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Fantasy Slayers: Modern Maniacs

"You think you can walk on your own?" Conner asked her. He would gladly help her, she was one of his few friends. But he also had to think about the rest of the group, and a shot gun to the face of any baddies sounded like a good way to help them.
Jane nodded. "Yeah...just give me a second to collect myself, if you don't care..." Jane said, letting out a bark-like cough. She panted heavily, her breath sounding like a wheeze. She then slipped away from Conner and stood on her own. Her blades where across the room, she'd get them later after the fire was gone. She started for the exit. "C'mon...let's go" She said, sounding like a partial co-leader to the group.
"She is right, we all need to leave." Luke put his arm under Jane and wrapped hers around his own neck. "Tell me which way you think we should go." He whispered in her ears, not really sure of the Pit's directions. "Lets go!" His voice was a boom over the crackling of the fires, his leader voice coming out. Luke was pissed that the coward targeted Jane, but his mind was still on getting her out safe.
Jane led the group to the main entrance, the barrier now gone with the departing of the enemy. She guided them outside, falling to her knees and taking a huge breath of fresh air. It was refreshing compared to the smokey interior of the Pit.
"Now there is a fire going on inside. Amelia, hou think you could do some magic to put it out?" Conner said once they were outside and made sure everyone was ok. If worse came to worse, they could let it burn or call the fire department. 
Amelia drew her shirt up over her face to try to prevent herself from inhaling smoke. "Magic?" she asked Conner incredulously. "I can't even cast a simple spell properly, what makes you think I can make this disappear?" she shouted over the roar of the flames.

He was right though, the group had to get out of there and fast. In Amelia's mind, there was no choice. They would either escape the blaze with their lives or perish in the inferno trying to save the Pit. Her first thought was to look for a fire extinguisher, but seeing as the Pit wasn't a sanctioned building and thus not up to date with fire and safety codes, she doubted she would find one fast enough. "Which way is the closest way out?" she asked Luke (@Huntrey ), assuming he was most familiar with this section of the Pit. Amelia hardly ever entered the training grounds.
"We are safe here. Now we got a decision to make. Let the Pit burn down, call the fire department and reveal everything, or do something to try and put the fire out. And what do you mean you can't do a simple spell right? You can do magic, that's enough for me." Conner said, trying his best to encourage her to at least try.
Jane got an idea. "Wait...what about...what about Wynonna? Isn't she like Grey's emergency contact or something?" Jane suggested through her coughs.
"We, or at least I, don't know if that last message she sent out was the last of her to, with all the other magic going on. But we can give it a try." Now how did they go about doing this. Did they just have to ask for it to happen?
"We have to at least try...Wynnona! Wynonna can you hear me?!" Jane called loudly, straining her now weakened voice. 
(@Huntrey @MysticPisces @Beowulf @CloudKitteh @KroNicc115 )

Wynonna appears in front of the Slayers outside, already aware of the emergency. "I know what I must do, but the evil one who was here was weakened my power...I can however teach Amelia to use a spell to destroy the flames" She said, providing hope.
"That'll do perfectly." Conner said to no one and every one. They didn't have to let the Pit burn down, or reveal the secret. Fantastic, they got the best of both worlds.
"But I can't do magic!" Amelia piped in, coughing immediately afterwards. All eyes were on her, it felt like. They all wanted her to perform a miracle, but she didn't have any faith in herself. They had been at the game, they saw her attempt at magic. What good had that done? The werewolf was still out there somewhere, racking up victims every night. But if everyone thought she had a shot at saving the Pit, why couldn't she give magic another chance?

"I-I guess I can try..." she said to Wynonna.
Wynonna bowed her head. "Repeat after me, dear girl, and extend your arm, open your hand and focus. Isolello Consiinius!" Wynnona said, egging for Amelia to repeat it to rid the flames inside the Pit.
Amelia did as she was told, bowing her head like Wynonna, feeling awfully silly extending her arms. "Iso... what?" she asked, the unfamiliar language coming very unnaturally to her. "Iso... lello," she struggled with the words. She was finding it difficult to concentrate with the roar of the fires and the pressure from her friends. She shook her head and tried again. "Isolello Constantine," she said incorrectly, her mind still racing and grasping at random words and phrases from her stream of thought.

This is useless, she said in her mind. But she felt that awful voice inside her head again, way in the back of her mind. It wasn't saying anything coherent, but Amelia recognized that it just wanted her to know it was there. It was announcing its presence like one knocking on a door before entering. She attempted to push it away by focusing on the words. "Isolello Consiinius?" she asked more than stated. It lacked all conviction and there wasn't even a hint of magic at her outstretched fingers. "Isolello Consiinius... Isolello Consiinius!" Amelia chanted, getting louder each time until she was shouting, as if willpower alone was enough to force the magic to activate.

Yet still, nothing happened. By this point, the dark voice in her head was pounding on the proverbial door in her mind. She flung it open and answered with an angry "What!?" The voice answered calmly, but firmly. It explained things to her that she could never have put into words, the workings of magic and spell components and the laws of nature and balance. And then it was quiet again, but she knew that part of her mind was still there with her, ready to whisper into her ear all the secrets she could ever want to know if she would only beg of it.

"Isolello Consiinius!" Amelia said firmly, a flash of determination flickering across her eyes. She felt magic energy tingle through her body, down her arm, and out her fingertips.
Wynonna's eyes grew wide as a burst of white energy shot out from Amelia's fingertips and into the Pit. The roaring of the flames stopped, the fire soothed into snow...harmless, tiny piles of snow.
When a cone of freezing air, particles of ice, and wispy vapor erupted from Amelia's outstretched hand, her success shocked her. She stared at the snow piles in the Pit in disbelief. "I... did that?" she asked the others excitedly. "I... did magic?!"
Wynonna nodded and congratulated Amelia before vanishing, her spirit needing to rest. Jane rose to her feet slowly, coughing still. She led the others back into the Pit, remaining close to Conner and Luke in case she need to rest for a moment. Piles of snow covered where the flames were. Amelia did it...she cast a spell, and saved the Pit. Jane was in disbelief. She walked over to her blades on the floor and picked them up. She had been tossed all around the Pit...what a fight. And Jane had no idea what to do, but at least the Pit was safe.
Terra clutched her throwing knives, knuckles white and sweaty. She was going to pass out. The action was simply too much for her.
(@Huntrey @Beowulf @KroNicc115 @CloudKitteh @MysticPisces TIME LEAP! I know it's an awkward time for one, but it's not very far. TIME LEAP - several hours later after the Pit was "attacked, Jane's explained everything she encountered and the Pit is safe...for now. Mr. Grey has just arrived)

Jane sat upon a table, she felt better, but still a little...off. Mr. Grey entered the Pit after receiving an alert from Wynonna after she regained her strength. Jane felt uneasy, being attacked like that wasn't a big deal...just the sheer power of Volmour was overwhelming. He needed to be slain...quickly. She was safe with the Slayers and Grey in the Pit, but for how long? How'd he even get inside? Mr. Grey checked about the Pit, making sure things were in order an that everything was alright.
"See, I told you you could do magic." Conner said for the nth time, not knowing for sure how many times he said it himself. That is what you get for having some self confidence. And the best part of it all, his muscle car wasn't harmed at all.
Amelia was sitting at the table, her chin propped up on her hand, staring into the air amused. She was so inspired by her own display that she couldn't help but feel ecstatic. It wasn't until Mr. Grey arrived that her expression became much more grim. She didn't want him to know what had happened at the Pit, about Amelia using magic. She was terrified of what his response might be.

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