Leo could rejoin Ari though, the not caught his arm "You know Leo, we really appreciate how you treat Ari, and we will gladly be here for you the same way if you need anything. My name is Tommy by the way." He added. Leo nodded his thanks, feeling a bit awkward at the sudden kindness.

He sat down next to Ari and smiled. Class went in pretty uneventfully after that, unless you count the constant glares from the Slytherins, but Leo was beginning to learn to ignore them. When the professor announced class was over, Leo too his ribs going through his bag making sure all his books were in order. True to his word, Tommy came up to Ari, begging her help with today's spell, exclaiming that she was excellent at it and must show him how as he dragged her from the room, two other Hufflepuffs in tow.

Leo sighed as he looked up and saw two Slytherin boys, along with the girl from before, waiting behind. After Flitwick left, one of the boys closed the door behind him, leaving just Leo and and the three of them. "So little Leo, you think your little Hufflepuff whore is worth defending?" The girl spit at him. He could feel his anger rising as he spoke, he gripped his wand in his pocket. "Don't know why, not like she would even like a little freak like you, she probably just pities you." She ended the last insult with an icy laugh that the two goons joined.

Suddenly at her words, Leo felt himself get small. What if she was right? After all, no other girl had ever shown interest in him before, even as a friend. He slumped his shoulders and hung his head. "Pathetic... Guys, show him what he'll get more of if he gets in our way again." He didn't even move as they advanced on him, he couldn't really bring himself to care. One grabbed him by his arms from behind as the other back handed him across the face hard. Still Leo stayed limp in thier grip. Two more blows hit his face, leaving him with blurred vision and the taste of iron in his mouth. It was then that Kass jumped into the back of the Slytherin holding him, and dug her claws deep. He gave a howl of Jason and threw her to the ground.

Her cry as she hit the ground snapped Leo back to life, he gave a wordless yell of fury and whipped his wand out. There was a loud crack and a blinding light. The three slytherins covered thier eyes and dropped to the ground, thinking there was an explosion. Leo scooped up Kass from the ground and bolted from the room. He didn't stop until he was running around the 7th floor for the third time, seeing the door finally appear he ran inside. He laid Kass down by the pond and then collapsed down next to her. In his pocket his rubbed the edges of a galleon.
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“Here, Tommy, you do it like this,” Ari demonstrates and there the spell goes. Tommy nods, commenting on how well she does it. It makes her a little shy, getting complimented so often is something she doesn’t do much. She’s about to explain to the boy that actually knows how to do it more than he lets on when she hears a noise that makes her jump. She turns her head on the direction of the charms classroom, and stands up. “That’s where Leo is! I have to go!!” She cries and Tommy starts to freak out.

“N-No, I’m sure he’s fine, haha! Maybe he’s just trying out that spell some more!” He reasons.

“But—“ she’s about to protest, when she feels the warmth form in her pocket. She gets the galleon from it and her heart starts to race. She pushes past everyone and runs up to the 7th floor. “Leo!! Leo, are you okay?!”
//have to clean up at work, so sorry for the short one//

Leo was barely concious as he heard the door creak open. He rolled his head to the side, seeing a slender figure through his blurry vision. He hugged Kass close to his side, and tried to speak, but could barely move his hand and still taste blood. He closed his mouth and let his head go limp as he passed out.
She lets out a gasp at the sight of him and runs up to him. She holds his head up and close to her chest. “Leo?! Leo?!” She cries. Her hands begin to shake and she picks him up with some struggle and runs downstairs to the nurse’s office.

“Please help him!” She begs of the nurse, who gives her instructions on getting wet rags. She sets the boy on one of the beds and the two start to tend to him. Ari holds his hand, staring down at him. This is her fault, isn’t it? She just hopes he’ll be okay.
Leo awakes with a start. He looked around and took kin the facts. He was in a bed, tucked in, in plain robes. He was in the nurses wing. He looked down and saw two things that made the events that put him here come flooding back. The first was Kass on his lap. She was curled in a tight ball. The image of her being thrown to the ground flashes into his head. He checked he carefully, feeling all her ribs and limbs. When he was satisfied she was ok, he sighed in relief.

All this he did with one hand though, as the second thing was Ari's hand closed around his while she slept in a chair next to his bed. He was deadly careful not to disturb her, needed to get his bearings before having any confrontations. His head throbbed with pain, he assumed he has a confusion as that is about the only thing that could affect his memory.

He ran his tongue along the inside of his teeth, a canine tooth, and the incisor next to it were slightly smaller and another than the rest. So he had lost two teeth, and madam Pompfrey regrew them, judging by the size of his new teeth it had been about day since it happened, maybe the night after. Suddenly the image of a hand coming up across his face flashed in front of him, bringing with it the pain. He looked over at Ari, and when he did the icy words whispered into his head. "She doesn't care, she only pities you..." And it all came back. He winced as the complete memory flooded back.

By instinct he must have pulled his hand back, and just have looked rather panicked, as Ari jerked her head up and was awake.
Ari jerks awake and she holds her head for a moment, feeling some pain, maybe from the hours of crying she endured as Madam Pompfrey was fixing up his teeth. She, admittedly, looks pretty damn bad. Her hair is messy, there's dried tears on her cheeks and dark circles under her eyes. It looks like she hasn't slept in a month, when it's only been a day. She was not wrong at all-- when she stresses, it is really bad. "Ah... you're up," She croaks, rubbing at her eyes with a small yawn. "I'm glad... I stayed up a little later than I should have, but..." She grabs a dish from the side table and offers it to him, giving a feeble smile. People have been in and out since the whole incident began, even Tommy and his pureblood, Ravenclaw girlfriend, Celestina, came and checked up on them.

"You really worried me, you know," She voices, opening the dish and putting a fork into it. "I ran as fast as I could to the Room of Requirement. You looked really bad and your mouth was bloody... Tommy knew and eventually told me, heh..." She looks down, running a hand through her hair whilst biting her lip. "I... I'm sorry... about everything. I guess, just let people talk. Everyone will think what they want of me, but I care more about your wellbeing than I do my own," She admits. "Oh, uh, I got some other things... for you." She picks up some of her parchment and hands it to him. "I wrote down extra notes. They told me I had to come to class. I did and came right back. I think it's... really late. Maybe around three, but at least Madam Pompfrey let me stay. She said something about... love, or something. I don't remember."
Leo was wracked with more guilt. Over the incident, but also many other things. He felt like he used Tommy and his trust. He looked at Ari and felt more guilt for causing her to not take care of herself. In her own way, she was always beautiful, but it was clear she had spent every spare minute by her side.

He felt like he would pass out from the pain he was feeling, both physical and emotional. Then the word snaked it's way his ear "Pathetic". He shrank into himself. He knew by Ari's concerned look, he had been silent for a few minutes. "I'm sorry..." Were there only words he could think to say. He hoped beyond hope that what the slytherins said want true, but he couldn't tell if the look Ari was giving him was affection, or just pity. He couldn't stand out, so he made up his mind. "Do you only want to be my friend because you pity me?" As soon as he said it, the question sounded childish. He lowered his head, still hoping for an answer.
“I don’t pity you,” she shakes her head. Admittedly, she’s actually quite hurt that Leo could ever think of that, especially regarding her. She offers him her small, slightly shaky hand. “I don’t know who told you that, but I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone purely because I feel bad...” she explains, rubbing the back of her neck. “That sounds like such a bad foot to start out a relationship with. But... believe me— you’re not friends with me because of how big my chest is, and I’m not friends with you because I feel bad for you. It’s only fair if we trust each other on that.”

She coughs after a few awkward moments. “I... I really care about you. It kind of hurts that you would think I would do that, but I know what people say can affect you... I don’t know. I get it, though, and maybe I can come off that way? If there’s anything I can do to not make you feel that way, please tell me.”
Feeling even more guilt that he had hurt her, he squeezed her hand to get her to look him in the eyes as he spoke "I'm the one who should be sorry. It's not how you treat me that made me think that. Besides the slytherins saying it, it's just the fact that you treat me the way you do. No one ever has. I've never had a best friend, let alone a girlfriend or anything like that, so I guess I just didn't know how to take it and let what that girl said get to me..." He sighed and looked down, unable to look into her eyes anymore. Spilling out his feelings that way instantly made him feel relief, but also weak.

He noticed Kass giving him an indignant look from his lap. He couldn't help but chuckle despite the mood "I'm sorry girl, of course I have one best friend." He scratched her ear, but she was having none of it and moved to wedge herself between Ari's leg and the arm of her chair. "Guess I deserve that one" he said with a wry smile at Ari.
“Halli? She didn’t mean any harm in her words,” she reassures him, allowing her thumb to stroke the back of his hand. “You don’t have to apologize. I know what people say can change your mind about a lot of things, is all. And sorry about her embarrassing you with all the romantic talk. She’s big into that kind of stuff,” she laughs a little bit. She mumbles a quiet, “not that I’d be opposed,” but covers it up with her now usual goofy grin as she pets Kass.

“Who am I to judge? I used to not have a lot of friends— or, good ones anyway, but that’s a story for another time,” she begins. “It’s not bad that you’ve never had a girlfriend. It means you’re looking for one in specifics, which isn’t bad. That means you know what you want!” God, and she knows it well. She didn’t know she could develop a crush on him so quickly.
//no no, it's fine! I treat rping as improve for writing, so curve balls like that aren't always a bad thing//

He looked at her, slightly confused, until the hufflepuff girls words came back to him. "Oh! No... I wasn't... What she said didn't bother me.. I mean, I was a bit embarrassed, but I was taking about what the slytherin girl said..." As the two boys beat him. He finished the sentence in his head, feeling nothing but shame.

"I don't want you to think I would ever be upset about others thinking we are more than friends... I'm sorry if I did." As he heard himself saying it he didn't realize he was saying it out loud. He had only really known this girl for a few days, and already he cared so much about her. "I'm sorry... You must think I'm weird..."
“Oh... my bad,” She rubs the back of her neck. She looks down for a moment. Her mind starts to run wild as thoughts flood through her head. It looks like from the outside that she’s contemplating something rather serious, like a business deal or something on the lines of that. Ari combs some her bangs out of her face with her fingers as she crosses her legs over one another. “I... don’t think of you as weird at all.”

She pauses, and looks up at him rather shyly. “I, um... wouldn’t mind if people thought that either. It makes me happy you say something like that... it’s certainly a surprise, but it’s a pleasant one. If that makes sense.” She cracks a small smile, the corners of her lips turning upwards. “It’s not a bad thing to be pinned as someone’s girlfriend. I think I would be upset if it was someone other than you, but it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world!”
Was she asking him to be her boyfriend? The question sounded so childish in Leo's mind, but yet he could not answer it. His mind was swimming with possibilities so much so that it only increased his headache. He couldn't take it anymore, the edges of his vision were beginning to blur a bit, so to prevent himself from further embarrassment he just looked down.

"I'm really sorry, but by had is killing me right now... And this is something that I really want to talk about when I'm able to think straight..." He looked up at her, hoping that she didn't see this as him not reciprocating her feelings. "I just need to rest, please spend some time worrying about yourself and not me. I will be fine."
“Oh, um... y-yeah,” she gets up and walks out, not showing any emotion until she closed the door behind her. Ari looks down, eyes watering a little bit. Wiping her eyes, she walks upstairs, and up to the seventh floor. As soon as she arrives in front of the room of requirement, the door opens to reveal her own paradise. It’s set in a picnic in front of a cherry blossom festival. “I’m home,” she whispers to no one in particular and sits on a rather comfortable blanket and lies her head down. She stares up at the falling cherry blossoms with a sigh coming from her lips. It reminds her of home, but why isn’t it making her feel better? She feels emotionally drained on top of her physical sickness. She hiccups on her falling tears and covers her face in her hands, turning to lie on her side while she mumbles how stupid she is.

She falls asleep, with more drying tears on her face and flat on the blanket, hands on her face. She’ll have to wallow in some sickness in the morning.

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