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Fantasy Silverleaf School of Fine Magic and Practice CS



Do the monster mash...

Character Sheet

  • Name:
    Family? Do you come from a long line of witches, or do you not know who is in your past?
    Dorm Room (location and picture):
    Classes interested in:
    Class Schedule (will be assigned):

    Will you be taking advantage of our Guaranteed Admissions program into one of the 25 covens we have connections with? If so, which one?-le Cercle des Racines d'Herbe
    -Sisters of the Silver Thread
    -Circle of the Lunar Owl
    -Sisters of the Night Sky
    -les Femmes de Clair de Lune
    -le Coven Mystique
    -le Coven de la Trinité
    -The Oak Spirit Coven
    -Circle of the Spirit Drum
    -Wives of the Silverbark
    -Circle of Divine Teachings
    -Circle of the Faery Tree
    -Coven of the Bramble Root
    -le Cercle du Jardin de Nuit
    -les Femmes du Temple de Lune
    -Circle of the Sun
    -Circle of the Moon
    -The Quiet Meadows Wives
    -The Night Garden Coven
    -Coven of the White Tree
    -Coven of the Earth Temple
    -Coven of the Silver Thread
    -Coven of the Crystal Rose
    -The Sacred Flame Circle
    -Sisters of Nightshadow
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Babette Mariè Duprè




City of Birth:
New Orleans




Babette is a free-spirit to say the least. She’s someone who cares little for the rules and regulations. She prefers to live as she wants and act as if it’s her last day on earth. Babette is someone who enjoys having a good time, whether it be at some wild party or just spending time with her friends. She loves her way of life and her culture. Babette wouldn’t change her beliefs for anything.

Babette is confident, she knows that she looks good and sometimes uses her looks to her advantage. When the time calls for is Babette is a hardworking young lady. She’s headstrong with a natural ability to lead. Babette has a temper on her and is incredibly stubborn. Babette is honest when it comes to how she feels. She isn’t someone who bottles up her emotions. Babette is confrontational as well. She isn’t afraid to approach someone if she has a problem with them or she feels the need to clear the air. Babette isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She has a sharp tongue and a love for sarcasm. Babette has a smart mouth that has gotten her into a lot of trouble over the years.

Babette doesn’t tolerate those who look down on her She can’t stand when people judge her or her family because of the way they live their life. Babette is a open-minded person who doesn’t judge others...that much. Babette is a flirt and a intimate person. She enjoys being close to those that she cares about in both a platonic and non-platonic ways. It’s hard to fool Babette as she’s in no way naive. She’s knows how cruel the world can be and refuses to be a victim. Babette doesn’t trust easily and is especially suspicious of strangers


Adele Duprè - Mother - Alive - Current Voodoo Queen of New Orleans/ Hair stylist

Lisette Duprè - Grandmother - Alive - Former Voodoo Queen of New Orleans / Seamstress

Babette comes from a single parent household and a long line of voodoo priestesses. Her mother was a priestess before her and her father a priest who wanted to live freely and not be responsible for a child. She was raised by her mother and her grandmother. Together the two women nurtured her while teaching her the values and important of their culture. From the time that she was a little girl Babette was enamored by the lifestyle. And with her mother’s blood in her veins it was only natural that she follow in her footsteps. Babette trained and studied hard as a little girl. Her life wasn’t always serious and about studying. Babette would often spend time with her other family members, going to and having sleepovers and playing until the street lights came on. Babette has had an overall average life, well as average as a life full of magic could be. Her mother and grandmother are wealthy women. Her grandmother is a well known modiste who is sought out by many for her skills while her mother owns an upscale hair salon.

It was at the age of 16 when her manifestation came to ber in the form of a dream. She had been dreaming of her ancestors and the voodoo priestesses of her line when one in particular spoke to her, telling her that it was her time to carry on her family’s legacy. It was also the first time she saw loa in all their glory.


Dorm Room:
Voodoo Tower
Classes interested in:
Anthropology of Witches, Rituals, Charms, and Potions

Class Schedule:

Will you be taking advantage of our Guaranteed Admissions program into one of the 25 covens we have connections with? Seeing as voodoo practitioners don’t form covens, Babette will be traveling to places like Haiti and Benin to study under others and broaden her knowledge.

Babette Mariè

Staff CS for Headmaster

Name: Henry Morgan Lazuli

Age: 35

This photo was taken with his great grandfather's camera

Backstory: Born in Pennsylvania, Henry Lazuli was an unusually fast learner and was quick to out wit is parents as child. He learned of his abilities at an early age, and was something his parents were proud of him having, although he was not so keen on them for a while. It was only after attending the very school he is now headmaster of, did he become comfortable with being who he is.

Coven History: Henry Lazuli is a member of the Coven of the Earth Temple, and has been so for most of his adult life. This coven is well known in his family, and is actually how his parents met. His grandparents are highly respected to this day.

Personality: Henry is a very level headed individual who looks into any situation with an open mind, and tries to listen and take into consideration the ideas of others. However, he also has a quirky side, as evidenced by his Victorian era outfits, and tendency to talk to himself and inanimate objects in full conversations. He also has a fondness for building model ships that work in his spare time. He goes by the saying "No matter how old you are, You're never too old to learn."

Education: Henry has had the vast majority of his education right here at Silverleaf School of Fine Magic and Practice.

Position: Headmaster
Office Location and Hours (provide a picture of office if you want):

Tabitha ShadowendAge: 28
Professor Shadowend, Ph.D., is an anthropology professor who graduated from Oxford in 2010. She has traveled all over the world and visited various monuments and relics, studying their historical relevance to both humans and witches. She is an advocate for peace between humans and witches and has been a recipient of not one, but two Regal Halo Awards for her work on the integration of witches into the human community. She is currently in the works of creating a plan that she will propose to the council of 13 to make that happen.
See, I believe that if we show that there was nothing to fear from witches in the first place, humans can slowly adapt to the idea of witches being real...and good. I understand that there are witches out there that give us a bad name, but as humans say, punish the deed, not the breed. We must simply make the divide between good and bad discernible, and they must see the way. As humans say, we gotta have faith.
Tabitha Shadowend
History: Tabitha worked as a consultant with the Coven of the White Tree and a member of the Coven of the Bramble Root for seven years until she decided to go for a Ph.D. in Anthropology. She came from a line of mixed races and was always seen as an outcast for her nonpure state. She grew up with her uncle, a renowned archaeologist who specialized in magical relics and history, going around the world and seeing the different cultures of witchcraft, as well as seeing how humans interacted with said witches. From a young age, she knew that things must change. She embraced her witch side, but also kept her human side in the back of her mind at all times. Once she was old enough, she pursued an education at Oxford and got her degree in anthropology. Then she met Declan. She was studying abroad in Ireland when she met him in a pub. He was human, but she didn't mind. She'd never mind. He seemed to be attracted to her as well-but there were two problems: he was married, and a witch hunter. She knew that it could not be, so she left, but not before his wife (who was a witch) cursed her for "tricking my husband with your seductiveness" (her words). She cursed Tabitha with a barren body unless she was to mate with a witch hunter. The woman's' dead body was found a few years later, unknown to Tabitha that Declan had killed her as revenge. The whereabouts of Declan are unknown, but it is thought that he is currently looking for Tabitha to give her the children she greatly desired.
Many students say that Tabitha is a very motherly figure. She understands that success comes at different speeds for everyone, and makes sure that every student comes in when they need to for academic or personal counseling. She has been called upon by the school nurse to help calm students down (one occasion of a particular student who was suffering from a nightmare as a result for all of her midterm, and was setting stuff on fire in her sleep-Tabitha calmed the girl down by holding her and whispering that everything would be alright). She is known to be famous for her childrens' classes, but sometimes one must remember that she was cursed with being barren unless she mated with a witch hunter.
Classes Taught:
Anthropology of Humans 0800-0945 MW
- Teacher's Assistant Needed
Anthropology of Witches 1000-1145 MW
-Teacher's Assistant Needed
Herbal Concoctions and Remedies (Adv.) 1200-1500MW
Relics and Monuments (Adv.) 0800-1100 T/Th
Plants for Children (C) 1430-1600 T/Th
Connecting with Nature (Adv.) 1815-2145 MTWThF
Office Hours
Mondays: 1530-1730
Tuesdays: 1600-1730
Wednesdays: None
Thursdays: 1600-1730
Fridays: 1530-1700

Name: Austin Camelott
Age: 19
Appearance: 5'5 Brunette, Grungy style. Flannels, Band tees, Jeans and leggings. She has olive tanned skin. Lots of piercings( Snake bites, Guages 0g, Three cartliage holes in each ear, Nipples, Belly button, Tongue
Year: 1st
Backstory: Austin was a troubled young child. She was passed family to family, school to school untill she ran away at 15 years old. She never fit. Austin found this school in hopes of controlling her newly discovered callings.
Personality: Shy at first, Outgoing in the sense she has experience in life with alittle of all situations. Is a greaat listener, also loves music and animals. Laid back grungy style.
Familiar: Blackrat named Angus
Family? Do you come from a long line of witches, or do you not know who is in your past? She does not know he rpast
Roommate? no
Dorm Room (location and picture):

Classes interested in: Latin, Potion making, Lunch
NAME: Eden Elise Beaumont
AGE: 20
APPEARANCE: Please see the attached photo. There are also tattoos of protection spells/symbols on various locations of my body, please disregard those. I've had them for a while now."
YEAR: 3rd year at Silverleaf
BACKGROUND: Eden was born and raised in a rural part of France, and she received an expensive education where she became fluent in multiple languages, including French, English, Latin, Greek, and a few other dead witch languages. She initially learned witchcraft through her family who owns generations worth of grimoires and traditions.

Early in life, Eden became adept at her family, ancestral magic (while studying earth magic on the side). It was assumed that every Beaumont would pursue some form of divination or spiritual craft as her ancestors did, but Eden enjoyed choosing her own path and making her own spells/ rituals. Plus, she never really enjoyed speaking to those “beyond the veil”. Despite that, it was tradition for her to communicate with her deceased family (yes, her family was well known for their practices in necromancy), until the day she found out they cursed her high school sweetheart to a mental institution.

In her teen years before Silverleaf, Eden fell in love with this football player. He was an intelligent honors student that any family would gladly welcome, but he wasn't a witch and didn't practice magic. Therefore, Eden’s family (and dead ancestors) disapproved. When it became clear that Eden was willing to abandon the family for the boy, they demanded that Eden’s sister hex him. Ever since that day, she renounced her family and ran away to America where she started a new life. Soon after that, she found the Silverleaf School of Fine Magic and Practice where she currently attends to build her own skills and power to one day confront her family and become some kind of witch doctor.

PERSONALITY: Eden may seem prickly on the outside, but it is just a safeguard to what's on the inside. She is dedicated to perfecting her craft. She's always been determined and a hard worker, trying to better herself all the time. It is very rare that she will depend on others, but her friends can always trust her with their life. She is known to be a rock for others in her life and she is loyal to a fault.

However, Eden is stubborn and callous as well as overprotective. Almost everything of value she owns is stored in a well-protected space with multiple safety precautions. She may be fluent in multiple languages, but she's also fluent in sarcasm. Moreover, Eden’s a bit ignorant to the world around her. Being homeschooled for the majority of her life, some references or jokes just fly over her head. Don’t take it personally if she laughs at the wrong moments.

Noir, a sleek, sneaky black cat with amber eyes.
FAMILY: Eden's entire life used to be revolved around her family. She had aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents that all practiced magic. She lived with her two parents (Lilly and Jacob) and younger sister (Ariella), but the Beaumont’s practiced ancestral magic, meaning they kept in touch with their dead witch ancestors. Although this turned out to make her generation rich with knowledge, wealth, and power, Eden abandoned it and cut off ties with all her family when she ran away to America to join the Silverleaf academy. So currently, she keeps a bitter attitude towards the rest of the Beaumont, living and deceased.

DORM ROOM: earth tower
CLASSES OF INTEREST: Potions, Charms, and Enchantments
GUARANTEED COVEN PROGRAM: Yes, Eden has joined "le Cercle du Jardin de Nuit"
Name: Parissa Willow
Age: 18
Year: 1st
Backstory: Parissa always knew she was a witch, as a toddler, she would accidentally talk to the deceased and would read her mothers mind.
When she turned 10, she had started to be home-schooled, receiving a witching education along with the required one. She had always been a goody-goody, however, when she turned 15, she wanted to rebel. So she ran away, for one night, and went to a high school party. She ended up passing out, from all the chatter she was hearing, because she hadn't been able to control how many voices she would hear, and got pregnant. She wanted to keep the baby, but her parents hated the idea of having a potentially human grandchild. But Parissa wanted the baby. She protected herself and the child, and ended up having a baby girl, named Adalie Blair.
She was worried she wouldn't be a good mom, as she was only 15, but her parents had no faith in her, which made her even more determined to keep the baby. The girl is 3 now.((If i could, i'd like to keep adalie and parissa together. is that ok?)) Her parents decided Silverleaf would help her return to her roots, and make her rebel less.
Adalie-download (1).jpeg
Personality: Sweet, fiercely protective of her daughter, isn't too trusting, but will act like she is, sometimes pretends to be more innocent than she actually is.
((I'll add as the story progresses.))
Familiar: A manx cat, with purple eyes
Family? Do you come from a long line of witches, or do you not know who is in your past?
Persephone's family has been composed of witches as far back as she can remember
Roommate? Yes
Dorm Room (location and picture):original.jpg
Classes interested in:
Latin, nature classes, and spiritual classes to help hone her craft

Will you be taking advantage of our Guaranteed Admissions program into one of the 25 covens we have connections with? If so, which one?
-Sisters of the Night Sky
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