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Skyrim: Rise of the Dragons (UnfaithfulPuppet & Fangs9090)

"Riverwood is not that far off, or it shouldn't be. But there is no time limit. Get there at all and you win. We'll see how long you can avoid a trained assassin." He stepped into the shadows and vanished.
"Great, im and idiot for deciding to do this", she mumbled to herself. Savannah stayed nore by the rver than the road and moved quickly. She knew she was being watched by Ra'zir and it creeped her out a tad. She reached a sign pointing different directions and one said Riverwood. She went down the road and continued going.
Ra'zir stayed to the shadows. The river made enough noise to make hard to hear other sounds, but he still remained silent. He watched her moves. Every step taken, every turn of the head. He paid attention to which sounds she was alerted to and which ones she ignored. He also payed attention to the road ahead, keeping an eye out for the town.
Riverwood was just coming into sight and there was still no sign if Ra'zir. Even with the river nearby, the evening was eerily quiet and the air seemed tense. It almost seemed as if every shadow was moving when no one was watching them.
She saw the town but didnt want to run towards it. She walked normally trying to pull it off and hopefully get to the town without being caught.
When she was but a few feet from the edge of town, there was light breeze. Suddenly, a hand was over her mouth and Ra'zir had a stick pressed against her neck. "And no one would find the body."
Ra'zir weaved around her, using his natural agility to quickly get behind her. Grabbing his bow, he drew an arrow and aimed at her, his expression serious. He paused before putting the arrow away. "Hm, you may still be useful."
"Cubs play." He grinned, making it unclear if he was serious when he was aiming the arrow or not. He turned and started heading for the inn as the sun was setting.
Ra'zir walked up to the counter and asked for a room. The barkeeper told him that the inn was closed since the innkeeper was out of town for the time being, but they were welcome to lay their heads on a table. Ra'zir turned to Savannah. "Lucky you."
Ra'zir grunted before walking to a table and sitting down. He took out an apple and started eating it.
"Hm, perhaps as a meat shield mostly." The only indication that he was joking was his smile. "That wall in the barrow though... Something happened when we looked at those symbols."
"Nothing bad has happened yet.. We should stay on guard just in case." He finished the apple he was eating and set the core aside.
Ra'zir crossed his arms on the table in front of himself. "Get to sleep. I will not carry you if you are too tired to walk." He layed his head down on his arms.
The next morning.

Ra'zir woke up and stretched, stiff from sleeping at the table. He banged his fist on the table as he got up. "It's morning. Time to go."

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