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Fantasy Sinful Knights


Sophisticated Sea Dweller
If you wanna make a character, copy and past whats below and fill in things marked {like this}. I will accept your character by giving it a like. Remember: a member of the Sancti Ordo Pecatores isn't necessarily a total villain, but what they do should be something the church can't condone.

Be creative, and have fun!or else I will find and kill you

[Tab={insert name here}]
[imageFloat=right]{insert image here, optional}[/imageFloat]
Name: {insert name}
Title: {insert the name you've earned for your infamy}
Gender: {insert what gender you prefer, make sure to specify if that differs from your biological sex}
Orientation: {insert whichever way you roll}
Subspecies: {if this applies to you. think vampire, werewolf, etc.}
General: {insert brief visual description}
Eye color: {self explanatory}
Hair: {self explanatory}
Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: {self explanatory}
Anything else: {self explanatory}
General:{insert brief description of you personality here, should only be a short paragraph long}
Vices:{insert why people may dislike you}
Virtues:{insert why people may like you}

{insert a brief history of your character here, it should be about 1-3 paragraphs long}
{insert a list of at least 3 reasons why the church has you on a short leash}

[divide=dotted-thick]Fighting Style:[/divide]
{insert a description of why I wouldn't want to meet you in a dark alleyway. 1 sinful knight should be as powerful as about 15-25 mooks. remember kids: don't be OP}
Specializations: {insert what you excel at due to your abilities}
Equipment: {insert stuff like armor, weapons, stuffed animals, occult tomes, poisons, etc.}
Weaknesses: {insert what makes you go "oh shit" on a battle field. the stronger you are, add more weaknesses}
Other talents: {insert non-battlefield skills, from master torturer to being able to tie a cherry stem with your tongue}

[Tab=Writing Sample]
{insert a short telling of a critical moment of your character's life, or something else along those lines, from their perspective. should be as long as you feel it needs to be}
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Finished, Awaiting approval

  • Appearance:

    Name: Simon Cross

    Title: Dr Crow

    Gender: Male

    Orientation: Asexual

    Subspecies: Human (none)


    General: Simon usually wears a plague doctor's costume, as shown in the photo. He is about 5 foot 8/ 1.76 meters tall, and has a rather slim build, not being muscular or athletic in anyway. Under his mask he has a poorly trimmed beard

    Eye color: Green

    Hair: Black

    Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: None

    Anything else: {self explanatory}


    General: Simon has a very spontaneous personality. He doesn't usually plan ahead, instead improvising on the spot. He is also quite humorous, and loves to laugh, he also likes to sing songs, usually very violent in nature, he also has a love of apples, pancakes and fire.

    Vices: Dark humour: Simon loves jokes, particularly ones that people may find offensive or disturbing, from slavery to orphaned children to drowned babies, no subject matter is off limits

    Sadistic: Simon takes pleasure in causing pain to others, rather ironic considering his abilities. He will often burst out laughing at people with serious injuries or physical afflictions, and has no empathy for these people

    Reckless: Simon usually doesn't plan ahead, often recklessly charging in with no regard towards anyone's safety.

    Virtues:Improviser: Simon is able to react very quickly to his current situation and environment, and can think pretty quickly when called for.

    Helpful: Simon is a very helpful person to have on your side, as he is able to keep you from dying with his abilities, and he will support his allies in a conflict, even if only to ensure his continued existence.

    Bravery: Recklessness and Bravery are two sides of the same coin, Simon will face any enemy, no matter how powerful looking they may be.

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Work in progress, tired tonight will finish tomorrow

  • {insert image here, optional}


    Name: Esara Jaken

    Title: The Enchantress

    Gender: Female

    Orientation: Straight

    Subspecies: Witch


    General: She wears a flowing v neck black dress with a red amulet around her neck. She is slender and femine looking. She is about 5 foot 6

    Eye color: green

    Hair: Brown wavy long hair

    Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: none

    Anything else: She can warg into animals also


    General: She latches on to people that she trusts and becomes obsessed with them. When people leave her she becomes obsessed with vengeance and will stop at nothing to get it. She gets this attachment from her family abandoning her as a young child. But if she trusts you she will defend you with her life.

    Vices: Trusting, protective, caring, loving.

    Virtues:crazy, smothering, deadly.

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  • Katarina.jpg


    Name: Mara Adelard

    Title: Pythoness

    Gender: Female

    Orientation: Bisexual

    Subspecies: Witch(Don't know if this counts as subspecies)


    General: Mara wears a cropped shirt and jacket along with tight pants. Daggers line the pants waist. She's around 5'7" and is average weight. She has a slim build with slight athletic features.

    Eye color: Blue

    Hair: Red

    Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: A small scar at the base of her neck in the shape of a circle, and a scar going down her eye

    Anything else: N/a


    General:Mara has what most people would call borderline personality disorder. She acts on impulse and can become volatile easily. Though she always has some guilt afterwards. She's not a very nurturing person except to animals. Mara is a very flirty person though it is to cover up her overwelming loneliness.

    Vices:Envy, Loneliness, Manic

    Virtues:Beauty, Humor, knowledge

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    Name: Iris Luca

    Title: Girl Robin Hood

    Gender: Female

    Orientation: Pansexual

    Subspecies: N/A


    General: Her hair is usually messy and her face usually a smirk.

    Eye color: Grey

    Hair: Light brown

    Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: She has a few scars on her legs and midsection from some close-scrapes with guards.


    General: She is boastful, egotistical, sarcastic, and confident in her abilities. She is also kind-hearted, caring, and hospitable towards her friends and people who are less-fortunate. She also has an accent. (The equivalent of an Australian accent in this world.)

    Vices: She steals money from high-ranking officials and people in the upper-class. This has landed her in jail multiple times, but thieving has also made her excellent at picking locks, a skill which she often uses to escape.

    Virtues: She doesn't kill anyone unless she deems it necessary. She also may sometimes give out some of the cash that she's pilfered to her friends or people in need.

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  • Custom art by Sicarius8 on DeviantArt.


    Name: Ealdwine Kaiser

    Title: Aldwin (Not to be confused with Skyrim's, Alduin)

    Gender: Male

    Orientation: Heterosexual

    Subspecies: N/A


    General: Aldwin has dulling black hair that covers the top of his head, cut short and leading down to a full beard with small grey hairs at the front. Aldwin's body from a glance is unimpressive, standing at a rather average height of 5'10 and a seemingly unimposing build. While not giant in build, Aldwin makes up with swiftness, well-trained balance, and a quick mind. Aldwin's features have grown rougher over the years, his eyes a cloudy blue-grey and his skin newly tanned. Aldwin is overall not a clean person, his clothes dirtied from use and constant wandering.

    Eye color: Blue grey. Cloudy

    Hair: Dull black

    Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: Multiple scars across his body, especially his arms, however, little around the face.

    Anything else: Aldwin's left hand is entirely rotted down to the bone, a disgusting sight to see though has regained maintenance.


    General: Aldwin comes off as the least inviting type of person. Usually accompanied by his liquor and pipe, Aldwin's constant unhealthy behaviors lead him to be a rather brash person, his Scot accent not nearly helping his case. Aldwin does mostly as he wants to do, considering he has very little to lose, he becomes the type of man to throw himself into not so safe situations. Though his age does give him a bit of help, having experienced rough years from small youth, Aldwin knows how to live and adapt to most any environment. He is an overall rough person, while often trying to come off friendly in greeting, he is a hard person to simply befriend, especially with his odd mentalities and actions. While imposing in act and rough in look, Aldwin is not necessarily a violent man, usually trying to speak his way through what could become a bloodbath. Overall he is a man with simple interests, no sense of particular duty or long term goals for him to follow up, simply living as fast as time.

    Vices: Severe alcoholism, seeming uncare for others, and overall poor demeanor.

    Virtues: Efficient at what he does, keeps a group on task, and a surprising sense of humor.

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  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Gary.jpg.a20768659a135c06d8e6dd3bb9bf1646.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123201" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Gary.jpg.a20768659a135c06d8e6dd3bb9bf1646.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


    Name: Gary Niheilm

    Title: The Smoke

    Gender: Male

    Orientation: Hetrosexual

    Subspecies: N/A


    General: Likes to dress in a dress shirt and pants with a black vest. Usually seen with a cigarette. Stands at a height of 6'1.

    Eye color: Gold

    Hair: Black

    Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: A scar large across his chest and several on his back.


    General: Gary typically comes off as quiet and thoughtful when people first meet him. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. He likes to tease people by pointing out their flaws and making them twist into an emotional mess. He thoroughly enjoys it too.

    Vices:He points out your flaws and makes you feel terrible for them. Also a huge pyromaniac and like to blow things up as much as possible.

    Virtues:He's very honest and blunt. He'll tell you what he thinks and won't shy away from critism. Instead he accepts it and will maybe try to fix it if he thinks it worth fixing.



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  • p


    Name: Merek Tobya

    Title: The Battle Lord

    Gender: Male

    Orientation: Straight

    Subspecies: N/A


    General: Merek doesn't look like the type of person to be such a scary knight. He has a rather gentle smile, which he is always seen with, and has a bit of a skinny face. His nose is pointed and skinny. When in battle he develops a blank stare that can make it look like he's not paying attention to the battle he's in.

    Eye color: Brown

    Hair: His hair is brown and laid down. It's not completely matted down however and tends to have a couple pieces of hair sticking up.

    Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: He has one scar going up his forearm.

    Anything else:


    General: Merek is most likely the least expected person to be a cold hearted killer. He's a joker and has a good sense of humor. He doesn't take to man things seriously outside of battle and usually looks down on people who are to serious. However, during battle Merek can be a completely different person. He doesn't talk at all and ignores all outside forces, it's only him and his target (more like victim). Merek tends to end battles quickly, not caring about how "flashy" the fight looked, each strike he makes is aimed either to kill or cripple.

    Vices: Since Merek ignores all outside forces during battle, it is possible for someone who is trying to interfere, or simply to close to the battle, to end up dead. Merek has no sympathy for this person, they should've been careful and stayed out of harms way, it was their own fault.

    Virtues: Merek ends his fight quickly, fortunately this means that the chance of outside forces dying is quite rare, as long as they keep their distance. He also avoids property damage, so even after battles houses and shops remain untouched, by him at least.

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  • undead-knight-3.jpg


    Name: Wilhelm pickens

    Title: The Dread Knight

    Gender: Male

    Orientation: His genitalia was lost due to injury

    Subspecies: Undead


    General: Wilhelm is tall gaunt figure clad in rusted armor barely fit for combat covered by tattered rags which bore the sigil of a forgotten order he had once served in though it has faded and thus it is no longer recognizable. The Dread Knight carries an unremarkable longsword that, despite long years of travel, had remained in pristine condition though sadly the same cannot be said to it's user. The Skin off his face had grown pale, his nose fallen off due, and one of his eyes while the other glows emerald in the darkness while it is devoid of colour under the light.

    Eye color: Green in the dark, black in the light

    Hair: rotted off

    Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: an open stomach

    Anything else: He always smells of death and decay


    General: Wilhelm is a bitter man though without reason, every drink he takes spills out of his stomach which was disemboweled long ago, he can no longer enjoy the company of women as his genitalia had been lost during his travels leaving him devoid of any pleasure aside of the flesh which as a mortal man took for granted. Bitter as he is Wilhelm often offers sage advice to those that can stand his demeanor and the stench of dead bodies which constantly permeates from him. Wilhelm, despite his bitter demeanor and his outward appearance, has a soft spot for the down trodden and the less fortunate though for the sake of his image which has allowed him to live a life of solitude outside the angry mobs.

    Vices: To proud to ask for help and He will hunt you to the ends of the earth should you do him wrong

    Virtues: He is charitable and loyal to a fault

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  • Appearance:


    Name: Elena Greywater

    Title: Pirate Queen

    Gender: Female

    Orientation: Bisexual


    General: Elena is a tall woman that stands at least a head above most and a wide, muscular build to boot to complement her tan skin. Though her hair is quite long, she often wears it short with the excess tied into a ponytail with a faded red ribbon.

    Eye color: Hazel

    Hair: Platinum Blonde

    Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: Scars on Hands, Forehead, Waist

    Anything else: Tattoo of waves on back


    General: Elena is loud-spoken and intrusive, caring little for the discomfort of others and making decisions on impulse. She is just as quick to pick fights with strangers as she is to share a nice cold brew with them. And like a true sailor, she does swear her fair share here and there. Aside from that, she does try to make friends when she can - sometimes a bit aggressively - but knows when to lay off when she needs to. Generally easy-going and hearty, but can be dead serious at times.

    Vices: Avaricious, Brutal, Reckless

    Virtues: Loyal, Merciful, Honest

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    Leona Syden (Leo)


    Cursed One






    Half demon



    On a normal day Leo likes to wear all black. Even if it's hot outside. Her outfit consists of a skin tight tank top with a hooded black shawl that comes down to about her mid thigh. It looks like it was had made, and more along the lines of something one might see in Demobaza. Her pants follow the black color scheme as well as the tight factor, only they have various rips on them from upper tight to ankle. For shoes, just simply black combat boots with silver adornments.

    Eye color:

    Black (Literally exactly how it looks in the picture)



    Scars, Birthmarks, etc.:

    One thing a person might note about Leo is her scars. She has several all over her body, many vary in length and depth though people only really see the ones on her chest, arms and maybe legs. All of those aren't too deep looking or long. If one where to loo on her back though, they'd see scars that are long and wide as well as look as though they were deep at one point. They look like whip marks. On her chest right across her heart is a scar with a particular design of an upside down five pointed star. Then from her right side cheek bone to her jaw is a scar that looks like it was done with a blade.



    Leo tends to be quiet and reserved. She won't talk unless you talk to her first; however, that doesn't mean anything. This woman has a strong will and sense of duty. She follows commands from her superiors without question, even if the deed is 'evil'. Many people would say her alignment is Chaotic Neutral, and they would be correct. As for other thing's regarding her personality..well she has quite the temper due to her half demon side. Pissing her off is not recommended. If you truly take the time and coax her into keeping conversation, then you might see a change in how she acts.



    ~Literally a half demon

    ~Is a trained assassin


    ~Very loyal




If anything needs to be changed or something needs to be added..tell me please! c:
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Aeros Wolfbane

  • Title: The Beast

    Gender: Male

    Age: appears in his late teens but is much older

    Race: Werewolf

    Sexuality: Bisexual




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  • ef9c876b0495c1f2263a8b79c7a6fd56.jpg


    Name: Meralith Westbrook

    Title: The Red Queen

    Gender: Transgender (originally male)

    Orientation: Bisexual

    Subspecies: -


    General: Meralith is a skinny, small-chested girl with a tall frame(ignore boobs in the picture). Complete with gangly limbs, she could almost pull off being a young boy (although only a few know why). But what she lacks in her physique, she compensates with her attractive facial features. She is beautiful, truly, with bright eyes and a kind smile. No matter what day of the year, she can be found in an elegant green gown dotted with sapphires and diamonds, meant to bring out the color of her eyes. On her feet she adorns tiny slippers encrusted with precious gems, and a bright yellow shawl made of the finest silks will always be found draped around her shoulders.

    Eye color: Deep, bright blue, like the sea on a sunny day.

    Hair: Red, wild and shiny, cascading over her frame and ending at her hips. She almost always leaves them loose and they never seem to get frizzy or tangled up.

    Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: Her back is laced with countless scars from her days with the high priest.

    Anything else: She has a tattoo of a bleeding rose on her right arm, which she likes to kepp concealed.


    General: Meralith is what some may call...distant. At face value, she appears to be what you might expect of any highborn girl: gracious and pleasant, compliments dripping off her tongue like honey. But there is a darker side to her, a side she prefers not to reveal and has been taught to keep hidden. This side trusts no one, acknowledges nobody's feats, is egotistical and mean and crude and selfish and sarcastic and staunchly believes in the saying: every man for himself; a complete opposite of what she appears to be at first: warm, welcoming and easily trusting. At the end of the day, she finds she has little room for anybody in her heart, apart from herself, and wouldn't think twice about sacrificing a life if it means she gets to keep her own.

    Vices: She will do anything if it means she gets to keep her life. Although she doesn't like to admit it, she enjoys watching people suffer from her hands and gets a strange sense of satisfaction after seeing the results of a bloody death she caused. Her only means of pleasure is death, the sickly sweet smell of blood, the remains of a body after a brutal fight.

    Virtues: There isn't much to like about Meralith when your life depends on her. However, under normal circumstances, she can be pleasant and kind, likeable even. One thing is for sure, no matter under what circumstances, she will never give away your secrets.

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    Name: Varxess Klarind

    Title: Hitokuijinshu

    Gender: Male

    Orientation: None

    Subspecies: Wendigo


    General: An ethereal aura surrounds Varxess, and age does not seem to touch him. He stands around six and a half feet tall, and is heavily muscled.

    Eye color: Icy blue permeated with white. His eyes glow in the darkness.

    Hair: Thin and long with a color so blonde as to be almost white. Seems to float above his shoulders in an otherwordly way.

    Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: None

    Anything else: Varxess is never seen without his armor on, armor that is stained with the blood of his foes, and pitted from years of combat. His cape is blood red, although rumor suggests that it was once as white as his skin. His many weapons include his legendary broadsword of silver-steel, and a shield said to be crafted from the scales of a serpent, born of Hell itself. A chain with a small star ornament rests around his neck.


    General:Varxess seems driven by some relentless desire, a hunger that he can never satisfy. He hunts and kills his targets ruthlessly, often murdering anyone who gets in his way. He eats the flesh of those he defeats, hoping to gain their power and transcend mortality.

    Vices:Varxess cares for no one. He sees people not as individuals, but as objects. He does not hesitate to kill, and enjoys doing so.

    Virtues: None.

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Pyrrhos Orchenta
"Sinful, am I? I will speak of the true sins of humanity. Contentedness. Satisfaction. Complacency. Why do you wish to remain as you are when I could make you so much more? Is it so vile to wish to evolve beyond your frail human form? I do what I have done not out of spite or evil, but mercy and love. I can rid you of your sickness, free you from your pain, save you from yourself. Come, relinquish your flesh to me, let me caress your beating heart, let me touch your soul. And I will show you what it is to live. I will make you perfect!"
Pyrrhos' Dedication

  • Human-Necromancer-1024x640.jpg


    Title: The Flesh Prophet

    Gender: Male, usually.

    Orientation: Hetero-Uninterested

    Subspecies: Eldritch Skinchanger (Acquired, not Hereditary)


    General: Varies based on current form. Standard human shroud is tall and gaunt, nearly 6-foot in height, skin is pale and cracking, with the appearance of rot and disease. His outfit commonly consists of mage's robes, dyed scarlet red and reeking heavily of decaying flesh.

    Eye Color: Faded white, as a blind man's.

    Hair: Neatly cut short and dark brown, when present at all.

    Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: Too many to count, skin is riddled with deep lacerations and indecipherable tattoos.

    Anything Else: When focusing on casting spells, his eyes glow with a sickening green hue.Personality:

    General: Contemplative would be the perfect word to describe Pyrrhos, he always appears to be studying those around him in the same manner as a predator examines its next meal. He speaks in soothing tones, expertly masking his venomous intent with honeyed compliments and observant comments. Never angered or disturbed, Pyrrhos keeps his composure in the most stressful of situations, always analysing the battle to determine its flow and strategising his next action. When in public or group settings, he prefers to keep silent, remaining the right-hand of the party face, but he always seems to be striving to isolate an individual towards private conversation, in which he often speaks possessively to his partner, claiming to want them for himself.


    • - Scheming: Will backstab, betray, and sacrifice any of his "companions" when, not if, it suits his ends.
    • - Hateful: Bears deep hatred for any who defy him, and even those who follow him are little more than tools.
    • - Guile: Has a way with words, especially in negotiating, bargaining, and persuading, usually for foul deeds.
    • - Vindictive: No good deed goes unpunished, and heavens save any who wrong him.
    • - Arbitrary: Treats others as servants, uses them as objects, throws them away as garbage.
    • - Amoral: Has no sense of propriety, says and does exactly as he pleases, regardless of the law.
    • - Disconcerting: An aura of unease surrounds him, making those not familiar with his presence uncomfortable or sickened.
    • - Obsessive: Once focused on an object of his desire, be it item or person, he cannot be dissuaded from obtaining it.
    • - Gruesome: Takes no pains to disguise his penchant for violent and bloody measures, including his grisly disfigurations.
    • - Crafty: Ever the creative mind, he rarely uses the same tactic or ploy twice, preferring to keep others on their toes.


    • + Observant: Always collecting details on his environment, he often recalls what others forget.
    • + Knowledgeable: Having studied many subjects, he tends to have tips for almost any scenario, though often misguiding ones.
    • + Protective: He views working with him as valuable assets, and he usually invests effort into defending his assets.
    • + Scholarly: Being adequately versed in street survival, nature lore, and magical phenomena gives one a slight edge over the common traveler.
    • + Charismatic: Despite his reluctance to take the role of a face, he does have a knack for leading willing subjects.
    • + Tactical: The ability to overlook a battle and predict inevitable outcomes has resulted in many victories in the past.
    • + Poetic: Often speaks in pleasant verse, recites lyrical tales, or records philosophical ponderings in his journal.

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  • {insert image here, optional}


    Name: {Aeries Mesiro}

    Title: {The knight of blood}

    Gender: {male}

    Orientation: {asexual}

    Subspecies: {vampire}


    General: {your 6 foot, thin but strong muscles surround you white skin, you have a kind round-diamond shaped face, but can quickly turn. you keep your nails in a slight point. You wear your black suit when "resting" and for battle you take on a suit of red knight armour you left with. while human you had two different eye colors the golden one just stayed unaffected and you did have a blue eye.} {http://66.media.tumblr.com/6055c80ff84fe03abe9740731b72bb94/tumblr_mohbosM2Eq1rcm312o6_1280.png}

    Eye color: {one red eye and the hidden one that is a golden color, with flicks of red from the vampirism}

    Hair: {black with a wisp of white hair that covers one eye}

    Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: {a scar on his back that goes from the blade of his left shoulder down to his right hip. As well the small bite marks on the right side of his collarbone.}

    Anything else: {if anyone gets close enough you smell sweet but coppery. }


    General:{ after you got turned you held on to the one thing our had you humanness, which led you to feed of animals, you are a naturally good person, but with a touch of a snarky altitude, Aerial tends to sit alone and keep to himself to read or write his music, well use his pleasant voice and vampire charm to "nicely" tell you to fuck off.}

    Vices:{when hunting or under bloodlust you tend to lose control and well fight and kill anyone, people aren't trusting at first where you could easily use them. }

    Virtues:{you value honour to your word above all else, will not feed from anyone unless it is willing given, your rather a bit of a charmer}


  • latest


    Name: Gregor Heartway, Last of the Outriders, Master of Funkromancy

    Title: The Bandit Bard

    Gender: Male

    Orientation: Heterosexual

    Subspecies: N/A


    General: Gregor is tall, rounding out to be 6'1". He has a fairly slender face with a nice and even chin. Despite being a Bard he has a decent set of muscles on him. He certainty isn't jacked but by no means is he scrawny either.

    Eye color: Bronze, almost red.

    Hair: His hair is long and light brown, veering on dirty blond.

    Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: Gregor has plenty of scars. The more significant ones are on his left shoulder (caused by an ogre's hatchet), Upper back (teeth marks from a Basilisk) and across his right leg (courtesy of a Troglodyte). He also has sleeve tattoos on both his right and left arm and a large Tattoo of the Outrider crest on his back.

    Anything else: Gregor claims he's 32 but he looks like he's probably only in his mid twenties. Whether this is because of magic or he's just full of himself is unknown. Underneath his coat he usually wears a purple button up shirt with a vest (he believes being well dressed is important).


    General: LOUD, BOISTEROUS, OBNOXIOUSNESS! All of these are most likely the words that will first come to mind when meeting Gregor. His eccentric behavior and lack of personal boundaries is off putting and undoubtedly annoying. He also seems to enjoy the telling of (very obvious) tall tales, sometimes to a point that it makes it hard to determine what is truth and what is fiction. Of course this is just Gregor's surface personality. He's more complex then the simple moronic persona he uses. In fact Gregor used to be an incredibly charming and friendly guy. He was widely considered by his peers to be one of the most genuine and lovable people they knew and was the life of the party. But then after a string of unfortunate events he turned cold and hard. The passion that once burned so bright in his eyes died out and was replaced by a seemingly grey nothingness. His body lived on but his spirits died. So, in order to hide his pain he created the persona most will know him by. And yet, despite his trauma, one thing managed to survive. His poetic behavior. Gregor will frequently speak in alliteration and sonnets which can sometimes seem a bit over the top, but everything he does is over the top so it's not much of a surprise to most.


    • Loud
    • Annoying
    • Obnoxious
    • Liar
    • Eccentric


    • Good Morals and Ethics
    • Well Dressed

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