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Skyrim: Rise of the Dragons (UnfaithfulPuppet & Fangs9090)

"We can cut him down but, as you said you will shoot him if he runs.", savannah pulled out her greatsword and sawed away at the sticky web.
The webs gave way and the dark elf dropped to the ground. He thanked them as he stood back up, but then he grabbed Savannah and pushed her in front of Ra'zir before running further into the catacombs. Ra'zir hissed as he grabbed his bow. By the time he could get a clear shot, the elf had turned a corner out of sight.
"Well then", she drew her sword and started going his direction, she noticed something uneasy going on, like something else is in the catacombs beside those 3.
As they entered a larger room, the dark elf's body came flying back and hit a wall, thrown by a swinging spikes wall trap. Ra'zir looked at the corpse. "Idiot tripped a trap." His ear flicked as he heard an unnerving sound. He turned to see a few of the draugr getting up and drawing their swords. "And he woke the draugr for us." He put his bow away and drew his daggers.
"Wh-", she got her greatsword ready and swung at a drauger headed her way. She killed another one the. Looked around to see if any others were near. She got really jumpy since that moment.
Ra'zir had taken down a couple while Savannah was fighting and now stood behind her, looking around. Once he knew there were no more, he sheathed his daggers and turned to Savannah. He put his hand on her shoulder abruptly. "Surely you're not scared of draugr?"
She jumped from his touch. "No", she said firmly. Savannah walked over the the Elf's dead body and searched it to find a golden claw.
Ra'zir looked over at the claw. "That must be the key he mentioned. He won't be needing it anymore." He looked around and spotted the path leading further in. "Watch out for whatever trap killed him."
"Yeah, okay". Savannah walked around a round brick that seemed different so she avoided it. She went down to encounter more drauger.
As the draugr were focused on Savannah, Ra'zir dashed past her, quickly slicing through them and cutting them down. His ears twitched at the sound of another trap. He looked down the path that lead deeper and saw a series of axes swinging back and forth. "Why so many traps in a tomb?"
"I read something a long time ago that its not to keep people out but something in", she said as she stared at the swimg axes that could lead to possible serious injury or death. She dodged the first few axes and the last one slightly cut her arm. "Its not that bad".
Ra'zir watched the axes for a moment before dashing through the opening. "It is not the cut that kills people. It is the disease. I suggest you get potion of cute disease as soon as you can."
"Yeah, okay", she continued down the hall. A few more drauger apeared here and there but they killed them quickly. They then came to a room that had turnaboe pillars with pictures on them. "Uh"
Ra'zir looked around at the room. He spotted similar pictures up higher on the wall, one had fallen off though. "A puzzle. Likely a trap as well." He compared the pillars with the wall symbols and then started to turn the pillars so they matched order.

(This was actually earlier in the dungeon but that's fine. We can deviate a little every now and then.)
Yeah, I noticed this was earlier when I posted my reply))

She walked up to a lever that was in the center of the room. "Will this activate it?", she slowly pulls it to see the door open. "That could have been a whole lot worse".
"It pays to have experience." Ra'zir continued on into the barrow. Eventually they came to a hall with a large stone door at the end. There were circular dials with symbols on them and an odd circle with four holes in it. Ra'zir looked at the door. "This must be the door..."
Savannah pulled out the golden claw. "Hmm", she turned the claw to see three symbols on it. "So, we have to match these with... Those dials.", she turns the dials to match them and she places the claw in. The door rumbles and starts moving. A large chamber is revealed and she slowly walks in.
Ra'zir followed her in, looking around as they entered. He spotted a large wall with strange carvings on it. "I hope that is not what we are expected to bring back." A small group of the carvings seemed to glow as they approached, accompanied with the sound of chanting.
As they looked at the words, their vision became fuzzy and they felt dizzy. They could almost hear the word in their head. 'Fus.'
She almost fell back. Then there vision went back to normal. Then a loud crack echoed in the large chamber. The block coffin that was near opened and a more powerful looking Drauger stepped out. "Were screwed". She puts herself in a battle stance.
Ra'zir drew his daggers. "Either us or him." The draugr pointed its sword at them before unleashing a shout to knock them off balance.
She quickly got back up and ran at him with her drawn sword slashing at him. She skid across the ground with her power attack. She noticed something on the table and was uniqe. She assumed it was the dragon stone.
Ra'zir was dashing in and out of the battle attacking with quick, precise strikes. Between the two of them, the draugr didn't stand much of a chance.

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