Slice of another life style RP

Teh Frixz

That lady robot
I guess this is much closer to a project than a true role play but I've been rewatching the Manor House series and I've been wondering if would be possible to play out such a scenario via a freeform RP. Just simple people living out their lives with some plot forming influence seeping in via preset events like Hunting parties or Balls.

I feel like it would be an excellent way to practice some more in depth writing of a character and give a fun way to vent my frustration at not being around to be on that show.
Sounds like MAID the RPG. And I'm ok with that.

Maid is a game about playing randomly generated Maids in a randomly generated Estate with a randomly generated Master. The trick is hammering a functional character out of the rolls, then competing for Master's affection while avoiding the stern Butler.

And then the GM rolls on the random event table and suddenly it's the Beach Episode or there's a vampire or some shit.

Anyway, this sounds fun too. I may not have space for it, but I hope you snare some other folks.
I know the maid style games but I wasn't thinking it would be so much the same 'genre' as a game. More of a collaborative historical fiction from the perspective of characters. Dorky I know and probably not even fun to anyone that isn't as obsessive over English history as I am right now.

I mean, it was the most opulent time in our history and it's so poorly represented. So much was going on throughout the world and it has such a vibrant exciting taste to it all. Marble halls and green carpeted wood panel billiards rooms. Scandalous Hunting parties and extravagant balls that had to be prepared for months in advance.

I feel like the closest I ever got was playing Gauss with all of you and I am wondering if at all possible it could be attained again. Seriously though, reading Gauss felt like watching an episode of Poirot. That was some very well written stuff there.
I feel you, but my interests are more on mainland European fanciness, historically speaking.

Dat Vienna.
I'm an American and even at the height of luxury across the country we've got nothing on the Edwardians.
Oh, I'm American, too. It's just... I dunno, historical Austria has really been something of interest to me. Vienna was the place to be for opera, ballet and music in general way back when.

I get pretty fangirlish when it comes to the 17th-19th centuries.
That fabric! I dunno, I've got a reoccurring fear of falling into a canal while wearing a corset so I start to freak out envisioning myself at some of those settings. Venice is right out!

Speaking of, I've been arguing with a friend that the next Assassins Creed should focus on the Hapsburgs and the Turks. More overlooked history and some perfectly applicable connections to tie with modern day politics.
Ahhh, a look into the Habsburg empire would be quite the interesting game to delve into. Tons of ethnic tensions.

I kind of want something to be about the unification of Germany one day. That Otto von Bismarck manipulated an entire nation into being, he's the king of scheming chancellors.

And don't get me started on Spain as a setting. Such fun that would be.
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]That fabric! I dunno, I've got a reoccurring fear of falling into a canal while wearing a corset so I start to freak out envisioning myself at some of those settings. Venice is right out!

O.o Hadn't even thought of that, but god no. >.<

Speaking of, I've been arguing with a friend that the next Assassins Creed should focus on the Hapsburgs and the Turks. More overlooked history and some perfectly applicable connections to tie with modern day politics.
^______________________^ I like that idea.

More to the point of the original suggestion, though... Maybe... I'd have to talk it over with my SO, but Lisa LOVES that era, so maybe. ^^

Regardless, it sounds like fun, even just to read.
Actually, if this goes ahead it's got potential for guest slots. I would volunteer to drop into the odd thread as a dashing but mildly scandalous gentleman. Or the butler.
I'm with UTDfan22 on this; this looks like a neat idea. If we're going off of cool fashion of yore, I'm a fan of Rococo myself. All that flash and pizzazz just to show off. Unfortunately, that also goes with the period when the sort of culture that would support that sort of spending was going into decline. Still , I suppose that offers lots of opportunities for conflict and intrigue.
A period based drama with some fairly strong interest behind it. I'll look into getting something going!

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