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Fandom Shock To The System: A Static Shock RP

Hotstreak was standing in the middle of the town shooting fireballs at any cop that got close, Virgil flew lower and called out to Hotstreak "I am so glad to see that you are back Hotstreak or should I call you Francis?" Virgil chuckled

"Static? I was wondering when you would show up, and who is your friend there she looks hot." Francis chuckled loudly.
Drumonkey said:
Hotstreak was standing in the middle of the town shooting fireballs at any cop that got close, Virgil flew lower and called out to Hotstreak "I am so glad to see that you are back Hotstreak or should I call you Francis?" Virgil chuckled
"Static? I was wondering when you would show up, and who is your friend there she looks hot." Francis chuckled loudly.
Ariangwaen smirked with a mischievous glare.

"You want to see hot? Try freezing hot," she said, black flames dancing around her hands. These flames were as abnormal as abnormal gets, being at a temperature below zero.
Virgil looked surprised "I think I will let you handle this."

Francis smiled and his hair grew larger and he summoned a flame of his own throwing it at the girl laughing loudly.
Drumonkey said:
Virgil looked surprised "I think I will let you handle this."
Francis smiled and his hair grew larger and he summoned a flame of his own throwing it at the girl laughing loudly.
Ariangwaen waved her hand through Hotstreak's fireball at literally the last second unflinchingly, his little attack dissipating and her own flame on the hand she'd used getting a little bigger for a second.

"You really shouldn't underestimate a demon girl. Hey, did you know? The ninth circle of hell is actually freezing cold.~"

She was pretty good at taunting, but a bit longwinded for the average person. Her silvery-grey eyes glowed with a silver light.
"You think you are better than me?! You are just some girl." Francis pointed his hands at her and shot a concentrated stream of fire at her.
Drumonkey said:
"You think you are better than me?! You are just some girl." Francis pointed his hands at her and shot a concentrated stream of fire at her.
Unfazed, Ariangwaen laughed. It wasn't even a mean laugh, just light and friendly laughter.

"Fire attacks won't work on me," she said, giggling. She found it hilarious that he thought blasting her with fire would work when she'd been unharmed by the last attack.
"Ok I guess I should take care of this and show you how we do it." Virgil laughed and made a finger gun firing it at a fire hydrant and it opened up blasting francis in the face and putting out his fire for the cops to come and handcuff him "See that is how you do it." Virgil chuckled.
Drumonkey said:
"Ok I guess I should take care of this and show you how we do it." Virgil laughed and made a finger gun firing it at a fire hydrant and it opened up blasting francis in the face and putting out his fire for the cops to come and handcuff him "See that is how you do it." Virgil chuckled.
"Yeah, a demon spell would've worked, too. And wouldn't have required destruction of public property," she mused, teasing Virgil a bit.
"Yeah well the police are fine with a fire hydrant as opposed to everything else he breaks." Virgil then chuckled and tilted his head. "That only took a period if we hurry back we can make it in time for the last class of the day."
Drumonkey said:
"Yeah well the police are fine with a fire hydrant as opposed to everything else he breaks." Virgil then chuckled and tilted his head. "That only took a period if we hurry back we can make it in time for the last class of the day."
Ariangwaen giggled as if knowing something he didn't, her tail swishing from side to side.
"Something funny demon girl?" Virgil crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
Drumonkey said:
"Something funny demon girl?" Virgil crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
"My guess is a teacher already asked about you, and with the excuse I gave Richie, I don't think you should go back so soon," she laughed.
"What did you tell him to say? I truly think you are a demon sometimes you know that." Virgil chuckled and shook his head flying towards the park.
Drumonkey said:
"What did you tell him to say? I truly think you are a demon sometimes you know that." Virgil chuckled and shook his head flying towards the park.
She laughed and told him what she'd told Richie. She'd definitely had experience in excuse making.

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"OK I hate to admit it but that was pretty good ok then I guess no more school for me today." Virgil shrugged and set down in the park turning his disk into it's folded form and changed into his normal clothes.
Drumonkey said:
"OK I hate to admit it but that was pretty good ok then I guess no more school for me today." Virgil shrugged and set down in the park turning his disk into it's folded form and changed into his normal clothes.
Ariangwaen pretty much just snapped her fingers and she was back in the clothes she'd worn back at the school. She hid her tail up her skirt and adjusted her hair to cover her ears.
"So how did you come across those powers exactly? I mean that is pretty unique physiology."
Drumonkey said:
"So how did you come across those powers exactly? I mean that is pretty unique physiology."
"I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I followed my brother out one night to see what he was up too. We were fighting with each other because I wanted him to come home, getting the feeling something was off. He died that night, but I ended up living with new powers, new abilities, and new looks. I was the odd one before, being born albino, but this is a whole other level of strange."
"Hold up you were there that night for the gang war? Is that how you got your powers?" Virgil raised his eyebrow he knew a lot of people had been there and affected by the explosion but even this girl?"
Drumonkey said:
"Hold up you were there that night for the gang war? Is that how you got your powers?" Virgil raised his eyebrow he knew a lot of people had been there and affected by the explosion but even this girl?"
Ariangwaen nodded.

"My family and I had moved here just the week before the whole incident. Why my brother was there and how he managed to get caught up in some gang, I'll never get to know," she said, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her skirt.
Virgil looked down "I was there too... it is surprisingly easy to get involved with a gang." Virgil sounded sad.
Drumonkey said:
Virgil looked down "I was there too... it is surprisingly easy to get involved with a gang." Virgil sounded sad.
Then you'd be surprised how hard it is to get involved in one back in Cardiff," she said with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
[QUOTE="Reika Suzuya]Then you'd be surprised how hard it is to get involved in one back in Cardiff," she said with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

Virgil shrugged "well what has happened happened nothing more you can do about that." Virgil looked back at the sky deep in thought.
Drumonkey said:
Virgil shrugged "well what has happened happened nothing more you can do about that." Virgil looked back at the sky deep in thought.
"I just wish my brother didn't have to die," she sighed. She smiled at Virgil. "We should find something to pass the time since going back to school would be pointless for you."
"Sure do you have anything in mind? I usually go skating or fighting bad guys."

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