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Fantasy Shura Academy: How Strong is Your Punch!? (Martial Arts/Super Power/ School RP) OOC

Sorry the quality of the post is not exactly my best, ended up being a bit too one-note... still I hope ya peeps like it

Oh and YungJazz YungJazz I took the liberty of making up the idea that fund were taken from the council's funds by someone, but if that is a problem let me know and I'll correct it
"There was this brute beating three of his martial artist underlings in clear disrespect for the rules, for example."

This guy must be a blast at parties, huh? lol There's no rules against assisting younger martial artists in their training! XD
"There was this brute beating three of his martial artist underlings in clear disrespect for the rules, for example."

This guy must be a blast at parties, huh? lol There's no rules against assisting younger martial artists in their training! XD
I do believe I read several people mentioning rules against fighting other students, though I wouldn't be able to name the specifics. In either case, I think the character's bias is pretty appearant in the post XD
I do believe I read several people mentioning rules against fighting other students, though I wouldn't be able to name the specifics. In either case, I think the character's bias is pretty appearant in the post XD
This is very, very true lol

Though, the training with Dante's underlings could hardly count as a fight. xD His Kohai are learning, but they have a long way to go before they pose any real threat to Dante. In his case, it was training/instruction, and there are no rules against training younger students ^^
This is very, very true lol

Though, the training with Dante's underlings could hardly count as a fight. xD His Kohai are learning, but they have a long way to go before they pose any real threat to Dante. In his case, it was training/instruction, and there are no rules against training younger students ^^
I'm not saying there was. My posts are written from the character's POV though, so if they think it was an infraction of the rules, right or wrong i will statte it as fact in my posts
I'm not saying there was. My posts are written from the character's POV though, so if they think it was an infraction of the rules, right or wrong i will statte it as fact in my posts
True True. I could see some hilarious arguments between them later on about such things. xD
Sounds like fun. The character says a lot less than they think. For example they would never repeatedly imply the emperor is a monkey crapping all the over the school aloud
Considering that could be misconstrued as requesting immediate execution at the hands of the aforementioned monkey, probably a wise decision. lmfao
Okay, so just letting everyone know I am bit discouraged after a certain person's reaction to the fact I roleplay in first person. Given this person was basically the glue sticking me to this roleplay that got me questioning whether I should leave, given it's not exactly simple to just up and switch how I roleplay. I will try, however, to make posts in third person from now on, however, if this turns out to be more than I can take after all, then I will quit. Just letting you peeps know so you won't be caught by complete surprise if you are interacting with me and I suddenly announce I'm gonna go.
Sorry the quality of the post is not exactly my best, ended up being a bit too one-note... still I hope ya peeps like it

Oh and YungJazz YungJazz I took the liberty of making up the idea that fund were taken from the council's funds by someone, but if that is a problem let me know and I'll correct it
Sorry guys, been busy all day. But now i'm back! And what's this about stealing funds?
"Oi, what the f#ck's up with all the moans you're making, you'd think to let a motherf#cker get some sleep!"
"You gonna chill with all the moaning or am I gonna have to...Oh sh!t nevermind, it's G, what up Lady Thicc!?"

Shoulda known you were the one making them noises G! I'm definitely sitting at a quarter chub thanks to you!"

"Yo Gala, when you're little punk ass co-workers start showing up and making a fuss, remind them exactly who I am."

This is it folks the man who could kick the ass of anyone in the school with his eyes closed a hand behind his back and a leg tied to the other.....My hero
So a school full of... lovers, fighters, empowered teens, cold mercenaries, Thicc Thighs, Lolis, assholes, rich, sociopathes, psychopaths, Demi-Gods, and everything inbetween.

These are my people. I'mma write up a CS real quick. Hopefully I will be joining you all soon :3.
So a school full of... lovers, fighters, empowered teens, cold mercenaries, Thicc Thighs, Lolis, assholes, rich, sociopathes, psychopaths, Demi-Gods, and everything inbetween.

These are my people. I'mma write up a CS real quick. Hopefully I will be joining you all soon :3.
Don't forget the liars.
Been real busy guys, sorry for the wait! Will either get a post up tonight or tomorrow.

Kloudy Kloudy

All I can think of is this when your character just pulls drinks from his portals xD

Lmao totally xD

So a school full of... lovers, fighters, empowered teens, cold mercenaries, Thicc Thighs, Lolis, assholes, rich, sociopathes, psychopaths, Demi-Gods, and everything inbetween.

These are my people. I'mma write up a CS real quick. Hopefully I will be joining you all soon :3.

I'm just curious as to which one you've labelled William as. XD

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