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Fandom Slytherin Male for My Hufflepuff Female?

The next two days passed in a kind of haze for Leo. He did have a concussion, which caused him constant headaches. He slept mostly, the days being a blur of snippets when he was awake. His dad came. He had to expect it, a ministry auror's son was attacked in a classroom, and no one was saying anything. Leo wasn't sure if anything came from it, he feigned asleep any time his dad came to see him.

The second day his head felt more clear, and he felt bad for how he had dismissed Ari. She had all but said she wanted to be with him, and he had snubbed her. He started to wonder if it was too late, but before the doubt could creep in, he suddenly hardened himself and made up his mind. No matter what the outcome was, he had to at least try and make things right with Ari.

After some thinking, he got out a quill and paper, knowing what he would do. He had to do something to let Ari know how he felt about her, but also let her know he wasn't worried about others or anything else. He also wanted her to feel special, she was so worried about making Leo and others happy, he just wanted to do something for her.

He stated by closing his eyes and conjuring up the image of their night sky in his mind. The twinkling stars popped into the blackness of his closed eyes. He focused in on their figures in his mind, isolating Ari's. He let his hand guide itself as he sketched out the clothes the figure was wearing. When he looked down at his drawing, he frowned and started adjusting it to better fit real clothes. When he was satisfied with the designs, he folded the drawing up and enchanted it to be sent to the tailor in Hogsmeade, along with written instructions and payment.

Leo took a deep breath and stared at the second blank sheet in front of him. It took him a second to work up the courage, but when he did he began to write.

"I'm sorry for the way I have treated you. I care for you a lot more than I have shown, because it felt weird calling so much so soon. I want to be with you, and I hope you want to be with me. More though, I don't care what other people think or say about us. If you share my feelings, then please consider coming with me to Hogsmeade in 3 days. It's the first trip of the year, and I would be happy to spend it with you."

It took him the better part of the day to write. During this time Madam Pompfrey assured him he could return to classes when he liked, as long as he took things easy. He chose to use the solitude of the hospital wing for his task. When the letter was finished, he signed it "Yours, Leo Purus". He frowned though, looking at the signature. Taking his wand out the tapped his name, and watched the letters rearrange themselves into the acronym "Pure Soul". No one in Hogwarts knew this is what his father named him for, being the request of his mother.

He folded the letter and sent it on its way to Ari. He began to gather his things, before leaving the hospital wing. He avoided everyone in the corridors, and the slytherins seemed to think he had learned his lesson as no one said anything to him as he went straight up to his bed in the dorms. He drew the curtains, and waited.
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Ari is surrounded in crumpled up pieces of paper from inside the room of requirement. The papers vary from songs to art depicting how she felt at the time. Some are sad, others are irritated and some even angry. She’s writing yet another song when the letter from also flies in, to which she crinkles her nose and lets out a huff. “I don’t want this,” she groans and grabs it, about to rip it in half when the room takes over and floats from her hands, to above her head. She stands up, legs wobbly as she tries to grab it to eradicate it. It unrolls and she emits an angry noise. The room seems to know what she wants more than she does, which gives her a feeling of hopelessness. With a huff, she sets down some more of her song lyrics and starts to read it.

“He’s pitying me,” She busses inside her head. “He doesn’t want to have anything like that, he just feels bad for rejecting me. I don’t need his feelings of sympathy.” She grabs the letter, but decides not to do anything, and instead sets it down somewhere she can’t see it. She plucks the coin she received from her pocket, and accidentally rubbing the corners of it, making it become red hot on Leo’s person and throws it against the wall. “I need to sleep. I don’t need this,” she huffs and lies down once more.
It was late at night when he felt it. The burning in his pocket told him she had indeed read his note. He didn't know whether to take it as a good sign out not that she wanted to respond in person. He sighed and got out of bed, figuring standing around wondering wouldn't make it good. Before he left, he combed his hair back, and tied it into a short ponytail. He figured he might as well try everything he can to show he cares.

Roaming the corridors at night was almost second nature to him by his sixth year, and with Kass' better senses he always knew which way to go to avoid people. He had to take a few detours, but he finally made it to the 7th floor. He paused before placing a hand on the door only to have it slide silently open for him.

He was amazed at the beauty that meet him. The cherry blossoms falling in the room gave it a permanent serenity. Only Ari could make a place this beautiful. He looked around for her, and finally found her on a picnic blanket, surrounded by papers. He was confused when he saw that she was asleep, he didn't think he took that long. He looked around some more and saw his letter on the other side of the room, along with the galleon on the floor a few feet away. His heart sunk, she didn't want him here. She was angry with him. Suddenly feeling like he was trespassing, he turned to leave, only to have the Room slam the door shut loudly before he could.
She’s awoken by the sound of slamming. Ari jerks up, holding her heart, tears pricking at her eyes. It looks like she’s about to have a full blown panic attack any time anyway. When her eyes land on the familiar figure of Leo, her heart seems to speed up by three times. She wants to be so angry, wants to tell him to get away from her, but she can’t. Her voice won’t come out of her throat. As they achieve eye contact, tears start to flow down her cheeks and down on the chest of her shirt. She looks away almost immediately, trying to stop crying, but to no avail. Instead, she brings her knees up to her chest as she tries to suppress her whimpers. Why would the room give him access? She didn’t give him permission to come in, and she didn’t even run the corners of the coin... not on purpose, anyway. Why is he here, though? He doesn’t care. Her mind is overflowing at this point.

She grows silent when a certain melody begins to play. Its bass is rather loud, the piano is evident, and its calming tone is nothing but wonderful. Her grip on her kn ew grow a bit slack. Suddenly, an old school cassette tape drops from the sky of the spring atmosphere and onto the ground. Recognizing it, Ari stands up, obviously looking a bit weak in the legs in attempt to shut it up. It begins to play a voice that sounds like hers singing to the melody.

“I hear the sound of something breaking, pulling me up from the deep. Don’t know what it is, I’m shaking. Try to block it out, to shut it out, but I can’t sleep. My throat is hurting, oh, it’s worsenint. I try to push it all away. My voice gone, oh, my mind dispersing, oh. I’m here’s nothing, oh nothing, I can say... that sound, it rings again, breaks again, a crack again on this frozen lake, that hearts have made...” then, the music stops and she covers the tape so it will no lonnger emit the room with her own voice.

“... why are you here, Leo?” She croaks, furrowing her eyebrows.
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At the sight of her Leo's heart broke. He had truly hurt her. He saw the hurt and anger in her eyes, and he knew he had put it there. As the song played, and he recognized her own voice, but more beautiful than he had ever heard it, he felt himself falling for her more. This happy, bubbly, friendly girl who does everything she can to make others happy knew true pain. He wanted to be able to make it go away, not out of shame or pity, but just because she didn't deserve it.

He couldn't think of any good answer to her question, so he took a deep breath and hugged her and held her to him. "I'm here for you. I care about you Ari, I want to make you happy. You said you would be my knight in shining armor, now let me be yours, even if it's against your own thoughts." Leo held her to him, not wanting to let go. As he held her, the sky above them darkened to reveal their stars above Ari's cherry blossom festival.
“I-I...” her hands hover just above his back, like she’s not sure what to do. At his words, her heart softens and her tears begin to cease. After some moments, she hugs him back and presses her cheek against his shoulder. “Are you sure you want to be with me? I don’t want to force you into something you don’t want to do...” she knows by now that this is most likely something he’s pretty serious about— but she’d like to make sure if he’s okay with it first. She’s not sure what kind of girlfriend she’d be, but she’s been told she’s a handful. Well, no matter...

“I’ll do whatever I can to make you happy,” Ari whispers into his ear, her shoulders still shaking a little bit. Anything he wants— well, just anything about anything, since she has some things that she’s rather uncomfortable with doing yet, she’ll do. She wants to be a good girlfriend— no, the best girlfriend she can be. She already likes him a lot as he is, so he doesn’t really have to do much to make her smile. Not that she says it, though, but she’ll most likely mention it another time.
When she didn't respond at first, he was afraid she would push him away, or tell him to leave. Instead he looks at her after she asks if he is sure and just smiles. "Of course, I'm sorry for taking a bit to realize it." He hugged her head to his chest and added "and you already make me happy just by being you. Even Tommy said so in charms, remember?" It was true, he had felt happier in general since Ari has been in his life.

He reluctantly let her go, and wiped the remaining dry tears from her face. He smiled and crossed his arms in a fake pout "So... Does this mean you'll come to Hogsmeade with me?"
“Tommy always seems to know everything,” Ari laughs a bit as they pull away from one another. She rubs the back of her neck for a moment like she’s contemplating whether going with him, when they both know very well what her answer is. She twiddles her thumbs for a moment and nods. “Yeah, I’ll go with you!” She decides with one of her signature grins. She’s feeling a lot better, but also silly for thinking he didn’t actually like her. Maybe she’s just oblivious to other people’s feelings... no, actually, she knows she is. It’s a flaw of hers.

“So... are you going to be okay with your housemates? I don’t want you to get beat up by them again. I know my housemates like you a lot, but yours are going to have to deal with me as well,” She speaks, twirling her strands of wavy hair. “I mean, I’m okay, but are you?”
"I don't want you to worry about them, I'll deal with them." Seeing the worried look she gave him at this he added "Not like that, I'm going to try talking to them. If that doesn't work I'll take it to Slughorn." Would people really make that big of a deal now that they were together? He was happy to realize he didn't care, he was just happy.

"I'm just happy, I don't want to let others ruin that." He walked over to where her coin was laying on the ground and picked it up. Putting it in her hand and closing it in his, he looked her in the eyes. "And whenever you're unhappy, please let me try and fix it."
She looks down at the galleon and allows herself to nod with a small smile— genuine, but small. “Just don’t get into any more trouble, okay?” She makes him promise. She doesn’t want anything bad to happen, and if he’ll stick by his word, then everything should be rather peachy. She looks up to meet his eyes and promises to tell him when she’s upset.

“But I think I’ll be okay for a while,” Ari confesses, taking one of his hands and intertwines her small, slightly chubby fingers with his. “As long as I’m with you, and I know you care about me, I’ll be happy,” she giggles, tightening her grip a little bit, like she doesn’t want to let go quite yet. “You make me happy, really. Like, I’m always happy, but I’m... happier!” She reasons.
"Good, that's all I want." He fully interlocks their fingers and just looks into her eyes. He counted himself lucky that he was able to perfectly memorize every detail of her face, down to every freckle that dotted her face. "I'm happy just to have you as a friend, let alone more."

He looked around and took in the room again. Kass had made herself comfortable in the discarded blanket Ari was using. As his eyes passed over the basket by the blanket, his stomach betrayed him by growling. He looked at Ari, embarrassed "Sorry, I haven't eaten since I left the hospital wing.... I was too busy working to hear from you."
She lets out a laugh and leads him to one of the picnic baskets that was propped on the blankets. Deciding not to wake Kass up, she opens another basket and it’s almost as if there’s a light shining from inside. She bends down a little bit and brings out plates and plates of home cooked comfort food. “No worries! I’ve got many to spare!” She affirms and hands him a dish of macaroni and cheese, among other things.

She sits down and crosses her legs, deciding that a good meal for herself will be a cute little bowl filled with (no doubt) spicy beef soup. “I’m glad the room knows everything. I’ve been craving this for a long time, and it’s a little hard to fine the spices for this!” She ladles some into a separate bowl and starts to eat. The first tasting makes shivers go up her spine in foodie heaven. “You can have some too, if you can handle the spice! It’s an old recipe I use when I’m at home!” She offers him a spoonful with a wink.
He hesitates before eating the offered soup, he had never really liked spicy foods much, but tried it anyways. It was good, but the sudden heat made him cough a bit. He chuckled "It's good, but a bit too hot for me." He helped himself to some of the mac and cheese, knowing it would be amazing.

After he took his first few bites, he realized he was eating rather fast, and looked up apologetically at Ari. However she was just giving him the biggest grin, which he couldn't help but return. "It really is the best I've had. I wish I could cook this well."
Ari grows a little worried when he coughs and hands him a cold bottle of water in return. “Sorry, I’ll try not to make it as spicy next time,” She tells him with a half-smile. She watches, though, as he starts to dig into her macaroni and cheese. It’s a big compliment to have someone eat it so quickly (almost as quickly as chugging a drink, at that!) She takes another bite of her food, and at his apologetic look, shakes her head. Everyone starts somewhere when it comes to cooking-- she learned from her grandmother back home, though the mac and cheese recipe is actually from her mother.

“I can teach you,” She offers. “I think it’d be fun to cook with you. Have you ever done something like that before?” She wipes off some of the super red broth from the corner of her lip with a small napkin. “Well, even if you haven’t, I’ll be really patient! It’s actually not that hard to make this stuff, just some manpower and a little bit of time. Around one or two hours, I think. I’ve lost count, since I’ve been doing this for so long.”
"I used to cook with my dad all the time, just breakfast stuff before school though." He smiled at the memories. "I would love to cook with you though, it would be fun." He couldn't really think of anything he could do with Ari and not have fun.

As he finished his food, he layed on his side, propped up on his arm. He stroked Kass' fur as she slept, and smiled up at Ari. "So what do you want to do? This is your room after all."
“I know how to bring the party,” she jokes and looks up for a moment. “I think I know just the thing to do,” she muses aloud and reaches her hand up. She snaps, though it’s barely heard (she’s never been good with doing that,) and a small machine drops, along with two microphones. She grins at the sight of them and takes one of the two. She hands Leo the other.

“I used to go to karaoke bars all the time over summer,” Ari mentions and starts to go through some of the songs. “I usually went with some family, as most of my friends are here. But the best thing about this little guy is that the songs are endless! You want English, you got it? You want Korean, or even something like Hebrew?” She switches to a song in a different language. “You got it! I’ll let you go first if you want! I need some time to choose from everything.”
//here is the song he picks. Spg - Honeybee

Leo watches as the machine comes down. He smiles, and sheepishly takes the mic she offered him. In truth he loved music, and loved to sing, but it was always something he did in private. He was actually good, but as most people do, didn't think he was. He just smiles though as he looks through all the songs, privately going through the large collection in his own mind faster than the screen would allow him.

After thinking for a bit he finally decided on a song. 'It might be bit odd, but I know I can sing it.' he thinks to himself, trying to find confidence. In the end it was Ari's smile that lit up as she saw him finally put the name of a song in that made him find it.

He takes a deep breath as the guitar strings start to fade in, mimicing the guitar notes against his leg with his fingers out of reflex. He starts off a bit shaky, trying not to look at anything but the screen, but then realizes he can just close his eyes. As he does he begins to get lost in the music, the melody guiding him into a more confident voice. As the harmonies float in her can't seem to decide which part to sing, but instead seems content switching every line, matching the tones perfectly though.

As the song ends and fades, he opens his eyes and feels his face flush a bit, embarrassed at how into it he got, almost forgetting he wasn't alone. He shyly smiles at Ari, waiting to see what she thought.
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As soon as he finishes, Ari erupts in clapping and showers him with compliments. "I had no idea you had such a gift, Leo!" She gushes, jumping up to grab at his hands. It seems she likes holding them, or maybe it's due to her excitement. She gets excited with just about anything, though, so it isn't such a surprise either way. "You sounded so wonderful-- I started crying a little bit! That's how good it was!" She raves, waving their hands together like an excited kid.

"How long have you been doing this? You, like, have the voice of an actual singer of a band, or something! It's sensational! What if you did a concert in front of the school sometime later? I'd be your biggest support and I'll buy all of your merchandise! Well... that is, if you have any," She trails off with a laugh. "I don't know if I should go at this point! Your voice is way better than mine-- and the songs I like are a bit... ah, how do I say this? They vary from really scary to really weeby," She explains. "I wouldn't want to seem all weird."
Leo was a bit shocked by her praise. He rubbed the back of his neck "I've never actually sang in front of anyone before, except Kass that is." He said, sparing her a smile. He was glad he didn't make an idiot of himself in front of her, and could honestly say it was a lot of fun.

When she starts saying she won't go, he smiles and shakes his head "ah ah ah, that wouldn't be very fair now would it." He picks up her mic and makes a grand gesture of giving it to her. "I insist, it was your idea after all."
// Euphoria English Ver Here you go!

"She's a lucky girl then," She laughs a little bit, glancing at the cat. She pouts in the slightest when Leo says it's not fair for her not to do it, but takes the microphone from him anyway. "Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you!" Ari cautions him and starts to go through the plethora of songs. It takes a few moments, but she eventually comes across a song that has her eyes sparkling. She presses the song in question and it begins to play.

The song begins with some lone piano music. It comes as rather calming. With a few moments in, Ari breathes in and begins to sing. The song suits her well, as it's about loving life and having a rather euphoric feeling about life and love itself. It's not exactly slow, but not fast either, until she says a phrase of, "You are the cause of my euphoria." More electronic music begins to play, almost like it's straight out of a pixelated video game. It's a little nerdy, but also rather upbeat as well. She even throws in some dance moves here and there just for laughs. All in all, though, she looks like she's having a great time despite her initial concerns about her voice.

It stays like this for a good amount of time, until the beat begins to wind down and the piano is back. She closes her eyes, finishing her last note before shyly putting her microphone down in front of her. "It was fun, but I don't know if I did well," She mentions. "It's the thought that counts more than anything, huh?"
//aaaand that song is now very stuck in my head//

Leo watches as she starts, surprised that he actually knew this song. He smiles as she starts getting into it clapping and laughing along with her dance moves. As he watches he is yet again amazed by her ability to put %100 intro having fun.

When she's finished he claps and em embraces her in a hug. He looks at her with an accusing look "Now that I know you can sing like that, there's no way I'd sing in front of the school without you by my side." He smiled, knowing his anxiety would never let him do that, but he could almost picture it with her. "It was amazing."
// My bad!! The original version is really good as well! //

At the hug and and the compliment, the tips of her ears grow a bit pink and she begins to stammer. “You think so? You’re too kind!” She professes. She holds him back and flashes him a cute smile. “We’ll have to see about a duet, then! That is, when you’re comfortable— I know social anxiety is a horrible thing to have, after all.”

“You got really excited when the song started playing, by the way! Did you know that song? Not a lot of people recognize it,” She rambles and her eyes look like they have practical starts in them. “Don’t tell me we have some of the same music taste?” She gasps, getting on her toes in excitement.
"Yeah, I listen to just about any kind of music if I'm honest." He said with a smile. "Oddly enough I've never listened to it in English though. It's beautiful, especially when it's you singing.." he trailed off, suddenly embarrassed. He glanced up at their figures in the sky, smiling when he noticed they were now holding hands.

"This place is really nice by the way. It makes my room seem so dismal by comparison." As he said it was was already planning ways to change it. "I think I'd like to change that though. I don't feel the same as I did back when I made it. At least... I don't want to. If that makes sense." He thinks it still too soon to judge, but he would like to think Ari had a positive affect on him. Certainly he felt he could be more social in her company, going so far as to wanting to be friends with the other Hufflepuffs. He hoped his plan would be enough to thank her.

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